Chapter 251


However, everyone's discussion about this concert is not over, it can even be said that it has just begun.

Mainly because there are so many things to discuss in this concert.

Not to mention anything else, just the act of fans holding up light signs with their names printed on them is quite explosive in the entire literary and art circle, let alone in the pop music circle.

This is a strange sight that has never appeared on Blue Star; in fact, it seems that it has never appeared on Earth.

I have to say, it really confirms the saying "the creativity of the public is infinite."Ren Xuchuan never thought that his fans would do something like this to him before he went undercover in the fan group.

Other singers and their fans were naturally "shocked" after seeing the news online.In addition to being shocked, a heart of imitation is ready to move.

For a time, the fan base of singers who have concerts in the near future was full of discussions about whether they should also do this kind of light sign.Seeing that a carnival for music fans is coming.

Some singers even directly started to gain popularity.For example, a singer who was about to hold a concert in Pengcheng posted on his blog: [December 12th, Pengcheng Chuncocoon Stadium, are you ready for me to get to know you? 】

Not to mention, they were surprised to find that the popularity of their concerts had increased visibly to the naked eye.

Ever since, regardless of whether they were holding concerts or meeting parties; whether they were popular or not, nearly ten artists in a row publicly made similar remarks.

Then, those marketing accounts also started to take action, and they began to make relevant inventories one after another.

The titles of the review are quite interesting. They are all written with words such as "Sichuan fans use their own efforts to skew the atmosphere of the concert" and "Mudslide in the fan world".

It should be said, but if this continues, the atmosphere of the concert may really be distorted by Xu Chuan's fans.

However, not everyone likes this.For example, in some fan groups of idols, there are big fans who constantly emphasize not to imitate this "shameful" behavior.

[Jimeis, we are here to support our brother, not to make a living.If all the light signs at the scene were our own names, my brother would be very sad]

[Everyone needs to understand one thing. Light signs are used to support people.What does support mean?It means that we go to the event to let our brother feel our love and support and to make him happy.

This is our first priority, not just to make ourselves happy like some people's fans do.Only when our brother is happy can we be happy. How can we be happy if our brother is not happy? 】

[Yes, let’s put ourselves in my shoes. If you were doing an event, and the lights in the venue were all names you didn’t recognize, would you be in a good mood? 】

In fact, sometimes the attitude of big fans represents the attitude of the artist.It's true that not all artists can accept fans like Xu Chuan's, and they don't think it's a good thing.

On the one hand, it’s because some artists like all the attention to be on themselves.Holding a light sign with fans' names written on it is a very limelight-stealing thing in their eyes.This mentality may be difficult for ordinary people to understand, but it is very common in the entertainment industry.

On the other hand, for many idols, they are unable to awaken their fans' "self" consciousness.

Holding up a light sign with your own name is an act of awakening your self-awareness.This will actually affect their control over fans and their marketing effectiveness.

Based on all the above situations, among the fan groups in the current pop music circle, there is really something for everyone, and one thing stands out.

In addition, there were three things about the concert that aroused everyone's heated discussion.

The first thing is Lin Mengying’s singing support.

She has not sung in public for a long time. The song "Let's Swing the Oars" at the concert made everyone feel what it means to be a "queen of children's songs" again.

This song, like Xu Chuan's "Singing the Motherland", is already a must-learn song in primary schools, and its influence is no joke.

However, this influence still needs some time to ferment.Lin Mengying brought more surprises to everyone at night.

In the opening video of the concert, she was the one who drew the gifts that Xu Chuan mentioned for the audience.

Yingchuan CP once again combined to distribute benefits, which brought many people back to the time of "Produce 101".

At that time, the two of them were drawing a lottery together, and the slogan "Yingchuan CP, a turn of fortune" still echoed in their ears.

At the same time, this act allowed Xu Chuan to create a new "first", that is, he was the first to give a lottery to the audience at his solo concert.

Many singers couldn't help but cursed when they saw this "first" being started.

"No, is he sick? Why are you always thinking about giving gifts to fans? A long time ago, when the live broadcast was held, the contestants of "Produce 101" drew prizes for the audience in the live broadcast room for half a day, and now they are still here? What a waste of money Right?"

"That is, if the things given by these brands are not sold on second-hand websites and fan groups for money, they can also be given to studio employees or relatives. Isn't it a waste to give them to fans?"

"This guy named Xu doesn't know how to increase revenue and reduce expenditure."

Similar conversations occurred in many places.

There are many people who really don't understand Xu Chuan's approach from the bottom of their hearts.

You know, many artists participate in events, and the gifts given by brands are basically resold and posted online, or they arrange vest accounts to sell to fan groups.

Lucky draw for fans?
What are you thinking!

It’s good if you don’t sell it to fans at a higher price.If you sign your name, the amount will be doubled, and if you sign TO, the amount will be doubled.

What are fans?
Those are leeks with their own fertilizer.

Some singers were complaining about Xu Chuan's gifts, and a large number of low-level musicians were discussing another topic.

That's what happened when Zhang Qinzu came to be a guest at the concert.Zhang Qinzu has not been active in the public eye for the past five years.

Even to many people, he is no different from retirement.

Now he suddenly appeared at Xu Chuan's concert, which naturally surprised the audience.This is a king-level singer.

Just imagine, if Jacky Cheung appeared at Zhou Shen's concert, what would it be like?Although Xu Chuan and Zhou Shen are completely different types.

But Zhang Qinzu's appearance at Xu Chuan's concert actually felt a bit like this to Blue Star fans.

"Some people on the Internet are now saying that the reason why Zhang Qinzu went to Xu Chuan's concert as a guest is because he is the second rotating president of the support plan."

"Real or false? Where did you get the news? Is it accurate?"

"I don't know, but someone went to the Weibo of Zhang Qinzu's studio and asked, and their staff's response was very vague."

"Vague? That's right. It's probably because they can't announce it yet, but they don't want to deny that they're lying, so they're being vague.

Do you think about what level of senior Mr. Zhang is? How many times has he been a guest for young singers from the mainland in recent years?Xu Chuan is still the first one, and I don’t believe it if he doesn’t have some cooperation. "

"Damn it, third brother is still awesome. I thought Bai Tianyu was the best rotating president he could invite. Now he can even invite Zhang Qinzu."

"You're just kidding. Don't underestimate Xu Chuan. This guy is wild. I heard from a friend of mine who is a director that the leaders of the department particularly admire him. General Manager of Xianxian Fund, you think this is a joke."

"I'll go! Really or not."

"This can still be false. There are many people who know about it."

The musicians here are discussing some special parts of this concert or some special guests.

On the other side, as ordinary viewers, many people are more concerned about Xu Chuan singing "For You" a cappella to Liu Jian and Chen Tiantian.

There is a huge quarrel on the Internet about this matter.

Some people think that this is a coincidence and that Xu Chuan is favored by the "god of effects".

At the same time, everyone is particularly envious of Liu Jian and Chen Tiantian.

After all, with the development of domestic entertainment to this point, there are really very few fans who have been treated like this.

The idol sang an unreleased song acapella live to express his blessing, and added the names of two people in the lyrics, and the song he sang was so appropriate.

This treatment is simple!

But more netizens still feel that this is simply an arranged "show", and Liu Jian and Chen Tiantian were invited to act.

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence.

Who can believe this?
Only a smart person would believe that this was an "accident."

There were so many doubts on the Internet, and Liu Jian, who was the protagonist of the incident, naturally saw it.At this time, the two of them had just returned to the hotel. Liu Jian, who had originally made up his mind to clarify, did nothing else after returning.Instead, he sat in front of the tablet he carried with him, put on the keyboard and started typing.

"What are you doing?" Chen Tiantian was still immersed in excitement.

On the way back, she didn't look at anything online at all. She focused on looking at the photos and videos she had taken, and in the circle of friends she had just posted, crazily interacting with those friends who envied her.

"Many people on the Internet are now saying that we were invited to act by Teacher Xu. I am going to clarify." Liu Jian replied while using the computer to sort out some "evidence."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Tiantian couldn't help but said: "Haven't we already taken out the marriage certificate on the spot? Why are we still doubting it?"

"Whether we get married or not does not conflict with whether we are invited to act." Liu Jian explained.

Before Chen Tiantian could reply, he continued: "You go take a shower and go to bed first, it will take me some time to do this.

Teacher Xu has nothing to say to us.We can't let him get involved in some controversies for no reason, right? "

Chen Tiantian nodded upon hearing this, feeling that this was indeed the case.She did not take a shower as Liu Jian said, but continued chatting with her friends while watching Liu Jian busy.

[Let me tell you, when Ah Jian and I have a baby, I will take him to see Xu Chuan’s concert when the baby grows up.Then tell the baby that it was Uncle Xu who made it possible for me to be with his father.

I hope he will learn from Uncle Xu in the future.Uncle Xu has good grades in studies, has upright views, and is decent in everything he does. He is indeed a good role model]

[Hahaha, if Xu Chuan knew about it, he might have to write a song for the children.I tell you, with Xu Chuan’s character, he can really do this,” the friend replied.

Chen Tiantian was chatting here, while Liu Jian continued to be busy over there. Just like this, he worked for nearly three hours.At around two o'clock in the morning, Liu Jian sent the long picture and text he had edited using his own account.

Of course, as a non-public figure, few people see what he sends out from his personal account.

Therefore, he forwarded his long picture and text to the Xu Chuan fan group where he belongs, as well as Xu Chuan's super words.

With this operation, his stuff was quickly seen by Xu Chuan's fans who were still awake, and since then, everyone retweeted it, @Entertainment Account's @Entertainment Account.

One night passed, and at about 8 a.m. the next day, Liu Jian's reply with pictures and text successfully appeared on the hot search and was seen by more people.

In this long picture and text, Liu Jian first explained how he and Chen Tiantian met.Then it emphatically proved the coincidence of two people meeting Xu Chuan twice.

The long picture contains chat records between him and Chen Tiantian, proving that the two went to the concert spontaneously.

Of course, the most favorable evidence is the payment records of two people grabbing tickets on the ticket purchasing software twice, especially the second time.

If Xu Chuan invited them to act, the tickets would most likely be given as a gift, or purchased through some other channel.

There is basically no situation of grabbing tickets directly on the ticket purchasing software.

The appearance of Liu Jian's picture and text has reduced the controversy on the Internet a lot.

However, it is impossible to stop completely. After all, Xu Chuan not only has a large number of fans, but also a large number of sunspots.

In the comment area of ​​related news, there are a lot of "guess the party" comments like "Guess whether it is technically difficult for two people to buy tickets through the ticket purchasing software?"

But generally speaking, public opinion is positive, and more people are paying attention to the luck of Liu Jian and Chen Tiantian.

Some people even threatened to use this as inspiration to write an entertainment novel.

It is said that the male protagonist traveled from Blue Star to a man who had the same experience as Chen Tiantian.

The first time I attended a female idol's concert, I laughed out loud; the second time, I happened to attend the female idol's concert again and was seen by the idol.

Then the idol once again handed the microphone to the male protagonist.Not only did the male protagonist not laugh this time, he also sang an original song acapella for his idol, wishing her a prosperous career in the future.

This behavior not only shocked the idol, but also shocked the audience at the scene and watching the live broadcast.

From then on, the male protagonist was promoted to a big company and became famous. Not only did he win the trust of female idols, he was also loved by countless female artists.

He had already thought of the title of the novel, and it was called "The Idol at the Beginning Passed the Microphone to Me, I Shocked Everyone"

What a coincidence, this thing was also seen by Xu Chuan.After seeing it, he couldn't help but sigh, this routine looked really familiar.

At the same time, in a villa in Shanghai.A man and a woman were lying on a sofa, scrolling through their phones.

After looking at it, the man said to the woman: "Not to mention, your wicked and smoky master can always do some unexpected tricks for everyone."

"What do you mean by my wicked and smoky master? Don't use adjectives blindly." The woman glanced at the words and said.

The man didn't get angry after being criticized, but continued cheerfully: "Hey, you said that when this fan received his certificate, he sent a song to others. Doesn't he have to express his gratitude here?"

"How do you want to express it?"

"Why don't you write a duet love song for the two of us?"

"You are a singer, so you can't write it yourself?"

"Isn't this written less well than what he wrote?" The man said very bachelorly upon hearing this.

When the woman heard this, she turned to look into the man's eyes and said, "Some things may not be good for others, but they are good for me. Because the things contained in them are different, don't you think?"

As soon as these words came out, the man was obviously attracted. In just two seconds, he could not wait to change eight movements and expressions.The emotions conveyed by these expressions and movements are unified, that is, unbearable joy.

The man is Tian Yu, and the woman is Du Wenyu.

Just a few days ago, the two of them officially confirmed their relationship. It was nothing earth-shattering, nothing soul-stirring, just a drunken impulse.Adult love is generally like this. If you think it's okay, then try it together.

Since the two people confirmed their relationship for a short time, very few people know about it now. Except for their personal assistants, even Xu Chuan doesn't know about it.

It's not that the two of them deliberately hid it from Xu Chuan, it was mainly because they and Xu Chuan had never met each other these days.There is no need to make a special phone call to inform you about this kind of thing.When we meet, it's more normal to mention something in passing.

"Well, what you said makes sense, but after all, it's a song for you. After I finish writing it, I asked him to help me with my advice." After Tian Tian Yu was secretly happy for a long time, he said to Du Wenyu.

"Okay." Du Wenyu agreed with a smile.However, she smiled and suddenly became a little absent-minded, because some bad memories came to her mind again.

She is worried about one thing now, that is, if someone finds out that she and Bai Tianyu are together.Will anyone make a fuss about my relationship with him?

In particular, it would be disgusting to dig out those old stories of one's own to destroy the good situation that was finally obtained with great difficulty.

Thinking of this, Du Wenyu couldn't help but let out a breath. His hand unconsciously climbed up to the back of Bai Tianyu's hand on his shoulder and shook it hard.

Tian Tianyu naturally didn't understand Du Wenyu's complicated mood, but instinctively held Du Wenyu's hand with his backhand.I have already started thinking about writing songs in my mind.

Also writing songs is Xu Chuan on the other side.

He is arranging the music for "For You", and he plans to record the song as quickly as possible so that this time can produce better results.

Shouldn’t it be said, this song is perfect for friends to sing to the newlyweds at their wedding.Therefore, this song can be popular for a long time.

While busy, Cai Meng suddenly walked up to Xu Chuan's ear and said, "Brother Chuan, a reporter from is here."

"I know." Xu Chuan nodded when he heard this, then put down the work at hand, got up and walked out with Cai Meng.

A few days ago, contacted Zhang Yan and said that they wanted to do an exclusive interview with Xu Chuan.To be honest, he doesn't usually like to be interviewed.

However, considering that Phoenix still had some influence outside the mainland, Xu Chuan thought for a while and agreed.

The interview took place in a rest area of ​​Xuchuan Studio.

When Xu Chuan walked over, the first thing that caught his eye was a peach-like back.

The figure from behind turned around when he heard the commotion, then quickly stepped forward and extended his hand to Xu Chuan with a smile: "Hello, Teacher Xu, I am a reporter from, and my name is Lei Lei."

Xu Chuan stretched out his hand to hold the hand of the woman who called herself Lei Lei, while looking at her face with gold-rimmed glasses and said, "Teacher Lei looks familiar."

"I just saw your concert last night. The first row was right next to the couple."

Yes, this Leilei is Remy.

(End of this chapter)

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