Chapter 251
"Increase the number of synthetic viruses. In addition, notify Mariana to arrange for people to release natural zombie viruses in the area covered by all nanomachines." Liszt thought for a while, and found that the current scale is completely unable to satisfy ordinary magicians. The need to appear on the stage, he couldn't help but ordered decisively.

"Yes, increase the number of synthetic viruses." Belldandi responded.

Then, countless information became a set of commands, which spread out into the air along Liszt's hair.

"I've said long ago that you need to be more courageous when you act. Look, isn't it necessary to increase the number of releases in the end?" Marianna, who also received the notification from Belldandy, pouted as if you should see.

However, there was no slack in the action. Immediately began to arrange manpower, or carry out express deliveries, or secretly release Kongming lanterns in the middle of the night, or catch sparrows, pigeons and other birds and beasts, place virus samples on them, and then conduct natural release...

Although the zombie virus has evolved and mutated, it is strange that it is not known whether the degree of mutation is not enough, or this virus is so special that it is only effective for humans, and it has not infected other animals so far. phenomenon occurred.

Therefore, these animals that can carry viruses and spread, but will not become intermediate hosts, become the best carriers of viruses.

With logistics, balloons, and other messy means in this way, Mariana can ensure that the virus spreads in the surrounding cities in the shortest possible time even without leaving the base.

As for the spread to the whole of Japan...

Then it is necessary to arrange the dolls to a specific location to execute.

But this is not a troublesome thing, and it is not without means of transportation, airplanes and trains can be used, combined with the space projection device carried by the dolls, and the virus that the dolls themselves can store, it is really only a matter of time before it spreads throughout Japan.

It might not even take a week for the scene that Liszt was looking forward to—apocalyptic scenes to fully appear in Japan.


And it is.

With the intervention of Liszt's subordinates, the zombie virus that could have been contained finally broke through the police's blockade, officially appeared in the eyes of the public, and launched an indiscriminate attack on innocent people.

This time, the spreading ability of the zombie virus was really released.

After all, not everyone is aware of the seriousness of the problem. After being bitten, they will at most use disinfectant to clean the wound. As for going to the hospital, if it is not particularly serious, no one would think of such a thing.

This provides the best protection environment for the potential of more virus carriers.

Then these latent individuals entered the crowd, and then broke out and spread in the crowd...

In less than a week, the Japanese social environment began to show signs of chaos because of the existence of zombies.

Zero-dollar purchases of snatching supplies began to appear, and the scene of guarding against outsiders was like guarding against dangerous elements began to be seen everywhere on the street. People with strange behaviors were kept away, and people began to become irritable, impulsive, and would explode if something was wrong. There were bloody clashes, and the police force became understaffed.

However, at this time, some forces that had originally had conflicts with the Japanese side seemed to have found an opportunity, and became eager to move, and even took direct action——

For example, the Headless Dragon organization, which had previously wanted to make trouble in the Nine Schools Competition and used the method of influencing the game points and rankings to open the market, took action again.

It's just that compared with the small fights in the previous Nine Schools Battle, the actions of the Headless Dragon Organization this time are more secretive and dangerous——

They actually colluded with the people of the Great Asia and Asia Union, sneaked into the territory of Japan by sneaking in secretly, and launched special operations-style terrorist attacks on various institutions and important facilities in Japan...


An explosion occurred in a research facility, and the fire burst into the sky. The crimson fire directly illuminated the entire block brightly.

"They will pick the right time." Liszt muttered in surprise after receiving the report from ahead.

"Do you need to stop it?" Akiyama Naoko asked.

"Didn't we worry that the official's energy was not enough to disperse...Now someone is helping, so what we have to do next is not to stop, but to continue to help them make a fuss!" Liszt He stopped with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Naoko Akiyama asked.

"Let our dolls move and pretend to be attackers to attack various forces belonging to the Magicians Association and steal information!" After a pause, Liszt continued to add: "It doesn't matter if they are discovered, let the dolls use the collapse technique Explode yourself, this time I will not only let the zombie virus flood Japan, but I will also let the infected appear on the streets of Japan!"

"The identity of the Anti-Japanese Hero, this time I will take it for granted." Liszt chuckled with a strange expression.

That's right, the reason why he did so much, even at the expense of involving innocent people, was precisely to respond to Shiba Tatsuya's performance, and wanted to be an anti-Japanese hero!
Let some people understand that taking turns to destroy is not just what you say.



So soon, more research institutes, magic research institutes, and even important functional departments were attacked by humanoids pretending to be members of the Acephalous Dragon Organization.

All kinds of destruction began to expand, and various casualties began to increase. Coupled with the self-destruction of the dolls that failed the mission, various problems began to emerge one after another, which completely confused the Japanese government and sent troops and magicians to the streets. ...

Of course, it also attracted doubts from the Headless Dragon Organization and the Greater Asia Federation.

"Are our people doing these things?" In Yokohama, in a certain restaurant, members of the Headless Dragon Organization and the heads of the operations personnel of the Greater Asia Federation sat together, watching the various research institutions that appeared on the screen being destroyed. The destroyed photo couldn't help but confirm it aloud.

"We didn't arrange people to go to these places." The people from the Greater Asia Federation shook their heads solemnly.

"Yes, many of these places that were attacked are not within the scope of our combat targets, and there is no strategic value in attacking these places. My soldiers will not do anything unnecessary. It is easy to do these things for reasons such as venting anger. Expose yourself," replied another operations leader.

"That means, someone is acting in our name?"

"So far, that's how it is."

"Who will it be?"

"The International Anti-Magic League, the Ukrainian and Belarusian Independence Movement Group, the Southeast Asian Independence Promotion Association... etc., are all possible! After all, the outbreak of a new virus in Japan is not a secret."

"Then why not unite?" the people in Greater Asia wondered.

"The targets are too big. Also, they may not be trustworthy."

"However, now the Japanese side has determined that we did all these things. Although it doesn't matter to us, this feeling of taking the blame for others is really uncomfortable."

(End of this chapter)

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