The Fairy: From the Traveling Merchant

Chapter 502 "Top Card"

Chapter 502 "Top Card"

Songhuang Mountain is located southwest of Yumen County, more than a hundred miles away.

Although it has "mountain" in its name, it is not really a mountain. On the contrary, it is actually a valley.

The reason why it is named "Songhuang Mountain" is because nine thousand years ago, during the war between the princes, Taizu of the Song Dynasty played the harp here alone, and stopped the most elite Long Jie army of another princely country at that time, the "Great Zhou", for three days. It laid the foundation for the "Battle of Yumen", the key battle of Song Dynasty's annexation of Zhou Dynasty.

After this battle, Chai Xun, a general of the Zhou army and also a clan member of the Great Zhou Dynasty, said with emotion: "Although the road here is smooth, with the Emperor of Song here, even if the Shu Mountain is steep, it will be difficult to defeat him!"

Since Chai Xun is a famous general in the world, he is not only a god in military warfare, but also a powerful man with few rivals in "Dongxuan". His words are naturally quite weighty, so this valley is also called "Song Dynasty" by later generations. "Huangshan" has been passed down to this day.

The story of Emperor Song playing the piano and retreating from the army is quite legendary and extremely elegant. Throughout the ages, countless literati came here to recite poems and compose poems. Paying homage to the ancients, "Song Emperor Mountain" gradually formed a scenic spot, or in other words, a high-end hotel with complete facilities. Entertainment town.

The Jade Hui Tower is the most luxurious place in the entire "Songhuang Mountain". Only high-ranking officials and dignitaries are not qualified to enter this building for fun.

At this moment, Zhao Chen was standing in front of the Jade Hui Tower, looking at the building that looked like an upright jade harp. He vaguely felt that there was some kind of ominous energy brewing in it. Although he didn't feel any danger, it was depressing.

Behind him were the two sisters Gong Yun and Gong Fei... Of course, the latter was actually Feng Wan, the Snow Eagle Sword pretending to be.

Feng Nuxia had been feeling depressed for a long time in the backyard of the Golden Guards Martial Arts School. She was extremely restless, so she took the opportunity to meet her sixth brother and went out to play.

Zhao Chen hesitated for a moment, then looked back at Gong Yun, and found that the "Poluyan" didn't notice anything special, and he suddenly became more alert.

Could it be that Hou Shanxing, the "life-threatening longevity star", has no good intentions?

But with his mid-level magical power that even Kong Lin can't defeat, he shouldn't be a threat to me...

As his thoughts were spinning, Zhao Chen saw a young man wearing a green robe with a pale face coming out of the building. It was Li Changsheng, the "young man in green robe".

When he saw Zhao Chen, he immediately raised his hands and said, "I have met Mr. Chen...Senior Hou is already waiting in the private room on the third floor."

After saying that, he looked at Gong Yun and "Gong Fei" again, raised the corner of his mouth and said: "We haven't seen each other for a few days, and the fifth sister looks more and more charming... and the heroine Gong Fei has changed even more."

"Gong Fei", or Feng Wan blinked, imitating Gong Fei's tone and asked curiously: "Mr. Li, where have I changed?"

"It has become a bit more 'cold'." Li Changsheng responded with a smile.

His words seemed a bit "teasing", but they actually meant something.

How could Feng Wan not know that Sixth Brother had discovered her identity? Although she didn't quite understand where she had exposed her flaw, she still subconsciously hid behind Zhao Chen.

This move made Li Changsheng stunned for a moment, and then he glanced meaningfully back and forth at the three of them.

Zhao Chen didn't pay attention to these little episodes. He had just quietly connected to the "Destiny Tianchi" in "Xingcha" and observed the energy levels of the people around him. He saw no signs of decline, so he felt relieved.

This shows that the abnormality in Jade Hui Tower will not have any bad least not for the time being.

And if I behave unnaturally, I may cause disaster.

As his thoughts turned around, Zhao Chen also started chatting with Li Changsheng, and at the end he said:

"Let's go in, don't keep Senior Hou waiting."

"Good!" Li Changsheng nodded with a smile and led the way, and soon led the three of them to the private room on the third floor.

This private room was magnificently decorated, with a priceless guqin placed in the middle, and imitations of the world's most famous dongxiao were hung on the walls on both sides.

Directly in front is a bright light curtain, where you can see the singing and dancing on the central stage of the Jade Hui Tower.

When Hou Shanxing, who had a bulging forehead, saw them entering, he laughed and stood up to greet them. When he saw sisters Gong Yun and Gong Fei arriving together, he said in a rather ambiguous tone:

"Mr. Chen is indeed a young and romantic young man...but why didn't Fairy Zheng accompany him?" "Qingyan has something to do and needs to leave Ganzhou for a while." Zhao Chen responded simply.

This is no excuse. As a magical monk of the Zheng family's generation, Zheng Qingyan can't possibly be with Zhao Chen all the time. Naturally, she also has her own tasks to do.

Moreover, although the dragon girl needs to play the role of "passionate", she cannot always accompany her lover. There must be partings and reunions... and experiencing all kinds of emotions before she can be considered "overcoming the tribulation".

Although Qingyan, who is essentially a "should be transformed", does not need it, she still has to "act" to avoid suspicion.

What's more, the mission rewards given by the Zheng family are quite generous.

"Fairy Zheng is not in Ganzhou?" Hou Shanxing showed a little disappointment on his face, but he quickly put it away.

The reason why he hosted a banquet for Zhao Chen at "Songhuang Mountain" was to allow him to check and balance the new magical power "Qin Sheng" who occupied Wuyou Valley and Sanhe Mountain.

This woman has a mysterious background and a huge appetite, so she is not easy to get along with.

If it were in the past, he would definitely use official power to thoroughly investigate his origins and make a fuss about his identity loopholes.

But since the "Night of the Blood Moon", with the shrinkage of the Li family, almost all the strange supernatural powers coming from outside the state are like this, and there is probably support from the hopeful clan and the big sect behind them. How can Hou Shanxing dare to investigate at will.

This time, he originally wanted to use Zheng Qingyan's power to suppress Qin Sheng, which would also be a knock on the mountain to scare the tiger, so that other external forces would not dare to be too presumptuous, but the result turned out to be such an unlucky thing...

As for the Li family, even if Fairy Yunzhi returns, they are still shrinking their power, with only a few big cities remaining.

After all, Fairy Yunzhi only came back temporarily on leave, and she would have to return to the East China Sea defense line sooner or later.

This is also the price she needs to pay to get the guidance of Lord Qingxu.

However, Hou Shanxing knew that in addition to Fairy Zheng, there was also Fairy Tang and Fairy Duan in the Golden Guards Martial Arts Hall.

One of them is the legitimate daughter of an aristocratic family relative, and the other is the illegitimate daughter of an elder of Shangzong. Although their identities are not as good as Zheng Qingyan's, they are enough to suppress the prominent families and powerful factions that have reached out to Ganzhou.

What's more, these two fairies are both top-grade magical powers.

Therefore, Hou Shanxing entertained Zhao Chen warmly, and he was not in a hurry to talk about business. Instead, he enjoyed the singing and dancing of Yuhui Tower, drank wine, and sang and had fun.

After both parties were quite happy - Hou Shanxing thought that Zhao Chen had actually been distracted to watch out for something amiss in the building.

Hou Shanxing just apologized, leaving Li Changsheng to talk to the two Gong heroines, while he and Zhao Chen walked into the back room of the private room.

The layout here is similar to the outside room, except that the guqin and dongxiao are missing.

Just when Hou Shanxing was about to tell his request and exchange conditions, there was a commotion in the Yuhui Tower.

Hou Shanxing glanced at the central stage after hearing the sound, and saw that Zhao Chen's attention seemed to be attracted to it, so he explained with a smile: "This is the 'number one' of Yuhui Tower today. Mr. Chen wants to..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Zhao Chen with a wave of his hand.

At the same time, Zhao Chen's eyes were tightly closed.

"The abnormality in Yuhui Tower turned out to be because of her...

"The so-called 'number one' turned out to be a real person called 'Dongxuan'!

"And it seems that she is in a very bad mood...

"No wonder I feel depressed."

(My grandma passed away today... I really can’t squeeze in too much time to type, so let’s do this for now. After the funeral on Wednesday, I should be able to recover. Sorry again, hope for understanding⊙△⊙)

(End of this chapter)

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