Chapter 428 Women of CE ([-])

"I disagree!"

"Mr. Imelia~"

"Your Majesty, pay attention to your manners!"

"Huh? Don't you like Scandinavia anymore? Okay, okay, I know."

"His Majesty!!!"

In the palace, Lars almost put his whole body on Rena, but the famous Ranying was not moved by the 'beauty', and her firm attitude made Lars's coquettish method ineffective for the first time.

"I promise it will be the last time~"

"Absolutely not. The last incident of destroying the Gundam can be said to be to stabilize the throne. His Majesty set an example. In addition, at that time, except for the Guards, we didn't have any combat power at all. But this time, as long as I am still alive, Absolutely don’t allow that to happen!”

After receiving the news of East Asia's request for help, the commander-in-chief of the Kingdom's Guards, Lena Imelia, immediately laid out a battle plan, trying to cut off the Eurasian territory from Western Europe and merge with the East Asian Army.

There was no problem with the plan, but the problem was Lars. Rena was terrified after the battle with the Destruction Gundam. If the Queen's Hundred Styles went wrong, she really didn't know which country on earth would be willing to take her in.

With the bonus of mind-reading ability, Lars easily raised Lena's loyalty and intimacy to 100, so no matter from a public or private perspective, Lena would not allow Lars to lead a personal expedition again.

"Although Orb has interrupted military aid, the last big one is completely sufficient. This time I will take the newly established Guards Division. Please take good care of your Majesty!"

"But Queen Imelia"

"I know that Your Majesty is worried about your husband, but once there is news, Orb will definitely notify you as soon as possible. Besides, you have also seen the result of Representative Asghar's escape. How will Your Majesty behave if he runs away again?"

Lars sat down with some dejection. Siegfried disappeared after leaving Scandinavia. This is what Lars is worried about.During the battle with the Destruction Gundam, she had no chance to 'read' Siegfried's abnormality, and after Siegfried left in a hurry, Lars just felt that her husband was rushing back to Orb to continue acting as a mascot.

As a result, she turned around at dawn and went to Panama, killing everyone by surprise. When she tried to contact Siegfried again, he had already gone to the universe and completely lost contact.

Cagalli had returned to the Heavenly Pillar two days ago, but since the entire Heavenly Pillar was undergoing a big move, having a backbone could reduce some of the panic, so Cagalli and Stella took advantage of the opportunity to stay. After coming down, the government affairs of the island were still handed over to Mina.

However, the return of Representative Ashar did not dispel the doubts of the outside world. Not only established allies like Dongya, but also families within Orb were constantly asking about Siegfried's whereabouts.

Now that a war with PLANT is about to begin, his big killer has to come out to calm people's hearts and deliver two inspiring speeches. Otherwise, what else can Orb do to fight against a shipload of elite Minerva?

Cagalli's stay at the Heavenly Pillar is somewhat intended to avoid these questions. After all, those people on the ground can't really rush into the universe and grab Representative Ashar's collar and ask loudly, "Where has your husband gone?" !”

As a prospective couple, Lars, of course, also received the news brought back by Cagalli. The good thing was that Sieg flew to Mendel, but the bad thing was that they failed to catch up. What annoyed Lars the most was that, Siegfried even had enough energy to return to the Heavenly Pillar again. After leaving behind a piece of data media, he switched to MS and left a second time before Cagalli.With the help of this data brought back from Mendel, everyone in Orb knew what Siegfried saw there. The most shocked among them was Hilde, because she was very sure that when she traveled through time, the entire research There were only two bodies, one was hers and the other was Siegfried, and the rest were all undeveloped artificial embryos. And through subsequent tests, it was found that she and Siegfried were biological siblings.

Therefore, no one knew what happened to this batch of Siegfried bodies before the data was restored and analyzed. After Cagalli returned, Lars's worry about Siegfried increased. After all, no one could do it with their own hands. It is impossible to maintain a good mental state without being affected at all by burying more than 100 of yourself in the soil.

If Siegfried's gift from time travel is his specialized adjuster body, then Hilde's most precious gift is actually her soul and body that was born in Nain and combined with the science and technology of several worlds. It's not her shining point. '

Another question arises from this. Since there are hundreds of Siegfrieds, will there be hundreds of Hildes?You must know that in terms of physical strength alone, Hilde is far inferior to her biological brother who is specialized in combat. Her strength and preciousness lies in her soul. She is the only time traveler soul in the entire CE world that retains complete memories.

Lars was completely fed up with this state of passive waiting. She desperately hoped to get out of the palace. Even if there was no Siegfried in Western Europe, it would be better than sitting on the throne and turning into a piece of stone.

"As you know, Orb is evacuating the Heavenly Pillar. Once Genesis fails to come back, we will also be within the range of ZAFT's airdrop. In fact, nowhere is safe."

"If the Speaker was still in his right mind, he wouldn't have chosen us who are meaningless. What's the benefit of airborne landing in the kingdom? What strategic resources can it get or what strategic points can it occupy? In addition to angering your husband, it also wastes precious resources. time, but got nothing.”

In the end, at Reina's insistence, Lars chose to stay in the royal capital. Just a few hours later, the Guards Division, which was already in a state of combat readiness, was ready to set off.In the Gnaku, Rena looked at a disc-shaped man-made machine, feeling somewhat emotional that Orb's military aid was getting more and more outrageous each time.

When she first arrived in the kingdom, there was only one ugly-looking mass-produced ZZ Gundam. At that time, Reina knew that her loyalty had not yet been tested, and being able to have a mobile suit piloted was already a symbol of trust. , naturally there is no dissatisfaction at all.

Following Ouya's first trial, Hilde immediately upgraded the military aid to the mass-produced Psycho Gundam. It was with this firepower monster that was larger than the conventional MS that Rena defeated her old enemy. Comrade Morgan.

Later, during the Gundam Destruction incident, the mass-produced Psycho Gundam was destroyed, and Reina switched to Zamel. After the battle, Lars promised that WWK would customize a special machine for Reina. As a result, Hilde was just like the expected Sensing that his sister-in-law had ordinary ideas, the last batch of military aid was delivered with a weird machine that was neither an MS nor an MA.

Matabiri is an extremely unpopular UC series work, and Hilde classified it into the category of Mobile Fortress. It is currently the only MF in the world.

With a large disk shape of 44 meters in width, Hilde borrowed part of the development information of Apsaras and Da Zamru. Relying on the function of the jet suspension engine, this MF can perform vector injection in the air in the shape of a disk. move.

In terms of firepower and defense, this large disc completely borrows the upper body configuration of Destruction. Its main gun is a super Kraken monster, and more than 12 thermoplasma composite cannons are equipped around the disc to form a blind-angle strike.

"Colonel, your exclusive aircraft has been warmed up."

The notification of the maintenance team behind her interrupted Reina's thoughts. She turned around and stepped into the cockpit of a dark blue aircraft. As the OS started, the familiar word "Gundam" appeared in front of Reina's eyes.

"Rena-Imeria, Gundam Skol, lead the army to attack!"

 Skoll, also known as the "Sun Wolf" in Scandinavian, is the son of the giant wolf Fenrir and his brother Hatti the Moon Chaser.It is said that when they successfully swallow the sun and moon, the Ragnarok War will begin, and the bound Fenrir will be freed.

  This metaphor is not bad, it took me a long time to find the right one (after looking through the information for a day).

(End of this chapter)

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