Heroes of invincible immortal mod

Chapter 64 Ambition Rekindled

Chapter 64 Ambition Rekindled
The southern line is close to the magic soil mine, and a scout troop is investigating the surrounding area. A few tengus appeared in the field, confused by a pink Dao Qi, and after a short struggle, they were included in the army.

Although it doesn't look very smart, it's no problem to let the dog out after closing the door.

Wild creatures joining the team usually require the same power and the control of a powerful spirit to be able to barely control them.If the number exceeds a certain limit, there will be riots, and the control is far inferior to the units directly recruited in the barracks.

A graceful female leader walked to the front of the team, with long black hair hanging like night, delicate and smooth skin, a floor-length tulle skirt, elegant clothes dancing with the wind, and the tender flesh could be seen through the blurred cover.

The charm of Fei Gu was almost substantive, and all the creatures around, including the newly recruited Tengu, stared at her with blood-red eyes and salivated.

Fei Gu seems to enjoy the attention of all the people, and she is also very happy to show her beauty. For the Demon Blood Cultists, high-quality flesh and blood should be appreciated by living beings, so as to understand the true meaning of teachings.

She suddenly asked: "You said that there is a death lord in the original village of Xixian, and also built a strange city and barracks, and the power has almost caught up with the county city?"

At this time, a man in black robe suddenly came beside him, and lifted his mask, it turned out to be Guo Sheng, the Daoist who attacked Yuancun earlier.

But his condition was very bad, his face and neck were criss-crossed, his flesh was turned out, and a little blood oozes out after a while.Dao Qi in the body is frantic, and blood red is mixed in the darkness of the eyes.A small hole was opened in the chest, and half of the worm body protruded out, wriggling non-stop, and the end connected to the heart temporarily stopped sleeping, like a bomb that might explode at any time.

Guo Di retreated from the original village at that time, and hastily used the magical power of the demon bandit to escape from the golden cicada. He couldn't even support the Yinxi robe, so he stayed where he was for the time being.Excessive consumption of dao qi will lead to a deficiency of qi and blood and burn life, which will leave great troubles in the future.

When the Dao Seed awakens to gain power, it is cursed by the Dao of Heaven, and an evil seed that is accompanied by forces is planted in its heart. Once it cannot withstand the influence of the inner demon, especially when it is weak and cannot use the characteristics of Dao Qi to suppress the camp, it will be corrupted It is a bit similar to ordinary people being alienated into arms, completely losing their minds.

Guo Chen was about to be unable to hold on, but unexpectedly, the demonic Gu planted by Lingdong resisted when it sensed the crisis of life and death, and temporarily neutralized the backlash of the demonic blood.However, the price of this unconventional confrontation is very high. Guo Chen has not been able to recover his body so far, and the Gu worms are half dead. He does not know when they will kill him.

Under such circumstances, he naturally didn't dare to go back to Nine Desolation City, not to mention the loss of troops, the magic Gu was made like this, Lingdong had no means of control, and he almost knew the result without even thinking about it.What's more, he fled in a hurry at that time, so he could only go south, so he entered the territory of Fei Gu, and was caught by Huo Nu just in time.

Seeing that he had broken free from the control of the demonic gu, Feigu did not send him to Nine Desolation City, but instead detained him. As a member of the army, after all, he was once a Daoist, so his value is not low.If he is forced to work hard, at least he will have a chance to release Shang Shanruo Shui.

Guo Jin bent down, not daring to look at the dazzling snow-white, and replied: "My lord, I saw with my own eyes at that time that the ghost town's conference hall and all the barracks were fully built and had begun to take shape. Except for nine I have seen it in the deserted city, and there is no other reappearance."

Concubine Gu paced back and forth, thinking secretly.

In fact, this is not the first time she asked Guo Chen about this news, but she still felt a little shocked.

All Dao species know the importance of establishing influence, but too few of them can really succeed. The reasons are very complicated. The biggest obstacle is the problem of resources and the degree of controlling influence.

Why is Jiuhuang County City important? It is a city bestowed by God. Although only level 3 barracks can be built, the cost is very small.It can be said that it can be used by capturing and occupying, and there is no need to pay attention to so many pre-built buildings and conditions.

When the Devil's Blood Thief opened, fire fell to the ground, and some god-given cities suffered disasters, which was the key to Lingdong's ability to take the opportunity to confuse the guards and seize the county.

Previously, the authority of the Nine Wastes City was in the hands of Xi Ya's father. Although Xi Ya also established a barracks in the city, she did not fully inherit it due to her study tour.Originally, he wanted to inherit the heaven-sent city and control the Nine Desolation Land after returning, but everything was delayed because of the coming of the blood moon.

This is why Xi Ya must take back the county city, not just for revenge, if she returns to Yunjian City or other places, she will have to start all over again, and it will also consume a lot of resources. It is a scarce resource for various forces, how to repay her for cultivating her?
Even if you are a girl of the sky, a fairy in the clouds, those powerful lords will only think that they have accepted a good general. If you are better, you may find a daughter-in-law for your son and grandson. Is it true that Xianchao is a land of light?

The Nine Desolation City is not a fixed power, it can be converted at a relatively small cost. As long as Xi Ya recovers the county city, coupled with her orthodox inheritance rights, she will immediately become the most reasonable master of the entire land.

To put it bluntly, resources, territory, and the current time are tight.If Lingdong is given a longer time, the gap will be widened, and even the corresponding low-level barracks can be established for all kinds of subordinates.

As for the transformation of Godsend, whether the power will be permanent, and whether the upper limit can be raised, these are not issues that ordinary Taoists think about, and only one lord can study carefully, because the resource consumption is indeed sky-high.

Fei Gu said: "It's not impossible for special forces to hide. I found some savages on the southern front before, but I haven't heard of such a bizarre thing as the resurrection of bones. I still have to be careful."

Guo Yin hastily said yes, in his mouth, the ghost city of Yuancun is already an invincible terrorist force, otherwise wouldn't it appear that he is too incompetent?But he didn't dare to spread rumors too much, and described the strength of the opponent's troops and the strength of the ghouls in more detail.

Fei Gu licked her red lips, and suddenly said with an evil smile: "Since Yuan Village has such a foundation, and the mysterious man you mentioned, we might as well concentrate on invading westward, breaking through the enemy camp, and taking back the Dao Seed.

Both men and women are my darlings. Wouldn't it be fun to watch them fight in the devil's lair! "

Seeing that Concubine Bone's face was flushed, it must be a bit of a superiority, Guo Yan reminded: "We delayed the march, which is a bit out of bounds, but it can be explained a little bit. If we change the attack target, Lingdong will definitely blame it."

Concubine Gu was immediately displeased, her face was gloomy, and the surrounding temperature dropped.

She stared at Guo Chen's heart for a few more glances: "Forget it, after all, it's just a self-built base of Daoism, with a limit to growth, and different forces can't plunder.

I just want to take a look at the lord of the ghost town. Who would have thought that there are so many glorious battles on the western front, but there is someone else behind them. Meng Xuanji is just a cover-up. "

If you don't know about Yuancun's ghost town, you must think that Meng Xuanji, the Acacia Taoist, is the master of the western front, after all, it is the era of demon blood.

But as long as they understand the power structure, almost all Taoists can clearly judge the situation. Whoever controls the military and politics is the real boss.

At this moment, a report came from the front, saying that there was an envoy on his behalf to deliver a letter and items to Concubine Gu.

Concubine Gu glanced at Guo Sheng, and then entered the tent.After a while, he came out and let the messenger go.

When Guo Jin saw her again, he found that the Dao Qi fluctuations in her body seemed to be quite depressed, and she had an illusion of falling into chaos, which was somewhat similar to herself.

Concubine Gu no longer talked or laughed as before, and looked at Beibei solemnly: "The master of this ghost city is not easy, I am afraid it will be difficult to deal with, and this battle of Lingdong may not be as complete as imagined.

We delay the march, maintain our strength, and be cautious if there is a war. "

After finishing speaking, he took off the tulle in public, ignored the staring eyes of the crowd, put on armor and sword, and was fully armed.

Guo Di didn't know what message came from the other party, which made the always proud and conceited Concubine Gu so vigilant and worried.He really wanted to ask if he didn't go according to the plan, Lingdong might forcibly activate the demonic gu, how should Fei Gu respond then?

This Acacia Daoist is a bit of a loafer, but he is not a fool. There is a reason for this change of attitude.

What's more, Guo Di is a Daoist after all, and he knows the subtleties of his mind and soul observation.

He could vaguely see that the blood in Concubine Gu's eyes was raging red, as if a flame was burning again, it was the expansion of ambition!

(End of this chapter)

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