Heroes of invincible immortal mod

Chapter 279: Breaking the Wilderness Inscription

Chapter 279: Breaking the Wilderness Inscription (please vote)

The wind is howling, and the snow is coming.

On the edge of the barren desert, new grass has sprouted, decorating the earth with greenery. Soon, the spring breeze will blow over the green banks, the bright moon will shine again, and winter will be over.

There was a team of poor wolf cavalrymen in the wilderness. Their swords, saddles, and dry food were all missing. Even the wargs were exhausted and skinny, and their wolf claws were stained with blood. Even so, he still didn't dare to stop, and sometimes looked back at the rear, where the grass and trees were all under attack.

After the wolf cavalry attacked for a long time, a large number of pig monsters carried luggage and pushed trailers, moving towards the south.

Originally there were not so many people, but when the defeated troops passed by Bingge Town, news of the defeat on the front line spread. Without the leadership of the clan leader, the garrisoned generals fled one after another. They have not personally seen the power of the ghost town, and are somewhat reluctant to part with the spiritual jade treasures and food reserves in the town.

For the high-ranking barbarians, the main purpose is to promote force through war and compete for hegemony in all directions, so as to obtain treasures and resources, and to achieve enlightenment through Taoism. But for the pig monsters at the bottom, war is actually very simple. If you can't survive, you have to find someone who stutters. If we don’t attack other races, we will only have civil strife among the barbarians.

Bingge Town has experienced several wars, and the ordinary resident population has become smaller. However, under Xuanji's governance, many merchants were willing to go to the border to sell some scarce resources to earn the price difference by buying and selling, and market trade gradually became popular.

This group of well-informed merchants, Cunning Rabbit Sanku, had connections all over the place. Even if the city was attacked by Manhuangling, it would not be too difficult. They could survive if they handed over enough food or resources.

During this retreat, most of the barbarians carried resources. After all, they needed food to survive more than slaves.

Looking at the wolf cavalry general riding Juechen in front, the garrison soldiers laughed.

"These wolf cubs ran so fast, they even left the guy who was eating on the road. After finally coming to the place of the human race, why don't you take it back for fun?

Unfortunately, there are still several carts of grain in the town and they cannot be moved. There are also several concubines of merchants who were killed by the commander. The human women are just not good enough. Why don't they trade more food with those two-legged sheep? "

"I heard that the Battle of Yuancheng was defeated, and the enemy sent troops to pursue them fiercely. This expedition involves the royal family of the Golden Desert, and it is so brutal. It is best for us to leave quickly to avoid being overtaken."

"That bullshit royal family, I have heard from the brothers who came back. They escaped from the battle and were carried away by an old monkey. If it weren't for this coward, the outcome of the battle would not have been decided yet.

What's there to be afraid of? The wolf rider will flee back from the battlefield non-stop. How long will it take for the opponent to catch up from the north to the south?

As long as we get into the Gobi desert and get mixed up in the sandstorm, how can we find the other party? "

There are those who are happy but not thinking about Shu, there are those who are worried and fearful, and there are those who are arrogant and arrogant. They have not personally experienced the battle in Yuancheng. After all, they do not understand the fear of the defeated soldiers, and they think it is just the general's escape.

After all, among the barbarians who advocate fighting, escaping is definitely a dishonorable thing. In addition, Yuan Fen is really unbearable, so the Wolf Cavalry generals have no psychological pressure to shirk the blame.

As everyone was walking, they suddenly saw yellow sand clouds gathering in front of them. The power of the storm became more powerful. In the middle of the mountains, there was a vague city standing.

"Zhagu Village! We are back. As long as we pass this village, we can return to the Gobi. Even if the bullshit human race has wings, it will be difficult to chase them!

Hahaha. "

When everyone saw the fortress, they immediately became excited and beat the prisoners who were still alive hard with whips, asking them to speed up and rush towards the gate of the fortress.

About two-quarters of an hour later, the pig monsters finally arrived at the entrance of the village, only to find that the village was in some chaos. It turned out that the wolf cavalry general who arrived in front of them also did not go in and was still calling the city below.

"Hurry up and open the door. The pursuers are coming. Let us go in, otherwise you won't be able to defend it on your own!"

"The frontline suffered a huge defeat. I have important military information to convey. The Council of Elders is still waiting for my information. You cannot bear the delay."

The wolf riders angrily insulted them, but the pig monsters looked on with amusement. The wolf cubs ran very fast, which was useless.

"Lord Guardsman, we have captured a large amount of food, prisoners, and spiritual jade treasures from Bingge Town. Wouldn't it be nice to open a door for everyone to share?"

Hearing the shouts of the pig monsters and looking at the large number of wooden carts and goods, there was obviously a commotion on the top of the city, but the city gate was still not open, which made these big-eared people anxious.

"You should hurry up and open the door! There is so much food, even if you share it with the brothers, it will be enough to survive several cold winters. You can't defend this place with just your soldiers. What's more, there is a shortage of food in the village. If you don't eat, How to fight?"

At the top of the city, a beautiful fox girl stared into the distance and never let the door open. She was none other than Tu Shuang, the Taoist priest from Qingqiu who had fled the village before. He was chased by Xiya before and escaped miserably.

This time, the young master of the Golden Desert led the team and led the heroes of the Zongheng Mountains to attack. It was even more silent beforehand. I heard that they were also cooperating with the demonic forces, and Yuancheng was just a helper. Tu Shuang naturally wanted to take revenge and came to Jiuhuang with the team, but he didn't want to be assigned to guard Zaku Village, and he almost died of anger.

But what shocked her even more was that the Northern Expedition team was defeated! Lost?

Tu Shuang still didn't believe it until now. It wasn't until the defeated troops coming from all directions below the city made her wake up from her dream.

The Manhuangling army of more than 6,000 people was really destroyed by the original city. It wasn't even their turn to march into the Holy Ancient Forest. They didn't even get out of Jiuhuang before they returned in defeat.

"Yuan Fen is a loser! There are also a group of clan leaders in the Zongheng Mountains. Thanks to your high positions, you are so arrogant. As a result, you are a coward in every battle. You can't even defeat a group of skeleton troops, and you falsely call yourself a barbarian!"

Tu Shuang scolded every general, making the defenders on the city extremely embarrassed. After all, most of the soldiers are pig monsters, wolf cavalry generals, etc., and it is a bit embarrassing for their own commander to be humiliated.

"Qingqiu Daozhong, nearly 300 soldiers have gathered outside the city. It is better to let them in to supplement the strength of the city defenders. Otherwise, letting them yell and curse will not be good for the morale of the army."

The speaker was a pig monster leader, with a disk-like face that almost touched Tu Shuang's chest, and he was dripping with tears. But at this moment, its eyes were always staring at the wooden cart under the city, and its eyes were shining brightly.

Not only it, but also the soldiers and generals guarding the city wall were a little restless.

Tu Shuang wanted to scold her, but she didn't say it. Since the last defeat, her status in the clan has plummeted. She was placed in Zaku Mountain Stronghold, which may not be without punishment. Even the fox sacrifice soldiers, she only brought a few dozen, mainly relying on the pig monster generals and wolf cavalry.

I originally thought that marching north would be a plundering trip, and there would be benefits to be gained, so the most important troops were sent out. There were also old, weak, sick and disabled people here, but they numbered only a few hundred, relying on the favorable location to defend the city. If the defeated troops under the city could be consolidated and their strength doubled instantly, it would be a great achievement.

Seeing that Tu Shuang was a little moved, the leader of the pig monsters continued to persuade: "The pig monsters down there are dumb and can't speak, but their words are rough and rational. Even if you ignore these escaping cowards, you still need food and wood resources.

Now that all the clans are defeated and have no time to take care of themselves, who will provide food and weapons for the walled city? How can we defend the city if we don't fill it in? "

"Besides, even if the enemy is fierce, it is a great achievement for us to sort out the defeated troops and return to the Zongheng Mountains with resources. A large number of clan leaders died in the battle. You may be able to advance to the next level in Qingqiu."

I have to say that the pig monster usually looks stupid, lustful, and endlessly greedy. When faced with food and treasures, his mind was running very fast and his words were clear and logical. Tu Shuang had no reason to refute.

The most important thing is, looking at the appearance of the soldiers guarding the city, I know they have to let go. If we don't take this batch of resources, I'm afraid there will be a mutiny, especially at the beginning of the defeat, the morale of the army is unstable.

"Open the door! Let them in!"

Tu Shuang ordered that the gate of the walled city slowly descend and connect to the steep mountain wall for the defeated troops to enter the city.

Zhagu Village has been standing here for thousands of years. The reason is simple: it is easy to defend but difficult to attack. It is slightly different from the Beihuo Valley. There are steep mountains here and a canyon in front of the village gate. Three roads converge here, leading into the village.

As long as a sufficient number of long-range troops are deployed in the city, waiting for work, the siege can be solved. Of course, if the enemy is a powerful high-level legion, it is indeed difficult to defend with troops such as Fox Girl, but we can also arrange for the troops to break up the rear and use the special building escape tunnels in the Wilderness Ridge to withdraw a large number of troops back to the Zongheng Mountains for follow-up.

As a result, Jiuhuang County had been competing with Zongheng Mountains for many years, but never had a decisive advantage. Therefore, after occupying the mountain stronghold, they could only retreat to Bingge Town to defend themselves, and there was nothing they could do.

Huge mountains block the Gobi Desert, and sand and dust come with strong winds.

A large number of broken soldiers happily marched towards the mountain stronghold, pushing a large amount of goods and pushing each other. It was very chaotic and huddled in front of the door.

"Don't worry, let me go first. I have a lot of food in my car."

"Don't talk nonsense. Who doesn't have that little food? I'm still holding the treasure. Let me in first."

"A bunch of greedy pig monsters, you don't know the terror of the enemy at all. Let me and the wargs go in quickly and tell the guard to let her retreat across the mountains."

While they were noisy and crowded, a strong wind blew from one side of the grassland, and huge clouds descended over the mountain village.

The dim world suddenly turned dark. While everyone was still thinking, they discovered a large number of winged horses flying from the clouds, as well as wind eagles traveling with the wind.

"The enemy is attacking! Close the city gate quickly and prepare the guards!" The horn sounded to welcome the enemy, but the gate of the walled city could not be closed. A large number of broken soldiers grabbed the city gate, and some even used swords to cut the ropes. In particular, the wolf soldiers who had escaped from the North were even more frightened and turned pale. They stepped on the pig monster general's body and jumped onto the city gate, making the scene even more chaotic.

Among the clouds, two Taoists were riding Yu Ling, charging down. Blessed by the swift spiritual wind of Yunjun's Taoist seed, Wind Eagle and Pofa Yuqi descended from the sky like gods of war as if they had divine help, and drove the defeated troops into the stronghold for a fight.

Counterattacking the Zongheng Mountains and occupying the Zhagu Mountain Stronghold was something Gao Hao had promised Xiya a long time ago. He deliberately used the ghost palace to summon Xiya about this matter. Naturally, the princess did not hesitate. She did not even bring ground troops. Instead, she relied on flying troops to cross the Snowy Mountains, bypass the snowy mountain path, and directly reach Jiuhuang. She did not rest for a moment, chasing from north to south, rushing to enter the city before the defeated troops. Arrive in front of the village.

Another Taoist is Fu Ye. Relying on his concealment skills, the army can lurk in the clouds, waiting for the enemy to open the city gate.

In fact, they came half a day early, but the gate of the village was not open at that time. Although they could defeat the group of defenders with the help of the army, they were limited by the formation defense and the stalemate lasted for a long time. Xiya thought for a while and judged that the enemy would definitely collect the defeated troops, and waiting for the opening of the city would be their best time to attack.

Looking at this city that the previous lords of Jiuhuang County wanted to conquer, Xiya's heart was already filled with excitement. But the more this happened, the more she had to calm down and wait for the perfect opportunity.

And now, the opportunity has come!

"Wind Eagle, Black Bird, follow me to attack and kill these barbarians!"

"Broken Law Yuqi, look at these wolf cavalry generals, they are the despicable butchers who slaughtered the holy warrior heroes. Kill them to avenge the fallen warriors!"

For Fuye, the spirit of revenge has long been burned, and the mark is still engraved on the body of the Wolf Rider. All the troops led by him can clearly see the bright marks on the Wolf Rider during the battle. As long as they face the enemy, they will have endless anger. Whether it is normal attacks or long-range damage, their power can be greatly increased.

[Wind Eagle 50, Black Bird Incarnation 20, Law-Breaking Feather Cavalry 30]

Although there were only 100 troops, with the addition of the two Taoists, the tiger descended from the mountain, tearing apart the enemy defenders with its war blades and sharp claws. Especially the enemy troops who were fleeing for their lives and transporting goods had no intention of fighting at all. The unilateral massacre affected the morale of the troops, causing the morale of the defenders above the mountain stronghold to be greatly reduced and they fled one after another.

As a result, even though there were more defenders, they were unable to withstand the attack of Xiya and others. The city gate collapsed, and the city was close to being breached before the defensive formation was opened.

There were cries and pleas for mercy everywhere, but what they responded to was bloody revenge.

Both Xiya and Fu Ye had evil looks on their faces, and they had no intention of letting each other go. Blood debts must be paid with blood. As the natives of Jiuhuang, they naturally know how many times the people of Jiuhuang have been plundered by barbarians.

There are always defenders who say that the overall situation is taken into consideration and peace is the most important thing. For the overall bullshit situation, let the wolf knights and pig monsters go to the underworld and talk to the people who died unjustly in their hands. When they wielded the butcher knife, did they ever think of these innocent and pitiful civilians?

To fear power but not virtue is the nature of these barbarians!


"Avenge the people of Jiuhuang."

"This is their retribution!"

Blood splattered all over the city and the guards collapsed. Only blood and fire can wash away their sins!

When Xiya rushed into the ancient village, she found that Tu Shuang had slipped away and escaped through the wilderness tunnel with dozens of fox sacrifices.

It seems that the other party also understands that when the city gate is opened, it has failed and is irreversible. With the grudge between her and Xiya, she would definitely die without a burial if she was caught, so she might as well run away.

"Can you run away?"

The dignified Yunjun Dao Seed used Swift Spirit Wind for Feng Ying, which was as fast as a dragon. What's more, Fu Ye, the ranger Taoist, is here, and his detective skills are his specialty. It's simply wishful thinking to escape just by using Taoist skills.

Fu Ye threw out a green leaf scout and ran towards the depths of the tunnel, then handed Xiya a seal and asked her to follow.

Xiya saw that the overall situation of Zaku's village was decided, so she asked Fu Ye to clean up the mess. She led dozens of wind eagles and flew towards the sky to chase the enemy.

After crossing the mountain village, we soon entered the Gobi Desert. There was yellow sand and strong winds everywhere, and it was extremely difficult to identify the direction. Without Fu Ye's guidance, we might have been smeared and escaped.

About half a day later, Xiya found that the scout seal was no longer moving, so she led the wind eagle to fly in the sky, checking the surrounding situation, but found no trace of Fox Festival.

Xiya was not in a hurry and waited silently. After about half a day, the light of dawn shone down and the yellow sandstorm became more violent. Suddenly a cave was opened on the ground. Several fox priests looked out furtively and found no enemies. Scattered away.

Until this moment, Xiya still didn't move, they were just some small fish, bait.

After the fox sacrifice ran far away, there was still no movement in the desert, and then a strange fox jumped out and ran towards the Gobi alone.

At this moment, several wind hawks flew down from the top of the sand, and the strong storm condensed into Xuantian Nine Qi Arrows, which bombarded Tu Shuang.

This Qingqiu Taoist resisted Taoism and suffered multiple attacks from Feng Ying, and was already on the verge of death. There are no troops to share the damage, and Xiya is now much stronger than her, so the damage caused is extremely high.

"Spare your life! Spare your life! Lord Xiya, I know the power dynamics of the barbarians in the Gobi. Nowadays, the losses of all tribes are great. If I take you in, you will definitely gain something!"

As he spoke, his pink eyes gathered together, and a fox heart was about to fluctuate.

However, what greeted her was another Xuantian Nine Qi Arrow and a ferocious attack. Before Tu Shuang could use his mental skills, his head was already in a different place.

Xiya used her sword to cut off the head of Qingqiu Daozong and faced the north to comfort her old friend Tianling. At this point, the main culprits who invaded Jiuhuang that year have been killed, and their worries have been put to rest.

At this moment, Feng Ying discovered something strange in Gobi.

"Princess, there is a stone tablet here that seems to contain some words. Could it be the Taoist Holy Wall?"

Xiya walked over and wiped away the wind and sand, and could vaguely see some blurry words.

"Only in the east pole... In the autumn and August of that year, there were Jiuhuang generals named Xishuo, Yinliang Shengming, ascended the Yi royal family, accepted them at Dalu, and Wei Qing Jixi. Then he went with Wuzong Hulu to report on his duties and patrol. He managed the troops in Zongheng .The School of Eagle Yang, the Scholars of Chihu, the Sixth Division of Yuangui..."

Looking back, it was difficult to see clearly, and the Wind Eagles all showed regretful expressions. The text was a record of the East Pole Region a long time ago, but they did not expect that the place where the inscription was located was beyond the Zhagu Mountain Stronghold and reached the depths of the Zongheng Mountains.

They had been flying for more than half a day and had already entered the hinterland of the Gobi Desert. Unexpectedly, troops from the Immortal Dynasty and Shengwu Palace came here long ago and carved monuments as a result.

When Xiya saw the inscription, especially Xi Shuo's name, even though she was as strong as she was, she still shed tears.

"Father, Xiya has followed the footsteps of our ancestors. Now that the Zhagu Mountain Stronghold has been destroyed, the Tartars have been expelled, and the Nine Wastelands have been restored, you can rest in peace!"

He took out a pot of wine from the Void Ring, sprinkled it in front of the boulder, and then let the wind eagle fly up to continue carving.

"Although this article was buried by the wind and sand, it will remain in my family forever. I have memorized it by heart when I was young. I say, you write it!"

"Ji Shengwu Fu Ye and Demon Cult Xuan Ji... formed eight formations to show their power, their black armor was dazzling, and their red flags were crimson... Then they sent out the military pavilion, crossed Zhagu, rode in the Yan Desert, and crept into the wild areas. Fall, burn the Dragon Court of the old man. The upper part is to mourn the old anger of the father and ancestors, and light up the mysterious spirit of the ancestors; the lower part is to stabilize the nine wilderness, expand the realm, and revitalize the quiet sound of the sky. This is the so-called one-time effort and long-lasting peace. If it is a temporary waste but eternal peace, then the mountain will be sealed and a stone will be published to show its great virtue."

"His words say: Master Shuo is here to conquer the desolate descendants, to suppress the evil and cruelty, and to cut off the overseas. He is here to perpetuate the boundaries of the land, to enshrine the gods and build high ridges, and to carry the emperor Xi to vibrate the world!"

His subordinates all looked at the princess blankly, quite frightened.

"Princess, is it a bit arrogant to write like this?"

However, Xiya's face was full of determination: "Whoever helps Jiuhuang capture Zaku and take revenge will be my lord and the emperor of the people of Jiuhuang.

What's more, I didn't make this up. It was actually an inscription from thousands of years ago, but it doesn't hurt to engrave it. "

Since the general said so, Feng Ying would be fine.

They took refuge with the princess and were also the people of Jiuhuang, so they recognized Yuanyou more and more.

Who will truly protect the common people, who will drive away the barbarians and bring peace to the world, the common people will know who they are.

The yellow sand is flying, the wind eagle is dancing, the years are mottled, but the achievements will last forever!

Anyone who dares to invade our Jiuhuang will be punished no matter how far away they are.

(End of this chapter)

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