Chapter 151 Untitled
"We are celestial beings! We are a private armed organization that possesses the goddess of love, the final weapon of battle. The purpose of our celestial beings' activities is to eradicate war behavior from this world. We will not act for our own selfishness, but for It exists with the lofty goal of eradicating war. From this moment on, I declare to all mankind-territory, religion, energy, no matter what the reason, we will start to use force to intervene in all acts of war! Any country, organization, Enterprises will become the targets of your intervention by force! We are heaven and man, an armed organization established to completely eradicate war behavior from this world." Liszt put on a righteous and awe-inspiring look, and arrogantly charged all the victims The announcement of human beings who watched this announcement was compelled or voluntarily watched.

"In addition, in order to prove what we said is true, we have arranged for the goddess of love at the Ivan level, that is, the attack range can reach 1 kilometers, the maximum flight speed can reach three times the speed of sound, and the explosive power The ultimate decisive weapon that can directly destroy everything within a radius of [-] kilometers is buried in Mount Fuji!"

"As we all know, Mt. Fuji is the world's largest sakura stone mine production area. If it is detonated, not only the sakura stone system will have huge problems, but the whole of Japan - the 11th district, will also be accompanied by Mt. Fuji and the huge sakura stored in Mt. Fuji The explosion of the rock directly sank into the ocean, which in turn caused vibrations on the continental shelf, thus affecting the stability of the surrounding area."

"So, next, we don't want the Black Knights and Britannia to repeat itself. Of course, we don't want similar things to happen in other countries. Therefore, after confirming that the order in District 11 is stable, We will continue to go to other important areas, or nodes on the continental shelf to carry out weapons burial operations, so as to make our own contribution to the peace and stability of the entire world."

"We are Celestial Beings, an armed organization that exists for planetary peace."

"Sorry to bother everyone."

Then Liszt signaled Miss 2B to cut off the playback, and relaxed again.

"Did you really bury the goddess of love in Mount Fuji?" Cornelia asked Liszt with an incredulous look.

"Yeah, what's the problem?" Liszt asked with a smile.

Of course, he was lying to her!
After all, the goddess of love has not been developed for a long time, but it has only been more than a month. Even if he intends to do so, Mount Fuji is not a no-man's land. The so-called Six Houses of Kyoto and Britannia have already put The guards over there are like Tietong. If they want to enter silently and bury the so-called Ivan-level Goddess of Love deep in the ground, that is not a small project!

At least it is almost impossible without him personally dispatching.

Therefore, saying that the Goddess of Love was buried in Mount Fuji was completely fooling Cornelia and others, in order to make other people have a deep enough impression of the Celestial Organization and even pay attention to it.

As for other things...

He is not a lunatic who destroys the world, but he is not prepared to really bury the goddess of love on every continental shelf node...

What if one day a certain place really explodes due to the movement of geological plates?

Waiting for innocent people to suffer heavy casualties!

"Damn! Contact the Empire, please send the most powerful investigation team to District 11 as soon as possible to find the Goddess of Love buried in Mount Fuji!" Guilford punched the table in front of him after watching the video , ordered loudly with resentment on his face.


"Report, the enemy has left!" Not long after that, a soldier walked into the city hall and reported to Guildford.

"Leaving?" Guilford confirmed with a frown.

"Yes, Avalon is heading southeast out of Tokyo."

"Where's the TV station?" Guilford pressed.

"Communications have been restored, and no casualties have been found for the time being."

"Is it really just to convey a message?" Guilford muttered with some headaches.

Such an honest rioter as Tianren is really rare.


"What's the next plan of Heaven and Man?" Lakshata, who was relaxed after finishing business, skillfully lit the cigarette stick in his hand, and asked Liszt in a leisurely manner.

"Since I have publicly stated that the purpose of our existence is to eliminate wars and will intervene by force in the next war, it is natural to do what we say and carry out our promises to the end. So the next action is very simple, get it done Armed disputes in various places." Liszt replied slowly.

"Only by us?" Lakshata questioned.

She admits that a single goddess of love makes all countries dare not act rashly against heaven and humans, but now there are only two so-called "heroes"-Karen and Mariana, and two leading planes in the world. The seventh-generation mechas, Lancelot and Guren Kosho-style, even if both of them have the ability to stop a thousand with one, they also have no way to defeat a national-level opponent!
Because compared to the country, the logistics supply of Tianren is indeed a short board.

Even if she has seen the magic of Liszt and the alchemy he mastered.

But it's not without a solution...

For example, those mechanical soldiers and mechanical spiders, as long as there are a few more talents like Miss 2B or Leiden Mei, who can use radio waves to control mechanical soldiers in a large area, these mechanical soldiers and mechanical spiders can be transformed into mechanical miners. Then throw them into no-man's land or offshore areas for fully automatic mining and production, then it's not impossible to fight a protracted war with national-level organizations.

"So in the future, I will gather the members of the Celestial Organization who are still scattered outside and carry out the plan."

"Aren't you afraid that one bad person will be wiped out?" Lakxiata reminded.

Avalon is not omnipotent, it can only fly, and Britannia does not have an air force, and with the existence of Lloyd, after that, flying machines like Lancelot and Crimson Soaring will only More and more and not just stop at Lancelot, so the advantage that Avalon possesses will only become weaker and weaker. If you don’t find a way to improve or solve it quickly, it’s really only a matter of time before the celestial beings are wiped out. question……

Of course, if Liszt really implements the matter of burying the goddess of love on the continental shelf, and then binds the detonation conditions of these goddesses of love to his own heartbeat, then it can threaten all countries and make all countries dare not come Find trouble with heaven and man.

It's just whether the other party will believe it...

This Lakshata is not so sure.

Anyway, with Emperor Xiao Lulu's dominance, it is estimated that Liszt would not be left alone.

(End of this chapter)

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