Gundam: The Wind That Blows Through Space

Chapter 264 The Resurgence of the Armory Turmoil

Chapter 264

Canard's warning sounded simultaneously with the siren in the cockpit, and two 'red and white sandwiches' shot directly at the ground from midair. Siegfried stepped on the pedal to the bottom to barely avoid the plasma converging beam cannon, but Zaku's entire shoulder shield has completely melted and disappeared.

"It's the savior!"

At this point, the armory incident in the traditional sense finally began to deviate. In a few minutes, the Impulse Gundam should have been combined, and the real Asuka was about to shout that classic line.

But now the appearance of this stolen Savior Gundam officially announced that the development of the matter has been out of Siegfried's memory. Considering that Mu will be in Orb, then the Phantom Pain must have a leader, and the Savior is not A mobile suit that can be driven by a natural person, so who is sitting in it, the answer is ready to be revealed.


Said that Asuka Asuka would be there, and after Siegfried hid back to the bunker, Sword Shadow Impulse slashed at the Savior from mid-air with a whirlwind.

"Do you want to start a war again!"

Under the full-frequency communication, the voice of the real flying bird reveals an unconcealable anger. It is obvious that today is the most important day for him, and he has already signed the armistice agreement. Why do people always want to destroy this hard-won peace? Wreckage, flames , the screaming crowd, the tattered corpses, all of these reminded him of his powerless self when he was in Orb.

"Did the time just count?"

As a result, the roar of the "famous line" did not receive any answer. After the pulse landed, since there was no need to face the enemy, Siegfried even had time to care about other things.

"It's been 12 minutes since the first explosion. The MS fusion is too far away from us, and the main camera is too blurry. I made a little estimate, and it will take about 2 seconds to complete the fusion."

"Are you sure?"

Siegfried asked nonchalantly, this time Kanade did not spray back habitually, but after thinking for a while, he said, "If the accuracy of the weapon is guaranteed, I should be able to make sure that he will be fired for the first time. Merge failed."

"Speaking of which, we are really not human. The knife that fell from the sky was to save people. We are still discussing how to snipe his fusion process, tsk tsk tsk."

"Say it clearly, you are the one who is not human, and your idea is also yours. Don't pull me into it."

No matter what bad water the trio was holding back, they still held the Zhanjian knife in front of them very loyally, with a "big Zhang Yi knife flow" style of painting, and then sent a communication request to Zaku.

"Are you a defense force? Can you cooperate with me to keep these four mobile suits?"

"Sorry, we are the test pilots of HCLI, just now it was just a helpless move in an emergency situation. If we cooperate with ZAFT, it probably does not meet the regulations of both of us."

After hearing the real invitation, Siegfried hastily and politely refused.Just kidding, he didn't want to be reckless with Zhen, he went to Minerva in a while, and meeting Durandal in advance was completely out of his plan.

"Orb's HCLI?"

Jian Yingpulse blocked Chaos' shot with one hand, and then threw a beam boomerang and hit the abyss, but Gaia pulled the distance closer, so he could only stop the opponent with Zhanjian in a hurry.

"Correct me, it's the HCLI of Yuzhu of the Sky, we don't have a national background."

It may be that Siegfried's explanation played a role, or it may be that he really didn't have a deep concept of HCLI. After all, this company didn't even have a shadow during the Orb defense war. After hearing that the three were not ZAFT Impulse didn't say much, he just tried his best to fend off Gaia's attack and swung the ship-chopping knife continuously.

From the perspective of the scene, although with the addition of Pulse, it became a 4V4, but Siegfried really couldn't figure out what was wrong. The first battle was actually the Great Sword Phantom. Floating all over the sky, the ship shadow pulse is useless except for chopping Gaia.

Neo in the savior has already seen the breaking point. Gaia, as the next-generation cutting-edge machine, also has short-term flying ability, so he directly let Gaia also go up into the air, and the three Zaku warriors on Siegfried's side did not have the ability to fly. The backpack was unable to engage in air combat, but Zhen immediately launched a pursuit without any hesitation.

"Hello, what's your name?"

Just as Siegfried used shooting to cover the pulse and at the same time motioned for Gist and Kanade to focus on the injured abyss together, the communication of the real bird came in unexpectedly.

"Casper of HCLI."

"Could I trouble you and your companions to go to the viewing stand? When I came over, it seemed that Miss Lacus' Zaku was also attacked."

"Lax? You mean Lux?"

"Yes, judging from the appearance of the opponent, it should be a model similar to a dagger. The Ginns that have been activated in a hurry are not their opponents at all, so can I trouble you?"



Zhen always thought that he was synonymous with impulsiveness in the eyes of his friends. As a result, the test pilot of HCLI left the battlefield without even listening to him. It's a little bit unobjective.

However, although Siegfried rushed to Mia's side in a hurry, the deeper reason was that he had judged that with three Zaku warriors without backpacks and a stunned green pulse, he wanted to keep four variable fighters. Type 2ND is almost impossible. Although the abyss is injured, it is okay to run as long as you want to run, so instead of wasting time here, it is better to save Mia to a safe place first.

Relying on the propulsion of its own nozzle, the Zaku warrior kept jumping in small increments in the chaotic armory. On the way, Siegfried also found a similar one with an instant backpack lying on the ground, coming from the hole in his chest. It seems that it should be caused by a large-caliber live ammunition weapon.

After several slides and jumps, Zaku Warrior finally got close to the viewing stand, and at the same time, two mobile suits clearly marked as 'enemy' appeared on the radar.


Looking through the screen, Siegfried immediately recognized the familiar appearance. Although it was painted black, and the appearance was different from the slaughter dagger, anyone who is not blind can see that this is completely a development line. You can't just wipe the black on the products on the website and refuse to admit it, right?

At the same time, two very eye-catching mobile suits came into Siegfried's eyes. One was naturally Mia's pink Zaku, and the other was the Rigi Ginn that he had seen before.

Right now, Ginn looks very embarrassed, the golden lace paint on the armor has turned black in the smoke, but fortunately, the heavy assault machine gun in his hand seems to be replaced by live ammunition at some point, at least it can cover Pink Zaku, you won't be chopped melons and vegetables by phantom pain.

But this resistance also came to an abrupt end when Siegfried arrived. A dagger L flatly held a low-recoil rocket launcher, aimed slightly, and directly hit Rigi Ginn's cockpit, which also told him from the side. Siegfried, what exactly killed the Zaku Warrior on the way?

(End of this chapter)

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