Chapter 67 Chapter 67
Just as Hua Jianming continued to think, Minister Zhuan's words interrupted Hua Jianming's thinking.

"Dear owner, the environment of this mountain range is very suitable for our family to live in. I don't know what price we need to pay to stay here."

Elves, like humans, have their own different tempers.

Obviously, this group of little diamonds in front of them is pure in heart, even the smartest diamond minister among them.

Now that they have said so, Hua Jianming does not intend to be polite to them.

The elves who delivered them to the door must keep them no matter what.

The most important point is that they are closely related to a certain legendary Eudemons.

It is said that somewhere in the world, there is a vein of many small diamonds sleeping, and their princess Diancie is also there.

And Tianxi is the legendary Eudemons.

"Very suitable for your life, why?"

Hua Jianming realized the important point in Minister Zuan's words.

If you want to say whether ilmenite is helpful to rock-type elves, it must be.

But whether it can reach the level of "very suitable", I am afraid that the effect of ilmenite on rock elves cannot achieve such an effect.

"Dear owner, because of this."

The diamond minister commanded a small broken diamond to send a small pink gemstone to Hua Jianming.

"This is."

This is the Leprechaun Gem!

"Fairy Gem Mine!"

The pink gem is filled with fairy energy.

Fairy gems can not only be used as one-time consumables, but the elf carrying gems will be consumed when using fairy-attribute skills, and the power of this attack will be increased by 30%.

Long-term consumption can also increase the fairy attribute energy in the elf, which can be said to be an advanced version of the attribute tree fruit.

The higher the level of elves, the more they need such attribute gems.

This is the real strategic material.

No wonder the minister of diamonds wants to bring the small diamond-broken tribe to settle at the foot of the titanium-iron dwarf mountain.

What to do now!
Hua Jianming hesitated
Logically speaking, all mineral resources dug out of the ground belong to the alliance.

But this is a fairy gem!
For myself, I can't mine the goblin gem veins for money, but it is very important to the small diamond family.

The key point is that this vein was discovered by the Little Diamond Clan.

So, in principle, this goblin gem vein does not belong to me, but belongs to the small diamond family.

Right, that is it.

In this case, it is not regarded as encroaching on the alliance's public property.

You know, with the current strength of the breeding house, it is simply not enough to look at in front of the two king-level little diamonds, General Zhuan and Zanwei.

I'd better endure the humiliation and listen to intelligence for the Alliance.

Hua Jianming patted the shoulder of Red Lotus Armored Rider in front of him.

"Your boss is really difficult!"

"Armor cavalry!"

Although Honglian Kaiqi didn't know what Hua Jianming was talking about, he couldn't help nodding, still looking very reasonable
"I don't need this mine for the time being, and I don't have time to mine it. In this way, you help me mine a certain amount of goblin gemstones every day, and I will allow you to live here."

Hua Jianming thought for a while, and grandiosely offered some suitable conditions.

That's right, if conditions weren't met, this group of little diamonds would be ashamed to live here.

Hua Jianming swears that he is really thinking about the little diamonds.

It is by no means coveting a goblin gem worth [-] alliance coins.

Besides, mining goblin gems is easy for the group of small diamonds in front of them.

In order to prevent the elves living in the ecological garden from being bored, it is also the duty of Hua Jianming, the owner of the breeding house, to find something for them to do.

Thus, in an instant, Hua Jianming reached an agreement with the Little Broken Diamond Clan.

The little diamond clan mines a hundred fairy gemstones for the fairy forest breeding house every day.

As a reward, the Little Diamond Clan can live at the foot of the Ti-Iron Dwarf Mountain for free, and use fairy gems at will.

Although the amount of one hundred a day is not much, Hua Jianming will not be able to use fairy gems for the time being, so it is still necessary to get a wave of goodwill.

The most important thing is that even if he is fully mining now, Hua Jianming has no way to exchange his hands for Union currency.

A large number of goblin gemstones flowed into the market, which would definitely attract the attention of the alliance.

It is not in line with the breeding house policy of Hua Jianming's low-key development.

Seeing Minister Zuan's grateful expression, Hua Jianming knew that he had achieved his goal.

After the agreement was reached, Hua Jianming slowly walked out of the cave with the two copies of data.

One piece of data is the number of small diamonds, 130 two.

The other piece of data is the quality of small diamonds, one with blue quality, two with cyan quality, and the rest are all with green quality.

Unlike ordinary elves, there are two ways to form a small diamond.

One is the normal mating and reproduction between small diamond groups. The instability of genes makes the qualifications of newborn small diamonds uneven.

The other is born deep underground under high temperature and pressure after countless years of extrusion and tempering.The genes of this kind of small diamonds are relatively stable, and they are better than the small diamonds that reproduced through normal mating.

According to the Minister of Drilling, the group of small diamonds in front of him were all born deep underground.

Therefore, it is not surprising that all of them with relatively stable genes are green qualifications.

As for the few special small diamonds such as the Minister of Diamonds, they are the best among them. In the case of genetic mutations, even better small diamonds.

Hua Jianming is also very curious about the reserves of this unexpected vein of Fairy Gem Mine.

The reserves of the goblin gemstone veins that the minister said were astonishing.

But the specific amount, the minister himself can't say clearly.

You don't necessarily want the small diamond to measure the size of the veins by human standards.

Hua Jianming himself has never been in contact with relevant knowledge, so naturally he doesn't know how to measure it.

The huge number of the Little Broken Diamond Clan made it the largest elf clan in the ecological park.

Elf: Little Diamond
Ethnic group: small diamond group
Food: Ilmenite, Leprechaun Gems, Broken Diamonds (Normal)

Habitat: Titanium Dwarf Mountains (Normal)

Vegetation: None (inferior)
Quantity: 100+ (normal)
Evaluation: Normal

Hua Jianming was very happy that there was such a high-quality ethnic group in the ecological park for no reason.

The qualifications of this group of small broken diamonds are very good.

Except for the leading diamond minister with blue qualifications and the diamond general and diamond guards with cyan qualifications, most of the other small diamonds are green qualifications, and only a few of them are yellow qualifications.

However, living near the goblin gemstone mine, those small diamonds with yellow qualifications that have been eating attribute gemstones for a long time may slowly change towards green qualifications.

This is also a use for attribute gems.

Looking at the diamonds on Xiao Suizuan's body, Hua Jianming suddenly had an idea.

In Hua Jianming's impression, the small diamond seems to be able to produce some diamonds by itself.

Thinking of this, Hua Jianming patted his forehead a little annoyed, forgot to ask about this just now.

But since he and the elf left, Hua Jianming didn't plan to turn back.

Anyway, it's not too late, I'll ask when I have time later, if there is, it will be a lot of money.

"Flying Lao Leng in the blue sky"

Hua Jianming hummed a little song while walking, very happy.

What he looks forward to most is not these gems, diamonds and the like.

Know that you are really not interested in money!
What I am looking forward to more is that Princess Tianxi!
There are ministers, generals, and guards, and now there is only one princess missing.

As long as the princess is in place, the Diamond Kingdom will be formed immediately!

"Wait, dear owner!"

A gray figure suddenly jumped in front of Hua Jianming, it was the Heavenly King-level Diamond General.

It turns out that not only the minister of the small diamond family can talk, but even the general diamond can speak.

Hua Jianming looked curiously at this same special small diamond.

Compared with Minister Zuan, General Zuan looks younger, more majestic and more imposing.

After stopping Hua Jianming, General Zhuan signaled Hua Jianming to follow him.

Normally, the moving speed of the small broken drill is not fast, but the moving speed of the general drill is very fast, and Hua Jianming can only keep up with it by trotting all the way.

When they came to the depths of the mine, Minister Drill and his party were already waiting for Hua Jianming.

"Dear owner! This matter is very important to us!"

With the first sentence, Minister Zhuan set the tone for the matter.

Hua Jianming didn't understand, so he could only nod his head to show that he understood.

Only then did he realize that there was a very special little broken diamond standing behind General Zuan and his guards.
(End of this chapter)

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