Chapter 537 Night Attack ()

As the 1.5 Gundam and Theta Plus set off to meet the enemy, the hotel where the diplomatic delegation stayed has gradually calmed down. Although there are still refugees constantly attacking the door, under the warning of loaded guns and live ammunition, these are not so pitiful that they are completely unable to survive. People were not completely fooled, and most of them heeded the 'advice' and stayed away from the hotel.

"Shura, how's it going outside?"

In the living room belonging to Van Dyson, Queen Ola Maha Heval and Orfei were sitting there. After seeing Shura who was supposed to be collecting intelligence at the door, he opened the door and walked in. Orfei took the lead in saying Questioned.

"Her Majesty the Queen is quite capable of fighting, and as we expected, one of the three aircraft carried by the opponent is equipped with a solar furnace. There is no hope with a group of drones. How are you doing here?"

"No, we tried again. They seem to have the ability or props that can block mind reading. In short, the two most important women all failed to read minds."

"That's it, then why don't you let Griffin?"

"Wait a minute. Hasn't that guy always claimed that he is not weaker than the original body? Wouldn't it be a big joke if His Majesty Winslet could die at the hands of his husband's photocopier?"

Two Theta Plus aircraft intertwined and shuttled among the Covenant's artillery fire. Luna and Zhen had practiced this kind of team cooperation countless times since the military academy. Even though the machine performance was at a disadvantage, with the tacit cooperation of the two, the Covenant could no longer be used. Shelling the ground to contain the 1.5 Gundam also gave the People's Revolutionary League troops ample time to evacuate.

The riot control Hazel who had not been shot down had all entered the city and started to maintain order. Lars waited until the last team entered the bunker. The 1.5 Gundam flipped the GN bombardment rifle on its back and spread fire suppression for the birds and Luna in the air. .

Caught off guard, Luna's right hand was cut off by the beam cloak, but at this time the 1.5 Gundam was already in place, and Lars took Luna's place and directly hit the cloak with the GN shield.

A red cloak flashed from behind the covenant, and the beam sword intertwined with it emitted a dazzling light. The combined attack of the two Theta Plus was directly blocked by the red cloak.

While the cloak blocked the lightsaber, his true combat intuition told him that this did not seem to be a simple defensive equipment. When he subconsciously raised the body, he noticed from the corner of his eye that the other party rolled up the cloak again and rowed directly towards Luna. landline.

You must know that the repair and upgrade of mobile suits are definitely not a job that can be completed by one person. Even Yitzhak's body had to find WWK to repair it on Earth. Therefore, the moment the cloak appeared, Lars was already keenly aware of the core of the problem. , the other party is not alone as the legend says, there must be other organizations behind it to provide help.

"Luna, left!"

Lars was not surprised by the evolution of the Covenant. In fact, even the Covenant Gundam that incorporated Vangenix technology was somewhat unsatisfactory in 75. Lars was surprised that the other party was a globally wanted one. Where did the lost dog obtain the modification technology?

The Covenant was unyielding. Two beam pistols locked onto Luna's body and fired continuously. Fortunately, Luna had the experience of piloting the Pulse Gundam, and the Theta Plus also had a core fighter body. After repeated attacks, Luna activated Breaking away from the procedure, the core fighter plane used the cover of its limbs to forcefully leave the battlefield.


"Has it been remodeled? Where did it come from?"

Makoto seized this gap and transformed into MS form again to close the distance. Then he held the beam sword and slashed at the covenant. After being blocked by the physical blade of the beam pistol, he used the recoil to use an arc to turn around and reach the covenant. On the left side, Luna also reached hand-to-hand combat range at the same time, and the two Theta Plus swung their lightsabers at the same time to seal off all Covenant's evasive space.

"Luna be careful!"

"How dare you give Luna to..."

Washed by strong emotions, Zhen Asuka entered the SEED mode. The Theta Plus seemed to be able to predict the covenant's shooting route, and the beams of light in the sky could no longer touch it. At the same time, Zhen Asuka felt that his thoughts were different from the battlefield. Perception is also expanding rapidly.

"I'm going to kill you!" Relying on the GN particles scattered on the battlefield, I could really hear Lars's inner voice. The hatred coming from the depths of his heart was so clear that even a real bird was struck by it. Infected by emotions.

The output of Theta Plus has been raised to the extreme by him, and the 1.5 Gundam is also trying its best to provide him with fire support. Covenant repeated his old tricks and tried to block with the beam cloak. However, this time Xiaotiao first swung the knife with his right hand, and then abandoned the gun with his left hand. Flip over, the second beam sword stabbed straight into the ribs that Covenant could not cover.

At the same time that Asuka showed signs of being a reformer, the Queen of Van Dyson, Ola Maha Haval, suddenly showed a surprised expression, and Orphee, who had been standing next to her, also looked back with the same look. .

"This is."

"Sure enough, that kind of strange particle can communicate with human souls. For us, this is a treasure that we must get our hands on!"

In mid-air, Zhen and Lars teamed up to defeat the Covenant. Seeing that Theta Plus's beam sword was only a few centimeters away from piercing the Covenant's cockpit, the bird's movements suddenly slowed down. This pause allowed the Covenant to distance themselves again.

“Someone is talking to me Mayu”


Unlike the Transformer's talent, Russ's mind-reading ability is her talent, but this talent will also be passively improved with the dispersion of GN particles. Theta Plus's slight hesitation has already made Russ aware of the abnormality. The next step The 1.5 second Gundam was directly in front of Zhen.

"Really, answer me, what happened?"

"Sister Lars, I heard Mayu's voice. The one on the opposite side of the covenant is Mayu."

"Both Mayu are in Orb and there is absolutely no way they will appear in Berlin. Please wake up!"

"Mayu. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left you Mayu at that time."

The real voice in the communication channel was getting weaker and weaker. The voice of a boy mixed with crying continued to tear Lars's eardrums through the radio waves. Seeing this, she did not hesitate to pull off Hilde's specially made shielding necklace. Then, with the help of the flow of GN particles, he used mind-reading skills to connect to the mind of the real bird.

"We lost contact with Berlin thirty minutes ago, get ready for battle!"

In a Garuda-class transport aircraft carrier, Canard and Gist looked solemn. Tiago also put aside his old cynicism. The two N-Daggers N had also completed their attack preparations. Siegfried stepped on Looking up from the fully opened hatch, the thick clouds completely blocked the view, making it impossible to see the situation on the ground.

"Gist, let me drive. I don't feel very good."

After hesitating again and again, Siegfried asked Gist in a consultative tone. As a fellow pilot, he knew very well that such a decision to change people on the spot would greatly damage Gist's confidence. It could even be said that he was doing it in front of him. The presence of so many people directly denied Gist's ability, but for some reason, Siegfried still chose to express his request openly and honestly.

"Believe me, just like I believed you in East Asia, even if there is any accident, I will protect Sister Tou and Lars, believe me!"

Just when Siegfried was about to say something else, the cockpit reminded them that they were about to arrive over Berlin. Looking at Gist's determined expression, Siegfried hesitated and finally patted him on the shoulder. The pilot His unique superstitious tradition still remains true to him, and even if he wants to say something in his heart, he would not choose to say it on an occasion where a flag is placed.

"Gester Evans, dagger, let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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