Mystery: The New Dark Emperor Arrives

Chapter 407 The First Appearance of the Bull Demon King

Chapter 407 The First Appearance of the Bull Demon King

Before Forsi could react, Hobert had already continued: "I just checked, and the original decoration of the house is still there, it just needs to be refurbished, it won't take much time.

"After the railway and villa design teams arrive, they can live in first. Their food and accommodation will be paid by the Lord's Mansion, and I will ask Roy to help you find shop assistants and managers. You can make money as soon as you take over.

"After the big pier is put back into use in the future, with the location here, it should be no problem for restaurants and hotels to earn tens of gold per week..."

"Wait, wait..." Forsi said, "I can't! We, we..."

We are a contract couple, have you forgotten?You gave me property, how should the property be distributed after the contractual couple's agreement is terminated.

Hobert had already thought of the reason: "I've thought about it, as the lord's wife, of course you also need some pocket money, although these tens of gold lisos are not much, they should be enough for your pocket money.

"If you think gold risso is not easy to use, you can go to me to exchange for gold pounds, and exchange according to the current currency exchange rate between the two countries."

Forsi: "But..."

"Accept it." Hobert said, "I can't let you spend your own money in Jeffrey Town.

"It's only a few dozen gold lisuo, and it's not a lot of money. It's too polite to let it go."

Fors immediately didn't know how to refuse, and before she continued to refuse, Hobert had already called Roy over to settle the matter, and in the future all the accounts of the hotel and restaurant would be handed over to the "Lord's Madam" .

Forsi always felt that there were two more properties in a daze, and if they could earn tens of gold per week, these two properties were definitely very good properties.

If this income is converted into gold pounds, Fors is definitely a wealthy class that is richer than the middle class, but it is still far from the rich.

Hobert was just about to inspect other places when Fors came to her senses: "Hobert, I have come to ask for your opinion on something."

Hobert stopped in his tracks: "What's the matter?"

"Do you remember the Abraham family we talked about a long time ago?"

Hobert nodded. It was not long after he became a lawyer. He mentioned this family in a conversation with Fors. At that time, the two of them were not very familiar.

"I met a member of the Abraham family some time ago..." Fors briefly described the process of becoming Dorian's student, and said that she only revealed to Dorian that she was an "apprentice" at the time, but now Dorian Ryan was looking for his own affairs with the potion of "Master of Magic".

Hobert said: "I will give you two suggestions, the first suggestion is to treat yourself as an apprentice, and then take a potion of 'Master of Magic'.

"During the low sequence, as long as the condition is good, there is not much danger in taking the potion repeatedly.

"The second suggestion is to tell the truth. Of course, the truth also needs to be calculated. Just say that your fiancé is an Extraordinary, and he found the potion of 'Master of Magic' for you.

"Before this, it was your fiancé who didn't trust Dorian very much, so he repeatedly advised you not to reveal that you are a 'master of tricks', but now you feel that you must face your teacher sincerely, so you tell him the truth .

"In short, if everything is blamed on the 'fiancé', there is a high probability that Dorian will not blame you, but will be moved by your sincerity."

Forsi opened her mouth: Can it still be like this?

Then she hesitated: "In other words, you still have to lie?"

Hobert smiled and asked, "Am I a Extraordinary?"

"of course."

"Did I sell you the magic potion?"


Hobert finally asked: "Where did you lie? You just told the truth in another way."

Forsi suddenly thought of Mr. Hanged Man in the Tarot Society. When he taught "Little Sun" to deal with the chief executive of the City of Silver, he probably taught this way.

Leaving Fors thinking where he was, Hobert continued to inspect the town. Amid the compliments from everyone, he began to plan for the next step in his heart.

After dinner, Hobert was in his study thinking about how to deal with the giant beast in the lake.

At this time, he suddenly heard the voice of prayer from the "Nation of Disorder", locked the door, and entered the "Nation of Disorder". Hobert found that it was a strange star that was expanding.

Hobert was taken aback for a moment before he realized that it should be Lawrence Balck, the patriarch of the Balck family.

Spreading the spirituality, I saw Lawrence who was 1.9 meters tall, with a few strands of white hair in his hair, and a broad back and thick shoulders.

He said in a pious tone: "... Great founder, we are about to clash with the Rose School of thought again. As the Balk family who are willing to pledge allegiance to you, we lack the power of angels.

"In times of conflict, ask your angels to reach out and stand in the way.

"After this battle, we will dedicate all the spoils to you, and every member of our family will devoutly believe in you and serve you."

Hobert nodded, his attitude was acceptable, and the conditions offered were not bad.

However, he didn't intend to respond to the other party immediately. How could such a big man like the "creator" wait in the Kingdom of God all the time to answer some strange prayers?
Taking advantage of the waiting time, he decided to browse the stars of Alice and Ethel. Alice was attending a ball, and in the magnificent ballroom, she was having a drink with the nobles, having a good chat.

The conversation between these nobles is really meaningless.

Hobert jumped to Ethel's Star again, she was running, her subordinates had disappeared, and there were bloodstains on her clothes.

Or she is running for her life, shuttling through the woods, using vegetation to block her tracks.

Hobert was taken aback, the mission failed?
He turned up the "real vision" and found that there were indeed pursuers behind him, at least a demigod was chasing them.

Hobert pondered for a while, but he could test the fighting power of the "Bull Demon King" and save the owner of the star.

Ever since he acquired such high-end combat powers as the "Bull Demon King" and "Holy Infant King", he hasn't used them in actual combat once.

In a few days, when he came up, he would block the angels of the Rose School of Thought, which made Hobert somewhat uncertain.

First test the effect of the "Bull Demon King" in actual combat, so that when you use more advanced combat power, you will not be caught blind.


In the mountains northwest of Feneport.

Run, run hard!

Ethel tried her best to adjust her breathing, but she didn't expect that the Republic of Intis would notice this joint operation.

More than ten years ago, the Fenepot Kingdom developed a major general to become a spy in the southern theater of the Republic of Intis.

Over the past ten years, this spy has provided a lot of valuable information. He has been very careful, and this source of information has always been stable and safe.

The Fenepot royal family and the military have secretly commended him more than once, and each time they sent high-level military officials or members of the royal family to commend him at the right time to show the importance the royal family and the military attach to him.

Not long ago, the spy once again provided a crucial piece of information, enough for the royal family to commend him once again.

Ethel is not only a member of the royal family, but also a high-ranking officer in the northern war zone, so Fernando II sent her to commend the spy.

Theoretically, there shouldn't be any problems with this commendation, but Ethel was ambushed when he arrived at the meeting point.

The demigod who was in charge of protecting her was given priority to be controlled and dealt with!
Other subordinates also died or lost their combat effectiveness in the process of covering Ethel's breakout.

Only Ethel escaped, and she was wounded.

As she ran, she pondered: there must be an inner ghost on Fenepot's side, otherwise the manpower assigned by the other party would not be so targeted.

Just thinking of this, clusters of flames flew from behind Ethel, over her head, and finally the flames regrouped in front of him, condensing into a middle-aged man with a beard: "Okay, cat catcher!" The mouse game is over, you either surrender immediately, or we knock you unconscious and take you back."

Ethel looked at the man in front of her coldly. As the most valued princess of King Fernando II, she could not be brought back alive. Even if her body was brought back, the Republic of Intis would probably make a big fuss.

How to do?
How to commit suicide?How do you destroy your own body?
Thinking of this, Ethel felt sad. She still had a bright future. Her father had promised her that as long as she experienced a few years in the northern war zone and accumulated some military exploits, when she returned to Feneport City, she would be the Duke.

And at work, she also met a handsome and handsome lieutenant colonel, and she planned to wait for him to propose to her after he was promoted to major general.

However, all this is in vain!

Ethel smiled sadly: "What if I choose neither?"

As she spoke, she picked up the gun and was about to shoot herself in the temple.

The man with a full beard was an "Iron Knight". He smiled contemptuously and kicked a stone on the ground at random. The stone flew up and knocked Ethel's pistol away before she could shoot.

As a Sequence 5, Ethel didn't even have the ability to commit suicide in front of a demigod.

At this time, seven or eight other pursuers also caught up and surrounded Ethel.

Ethel smiled wryly and said, "Goddess of the Earth, for the sake of my being your devout follower, please kill me!"

"Iron Knight" folded his arms, smiling and admiring Ethel's desperate expression.

Ethel suddenly found inspiration in the prayer just now: "Whether it is the evil god, as long as he hears my prayer, I am willing to sacrifice my soul and body..."

Although he didn't read out the specific esteemed name, the "Iron Blood Knight" knew that it would be inappropriate for Ethel to continue talking nonsense.

He was about to step forward to stun Ethel, when suddenly he felt a surge of power coming, under the tremendous coercion, even the "Iron Knight" did not dare to raise his head.

The few Sequence 6 who came after them even had the urge to kneel down.

Silently, between Ethel and the "Iron Blood Knight", there appeared a black monster emitting a sacred black light, with a bull's head and a pair of golden antlers.

Everyone was taken aback: How much free time does the evil god have, can such a broad prayer be enough?
This monster with the head of a bull and antlers was, of course, the "Bull Demon King" projected by Hobert.

Hobart's order to it was: kill everyone except Ethel.

That's right, it's killing. Since you want to make a move, you must kill all the people around you, so as to show the strength of the "creator" servant.

This is the difference between Hobert and Klein, or because the abilities of "Nation of Disorder" and "Origin Castle" are different, which makes Hobert and Klein have different styles when pretending to be evil gods.

Although "Holy Infant King" and "Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord" have the personality of angels, they cannot create the image of angels with the power of "Nation of Disorder".

However, "Origin Castle" can easily shape the image of an angel, giving people a great visual impact.

Of course, the power of "Nation of Disorder" is just that it can't create an image that is too bluffing, such as "Holy Infant King" and "Hundred-eyed Demon King" are very capable of fighting.

Because in addition to their high-level extraordinary power, they also have terrifying physical attacks.

Although the "Bull Demon King" is one level lower than them, it is still a terrifying existence for demigods.

When the other people present, including Ethel, were still blinded by the appearance of the "Bull Demon King", the "Iron Knight" had already reflected: "Fatal attack!"

He felt the strength of the "Bull Demon King", so he decided to seize the opportunity.

The "Iron Blood Knight" punched, and under the guidance of spirituality, hit the golden horn on the head of the "Bull Demon King".

"Bull Demon King" opened his mouth in a calm manner, revealing the white teeth inside: "Oh~"

Letting out a roar that hit people's hearts directly, the "Iron Blood Knight" suddenly felt as if something heavy had hit his chest, and took a step back angrily.

His "fatal attack" was thus interrupted.

Immediately afterwards, a mental shock hit like a tide, making the hands of the "Iron Blood Knight" tremble.

This is the "spiritual attack" of the "Bull Demon King".

Even if the demigod was like this, the other Sequence 5 and Sequence 6 who followed were howling in pain one by one.

Especially Sequence 6, kneeling on the ground in pain, blood flowed from the ears, corners of the eyes, nostrils, and corners of the mouth, especially the eyes, which were severely congested, as if they could explode at any time.

The "Bull Demon King" immediately opened his mouth again, and uttered a solemn word: "Chaos!"

puff~ puff~ puff~
The heads of the three Sequence 6s were directly crushed by the surging "force of chaos", and only three corpses were left without heads, bleeding from their cavities.

Several Sequence 5s basically lost their fighting power under the two rounds of attacks.

The "Bull Demon King" looked at the "Iron Blood Knight" with eyes burning with black flames.

The "Iron Knight" knew that he was not an opponent, and immediately turned into scattered flames and fled.

But the "Bull Demon King" stretched out his hand and hit one of the flames, and the "Iron Blood Knight" rolled out of the flames, standing still in a bit of embarrassment.

"Dirt!" The "Bull Demon King" spit out a word again, and a lot of viscous liquid immediately appeared on the surrounding ground.

The surface of the plants contaminated by these liquids seemed to have a layer of iron-black spots. These spots expanded rapidly, and finally joined together, and finally turned completely iron-black.

Those Sequence 5s were also quickly covered in mucus, and no matter how they struggled, iron-black spots appeared on their bodies.

(End of this chapter)

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