I opened an elf breeding house.

Chapter 90 Things Settled, Elf Hospital

Chapter 90 Things Settled, Elf Hospital
As the old saying goes, cutting a man's fortune is like killing his parents

This is a matter of touching cakes and breaking people's fortunes.

Although the matter can be resolved in the end, it may cause many unnecessary troubles for him and Hua Jianming.

"Anyway, I'll figure it out myself"

After receiving Cang Yan Saber Ghost, the Wuling van drove slowly to the bustling Kyoto.

When Hua Jianming returned to the hotel, Chi Baixia and the others had already fallen asleep.

Back in the room, Hua Jianming lay down on the comfortable bed after washing.

Tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

A two-pronged approach is a good way to solve things.

It might be a good solution for Feng Chengye to write a news report, but it seems that this alone is not enough.

It takes time for news to ferment. If the other party is willing to spend part of the money to cover up the matter, as long as the amount is enough, the news may even fall into the sea like a mud cow, without causing any waves.

Hua Jianming picked up his mobile phone and dialed a certain number.

Sure enough, as Hua Jianming expected, Wenren Xuesong, who hadn't slept yet, was furious after learning about this incident.

However, he was not impulsive, but took the initiative to find Hua Jianming for details.

Hua Jianming played the recording just recorded.

Wenren Xuesong, who has been in a high position for a long time, has long had an aura of coercion, not angry and arrogant.

Although he was expressionless and did not speak, Hua Jianming could clearly feel the fury in his heart at the moment.

"Xiao Ming, who else knows about this?"

Hua Jianming didn't dare to hide it, so he told Xue Song about Feng Chengye's existence.

"I will take care of this matter and do what I have to do."

Wenren Xuesong played with the elf ball in his hand, and continued: "However, the social repercussions caused by this incident will be very bad. I will go to the reporter to say hello, and you should not spread this incident to the outside world."

I have to say that Wenren Cedar’s customized Poké Ball is pretty good-looking. The word Wenren is engraved on the azure blue ball, which is very recognizable.

This is an exclusive poke ball specially made by the alliance for Wenren Xuesong, the heavenly king, and it is similar to Hua Jianming's own poke ball.

As if afraid of Hua Jianming's misunderstanding, Wenren Xuesong revealed some of the reasons.

The Kyoto Fairy Nature Reserve is the earliest protected area established by the alliance, and the staff there are all old people who have contributed to the alliance.

Now, this group of old people actually use this low-handed means to harm the interests of the alliance and seek their own personal gain.

This is a very big scandal for the Huaxia League.

"Don't worry, for all the old people who committed crimes, grandpa will definitely let them get the punishment they deserve, and we will tell you the result when the time comes."

"Then you have indeed done meritorious service in this matter. When I finish handling this matter, I will report it to the alliance and give you a certain reward."

After finishing speaking, Wenren Xuesong left the hotel.

To be honest, Hua Jianming thought a lot that night, and it is really incomprehensible that such a thing happened at the feet of the emperor.

Sometimes, Hua Jianming even doubted whether Wenren Xuesong had a kick in it.

Speechless all night.
Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.
The vibration of the phone woke up Hua Jianming who had finally fallen asleep, and he answered the phone in a daze.

"Little brother, it's me, Feng Chengye from the Kyoto Daily."

A familiar voice sounded on the other end of the phone. It was the reporter friend from last night.

"I received a terrible news early in the morning. Wenren Xuesong, one of the four heavenly kings of the alliance, made a big fuss in the Kyoto Nature Reserve last night. I heard that the battle was very fierce."

"Did Wenren Tianwang contact you? This efficiency is too fast!"

Hearing the news about Wenren Xuesong, the first thing Feng Chengye thought of was Hua Jianming.

After all, apart from himself knowing about this matter, only Hua Jianming, who has the identity of a trainer, knows about it.

For a powerful trainer, it seems that it is not a big deal to know the famous Xuesong.

After speaking, Feng Chengye seemed to have thought of something, feeling a little lonely.

"At first, I wanted to hurry up and write the manuscript last night, so that I could send it out early in the morning. But I received a call from a stranger asking me to hand over the recording."

"I really have no choice. If the other side of the phone hadn't promised me that it would be handled properly, I wouldn't have handed over the recording!"

"Of course, the other party also compensated me and gave me the position of editor-in-chief of the wizard module."

"Okay, I'll go get busy first."

Hearing the busy tone from the other end of the phone, Hua Jianming smiled helplessly. This is because he is not authentic.

A chance for success and fame that he had worked so hard for slipped away.

However, it is considered half completed. Although there is no name, but the position of editor-in-chief can be regarded as a success.

This is something that can't be helped. At any rate, it's also during the alliance celebration, and the famous Xuesong has spoken, so let's hide this alliance scandal if it can.

As long as the matter can be resolved and the slow beasts can be properly settled, it will be considered complete.

Since Wenren Xuesong stayed too late last night, Hua Jianming planned to go back to sleep today.

After lying down for a while, Hua Jianming sat up again and released the Red Lotus Armored Rider and Cang Yan Blade Ghost. Although he could skip breakfast, he still had to keep the elves eating.

This hotel was specially arranged by Wenren Xuesong knowing that Hua Jianming and others were coming.

Although it is not a five-star hotel, it is also extremely luxurious.You must know that because of the alliance celebration, hotels, guesthouses and the like in the entire Kyoto have long been fully booked.

If Wenren Xuesong didn't help, the impromptu group would probably live in a small hotel in the suburbs.

Hua Jianming called Chi Baixia and others, and entrusted the Red Lotus Armored Rider and Cang Yan Blade Ghost to the two brothers of the Cang family.

"You two help me bring the Red Lotus Armored Rider and Cang Yan Saber Ghost. If they are not full, I will ask you."

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task!"

"Yes! Me too! Guaranteed to complete the task!"

The two brothers of the Cang family have coveted the Red Lotus Armored Rider and the Cang Yan Blade Ghost for a long time, and they are so excited.

"little kid"

After sleeping until the afternoon, Hua Jianming received another call.

This time it was Wenren Xuesong who called.

Soon Wenren Xuesong brought Hua Jianming to the Jingdu Elf Hospital.

Kyoto Pokémon Hospital is located in the southern suburbs of Kyoto.

Although it is also a hospital, it is different from the normal hospitals in Kyoto City, and the Elf Hospital is more engaged in the research of some elves.

Of course, what Wenren Xuesong introduced was all serious research.

As for what's going on in private, it's not something Hua Jianming can know.

Seeing the busy scientific researchers and medical staff, Wenren Xuesong couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

"It would be great if there were some elves who could assist in research and surgery, but unfortunately there are no such elves yet."

Isn't this a proper lucky egg and happy egg?
Hua Jianming thought of the Joey family in the animation.

How huge the Joy family must be to support the medical system in several regions.

The Huaxia Alliance has a population of more than one billion, and the number of lucky eggs needed may be astronomical.

"Where's the wounded elf?"

A doctor in a white coat pushed everyone away and came out. He had to make sure that the size of the operating room was determined according to the size and number of elves.

"I can't fit here. There are a lot of elves, about two or three hundred. It needs a lot of space."

Seeing that the white coat had prepared a stretcher, Wenren Xuesong hurriedly pointed to the space backpack with the poke ball on its back and said.

"Okay, you come directly to the operating room with me."

The doctor didn't hesitate, and asked Wenren Xuesong to follow him.

"Xiao Wu, Xiao Shen, tell all the doctors in the consulting room to put down everything they are doing and come to me first."

During this period, two operating rooms were added in a row, and Wenren Xuesong released all the dumb beasts in the elf ball.

All operating rooms are very large and well-equipped.

Wenren Xuesong released the dull beasts from the poke ball one by one.

When the dull beasts appeared in front of everyone, their number and state frightened everyone, and a little nurse even fell to the ground because of it.


The doctor in the white coat pushed the dropped glasses, very angry.

"You go out first, we will start checking immediately."

Wenren Xuesong nodded and walked out of the operating room.

Outside the operating room, many doctors filed in.

There is a transparent glass on the wall to observe the situation in the operating room.When Hua Jianming saw the dumb beast lying in the operating room, he also took a deep breath.

It's frantic, these dumb beasts are in a very sluggish state, and there are various scars on their bodies.
(End of this chapter)

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