Chapter 525 Behind the War

"Is this Berlin?"

As the motorcade of the Kingdom's delegation slowly drove into Berlin, this city, which was once one of the best in Europe, appeared in front of everyone with a gray and dilapidated feeling. Lars, as the main investor, was not too surprised, but for PLANT natives like Zhen Asuka and Luna, what they saw now still had a big enough impact on them.

"Before the war broke out, the population here was close to 400 million. However, this is war."

Lars sighed and didn't know if he was responding to a real question. Although they were chosen as the meeting site, the Kingdom of Scandinavia did not take any action to drive out the poor, so when the convoy entered the city, they were A very warm welcome. ’

The current population of Berlin has just exceeded the 200 million mark, but unlike before the war, almost 200% of the [-] million population are disaster victims who need to rely on the Kingdom's relief to survive this winter. The conspicuous motorcade naturally attracted many people. Pay attention, the consequence of not clearing the streets in time is that the entire convoy has been blocked by the crowd and can hardly move.

"Is it because of the neutron jammer?"

Because Luna passed Russ's test, she was lucky enough to sit on the Queen's special car. Looking at the many thinly dressed children outside the car window, Luna's eyes also showed unbearable color. Unlike immigrants like Zhen Asuka, she She can be regarded as a native PLANT adjuster. Although the consequences of neutron jammers were never mentioned in her childhood education, she was not a frog in the well after experiencing the war, so Luna hesitated and asked. That's the 'heart-breaking words'.

"Yes and no. Although the neutron jammer sealed nuclear energy and also interfered with electronic communications and radar equipment, two consecutive wars in three years were the main cause of these refugees. PLANT, the Human Revolutionary League, Eurasia, The Atlantic Ocean, and even the Kingdom, are all to blame.”

Regarding the cause of the refugee flow, if we simply blame it on neutron jammers, it seems to be a labor-saving approach, but in fact it will not help solve the problem. In the treaty between the Federation of Human Revolutionaries and PLANT, the amount of compensation for neutron jammers was also a key issue in the dispute between the two parties.

Due to Durandal's last resort to militarism, PLANT's cash flow was not as rich as expected. On the People's Revolutionary League, this problem was only more serious than PLANT, so one side wanted to receive as much money as possible in the shortest possible time. As for the compensation, one party wants to prolong the compensation period. It is best to use various import and export duties to offset part of it.

It was not until the rise of Van Dyson that the pressure on the kingdom's borders reached a critical value. The Human Revolutionary Alliance and PLANT each took a step back before officially finalizing the follow-up compensation plan for the neutron jammer.

The reason why PLANT is willing to make concessions is that as a defeated country, there is really little they can do. The People's Revolutionary Federation is willing to give in because once the compensation for the neutron jammer is determined, it will essentially confirm that Siegel-Klein's decision was wrong.

This step back was not only for Siegel's reputation, but the APR also did not want to worsen the relationship with Lux Klein.

Natural people need to adjust people's industrial output, and adjustment people need natural people to improve their own population. The racial contradictions in this world are too sharp, and until the group of revolutionaries grows up, both sides can only live in this disgusting and makeshift way.

"Lots of kids."

As the crowd gathered, the strength of the security forces was approaching the critical point. Under such circumstances, it was obviously a bit difficult to expect these professional soldiers to behave according to the rules, so when I really followed Luna's line of sight, I saw only many children. Being mixed in with the crowd, he was shouting something loudly.

"We still have it in the car."

"Impossible!"      Eh?"

Just when Zhen looked at the trunk and showed an eager expression, Lars had already detected his thoughts and gave up his thoughts without hesitation.

"Don't expect to use the food in the car to save people. There are at least four figures of refugees outside. Whether our food reserves can feed 100 people is a question. Once you take out the compressed military rations, the crowding will immediately evolve. Because of the stampede, those children will die without a burial place."

"But those are children! They, they"

Due to the huge security pressure, the security forces of the People's Revolutionary League began to dispatch mobile suits. Six riot control Hazels rushed to the scene from the military camp. With the appearance of these 18-meter-tall steel giants, the surging crowds finally eased. trend, and the Kingdom's fleet also began to slowly move forward again after stagnating for a long time.

Due to its rapid expansion, the Human Revolutionary Alliance lacks sufficient control over Western Europe. At the same time, the kingdom bears most of the construction funds for the GN Particle Research Institute. What Zhen and Luna see is just the appearance, and what is hidden behind this appearance is The next thing is that the kingdom, which was originally extremely rich, is now facing the dilemma of insufficient funds.

While Siegfried was fighting on the moon, Lars, who stayed behind in the kingdom, had to rack his brains every day for what to eat and wear for millions of victims. Disaster relief never stopped, but as the number of refugees increased day by day, the kingdom reached its limit. , the final result was that Lars ordered the closure of national borders in an attempt to control the number of refugees.

"Sir Lindemann, have there been any refugees crossing the border recently?"

"Back to Her Majesty, the number of people is still increasing at a rate of about 5000 per day. Since the border guards are not allowed to open fire on civilians at will, even if they are arrested and sent back, they will try to cross the border again in a few days, so they have no good solution. .”

Disaster relief is not just about providing food and clothing. If it cannot provide enough jobs to form a work-for-work relief program, the Kingdom will have to feed these unproductive victims out of thin air. This kind of throwing money into the water is the damage to the Kingdom's funds. The main reason was insufficient, and the increase in the number of refugees further increased the severity of the kingdom's rescue efforts. The entire incident continued to develop in such a vicious circle until the emergence of Van Dyson.

After the border was closed, the number of refugees increased greatly beyond expectations. This abnormal phenomenon also made Lars smell the atmosphere of conspiracy. Along with the faint worry, a violent burst of violence suddenly broke out among the people who had been left behind. The loud shouts directly attracted the attention of everyone in the car.

"what happened?"

Hearing Lars' inquiry, Stella launched a small drone from the roof of the car. A few seconds later, the screen on the car clearly showed that a second convoy was entering Berlin. The other party was obviously well prepared. The first few trucks were filled with food, and they were now distributing food to the refugees, so they aroused strong cheers from the crowd.

"It's Van Dyson's motorcade. The one with golden hair should be Prime Minister Orphea Ram Theo."

"I always feel that we are being plotted against."

 There are a lot of things I want to write, so I was sorting out my thoughts while fishing, and then I spent the entire afternoon working on it.



(End of this chapter)

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