Mystery: The New Dark Emperor Arrives

Chapter 128 Encountering Qilingus

Chapter 128 Encountering Qilingus
Hobert was particularly impressed by this plot. Hugh entrusted the task of finding Qilingus to a gang leader, but when she and Forsi came to get the results of the investigation, the gang leader had already "arranged" the whole room Both are.

But Hobert never expected that the gang leader who died tragically was Darkholm!

After all, he was a person who received a lunch box as soon as he appeared on the stage. Who would remember his name?

Hobert, who was standing at the door, felt a strong sense of malice before he vomited because of the scene in the house.

Forsi, who was highly inspired, also felt malice. She looked at her bracelet, and then at Hobert and Hugh, which put her in a dilemma.

Using a stone on the bracelet, she can take a "journey" and escape here quickly.

But she could only take one person away. If it was in the past, she would have taken Xio away without hesitation.

But after talking on Thursday, she already regarded Hobert as a friend, and if he was left behind, her conscience would definitely be disturbed.

Fors hesitated for a second or two, but this was a crucial second or two.

Seeing Forsi's expression, Hobert probably understood what was going on. He quickly stepped forward and stuck his cane into the ground: "Order!"

The "Tree of Order" quickly grew taller and thicker, and formed a canopy against the roof.

The canopy of the tree spread around, pierced the glass of the window, and extended to the outside of the window.

The "Tree of Order" was still in the process of growing, and as the holder, Hobert felt an extraordinary attack. Hobert immediately distorted the target of the attack, and the extraordinary attack rushed towards a chair.

The chair shattered all over the floor like it exploded.

Hobert hurriedly pulled Xio and Forsi to hide behind the tree trunk. Just after hiding, someone appeared at the door of Duckholm's house.

He was in his thirties, with a wide chin and dark green eyes. He was "Vice Admiral Hurricane" Qilingus!
bang bang~
Hobert, behind the tree trunk, fired twice, and taking advantage of the order under the Tree of Order, made the shots louder than usual.

Qilingus's face was full of jokes. He was about to rush over to launch a new attack when he suddenly heard Hobert shout: "Do you see this big tree? Don't try to kill me under the tree, everything Order will become in my favor!"

It was a half-truth, a half-truth, and Hobert was cheating.

However, the rapid growth of the big tree and the sudden loss of control of the extraordinary attack just now did make Qilingos worry.

Qilingus didn't rush forward rashly, but he couldn't see Hobert and the other three at all from his position, so he waved his hand and a gust of strong wind rolled up the heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, etc. on the table, and blew them towards the people hiding behind the tree trunk. of three people.

When Xio saw the head with a painful expression flying towards him, he subconsciously grabbed Hobert's arm.

Forsi, who used to be a doctor, was not much better. She raised her foot and was about to dodge, but was held back by Hobert.

By doing this, Qilingus wanted to force them to leave the shelter of "Order Tree".

At this moment, Hobert held back the feeling of vomiting, and distorted the direction in which "Darkholm" flew over.

Bones, internal organs, etc. fell on the sides of the trunk.

Hobert shouted again: "You must be the person Arnold sent to kill me, right? Haha, your plan is about to fail, the gunshot just now will soon attract the attention of the official Extraordinary!"

"Frenzy!" Qilingus was unmoved and launched a new offensive.

Xio and Forsi trembled all over, and the rationality in their eyes gradually disappeared. It seemed that they wanted to rush out and fight Qilingos to the death.

Hobert quickly hugged the two of them tightly, and used "hypnosis" to help them regain their sanity: "I am a non-staff member of the Punisher team, and I will not suffer any harm, but you will definitely be arrested and used as an experiment. Taste!"

Qilingus stopped moving forward, his eyes somewhat surprised, extraordinary attacks under this big tree would distort the target, and direct attacks would be distorted in direction, even attacks from the spiritual world were useless!
He didn't hesitate at all, and immediately turned around and left.

It wasn't that he was afraid, or that he was bluffed by Hobert's words, but that he felt the flow of the power of order under the tree canopy, and knew that he would not be able to resolve the battle for a while.

The speed with which he made a decision and the crispness of his actions made Hobert a little surprised: this is the reaction of people who climb out of the dead.

The reason why Qilingus chose to do it before was because he judged that he could quickly deal with Hobert and the other three without disturbing the people around him. In that case, he could still have some fun with the two women.

Hobert breathed a sigh of relief. If he had made a slight mistake in his response just now, such as directly calling out Qilingus' name instead of pretending to recognize someone else, Qilingus would not have left so happily. .

"Hobert, can you let me go?" Fors blushed a little.

It was only then that Hobert realized that the situation was urgent just now and he hugged the two of them without thinking too much, he let go of his arms and smiled, "It's fortunate that I held you back, otherwise you would have left the protection of the tree trunk. "

He recalled the feeling just now, and to be honest, Fors is still a little bit good, and as for Xio... Uh, she may not have fully grown yet.

"Hahahahahaha!" Xio and Fors suddenly laughed together, their eyes were full of surprise, but it didn't stop them from laughing and crying.

The negative effect of the "Psychological Spoon" came as promised, but this time the negative effect appeared on the person who was attacked by it.

With a sudden movement in his heart, Hobert used his extraordinary ability to distort the smiles of Xio and Forsi, and the effect was immediate. The two of them only had smiles on their faces, but they stopped laughing out loud.

He sighed again, "Psychological Spoon" is completely prepared for "lawyers". The "distortion" of Sequence 8 can offset most of the negative effects. If the "distortion" of Sequence 7 is reached, it should be able to completely offset the negative effects .

Xio wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, with an unnatural smile on his face: "Just now, just now..."

"It's Qilingus' mental attack that messed up your emotions." Hobert casually found a reason.

Seeing that there were already many spectators outside, he bent down and picked up the end of his cane and said, "Let's go! Go to the Evernight Goddess Church!"

He dared to go out as long as there were people outside, and he knew that Qilingus would never expose himself at this time.

Passing through the crowd watching the excitement, he found a nearby rented carriage. Hobert handed the driver a 5 soli note: "Go to the Church of the Goddess of the Night, which is the closest to here, and take the crowded route. The more people on the road, the more good!"

The coachman put away the money and thanked him. Although the guest's request was a bit strange, he was willing to obey the guest's arrangement as long as he had money.

 If you ask for a monthly pass, if you still need 22 monthly passes, you can add another chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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