Chapter 191
Zhao Chen looked at the little black cat struggling in his hands, and couldn't help showing a strange look on his face.

In fact, he had some guesses about the kitten's identity. After all, when the "Seven Heroes" were fighting among themselves, Ma Laoer once said that "Breaking Eyes" Gong Yun turned into a black cat and secretly contacted the Seven Heroes Feng Wan.

Therefore, when he saw the kitten flapping his window spiritually, with extremely high-level injuries on his body, he instantly had an association.

What he just said like "checked that she is a female cat" was just to test her reaction-although he did check.

And the result of the test was just as he expected, at least it was certain that the kitten was a thing with human thinking.

However, Zhao Chen didn't directly expose the other party, but planned to take him by his side to observe for a while - the kitten was seriously injured, and she might not be able to return to human form in a short time.

Just as Gong Yun is very interested in Zhao Chen who she can't see through, Zhao Chen also has some ideas about the origin of her "delusion-proof eyes".

On the other side, after Gong Yun waved her paws a few times indiscriminately, her accumulated strength was exhausted again, and she had to stop.

At the same time, she suddenly felt that her actions just now were a bit silly. After all, as a "cat", she was "light" at first, so why should she worry about being checked?

Fortunately, as a "wild cat", it is normal to show a certain amount of aggressiveness when caught, and it will not attract suspicion...

Just when Gong Yun self-examined with some gratitude, she heard the boy who was holding her talk to herself again: "I heard that female cats also need to be sterilized, otherwise they will have some symptoms?"

"Meow?" Gong Yun was stunned for a moment, wondering what kind of devil did she find to provide shelter?
She deeply felt that she had to consider whether she should hide in another house...

Fortunately, at this time, Zhao Chen changed the subject and continued to talk to himself: "It's not necessary for now, let's talk about it when we grow up."

Only then did Gong Yun heave a sigh of relief, and shrank into a ball obediently, and then let the other party press herself into the water to wash the blood and dirt off her hair.

Those are actually not Gong Yun's own dirty blood, but she deliberately rubbed on them in order to conceal her aura, so as to mislead possible pursuers.

As for the calculation, she wasn't too worried... Because of the existence of her own pair of "delusion-breaking eyes", even a "Dongxuan" monk could hardly figure out her origin.

The only flaw now is the "breath of frost and snow" in the body, its level is too high, it may take a long time to wear it away... and during this time, you can't get too close to that "flying snow fairy", otherwise it will be easy to be noticed.

"Well, although my 'Delusionous Eye' is well-known, it has never shown too much ability, and my functions have been divided into two identities, Gong Yun and Gong Fei, so Feng Qing should not suspect me for a while.

"She must have been investigating among the monks with supernatural powers at the beginning... But if there is no clue, and Gong Yun does not appear in front of people for a long time after tonight, it is very likely that she will be noticed...

"I have to find a way to show up in the near future."

While thinking, Gong Yun found that she had been cleaned, and a small metal tag was put on her neck at some point.

"Generally speaking, don't cats hang bells?" Gong Yun pawed at the sign, but found nothing unusual.

What she didn't notice was that the corners of Zhao Chen's mouth suddenly turned up at this moment, and he tried his best to calm down again.

This small card is actually a sub-card in the "Concentric Master Card", which can convey the wearer's superficial thoughts to the holder of the mother card.

It comes from the Treasure Building of "Chenlu Beppu", and it is one of the magic weapons left by Zhang Yunlu to Zhao Chen.

"This Gong Yun's thinking is quite active... Besides, since she couldn't see through the details of the 'Tongxin Zimu Card', it means that in the form of a cat, she can't use Delusion Eye?
"Or she is seriously injured now, so she can't use it?"

Thoughtfully rubbing the black cat's back, Zhao Chen thought it felt good.

He didn't feel that there was anything wrong with his behavior when he knew that the black cat was Gong Yun.

After all, in Qingyun Building, when Gong Yun sat directly on her lap, she also didn't consider her own feelings, and now it can only be regarded as a "fair" exchange.

She wouldn't mind if she wanted to come to Gong Nvxia.

In fact, Gong Yun really didn't mind much, and she even snorted a few times comfortably in the heartfelt voice Zhao Chen received through the "Tongxin Son and Mother Card".

Just as Zhao Chen was stroking the cat and continuing to sort out today's harvest, the window opened without wind, and a huge bubble instantly engulfed the entire room.

Obviously, it was Zheng Qingyan who came back.

As soon as she appeared, she glanced at the black cat with the iron plate on it, then sat beside Zhao Chen as if nothing had happened, and said directly:

"After dealing with the Xie family last time, the so-called 'Young Master' who gave you a reward was indeed from Prince Qin's residence...and the King of Qin himself has also come to Dunhuang this time."

"The so-called 'Young Master'?" Zhao Chen looked at Zheng Qingyan suspiciously.

"It's the youngest daughter of King Qin of the previous generation, Ming Hongyue, the Princess of the Wei River... She has been wearing men's clothes since the accident happened more than ten years ago, and she calls herself the 'Master of Killing the Vicious', looking for troubles in the 'Four Violent Halls' everywhere." Zheng Qingyan said lightly, "By the way... the information about the 'Four Violent Halls' in your hand, should you submit it to the 'Young Master' now?"

The information about the "Four Evil Halls" that she mentioned was what Alan voluntarily confessed, part of which Zhao Chen had already told Yan Hongxia to make her meritorious service, and the other part, mainly the superior Alan knew, who he planned to contact in person before reporting.

Otherwise, the source of the information cannot be explained.

Therefore, Zhao Chen shook his head after thinking for a while: "Let's wait...maybe we can catch bigger fish..."

After a pause, he glanced at the black cat, stopped continuing the whole topic, and asked instead, "Is the origin of the master Zhen confirmed? What is he trying to do with the Qingyun Building?"

"The preliminary investigation results have come out... In fact, I don't need to tell you, your sister Hongxia will tell you tomorrow." Zheng Qingyan's expression remained unchanged, but her tone was sour no matter what she heard.

Here we go again... but this time there are outsiders... outside cats, maybe the feedback will be better?Zhao Chen was thoughtful, but on the surface he pretended to cough with a guilty conscience, matching Zheng Qingyan's performance.

At the same time, he was not surprised to hear Gong Yun's voice: Is Zheng Jiatianjiao so tolerant in private?Then this Zhao Chen is still flirting... Bah!

(End of this chapter)

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