Chapter 219 One Month
"You bastard!" Greena cursed angrily as she watched Liszt leave gracefully.

However, it is not really like Liszt said, he will be included in the ranks of deserters, and then reported to Griffin headquarters for blacklist registration, and related retaliation and processing, so after being angry for a while, he Focus on the task at hand again.

After all, work is more important than these trivial matters.

Although she is always thinking about how to catch fish...

"Don't expect me to honor it in the future!"


On the other hand, Liszt, who left the place where Greena was, was also very straightforward. After solving the hunger problem in the simple restaurant, he returned to the underground base that had changed its appearance at this time, and released nanomachines. The surrounding area, especially the position of the entrance and exit is blocked, and a shielding magnetic field is created——

After all, he didn't forget the last time he opened the space door in the base and caused an impact.

Although these are also what Glenna said after the fact, just in case, it is better to be cautious.

What if Greena led someone to find the underground base when she was transforming?
It can't be, it's really a full martial arts show, right?

Although he doesn't care about Griffin and the base, he is afraid that the transformation will be affected!

Naturally, it is very unlikely to find a way to cut off from the source, but accidents may indeed happen.

After all, compared to the previous space gate, whether it is the collapse technology or other technologies involved in this transformation, the energy consumption and the disturbance of the surrounding magnetic field are not smaller than when the space gate is opened, and even stronger!

For this reason, he prepared a total of 12 pieces of the energy system alone—the Ark reactor, and each piece was a super-powerful reactor with a level of +9, and then formed them into a reactor matrix to build a larger Reactor black box, put them in a black ball according to the Dyson sphere theory, and then strengthened it six times!

Although the effects of the two enhancements cannot be generalized, the superposition is real, so how much energy can be burst out, Liszt is a little uncertain!
Anyway, it should not be lower than the eruption efficiency of the star engine in the wandering earth.

However, before officially starting the excavation, Liszt felt that it would be better to get rid of the anger in his heart first, so after hesitating for a while, Liszt still called Tifa, and the next five people The female wrestler pulled the two of them to a corner and enjoyed the happy life of the master.

Then rest overnight, until [-] o'clock in the morning the next day, Liszt, who was full of food and drinks, and in the best condition, handed the prepared colorless cube to Sakuya Izayoya, and stripped himself naked Clothes, lying in the crystal coffin placed in the center of the underground base.

Then, the crystal coffin closed, and a huge coffin made of metal lead descended from midair, covering the outside of the crystal coffin like a coffin, completely cutting off the influence of Liszt and the crystal coffin from the surrounding space open.

Afterwards, a huge cylindrical pipe was dragged over by Leiden Mei and Miss 2B, and installed on the outer wall of the lead coffin in the direction where Liszt's feet were, and then gradually weakened the thickness of the lead coffin wall until it met the requirements. When needed, it stopped completely.

Then, Izaya Sakuya stepped forward, put the large colorless cube into the box inside another instrument, and then also pulled a cylindrical pipe to the top of the lead coffin, and connected it in the same way On the lead coffin, the coffin wall was weakened, and the final preparations were completed.

"Everything is ready, the countdown starts now!" Naoko Akiyama, who was in charge of operating the equipment, glanced at everyone in the base and reminded loudly.






"start up!"

Then, Akiyama Naoko pressed the start button of the device.

Suddenly, a huge buzzing sound began to reverberate in the underground space that constitutes the base, as if something of huge mass was moving at an extremely exaggerated speed, causing a piercing buzzing sound, forming a resonance, The air in the entire base began to tremble...

Fortunately, Liszt has placed enough nanomachines around, and the shielding wall formed by them can not only block the diffusion of energy, but also absorb sound. Otherwise, the huge noise alone would be enough to make Gerry on the base The folks at Finnish took notice.

Then, just like particle beams colliding in a particle collider, a certain wave suddenly broke through the thin layer of defensive wall on the lead coffin, and blasted into the crystal coffin made of special materials. ...

Almost instantly, Liszt's body collapsed from the inside out, from the molecular level!

It was only because things happened too quickly and Liszt's body was special enough that it didn't immediately disintegrate into a pile of yellowish liquid.

But this situation will not last long, at most one second, Liszt will die.

Then at this moment, Naoko Akiyama decisively stopped the operation of the collapse beam and equipment, and pressed another button.

Then, an even louder, thunderous sound reverberated in the base, followed by a sudden flash of light, and huge energy, like a waterfall, gushed out from the pipe connected directly above the lead coffin, flying straight down, Liszt was submerged in an instant.

But before Liszt's body collapsed, the originally ordinary crystal coffin also lit up, emitting a strange energy position, just like the magnetic restraint device in the nuclear fusion system, which forced Liszt The body was immobilized!

Then, a strange phenomenon began to occur, like a black hole devouring everything. It strongly sucked up all kinds of energy that could not be dissipated due to the existence of the lead coffin, until all the energy was sucked away, a huge When there is no new energy gushing down the pipeline, the whole process is declared over.

After that, Liszt fell into a deep sleep...

Only the vital signs data displayed on the machine beside him can make people understand that he is really sleeping, not killed by the modification.


It's just that after this sleep, another full month has passed.

Even Glenna, who had been waiting for him to appear, wondered if he had really defected. When she was about to give him a forged resignation report and submit it to the Griffin headquarters for review, Liszt, who had been under the monitoring and protection of many puppets, His eyelids trembled, and he woke up from a deep sleep.

"Master, you're awake." Izaya Sakuya immediately greeted him and greeted him.

"How long have I been asleep?" Liszt moved his hands, suppressing the eager desire to punch a hole in the sky, and asked Izayoi and the others with a calm expression.

(End of this chapter)

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