Chapter 109 Untitled
"Brother, if we don't shake it, we won't be able to shake it off!"

Li Tong couldn't help scolding when he heard the words.

"Didn't you just send someone to report to the Great Khan?"

Zhao Quan, the attendant behind him, was also puzzled and said, "That's right, I should have arrived at Baiyangkou long ago, and I have sent several batches. Could it be that the Great Khan doesn't want to capture Prince Daming alive?"

"Fart, there must be something wrong on the road!"

Just now Lu Bing ordered the poor bandits not to chase after him, but when Zhu Zaiyu insisted on chasing him out with his troops, Li Tong guessed that this person should be the prince he was looking for.

It's just that he rushed into the Ming army's camp to fight, and Li Tong's trilogy also suffered a lot of losses.

This time Zhu Zaiyu will be followed by Ma Fang's Datong family soldiers and Yansui Qingqi. Li Tong has no confidence in eating these 700 people.

Li Tong's face was gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and said angrily, "There are still a few forks in the road ahead, just get rid of this group of people from there!"

Even if Li Tongxin was unwilling, he could only save his own life first.

Li Tong's route in this area was no less than Ma Fang's. After walking a few forks, even Ma Fang was gradually thrown away by Li Tong.

"When it's critical, you can't even send a message back! You have to do big things! Is pissing still the stuff for big things?!"

Li Tong, who threw off Zhu Zaiyuhou, breathed out his fragrance all the way, and rushed towards the direction of Baiyangkou cursing.

The group of people behind Li Tong are all from the White Lotus Sect, although they are Han Chinese.

But in the matter of entering the customs and fighting the grass valley, he was far more active than Alda, and even built a palace for Alda in Dabansheng City, ready to persuade Alda to proclaim himself emperor.

The ashamed Zhao Quan who was scolded dared not make a sound.

"Brother, let's not go back and take a walk with them now, and wait for the reinforcements from the Great Khan."

"Wait so much! Wait any longer, and the Great Khan will leave us and return to the army!"

After the battle in Ziying Prefecture, I Da was thinking about withdrawing troops.

Originally, in this battle, I said that I wanted to fight until Jiajing confessed and then paid tribute to the Tumed Ministry.

Who would have thought that Jiajing not only didn't give in, but also took out his family fortune and told me desperately.

Playing and stopping along the way, it is obvious that I have no intention of continuing to fight.

Li Tong knew that the fundamental purpose of I Da was to pay tribute to Daming, if he hadn't convinced Da Ming after being so tough this time, I'm afraid that I Da would change his mind in the future.

Walking all the way, the group soon reached the pass near Baiyangkou, but when Li Tong approached, he noticed something was wrong.

Because it's too quiet here.

It was so quiet in the woods that not even a house sparrow chirped.

It can only mean that someone scared away the birds here.

There is an ambush!

Li Tong yelled loudly, but before he finished speaking, the sound of sharp arrows piercing the air came from a distant slope.

The Ming army who had been ambushing on the hillside rushed out.

It was an encounter for which neither side was prepared.

It was also the first time that Ning Jue had seen a real battlefield. In less than a quarter of an hour, a strong smell of blood permeated the entire pass.

This time Bao Zhuzi only brought a total of 400 people, of which only 150 were Zhou Shangwen's family soldiers.

The rest were selected from the personal soldiers of Zhu Xizhong, Xu Yande and others.

As for Li Tong, the situation is not much better.

The damage along the way, but only 600 people left.

"Bingxian, this is the serious trouble you mentioned! The crown prince didn't catch up, but we caught up!"

Ning Jue looked at Bao Zhuzi in shock.

"Zhuzi, you are crazy, there are many people on the other side!"

"I thought of it when I stopped! The crown prince didn't catch up with this big trouble, it means we chased the prince back!"

"Brothers, let go and kill this serious trouble!"

After finishing speaking, Bao Zhuzi rode out on his horse and went straight to Li Tong.

It's just that Bao Zhuzi obviously underestimated the fighting will of Li Tong and his group.

The ordinary prairie rangers had already dispersed and retreated after such an ambush, but Li Tong looked at Bao Zhuzi in front of him with scarlet eyes: "Okay, I can't get through any messenger, so it turns out that you are here It’s cut off! It’s a big deal for the bad grandpa, don’t let any of you run away!”

In less than a stick of incense's effort, both parties were completely red-eyed.

Although Li Tong had a large number of people, the Ming army waited for work with leisure, and forcibly killed them evenly.

Ning Jue rushed up several times in person, but was always guarded by the two family soldiers left behind by Bao Zhuzi.

It's just that the bloodshed in front of him soon exceeded Ning Jue's ability to bear it.

First, one of the family soldiers protecting him was killed and another was seriously injured.

Then there is Ning Jue herself.

It's just that Ning Jue, who is red-eyed, has long forgotten that he came to the battlefield to seek death.

Nearly a thousand people from both sides fought for nearly an hour. Those who had the strength to move were all seriously injured, and those who were not seriously injured were exhausted. Even Ning Jue was hit twice. Waiting for death to come by the side of the road.

Bao Zhuzi seemed to be a blood man, standing among the corpses of several Tartars, approaching Li Tong step by step.

And Li Tong also killed several family soldiers in a row, glaring at Bao Zhuzi.

"Everyone! Do you know how big a deal it is to break Naigong?!"

Bao Zhuzi was startled when he heard the words, and then the anger in his heart grew stronger.

"Are you a Han Chinese?!"

"Fuck your mother, the thing I regret the most in my life is being reincarnated as a Han!"

The two quickly waved their knives and trembled. Bao Zhuzi went straight to the Gate of Fate, and Li Tong didn't care about his own life.

Soon, both of them were seriously injured, until finally both of them lay on the ground gasping for breath and began to scold each other.

"You regret being a Han Chinese yourself, and you think that the people in the world who have harmed the world will not be able to live in peace. Are you worthy of being a human being?"

Bao Zhuzi glared at Li Tong.

But Li Tong gritted his teeth and glared at Bao Zhuzi.

"I want to live a peaceful life! But look at what those bastards in the court are doing! The military households established by Emperor Taizu Gao have not been changed until now."

"Those command envoys under his command want me to farm for their family from generation to generation! Our family has planted fields for them for five generations! Five generations! Our Li family is the descendant of the Tang royal family!"

"If I hadn't fled to the grassland, I wouldn't even be able to eat salt! I made the court peaceful, but did the court let me live?!"

The people around Li Tong were gathered by the White Lotus Sect, but apart from the identity of the congregation, they also had a common identity.


Panting heavily, Bao Zhuzi glared at Li Tong.

"You farm in the Central Plains, don't you just herd sheep on the grassland?! There are thousands of herdsmen on the grassland!"

"Fart, I'm on the grassland, at least I don't have to look at people anymore!"

"You don't need to farm, it's because you are a Han! Without the Han people in the world, you are a slave in the eyes of the Tartars!"

"Fart, you are a Nanman, what face do you have to talk about the grassland? At least you can eat meat on the grassland! How many Han people can eat meat?!"

As soon as Li Tong finished speaking, Bao Zhuzi's roar echoed throughout the valley.

"I'm not Han Chinese! My name is Borjijin Bagen! I'm also a descendant of Genghis Khan!"

"The herdsmen on the grassland only have endless mustards and shallots! But he and his grandson have endless cattle and sheep every day! When there was a heavy snowfall, six members of our family froze to death and one starved to death. Three of them! Qianhu snatched our sister away without paying any attention!"

Everyone in the col was shocked by Bao Zhuzi's words, and then Bao Zhuzi forced himself to prove his identity with a few correct words in Mongolian.

"When I arrived in the Central Plains, it was the general town who gave me a bite to eat. I made a matchmaker and got married, and lived a peaceful life in the Central Plains."

"Ask, how many of the people under the command of the general town are Han Chinese! They are all Daming who were forced out to vote by those khans you think are wise, that Lao Shizi's I Da, who called his grandson!"

Grassland and Central Plains come from the same line.

Even the Tao and Xie families have produced countless grandchildren of the concubines.

All the glory belongs to the concubine only.

Outside the col, the sound of war drums, the neighing of war horses, and the collision of swords seemed to be all in sight.

Zhou Shangwen's commander-in-chief flag and the nine-shaped white banner fluttered in front of their respective formations, directing the direction of everyone's progress.

All the soldiers were red-eyed. They regarded each other as enemies and tried their best to fight each other's weapons.

There was another snow disaster on the grassland last winter.

It was a war between 20 prairie herdsmen who had no food and clothing and [-] Ming soldiers who hadn't even seen military pay a few times in their lives.

Kill each other, they will be able to live better.

At least they trust each other.

After an unknown amount of time, the blood on the ground gradually dried up, turning the soil under his feet black.

There was a rush of hoofbeats in the valley.

Everyone lying in a pool of blood didn't bother to raise their heads to see whose reinforcements had arrived.

"Master Ning, I'm late, we won."

This was the first sentence Zhu Zaiyan said after dragging Ning Jue out of several corpses.

Ning Jue feebly raised his head and glanced at Zhu Zaixun.


Zhu Zaiyu nodded slightly.

"I broke through the reinforcements from Liaoyang in Datong and was defeated by Zhou Taibao. I have withdrawn from the Great Wall from Baiyangkou. We won."

Ning Jue pointed to a pile of corpses in front of him, and looked at Zhu Zaiyu with difficulty.

"Tell me, what did we win?!"

"You tell me what we won?!"

Zhu Xizhong helped Ning Jue up, but bowed his head to persuade: "My dear brother, too many people have died, you can't do anything else."

This war made Zhu Xizhong, Zhang Rong and Xu Yande grow a lot.

From not wanting to touch weapons in this life to not wanting to touch weapons again in this life.

Ning Jue turned a deaf ear and pushed Zhu Xizhong away, excitedly pointing at Bao Zhuzi and Li Tong who were unconscious in the distance.

"He was seriously injured for Daming, but he is the enemy of the imperial court."

"He is a kingly citizen in the eyes of the imperial court. He would rather risk his life than make the Ming Dynasty restless."

"You told me I won? Did you guys win like that?!"

The cruelty of this war far exceeded Zhu Zaiyu and Ning Jue's imagination.

Zhu Zaiyu lowered his head and tore off the helmet of a Tartar corpse.

What catches the eye is the fair scalp.




These are the characteristics of perennial hair growth.

Even though Zhu Zaiyong knew the answer on the battlefield long ago, Zhu Zaiyong still read every sentence of the corpse here.

Until the end, Zhu Zaiyu sat paralyzed on a mound.

The first thing that came to mind was only four words.

Jiajing Zhongxing.

(End of this chapter)

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