Mystery: The New Dark Emperor Arrives

Chapter 412 One move of idle chess in the middle of a busy day

Chapter 412 An idle move in the midst of a busy schedule

Grove was taken aback, and looked up at the lord, as if he was saying irony: "Yeah, I still trust me."

"What have you done for him? To be honest, if you lie, I can feel it."

Grove was stunned again: "I didn't do much, that is, I often reported to him the situation of Viscount Wright, and later often reported the movements of the gangsters who lived on the mountain! I also donated some property and two for him. girls..."

Grove said seven or eight things in a row, and the more he said, the lower his voice. Only then did he realize that he was more like a knight loyal to the Viscount Teutonic.

Hobert nodded in satisfaction: "Not bad, not bad."

Grove immediately argued: "That bastard Albert is not going there..."

Hobert waved his hand: "I'll give you an errand that is very suitable for you to do."

"As much as you order."

"Defect from the lord's mansion tomorrow, seek refuge with the Viscount Teutonic, and gain his trust completely, and gradually become an indispensable figure in front of him. Of course, I will assist you in this process."

Grove didn't react for a while, and it took him two or three seconds to understand: the lord is eyeing Viscount Teutonic.

Hobert picked up the piece of paper at hand: "This is the potion formula for 'The Barbarian', if you agree, it will be yours.

"In the future, if you can successfully complete the task, I will also give you the formula and main ingredients of the follow-up potion 'Briber'."

Hobert smiled and said, "I am an Extraordinary in the 'Lawyer' pathway. As far as I can go, you can go as far as you can."

Grove only found out today that the potion behind "Barbarian" is "Briber".

After thinking for a while, he asked, "What if I fail?"

"Then I will also give you the main material of 'The Barbarian', and you and your son will have a good job." The conditions Hobert offered were attractive enough.

Grove no longer hesitated: "I am willing to help you."

Hobert poured spirituality into the "psychological spoon": "If you told this to anyone outside this room, you would kill yourself immediately!"

Grove immediately said: "I will definitely keep this a secret!"

Hobert said, "I just gave an order to your subconscious mind. Regardless of your guarantee, when you leak the secret, you will commit suicide immediately."

Grove opened his mouth wide. This is an extraordinary world that he feels is relatively unfamiliar, but he knows that the lord is not trying to scare him.

He said again: "I need something that can make Viscount Teutonic's heart flutter."

Hobert pondered for a while: "I will send it to you tonight at the latest."

As he spoke, he pushed the note in front of him towards Grove.

Grove took it respectfully: "The only thing I will be loyal to Lord Hobart in this life!"

Fors looked at Hobart who was sitting there with a smile on his face, he didn't look like a "gentleman of high moral character".

But Fors wasn't afraid of such a Hobert, she knew that Hobert had a heart yearning for justice, but it was easy for people to not understand his means to achieve his goal.

Hobert said to Schill outside: "Call Philip, Conrad, and Roy."

Soon, three people came to the study.

Hobert said to Philip and Conrad: "Send out all the people to make an announcement, say that the leader will announce in public tomorrow how to pay taxes next year, and let everyone in the town and every village come!

"After the announcement is over, the lord will hold a banquet! Celebrate the New Year in advance!"

He said to Roy again: "While ensuring that the hotel and restaurant are repaired, after the banquet tomorrow, organize 300 people to cut off all the reeds by the lake, and repair the big pier as quickly as possible!"

After the three subordinates left one after another, Fors suddenly said: "I feel that something big is about to happen."

Hobert smiled: "Yes, a big event will indeed happen tomorrow."

He glanced at the closed door of the study: "Help me go to Backlund to buy a big speaker and buy more batteries. After tomorrow I announce how to pay taxes next year, you have to help me explain to everyone."

Forsi was slightly taken aback before she nodded.

After Hobert was the only one left in the study, he asked Allen to order the kitchen to make donuts, and wrote a letter to Jessica: How is the progress on Kelly's side?I have a way to go to Backlund tonight, and if it goes well, the deal can be completed tonight.

The kitchen knew that the lord "likes donuts", so he had already prepared the corresponding materials, and soon a dozen donuts were baked.

Hobert summoned a messenger: "Can you do this? You take six donuts, and then wait there for a reply from the other party?"

The messenger held out his hand: "Okay, but wait for more than 10 minutes, and you need to add three more donuts."

Hobert counted six donuts: "No problem."

Ten minutes later, the courier brought Jessica's reply, and Hobert paid her three more donuts as he said before.

Jessica's reply was also very simple: Kelly did a lot of research in advance, and made two extraordinary weapons out of four extraordinary materials, and the success rate exceeded expectations.If you can come to Backlund, please go to Queen's Avenue 56 after eight o'clock in the evening and meet in the big warehouse in the backyard.

Hobert smiled slightly, an extraordinary weapon, enough to make Viscount Teutonic's heart flutter.

Even in Feneport City, Extraordinary weapons are very rare Extraordinary items, let alone in Nankelsen, a mountainous area that has been isolated from the world for more than half a century.

After three o'clock in the afternoon, Hobert received a reminder from Klein: "The Hanged Man" has just traded the sap of the crown tree and the black giant golden monster flower from other pirates, and the transaction can be completed.

In the evening, Hobert received another reminder from "The Fool": Miss "Magician"'s transaction is complete.

Only then did Hobert perform the bestowing ceremony, and obtained three pieces of Sequence 5 auxiliary materials, as well as a small stack of gold pounds.

In the previous Tarot meeting, Hobert received a total of 1800 pounds and a piece of Extraordinary material.

Three auxiliary materials, the sap of the crown tree is 800 pounds, the bark of the dragon-marked tree is 500 pounds, and the black giant golden monster flower is worth 300 pounds.

After completing these transactions, Hobart also received 200 pounds in cash.

Seeing the small stack of cash, Hobert smiled and said, "It's not a waste of work."

After dinner, Hobert locked himself in the study again, first changed into the Loen-style clothes he bought in Backlund last time, and then used "travel" to come to Backlund after changing his appearance.

On Minsk Street, which Hobert was familiar with, he took a carriage to the backyard of No. 56 Queen's Avenue.

Jessica was already waiting at the door of the backyard. After Hobert got out of the carriage, he changed back to his original appearance in front of Jessica.

"My God..." Jessica exclaimed, "I was worried that you might be recognized."

She smiled and pointed behind her and said, "This is a property owned by Princess Alice, and people from MI[-] would not dare to break in and arrest us."

Hobert was taken aback, the princess's name sounded familiar!
(End of this chapter)

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