Gundam: The Wind That Blows Through Space

Chapter 473 Hilde, it’s raining in Eurofatu

Chapter 473 Hilde, it’s raining in Eurofatu

In C.E. 74, two huge human fleets in the universe were about to break out into a war that would determine the fate of mankind. However, on the sea surface of a small island on the earth, dark clouds continued to change shapes along with the storm, and finally turned into heavy rain. It fell onto the sea surface.

From the moment the Angel of Destiny pierced the Destiny Gundam and Zaku Warriors, countless ZAFT machines turned around again. The power of idols is very fragile, but the power of idols is also very powerful. These militiamen who were frightened and fled in panic a few minutes ago Because of the broken idol in their hearts, they once again mustered up the courage to rush towards the invincible demon.

Mina, who returned to the underground headquarters, found that the Archangel had no reaction in the face of the attack. The Zaku Warriors and Destiny did not sink for a while after they fell into the sea, until the first beam of light broke through the Archangel's armor. Siegfried The whole person seemed to have lost his soul. Not only did the light of the changer disappear from his eyes, but even the SEED status disappeared.

"Cover Siegfried!"

Mina was so frightened by this scene that even Gina's beam sword was about to pierce through her cockpit. Mina did not feel so scared. Not only because Siegfried is the hope of the Human Revolutionary Alliance to win, but more importantly, because , Siegfried's sword falling from the sky completely cut off Mina's nostalgia for Gina. From then on, there were only two people in the world who could call her sister.

Morgan and Ild, whose bodies were relatively intact, immediately stood in front of Siegfried. The Savior used a plasma cannon to clear a path for the two of them. Strike Z pulled up the Archer and turned around and flew back towards Obben Island. .

"Help. Help me. Save her."

Morgan heard Siegfried's voice, and as he was experienced, he roughly guessed that the problem was with the Zaku Warrior of Miss Lux. Of course, he had no way of knowing how Siegfried was related to Lux. , but he knew very clearly that there was no way around this battle today.

The ZAFT troops that were originally scattered like birds and beasts returned to the battlefield because Lux was shot down. This also meant that Siegfried's previous "terrorist suppression" had completely lost its effect. Morgan quickly observed the ratio of the enemy's and our forces on the battlefield, and then he used As the temporary commander, he ordered Yild: "Take away the Zaku warriors."

At the same time that the savior picked up the Zaku warriors, with the death of Marx and Lenin, Jane had quickly wiped out the enemies under the sea. However, because Jean's aquatic anti-air capabilities were not as good as those in the abyss, Jane was a little annoyed at herself for a while. Due to the "short hands" of the aircraft, the Savior flew over the sea at low altitude and took away the Zaku Warriors. The Destiny Gundam, which had been sinking slowly, fell right in front of Jane.

"ZAFT's new machine?"

Jane is called a white whale, and she is naturally not a weak woman. She knows very well that the Destiny Gundam was pierced by the Energetic Entity Sword, which means that the current cockpit of the Destiny Gundam must be a horrific sight. , but Jane's RF Magic Crab still grabbed the wreckage of the Destiny Gundam and began to silently evacuate from the sea surface and out of the battle area.

Heavy rain poured down, and Heine's fate was lost. No matter how sad and angry the remaining ZAFT troops were, they could not get past the new AI-assisted Human Revolutionary Alliance MS. Countless metal fragments fell from the air, as the machine body cooled down. Liquid and lubricating oil directly dyed the sea surface into mottled scenes.The battle did not last long, because Edward and Lena returned to the battlefield after their bodies were repaired. This is also the most intuitive gap between the Human Revolutionary Alliance and PLANT. The Human Revolutionary Alliance can lose once, twice and three times, but their huge base ensures that After several failures, it could not shake its foundation. Rena and Edward were almost killed by Heine in the first round of the fight, but once they regained their composure, the two became life-killing stars for the remaining ZAFT.

On the ZAFT side, before Siegfried arrived, Heine had almost covered every corner of the battlefield with his wings of light. The four kings of the old coalition were killed by him alone, but Heine died in the battle. From the moment he died, PLANT was destined to be unable to stand up in this battle.

The war on earth is like this, and the war in the universe is like this. Even if Cagalli really loses, PLANT will at most force the People's Revolutionary League to sign a defeat treaty. As for the People's Revolutionary League itself, the biggest loss is nothing more than missing out on unification. opportunities in the Earth's circle, and whether Durandal's destiny plan can be successfully pushed forward is still unknown.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the large-scale battles had completely ended. Occasionally, some sporadic battles were quickly extinguished with the help of the powerful command system of the People's Revolutionary League. And due to the heavy rain, Orb's humanitarian relief work was also affected. Due to the impact, many mobile suits whose propellers were destroyed by Siegfried and the cockpits were opened could only slowly sink into the sea because they could not be rescued.

Some of the pilots were able to escape on their own, while others were stuck in the deformed cockpit and drowned alive. However, even the ZAFT soldiers who successfully escaped were buried in the sea due to the waves caused by the storm.

Orb won. Although the cost was high, the most direct result was that the elite defenders of Carpantaria were completely wiped out in one battle. Mina had already notified the Birds of Paradise squadron to depart from North Africa for the Oceania Alliance, and one of them was missing a chief officer. The base with most of its combat power is already in the hands of the People's Revolutionary Federation. As long as Carpantaria is captured, plus the just-acquired Gibraltar, PLANT's two major strongholds on the ground will become history, leaving Europe Even if the People's Revolutionary League does not take action in the small and medium-sized bases, it is time for the Council to consider the issue of retaining these remaining combat forces.

But Mina is not happy at all. The Angel of Energy has been confirmed to have lost the ability to fight again. At present, except for the team of Hilde and Luo, no one knows the principle of the pseudo-solar furnace. In addition, the red particles are against The fact that it is harmful to the human body, with the technical personnel Mina has on hand, no one is even willing to get close to the red and black Death, let alone repair it.

The problem with the machine was not the worst news. What made Mina feel most helpless was that Siegfried fell into a coma after being helped off the MS. The doctor completed a physical examination on him. The final conclusion was that it was due to fatigue transition, which meant that the Angel and its owner were worn down by the long and lonely 'single battle'. This was true for the Solar Furnace, and so was the human race.

But MS can be repaired, but the human body is a more sophisticated and complex structure than machinery, not to mention that Siegfried is still the only reformer in existence. In the end, the doctors in Orb tried all methods to save it. After letting Siegfried wake up, Mina still asked Morgan to escort the treatment cabin to the moon, and the message she gave to the moon was also very simple, so simple that she could summarize her current mood in just one sentence.

"Hilde, it's raining in Eurofatu."

 There will be a little easter egg tomorrow, it won’t affect the main plot and there will be no intrusion, don’t worry
  Then comes the exciting plot. There is no more swords, no more swords. Believe me, the swords can no longer move.

(End of this chapter)

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