Mystery: The New Dark Emperor Arrives

Chapter 286 Invitation from the Loen Council

Chapter 286 Invitation from the Loen Council

In the "Nation of Disorder", Hobert withdrew his spirituality: now it depends on whether Rafter is willing to go, as long as he is willing to go and loyal to the "Founder" wholeheartedly, he can provide him with some help in the future.

After appreciating the gold pound and the Extraordinary characteristics on the stone platform not far away, Hobert left the "Nation of Disorder" and returned to the real world to rest.

On Wednesday morning, Hobert first directed the servants sent by Christine to move, but there was nothing to move, only some clothes and daily necessities.

In fact, Hobert has no intention of retiring the lease, offering sacrifices or gifts to himself in the "Nation of Disorder", but also coming here to do it, and participating in the Tarot Club, which also needs a space where he will not be disturbed.

It was around ten o'clock when Hobert came to work in the law firm. His assistant Jessica immediately sent an official letter, which turned out to be an invitation letter from the parliament.

Hobert opened it and took a look. It turned out that the parliament had recently set up a "labor compensation law" group and invited Hobert to join the group.

Jessica was happy for Hobert: "This is a good thing! It shows that our work is getting the attention of the Loen Kingdom Council."

That's the parliament. In a country with a constitutional monarchy like Loen, theoretically speaking, the law is more powerful than the king.

The parliament holds the legislative power and is the undisputed highest authority.

It's just that no one will really use the law to sanction the direct members of the royal family. The king just lost his legislative power.

The ruling power is still in the hands of the royal family. After all, the prime minister is appointed by the king. Although the prime minister will not consult the king for the daily operation of the country, if the king wants to intervene in something, there is no law that can limit his power.

Hobert smiled and said: "The upper house of the parliament is basically the hereditary seat of the nobles, and the members of the lower house are big bankers and the top richest people in the kingdom.

"They did pay attention to our work, but the focus should not be what you imagined."

Jessica was taken aback: "Aren't they going to protect the rights and interests of workers?"

Hobert asked, "Since our team was established, how many workers have helped them obtain workers' compensation?"

"Until now, 28 cases have been handled. Thanks to your good start, the process of seeking workers' compensation is getting smoother."

Hobert nodded: "According to the relevant laws and regulations of the Kingdom of Loen, if there are no clear and applicable laws and regulations in the law, the previous cases shall be referred to for trial.

"Because there are no relevant laws and regulations specifying specific labor compensation standards, so before Bob's case, there was only a customary standard.

"After Bob's case, the judges began to use Bob's case as a reference, so we basically won these 28 cases.

"Such a trend makes it difficult for the rich to accept, so it is better to legislate quickly and stipulate a standard for workers' compensation.

"As long as there are relevant laws and regulations, they will have loopholes to take advantage of. Rich people who can afford lawyers will take the initiative in the compensation process."

Jessica opened her mouth: "They, they are too evil! They are even more evil than demons!"

Hobert smiled and said: "Devils only appear occasionally, but the demons catalyzed by wealth can harm others in a fair and honest way, and they will also become models and role models for the times.

"Although they invited me to go, they probably just put on a show and only let me listen in, but they won't accept any of my opinions."

Jessica sat on the chair opposite Hobart, feeling powerless. This was a feeling of powerlessness unique to Backlund and this era. She had often felt this way before: "Then, are you still going?"

"Of course we will." Hobert smiled and said, "We are Backlund's last hope, so what if we don't fight for it?

"Let me take a look. The first meeting will start next Monday. You write to the reporters who have interviewed before and tell them that the issue of workers' compensation will be legislated. Come with me to the meeting next Monday."

Jessica's eyes lit up: "I see, I'll write a letter now."

Hobert smiled slightly, and began to deal with the work at hand.

But after a while, Jessica came in again: "Lawyer Hobert, a housekeeper is here to visit. This is the business card of the housekeeper's owner."

Jessica handed over the business card very solemnly. Hobert took the business card and took a look. It turned out to be the business card of Fenepot Ambassador Tim.

"I didn't have any contact with him before." Hobert's expression was a little confused, but he already thought of the two groups of people who were followed by him before.

One of them was probably sent by Tim. Originally, Hobert thought the matter was over, but Tim sent a butler again.

"Invite him to come in." Hobert said, since the other party came to visit openly, he was not afraid that they would plot against him.

The butler is a man in his 50s. He is well-dressed and rigorous, and his hair is combed meticulously: "Hello, Lawyer Hobert, my master would like to invite you to the Fenepot embassy. He would like to ask you some questions. question."

Hobert stood opposite the butler: "Did you make a mistake? I'm not good at "International Law", and I don't know much about the laws and regulations of the Fenepot Kingdom. How could the ambassador think of consulting me?"

"Of course there is no mistake." The butler smiled a little stiffly: "Mr. Ambassador indeed invites you to go."

Hobert joked: "Could it be that your country didn't pay the ambassador, and the ambassador invited me to ask for the salary. I'm good at this kind of case."

The butler kept smiling and didn't say anything, but he didn't respond to Hobart's joke either.

Hobert smiled awkwardly: "Okay, okay, I'll go with you."

While talking, he picked up his cane, explained a few more words to Jessica, and left in the embassy's carriage.

Because the other party came to invite him in a serious manner, Hobert was not worried that Ambassador Fenepot would plot against him. Even if the other party wanted to do something at the embassy, ​​he was sure enough to escape the siege of the military attaches.

Take a carriage and arrive at the Feneporte Embassy in the west district. The butler asks Hobert to wait in the reception room.

When the butler went to inform Ambassador Tim, Hobart admired the decoration style rich in the Fenepot Kingdom.

The decoration style of this kingdom still follows the principle of exaggeration and asymmetry, which was formed in the era of Solomon. The main decoration elements are bats, roses and crows, which look a bit gloomy. Compared with those who like pan lotus and rhododendron There are obvious differences in the decoration style of Ruen.

At this moment, Ambassador Tim with a hygienic mustache pushed the door in, with a friendly smile on his face: "Hello, Lawyer Hobert, thank you for accepting my invitation."

Hobert took a step forward and was about to shake hands with Tim when he suddenly felt the burning sensation from the "psychological spoon".

He thought to himself that the ambassador's invitation was really not that simple.

(End of this chapter)

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