Mystery: The New Dark Emperor Arrives

Chapter 448 She Was Contaminated

Chapter 448 She Was Contaminated

The gloomy laughter around made Selena's hairs stand on end. She looked around a little hesitantly, but she didn't find her parents and sister-in-law. She only saw people around her looking at her. All with exaggerated, unnatural smiles.

Selena felt cold all over, and fled the reception hall staggeringly.

Everyone in the hall watched Selina leave with unnatural smiles as if they were watching a play.

As soon as she went out, Selena realized that it was already night outside.

Suddenly, the reception hall became pitch black, and there were no lights in the entire valley.

All the buildings seemed to have turned into monsters, as if they were about to rush over and devour Selina at any time.

The warmth from the key ring gave Selena courage, and she called to her father and mother to stay away from those buildings as much as possible.

At this moment, Selena finally saw two people in the snow, an adult and a child. They both wore hats, had red noses, and wore a red scarf.

"This gentleman!" Selena didn't see the unnatural smile on their faces, so she hurried forward and asked, "Have you seen my parents? What happened here? Why has everything become so strange? "

"This is a very good hot spring villa!" The gentleman replied with wide eyes: "A few days ago, a thick mist suddenly floated from the sky. , it became very strange."

Selena asked, "A thick fog?"

The child with the same big eyes said: "Yes, there seems to be something terrible wrapped in the fog. Look, that fog is coming!"

Selena looked in the direction they pointed out. The dense fog over there seemed to be alive, rolling and forming a figure, which landed in front of the door of the reception hall.

The figure saw Selena, and quickly chased her here.

Selena hurriedly ran into the forest. The child with big eyes said, "Run! Run away! When you come back here, go to Mr. Harold, he knows more inside information."

Selina didn't have time to ask why the big and the young didn't run away. She got into the woods and walked hard in the snow.

Although the trees blocked her vision, she knew that the figure made of thick fog was chasing her all the time, she didn't dare to stop, she had to keep running, keep running!

Until her physical strength was exhausted, she could no longer run.

The warm key ring gave Selena courage again, she broke a branch, leaned against the tree, and wanted to fight that figure!
Closer, the figure is getting closer.

The branches swayed, the snow on them fell, and a black shadow came out from between the trees.

"Chris!" Selena exclaimed, "Why are you?"

Chris didn't speak, just showed a wry smile.

Selena felt that her brother looked a little strange, so she didn't take the initiative to approach: "What's wrong with you Chris?"

Chris still didn't speak. He pointed to the snow beside him. At some point, an abstract symbol appeared there.

That symbol consists of zigzag vertical and horizontal lines, and several dots.

Selena asked, "What does that mean?"

Chris didn't say anything, and pointed to the sky again.

Selena looked along his fingers, and she saw a... fireplace?
Her vision suddenly became distorted, it was indeed a fireplace, and she was back in the reception hall!

The difference was that Selena was also sitting on the sofa in the hall, and the entire hall was full of people, all of whom were already asleep.

Sitting next to Selena are the mother and sister-in-law, while the father sits on the sofa opposite.

Everyone was covered with blankets, waiting for the return of the hunters.

Selena, who was a little confused, remembered that the person who went out to hunt in the afternoon hadn't returned in the evening. The whole family was very worried about Chris, so they all waited in the hall.

When they came to the hall, they found that many people who had not returned because of friends or family members were already waiting here.

As a result, waiting and waiting, they all fell asleep.

It turned out to be a dream, and Selena was relieved.

But she soon discovered that something was wrong. There were mud and snow on her shoes and sister-in-law's shoes. Most of the snow had melted, and the carpet was wet.

"They're back!" Suddenly someone said!

This woke everyone up, and they came to the door one after another. A dozen young men and women who had gone hunting did come back, but... Selina always felt that something was wrong with them.

Leading the way is the furry hunter, whose job it is to take guests from the estate on a hunt: "We met a grizzly bear!"

The hunter smiled and said: "It's a pity that they are not real hunters, otherwise we would have tried to hunt that grizzly bear.

"No way, we can only avoid that grizzly bear, that's why we came back so late."

Selena saw that a long-haired woman in the team was sharing the joy of hunting with her friends: "My God, this is the first time I have encountered a grizzly bear in the wild. It feels so exciting!"

Selena remembered that when she started out, she seemed to have a round face, but now she has a long face.

There was also a young man in the team whose skin had turned dark, and Selina clearly remembered that he was a fair young man.

But Selena cared more about her brother. She stared at Chris's mouth, but Chris smiled and said, "I'm going hunting tomorrow, so it looks like a vacation."

Selena let out a long sigh of relief: she didn't become "dumb", it was just a dream!

Mr. Wood said: "Do you know how worried everyone is about you?"

Chris stroked his fiancée Wei Na's back: "I'm sorry to make you worry, well, there are still a group of people going hunting tomorrow morning, I can go with them, and I will definitely be back in the afternoon."

Mr. Wood shook his head: "Okay, okay, since it's a vacation, have fun."

Everyone was tired and sleepy, and after chatting for a while, they all returned to their respective rooms to rest.

Selena lived in a room alone. She stared blankly at her dirty shoes for a while. She always felt that there was an important reminder in the dream just now.

So she planned to write to Mr. Hobert tomorrow morning, explaining the situation here, and asking the teacher to help her interpret her dreams.

Thinking wildly, Selena, who had been tired all day, quickly fell asleep, and when she woke up, the sun had already risen.

While eating breakfast, Selena talked about the dream last night, before finishing, Wei Na smiled and said: "I had a similar dream yesterday, but I was chasing someone who knew important information, rather than being chased."

Mrs. Wood joked: "It can't be that one of you is running away and the other is chasing?"

The whole family laughed, only Selina glanced thoughtfully at her sister-in-law's shoes.

After breakfast, Chris went hunting again, and Wei Na went along with her worried.

Selena returned to her room to write the letter first, then ordered three donuts from the restaurant, and summoned Mr. Hobert's messenger.

After delivering the letter, Selena felt much better and went for a walk in the yard outside.

Coming out of the reception hall, she recalled the dream from last night: I remember turning around from there and meeting an adult and a child.

Selena smiled as she walked there: it was just a dream.

After turning that corner, Serena stood there blankly for a while, and there were two snowmen, one big and one small, in front of her!
They all wear hats, have big eyes, noses made of carrots, and red scarves around their necks.

After a long while, Selina felt cold all over her body: is the snowman alive?No no no, that was just a dream, just a dream...was it really a dream?Why is the snowman in this position?coincide?

Selena suddenly thought of the snowman's reminder that she was going to find Mr. Harold.

"Miss, I saw you trembling. Do you feel unwell?" A middle-aged man with a kind expression asked. He held a cigarette in his hand. He should have just taken a puff. The cigarette has not completely dissipated. go.

"I, I want to find Mr. Harold!"

The middle-aged man was slightly taken aback: "I am!"

Selena asked: "Mr. Harold, do you know more inside information?"

Harold looked surprised, and the cigarette in his hand fell to the ground. He took two quick steps forward, and whispered to Selina: "Run while you still have reason!"

Selena panicked: "Where are you going?"

"Run out of the villa!"

"Where did you go?"

"Did you see that pine forest? There is a small village over a mountain, and you will be safe in that village."


Fenepot Kingdom, Geoffrey Territory.

Hobert received a reply letter from Bishop Simpson early in the morning. In the letter, Bishop Simpson said: "With regard to the cooperation with the Gnosis Society, His Excellency the Archbishop has not given any instructions."

That is the default, and of course the archbishop will not give any instructions, after all, he will "kill the donkey" in the future.

It's just that after Hobert and Bishop Simpson are bound together in the future, there will be a lot of room for manipulation in how the "donkey" kills.

After the big dog was sent away, after breakfast, Hobert finished teaching Freya today's vocabulary before asking Alan to invite Helen over.

When the beautiful and elegant Helen came to the study, Hobert said straight to the point: "Help me tell Monica or President Jonathan that the Church of the Mother Earth has agreed to my cooperation plan, but they have given one condition. To help us kill a demigod on the other side, and that demigod's Extraordinary Characteristics must be given to the Church of the Mother Earth, we can completely reach an agreement."

Dennis, who was cleaning the study room, lost his grip and dropped the book in his hand to the floor: The sinister baron!

Helen didn't care about the servant's mistake. From her point of view, since it was a cooperation, of course each had to set their own conditions. Only when everyone was interested could the cooperation be facilitated.

It's just that what Helen didn't expect was that the Church of the Mother Earth actually had the intention to cooperate.

As far as she knows, this is the first time that the Gnosis Society has cooperated with the Orthodox Church!

Helen knew very well that she was a microphone, so she agreed and immediately reported to Ms. Monica.

Hobert glanced at Dennis at the side: "Did you just think: This baron is really sinister!"

Another book fell to the floor.

Hobert looked at Dennis who was a little surprised: "Whenever I can't see your thoughts from your demeanor, you don't have to clean the study every day."

He paused for a moment, either with Freya or with Dennis, and said: "Politics is about making peace with mud. There is water and soil to make peace, but it's always mud. You only need to add some sand, grass blades and other sundries. Only then can it be more harmonious and harder, and finally become a whole.

"Without this ability, mud will always be mud."

After waiting for seven or eight seconds, he said to Dennis who was thinking, "Go, bring me some tea!"

After Dennis left, Allen at the door came in and whispered: "My lord, in case he leaks your..."

Hobert waved his hand: "This kid doesn't look like a city man, but he is very smart, and he won't joke about the lives of his family."

Allen nodded and said nothing more.

Hobert said to Schill outside again: "You pay more attention to the military affairs, just come here and stay for about an hour every day, you don't need to stay here every day!

"Also, take Grove's eldest son and second son into the army. They are two big, stupid, thick-handed men who can crush a watering can even when watering a flower."

Hill smiled: "Yes."

"The name of the potion you take is 'Hunter'!" Hobert said, "From now on, I will give you three days off every week, and learn from the hunters in the territory how to be a real hunter."

Xier was slightly taken aback: "Yes."

Although he didn't understand the purpose of the lord, he knew that there would be nothing wrong with obeying the lord's order.

Hobert returned to his room, and was about to use "Travel" to ask Upton how the progress of the material purchase was going. If he had a feeling, he saw that the space in the room had become illusory with his spiritual vision.

The messenger came out from the spirit world, and a letter popped out of the coffin and landed in Hobert's hand.

Hobert opened the letter paper for a moment, and there was not a single sentence in the letter that could be read. If he felt something, he turned the letter upside down.

Looking upside down, these letters actually form a ferocious wolf face.

Seeing that the messenger did not leave, Hobert asked, "Who sent the letter?"

"That little girl who likes occultism." The messenger said, "The donuts she paid for were overnight donuts."

Hobert smiled: "I will make up three for you when I mail the letter next time."

He looked at the letter paper again: "Selena's prank?"

Do you still want to graduate from me?
"She is tainted," said the messenger.

"Polluted? Did she provoke the Aurora Society again?"

"No, worse pollution than that."

Since he was Selena's mentor, of course he couldn't ignore it, so Hobert asked again: "Did she send this letter from home?"

"East Chester County, Beauclone Heights."

Hobert asked again: "Do you know what the source of the pollution is?"

Messenger: "I got very contradictory information. I felt a familiar atmosphere, but at the same time felt very strange. What is certain is that it smells like a 'Seer'."

smell?Hobert thought of the big dog who delivered the letter in the morning, he smiled and said, "Thank you!"

"You're welcome, three donuts!"

Hobert smiled and shook his head: "No problem!"

"Also, be careful with this oil painting, it's not the same as before!"

Hobert was slightly taken aback, and thanked again.

Messenger: "You're welcome, three donuts. I'm owed nine donuts."

After the messenger left, Hobert finally came to his senses: "Have you started 'selling' on your own initiative? And it seems to be a bit of a strong buy and sell, right?"

Hobert shook his head helplessly, but then thought, nine donuts, he can still afford it.

He didn't go to save people immediately, but mulled over the plan for saving people with his arms crossed, then changed into clothes with Loen style, and brought mystical items and sealed items after deliberation.

This time he covered the oil painting on the wall with a thick cloth on his back. First of all, it was a very good shield, and secondly, he wanted to try to pull Fabuti on and take some risks together.

Most importantly, Hobert wanted to see how this oil painting changed?
Since the messenger reminded him, some changes must have taken place in the oil painting, but Hobert didn't dare to bring it to the "land of disorder", so he could only pay attention to the changes in the oil painting during the battle.

If it's dangerous, just throw away the oil painting: Brother Fabuti, I don't want to just throw away the oil painting, but the battle is too fierce, I can only do this to save my life.

Hobert smiled and changed his appearance first. He used "Travel" to come to Backlund, and found a travel agency to inquire about the situation of Bokron Mountain Villa.

After getting the detailed information about the villa, Hobert sighed: the villa deep in the mountains; the mountains covered with ice and snow!It's so reminiscent of The Shining!In other words, this is a standard environment for ghost stories to happen!
While thinking wildly, Hobert came to a deserted corner and used "travel" to come to East Chester County.

Standing on a high mountain, he looked at the Bokron Mountain Villa surrounded by mist in the distance, and he could see the guests coming in and out of the mountain villa.

This lively scene was not what Hobert had imagined, it was only Selena, or only Selena, friends, and family members.

Hobert folded his arms and thought for a while, then took out the letter that Selena had just written, and planned to use it as a medium to use the "Necklace of the Faceless Man" to navigate and find Selena.

But the necklace hangs there motionless, Hobert: Divination failed?No, the messenger said that there is a smell of "Seer", so there may be anti-divination forces nearby.

He checked the magical items and sealed items on his body again, and then used "travel" again to arrive not far from the villa.

Just a few steps forward, Hobert saw a hand on the road, to be precise, a hand holding a cane. The hand was completely severed from the forearm, and a black gemstone bracelet was worn on the wrist. , it was suspended in mid-air, holding the cane tightly.

Seeing that this hand was not "aggressive", Hobert prepared to bypass it and continue walking.

Unexpectedly, this hand pulled out the cane stuck in the ground, as if hopping on one leg, and stopped in front of Hobart.

Hobert, who already had many expeditions, asked calmly: "Do you need my help? My medical skills are very good, and I can suture severed limbs."

Or you could be stitched back to the corpse.

That hand slammed the cane on the ground, then let go, and waved to Hobart.

Hobert asked, "You don't need my help?"

He waved his hand again, then pointed in the direction of the villa.

Hobert understood: "You don't want me to go to the Heights?"

He held the cane again in his hand, as if saying: That's what it means.

"Thank you for your reminder." Hobert said: "I also know that there is danger there, but my student is in the villa, and I must rescue her."

That hand seemed to be stunned for two or three seconds, and suddenly the bracelet on its wrist withdrew from the direction of the severed wrist as if it had come to life, and flew towards Hobert.

As soon as Hobert caught the bracelet, the hand and cane also fell to the ground.

Hobert was slightly taken aback while holding the bracelet. It was a sealed item. He bowed slightly towards that hand: "Thank you for your blessing and gift."

He buried the hand holding the cane in the woods beside the road so that it would not be crushed by passing carriages.

When burying it, Hobert noticed that it was a right hand.

To be on the safe side, Hobert still used "travel" to return to the mountain opposite the villa. He simply set up the altar, and sacrificed the bracelet to the "Nation of Disorder" for inspection.

Using the character of "Nation of Disorder", I know the ability of this sealed item: "It can quietly put the opponent into a deep sleep, and enter the enemy's dream, and create some monsters in the dream to attack the opponent. To be injured is to be truly injured, and to die in a dream is to be truly dead."

The negative effect is: "The holder is easy to sleepwalk. When sleepwalking, he will become another person completely and do some things that ordinary people can't understand. If you die wearing this necklace, it will take away part of the holder's spirituality. Seal the will and will in the body, turning the holder into a living corpse with wisdom, but the holder will also miss the opportunity to enter the underworld, and eventually become an evil spirit after the body rots."

Hobert pondered for a while, the holder of the necklace must have encountered an irresistible attack, and one hand was cut off in unison.

The negative effect of the necklace retains part of the will of the holder, giving that hand a certain amount of wisdom to block guests who want to enter the Bokron Villa.

Guessing along this line of thought, Hobert felt that this should be a sealed item of the Church of the Evernight Goddess, and its owner might be a member of the Nighthawks who had already died or escaped with a broken arm.

Looking at the necklace in his hand, Hobert decided to investigate the situation in the villa if he had the chance, and then report it to the Evernight Goddess Church.

Returning to the real world, Hobert used "travel" again to get close to the villa. This time he encountered no obstacles, and entered the reception hall while watching the tourists playing in the snow.

The manager greeted you warmly: "Welcome to Bokron Mountain Villa, how can I help you?"

"You smile so ugly, stop laughing is the best help! Well, it's better to smile, it's even uglier with a deadpan face." Hobert spoke, and took out the previous issued by the Church of the Evernight Goddess Police ID: "According to eyewitnesses, there is a fraudster among the guests of the villa. I want to investigate the tourists here and ask the staff of the villa to cooperate."

The manager asked with an unnatural smile: "What's the name of that prisoner, please?"

"He has many false identities, and I have five different identities."

"May I ask what the physical characteristics of the prisoner are?"

"He is proficient in disguise. It is said that he once disguised himself as a woman to deceive a pirate general. I even have reason to doubt that you are him?"

"Sorry." The manager said helplessly, "In this case, we may not be able to help."

"I don't need your help, I just need to assist my investigation." Hobert smiled and said: "I have been hunting him for several months, and after a series of investigations, I can recognize him!"

The manager nodded: "You can also tell me the pseudonyms the prisoner used. Maybe he used one of them to register?"

Hobert nodded: "As far as I know, one of the pseudonyms he used recently is Gehrman Sparrow."

 A certain adventurer sneezed on the sea!

(End of this chapter)

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