I have become top-tier, so I come to proficiency

Chapter 323 This man is incredible. The crew starts filming.

Chapter 323 This man is incredible. The crew starts filming.

A film and television building, in an office.

Qin Yufang and Yu Chenghao.Sitting silently next to Zhai Hong, facing a foreign film crew for the first time, I was actually a little nervous.

Zhai Hong turned around, looked at Yu Chenghao, and then said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, this movie is invested by us at Nas, and you are our main actor in China, so you are considered a member of the producer, no People will look down upon you.

In the subsequent filming, I will communicate with them more and try my best to perform my part well. I believe there will be no problem in the future. "

Listening to Zhai Hong's words, Yoo Seunghao nodded slightly: "Okay, I understand."

Qin Yufang suddenly said: "I read the news before and Su Mu should have arrived in Hollywood. I just don't know when they will start filming there."

Hearing Su Mu, Zhai Hong chuckled: "So what if you come here? You know, after entering Hollywood, the gap between Su Mu and you has widened. He will not even catch up with you." qualifications.

Let's not talk about whether he can handle the box office of that movie, but it is still unknown whether the filming will be completed smoothly. No one will convince him. Hollywood is not easy to mess around. "

Qin Yufang said excitedly: "Mr. Zhai is right!"

Yoo Seung Ho: "..."

Zhai Hong: "Besides, our cast is better than that Spider-Man. They have already lost from the beginning."

Zhai Hong was not talking nonsense.

The male protagonist of Shadow Man is a popular actor in Hollywood, Will Johnson.

He also won an Oscar once.

It's enough to have him as the facade, not counting the heroine and the other two men and three men.

But looking at Su Mu, if he were to be the leading actor, he would be much weaker in comparison.

After all, Su Mu's influence in Hollywood is not on the same level as Will Johnson's.

So this is where Zhai Hong is confident.

As for Su Mu, he is holding back his anger inside now, so he will pay more attention to the results of this movie, otherwise he would not have brought Qin Yufang and Yu Chenghao here in person.

Listen to Zhai Hong's words.

Qin Yufang's face was rosy, and it seemed that the gloom of the previous two years had been swept away at this moment.

Tianxing Media is finally going to promote an actor who can go global, which will also be of great benefit to the development of Tianxing Media in the future.

"Mr. Zhai, I still want to thank you very much for this cooperation. After this movie becomes a box office success, Star Media will enter the next stage. I still hope to continue to cooperate with Nas."

Another sentence is that she was finally able to trample Sumu under her feet.

Zhai Hong nodded: "Well, that's exactly what our plan is. As for..."

Halfway through his words, Zhai Hong smiled contemptuously.

As for Su Mu, I can only say that he is a short-sighted person.

There was a great opportunity in front of him, and there was capital behind it to fuel the fire, but he didn't want it?
Then this time he would let Su Mu know how difficult it would be for him to gain a foothold overseas without Nas's help.

He didn't think Su Mu could conquer the people here with his acting skills.

He was looking forward to how many people would be cold-eyed and isolated when he joined the group and started playing.

Some things are insurmountable no matter how hard you try.



the other side.

Just when Zhai Hong, Qin Yufang and Yu Chenghao were having a meeting.

Su Mu had already arrived at the gymnasium early and continued to work on his gymnastics projects.

After several days of ring training.

Now his ring proficiency has reached LV3.

After training, his physical fitness has become much stronger, and the time he spends on the rings has also been lengthened, allowing him to perform more movements.

However, the current level is still relatively low.

If you want to swing freely on the hanging ring, you still need to continue to improve your proficiency. It is best to reach LV4, maybe you can make a qualitative leap.

At this time, many reporters also came from the periphery.

Perhaps it was the athletes at the gym who leaked the news, so many media people came over to conduct secret visits to Su Mu's training schedule.

However, they had no chance to get close to Sumu, and they were basically all stopped by Qian Jida.

"Hello, I'm a reporter from New York Film and Television. I know that Su Mu performed very well in Fast and Furious before, and this time he cooperates with William Film and Television. Is this his first test paper to enter Hollywood?"

"I wonder what preparations Su Mu has to make for this movie?"

"Looking at the projects he is training now, I would like to ask if they are related to the Spider-Man he is about to shoot?"

Reporters asked questions one after another.

Qian Jida just smiled awkwardly: "I'm sorry everyone, I can't say much, so there are some things I can't comment on, but what I can tell you is that Su Mu will do his best to work and will definitely make everyone's eyes shine. Yes, that’s it, you can take photos, but try not to disturb Su Mu’s training, thank you.”

Listening to Qian Jida's words, many reporters looked disappointed.

They drove all the way here just to interview first-hand information, and they also wanted to know what William's company was thinking.

It's more like trying to find out through Sumu how William plans to operate the 'Spider-Man' movie.

In the past few years, William's company has actually performed very well in Hollywood, and several of the movies they have produced have been very successful.

It has reached a turning point and is likely to usher in another climax.

But he didn't expect that at this time, William actually chose the risky operation of letting Su Mu play the leading role.

Some people speculate that there may be two situations.

First, that is because William is really confused, or there are some people behind it who want to push sumam to the Western market at a very high price.

As for the second type, William's vision is farther than anyone else's, but no one can understand his intentions yet.

But the vast majority would rather believe it is the first.

Because in this industry, no matter how forward-looking you are, you won't be able to make big leaps and leaps.

It is difficult to predict the themes and trends every year.

Maybe this year's romance genre is popular, and next year there may be a road movie, or there may be a super-hero genre blowout like this year's.

So no one can capture the real market.

Only by concentrating on shooting strong enough content can we adapt to various environments.

thought of here.

Some reporters had already withdrawn their cameras angrily and left.

Since I can't ask anything, I don't want to waste too much time here.

However, a small number of media paparazzi remained.

There are also a few Asian faces among them, probably paparazzi from China.


Sitting there for several days.

The daily process is extremely boring, just watching Su Mu train, then eating and resting, and then continuing to train again.

The tight frequency suffocates them.

Professional athletes don't have the amount of training he does.

Of course, at first, I was just surprised by Su Mu's physical ability and didn't notice anything strange.

But after a few days, someone finally saw the clues.

Finally, everyone raised a question: Is this person's progress a bit too fast?

At first, Sumu simply did slow motion, horizontal lifts, hanging in the air, etc. on the rings.

Then fall down and go up again.

But I don’t seem to know when it started.

Su Mu's movements suddenly became smoother and smoother as he practiced. His movements suddenly became standard, and he spent a lot of time on the rings.

Even though his hands were red, swollen and bandaged, you couldn't tell he was tired at all.

Su Mu began to try floating back and forth on the hanging ring.

He doesn't have to perform standardized moves like a real gymnast.

Instead, Spider-Man's physical transformation is completed through proficiency in these projects.

[Ring proficiency +1...]
[Skill Points +0.01+…]
The wind blew past my ears.Su Mu swung the ring with one hand, wandering back and forth a few meters above the ground.

This scene,
The people below looked trembling with fear.

You know, this action is very dangerous.

Usually, after the athlete completes the last movement of the hanging ring, his hands will be detached and switched, and he will perform a turn in the air and land firmly on the sponge pad on the ground.

But Su Mu did not break away from the switch, but swayed with one arm.

With such inertia, if you are not careful, you may lose your hand and fly out. If you don't land on the cotton pad, you may fall and get hurt.

"Holy shit, what the hell is he doing?"

"Are you crazy? This..."

"Hey! Su Mu, you have to pay attention to your safety. This is very dangerous! Stop now."

Someone from the coaching staff below is already shouting.

However, Su Mu waved his hand to show that he didn't care, and continued to increase his strength, making his body swing higher.

At this time, he was feeling the feeling of floating in the air.

As if the hanging ring in his hand was a spider's thread, he shuttled between the tall buildings in the city.

His entire body swung forward in an arc, and when it reached the apex, it fell in the opposite direction. At the moment when it was about to swing in the opposite direction, his left arm suddenly lifted up and directly grabbed another arm. Only above the lifting ring, then let go with your right hand.

The whole body wandered back and forth again.



Everyone below looked a little numb.

Several reporters looked on in surprise.

They suddenly discovered that Su Mu's movements did not seem to be deliberately seeking stimulation, but to make extremely silky and smooth movements during this back and forth process!

To describe it this way, it is very elegant and smart, a bit handsome.

Someone suddenly realized something and exclaimed.

"Oh my God, I know what he is training! This must be the skill that the male protagonist in the Spider-Man script needs to possess!"

"Oh? Then if it is really a spider, wouldn't this hanging ring... be his spider silk?"

"Good guy, is he going to do such dangerous moves during filming? He's too desperate, but it's cool!"

"No, I want to take a photo. This might be a very advanced report."

After the reporter finished speaking, everyone reacted, and then began to pick up their cameras and take crazy pictures of Su Mu.

At this time, on a bleacher somewhere in the gymnasium.

At some point, Lawrence and Linda were already sitting on it.

In front of Lawrence, there was an ultra-long focusing camera lens aimed downwards.

Linda: "Teacher, I admit that you have a very good vision. Just looking at his attitude and the way he works hard, this is enough to be admired."

Lawrence smiled and nodded.

In fact, he already knew the news after Su Mu came to the gym, and Linda had been here to take pictures of Su Mu for a few days.

During these days, they witnessed with their own eyes how Su Mu trained the hanging ring from a stranger to its current silky state.

In fact, both of them were very shocked inside.

At that time, they could see that Su Mu's unfamiliar feeling on the hanging ring meant that he was obviously a novice.

If it were an ordinary person, he might have been beaten half to death on the first day.

However, Sumu fell countless times, but still jumped up and down tirelessly, jumping up and down, even the bystanders felt pain on their faces.

until today,

He looks like a veteran of the ring program.

Even if I witnessed the whole process, I still don’t know how it was done.

Lawrence's eyes were full of anticipation.

"Lina, I have a hunch that maybe this Spider-Man will be a dark horse next year."

Linda nodded without refuting.

If it was her before, she would definitely question Su Mu.

But from China to the United States, he followed Lawrence to observe Sumu for several months.

You can also see some things.

The feeling Su Mu gave her began to feel a little mysterious.

It seems that this man can always come up with some surprises for her.

Whether it’s the scripts for variety shows before, or the amazing training and growth speed now.

She didn't know what kind of surprises Su Mu would bring to her later.

But Lawrence's analysis is good, maybe he really is a dark horse.



A week passed quickly.

Su Mu finally improved his proficiency in hanging rings to LV4.

Although there is no time to reach the ceiling level of LV5.

But according to the current proficiency level, according to those on the coaching staff, Sumu is fully capable of participating in competitive events.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

You know, many athletes have been practicing this event for many years.

However, Sumu only took less than a month!

William, who came to watch, looked shocked: "Mr. Qian, are all your Chinese actors like this?"

He has seen a lot of training for roles.

But there seems to be no one who can achieve Su Mu's level, at least the actors he knows as CEO.

I also thought that Su Mu almost entered the UFC Octagon professional league a few years ago.

This is even more incredible.

On the side, Qian Jida responded with a smile in broken English: "Our people focus on one major. As long as the salary is adequate, you will get value for money."

William nodded and was about to say something.

Su Mu has been thrown away from the ring.



Everyone was surprised.

At this moment, Sumu rotated in the air for one and a half times and fell freely.

Finally, he landed in a half-squat, with a gorgeous and handsome posture. His frozen movements were like imitating a spider in a trance!

William was shocked.

Seeing this scene, he suddenly understood the significance of Su Mu's training.

At this time, Su Mu stood up and walked towards the coach.

Prepare your liver for your next project.



In the second month, the days of liver failure also passed by in a flash.

Just when Su Mu was persuaded by the coach whether to participate in a professional gymnastics competition.

Director Spielberg sent a notice to all members to join the set.

Spider-Man is ready to boot...

(End of this chapter)

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