The Fairy: From the Traveling Merchant

Chapter 333 Zhao Chen’s trump card

Chapter 333 Zhao Chen’s trump card (two in one)

"Why can you use firearms but I can't? This is discrimination and I want to complain!"

Following this unserious voice, a fierce tiger jumped into the hall through the gap that Qiao Xi had made in the roof.

This tiger is huge, covered in black hair, and has a gold pattern with the word "王" on its forehead, which is extremely clear.

It landed in front of and behind the people in the Golden Dart Martial Arts Hall, then opened its big mouth and let out a deafening roar, causing all the "fierce ghosts" and "Black Sun Apostles" to stop their movements.

And on the back of this fierce tiger, there was a handsome young man sitting, wearing black clothes and a high crown, holding a sword. If it wasn't Zhao Chen, who could it be?

"Master Chen!"

"Senior brother!"

Seeing his eye-catching appearance, Mo Qiu, Feng Cang, and Ning Meng immediately expressed surprise, and their faces showed a look of ecstasy unconsciously.

To be honest, at the moment when many "fierce ghosts" and "Apostles of the Black Sun" attacked, no matter how much they trusted Zhao Chen, they still felt a little desperate.

But when Levi, Lynch and other members of the vampire family, as well as members of the elite team of the alien camp, suddenly felt something in their hearts when they saw Zhao Chen, it was as if seeing him was like seeing the "master".

Although they didn't understand why, the feeling was so real that they were unwilling to delve into the reason.

Zhao Chen nodded slightly to these "family members", turned to look at the two princesses who were confronting Qiao Xi, and said with a smile:
"Your Highnesses, we meet again... Can you give me a face this time and let me take away these subordinates of mine?"

again?Not only were the two princesses who were obviously not "human" stunned for a moment, but Mo Qiu, Feng Cang, Li Wei and others were also keenly aware of the "vocabulary" in Zhao Chen's mouth and were quite surprised.

What was even more surprising was Gong Yun under Zhao Chen. She thought that she had never been separated from Zhao Chen after entering the "Uncanny Realm". When did this person meet the two princesses?

Furthermore, how did he complete his so-called "arrangements"?Why didn't I find anything?

But this person is really hateful. After arousing my curiosity, he didn't explain at all!
Gong Yun grinded her teeth bitterly, and at the same time noticed that something was wrong with these "fierce ghosts" and "Apostles of the Black Sun" in the main hall... After all, her "Tiger Roar" was integrated into her natal spell "Tiger God's Roar" , and in the state of transforming into a "black tiger", it has a power close to magical powers, but it is impossible to frighten so many monsters with magical powers at the same time...

They will stop, apparently on "order."

And was this order given by the two princesses or by Zhao Chen in me?
Just when Gong Yun's thoughts were drifting further and further, an indistinguishable voice came from the princess's mouth again:

"You rely on your supernatural powers to protect the way. I couldn't do anything to you before, so I let you leave from Huaijiao Street...

"But since you don't know what's good and dare to come to this 'Moonfall Palace', then let's stay together!"

Hearing this, Zhao Chen was not surprised, he just sighed and said: "Are you still saying the same thing?

"Could it be that the changes from the 'Black Sun' didn't change your mind?
"Or, you just seem to be able to communicate, but in fact you are just an 'intelligent chat software' that can only act within certain rules and logic?"

The giant princess glanced at the little princess who was restraining Qiao Xi, and then stared at Zhao Chen with eyes that were not like human beings and said: "I don't understand what you are talking about... but it doesn't matter... you will die soon, Become a part of me and I’ll know when the time comes.”

But before she finished speaking, she discovered something unusual - she could no longer control the "fierce ghosts" and "Apostles of the Black Sun" in the main hall!

You know, that was something she "created", equivalent to her clone, but now she can't feel them.

Zhao Chen, who was riding on the back of the black tiger, raised his arm at this time, pointed his "Ancient Sword Zhu Xi" directly at the princess, and ordered like a general on the battlefield: "Hold her!"

Following his order, the "Li Gui" and "Apostles of the Black Sun" who were originally parked around the Golden Dart Martial Arts Hall, the Alien Camp, and the Vampires actually turned to the eldest princess and rushed towards her together.

"This..." Faced with such a turn of events, Levi and others were stunned, unable to believe their eyes at all. They only felt that this was still an illusion, and that "weirdness" was playing with their senses.

However, such thoughts only flashed across their minds because they now trusted Zhao Chen unconditionally.

Only Feng Cang still felt that he was dreaming, so he raised his hand and slapped himself a few times. The severe pain made him feel the reality, and he couldn't help but murmured: "What on earth is going on?"

"This trick is called 'money can make ghosts grind'!" Zhao Chen said with a smile, "They have been my 'ghosts' for a long time!"

It was only then that the eldest princess, or the "weird" here, finally realized something was wrong and said, "My authority has actually been eroded... There is another 'weird' here... when exactly?"

"At the very beginning!" Zhao Chen explained kindly, "On the first day, you were already corrupted by Miss Shen."

This move is also delaying time for a certain "person".

And the "Miss Shen" mentioned in his words is naturally the "weird" who was subdued in Shenjiazhuang in the "mist of history".

"In the beginning... the 'strange'... error that eroded my 'strange territory'... was not discovered... what happened?" After being silent for a while, the eldest princess actually became incoherent.

Of course, her words were incoherent, and a large number of "fierce ghosts" and "apostles of the black sun" appeared around her at the same time, fighting fiercely with those "fierce ghosts" and "apostles of the black sun" controlled by Zhao Chen.

However, the moment the "Apostles of the Black Sun" she summoned appeared, some force instantly seized control of them, and the "Dark Source Fire" on them became purer.

Obviously, they were once again contaminated by the evil spirit possessing "Qiao Xi"!

As for why those controlled by Zhao Chen were fine?Naturally, "Great Sun Star Cha" has a higher priority.

Zhao Chen looked at the "elder princess" who was in chaos and continued to give some "kindly" advice:
"Although Ms. Shen can't create scenes and set 'rules' at will like you, she also has her advantages... In her 'unexpected realm', she can constantly 'restart'.

"Even I almost fell into the trap, so it's normal that you didn't notice...

"Haha, this is not the first time we have met on this seventh night. Compared to the previous fights, at least you can listen to me calmly this time."

Zhao Chen's words were not only for the "weird" people here, but also to explain to Gong Yun, Feng Cang and others.He paused and continued:

"It's a pity that the endings of the previous few times were not very satisfactory. There were always casualties. The battle of Dongxuan outside the 'Unexpected Realm' has not yet ended. If you go out so rashly, you are still likely to die... so I let 'Miss Shen' went through 'reincarnation' again and again.

"During this period, I investigated the streets and alleys of the city. Not only did I gradually obtain the ownership of some of the 'fierce ghosts' and pseudo-'black sun apostles' controlled by you, but I also finally figured out the 'weird' carrier of yours. Its origin and general purpose.

"In addition, we also successfully rescued some members of the 'Alien Battalion' team who would have died a few nights ago, as well as members of the vampire family...

"Of course, it's not free, in return they have sold themselves to me for ten years."

Having said this, Zhao Chen turned to Li Wei, Lin Qi, Zhang Lin, Han Qian and others, smiled at them and then added: "Unfortunately, the means I used to 'buy' you and 'Li Gui' are very sophisticated. Gao, it can't be reversed by 'restarting', so even if you start over from the first day, your 'ownership' will still be mine.

"But the good thing is that you will not really die anymore... The people who were killed by the 'Fire Ghost' and the 'Apostle of the Black Sun' just now were just deliberately done by me to liven up the atmosphere and avoid being suspected of being weird. In fact, they were not not dead."

With that said, Zhao Chen waved his hand gently, and the "killed" vampire family priests, members of the alien battalion team, and soldiers of the Fire Gun Team reappeared in the hall.

They looked horrified at this time, and their consciousness was obviously still stuck at the moment they were "killed".

Zhao Chen's words and subsequent actions left Nior, Luofiya and others at a loss. Although they could understand every word spoken by the "Blood Sword Master", they were completely incomprehensible together. .

What is restarting, what is reincarnation... They are not very flexible and cannot imagine the meaning at all.

But Li Wei, Lin Qi, Zhang Lin, and Han Qian, who had roughly figured out the whole story, had complicated expressions on their faces, because they had realized that behind Mr. Chen, there might be a being who couldn't even be provoked by "weirdness." , and they have "voluntarily" sold themselves to that existence without "knowing"!
At this time, Gong Yun also heard a voice through the "Zi Mu Tong Xin Pai" and suddenly said:

"No wonder you know everything... It turns out that you have experienced this 'six days and seven nights' more than once...

"No wonder I always feel that the relationship between you and me has progressed too fast. I can say that the main reason is that you have suddenly become familiar with me, and you even dare to be 'frivolous' with me! You know, When you were in the martial arts gym, you were quite polite...

"Tell me, did we break through some kind of 'relationship' in the previous 'reincarnations', but I just can't remember it after the 'restart'?"

Zhao Chen glanced at her, shook his head and said, "Everything is right except for the last one... We are familiar with each other, but we really don't have too much of a relationship."

After saying that, he ignored Gong Yun's muttering, turned to look at the "eldest princess" who had started to get "irritable", and said with a smile:
"Want to know what I've gotten from you before?"

After many contacts, he actually has a good understanding of this "weird" operating mode. He knows that it is very cautious and prioritizes gathering intelligence and will not blindly attack.

This may be related to its carrier, but it has also evolved into a loophole in the "Uncanny Realm" itself.

At this time, even if "Weird" knew that Zhao Chen was stalling for "Miss Shen" to further erode the "Weird Territory", it still prioritized gathering intelligence and did not immediately take action against Zhao Chen.

"I think!" "Princess" transformed into a normal human form again and nodded.

But the so-called "normal" is only in the eyes of Ning Meng, Mo Qiu and others. In Zhao Chen's eyes, it is still not a "human".

"Then give me a face and let my friends and subordinates go from the 'rules' level." Zhao Chen emphasized with a smile, "This is a deal.

"Moreover, if you don't even know what permissions you have left, you will suffer a big loss in the competition with 'Miss Shen'."

At the same time, the phantom of the "Sixteen Venus Libra Sword" has floated in the void between the two.

"You can't let them all go." "Princess" responded.

"Then let Senior Brother Feng and the members of the Fire Gun Team go first." Zhao Chen counter-offered.

The eldest princess, or "weird", was silent for a few seconds, shook her head and said: "Members of the Fire Gun Team can do it, but Feng Cang can't."

Obviously, it has assessed Feng Cang's importance to Zhao Chen and will not let him go easily.

"As expected..." Zhao Chen was not disappointed, but nodded happily, "Then... it's a deal!"

As his words fell, the shadow of the "Sixteen Venus Libra Sword" also disappeared, but the "contract" between the two people had taken effect, and they could not go back on it even if it was "weird".

"Very good!" Zhao Chen clapped his hands and said, "You'd better not regret it. You must know that in the previous 'reincarnation', you regretted it three times in total. I believe you can guess the result...these 'evil ghosts' now" Although I 'bought' some of the 'Apostles of the Black Sun', most of them are actually your 'liquidated damages' as collateral."

Having said this, he paused, organized his sentences, and continued:

"In the first reincarnation, Qingyan, Tang Miao and I cleaned up the entire Luoyue Palace together so that the little princess could get married smoothly...

"But this still fell into your plan, because you sent the evil spirit that occupied the body of Yao Hua, a member of the alien camp team, to block the only gap in this 'uncanny domain', truly trapping us and making us completely lost. Hope of getting out.

"After all, you won't be bound by your own 'rules' at that time, and the 'conditions' for going out are entirely up to you.

"Fortunately, I released 'Miss Shen' at the beginning, and then 'restarted' and returned to the first day, so you couldn't succeed.

"From the second to the seventh round, Qingyan and I have been conducting investigations in the city and collecting intelligence... However, we have already started all over again before the seventh night, because Qingyan and I were somewhat exposed in the process. Some tricks make you aware of another 'weird' existence, so you can only start over.

"In the eighth round, as 'Miss Shen' eroded you more and you no longer had complete control over the 'Uncanny Realm', we began to make plans to usurp your authority.

"For example, the 'rule book' in Ning Meng's hand... was not there at the beginning.

"And it is a rule for us as well as a restriction for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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