Mystery: The New Dark Emperor Arrives

Chapter 463 The Servants of the Ancient Gods

Chapter 463 The Servants of the Ancient Gods
Hobert smiled and said: "This question is very complicated, and it is not within the scope of this answer. Well, to be precise, I cannot answer this question until the situation becomes clear."

He said to himself: The Evernight Goddess is hovering above my head now, if I spoil her good deeds, I believe there will be no "Mr. Emperor" in the world.

Derrick nodded with some disappointment: "Alright then."

Both Klein and Alger realized that the answer of the "emperor" meant that there was a huge hidden secret in it.

Emlyn: Is it true or not?What does it mean that it is no longer within the scope of this answer?We all spent money.

Thinking of this, he felt somewhat guilty, because his "audience seat" came from Madam Justice's payment, and of course he understood that this answer exceeded the value of 3000 pounds.

Hobert continued: "The 'Elf King' is the True God of the 'Sailor' pathway, oh, yes, here, by the way, as mentioned earlier, there is a high probability that the ancient gods have extraordinary characteristics of other pathways in their bodies.

"But there is no way to verify the specific path, so we can only talk about his 'True God Path'."

Hobart paused for a moment and then said: "The gods of the 'Elf King' are the 'Queen of Calamity' Coshnam and the 'God of Luck'."

Alger said: "Sorry everyone, I need to ask another question."

In the previous transaction, Audrey, who paid the most, could ask any question, but for the sake of fairness, the others could only ask one question.

Although this time it was not stated in advance, everyone felt that it was more fair to follow the previous practice.

"Little Sun" Derrick said: "Mr. Hanged Man, I can give you my chance to ask questions."

Although he asked a question just now, he did not get an answer, so it is not a waste of the opportunity to ask questions.

Alger was not polite: "Thank you."

After all, he had given Derrick a lot of guidance before, but now it was like using up those favors.

Alger asked the "Emperor": "As far as I know, there are very few aborigines on the island who still believe in the 'Queen of Disasters'. May I ask if the 'Queen of Disasters' still... still exists?"

Hobert replied: "As far as I know, he also fell after the fall of the 'Elf King'. However, his extraordinary characteristics seem to have been retained in a more special way and have not been completely used again. So her will has been preserved to a certain extent within a small area."

Argel opened his mouth: What a strange state!
Klein, who was behind the gray fog, couldn't help but think: I didn't expect the ancient gods and subordinate gods of the Second Epoch to still have an influence on the present.

Hobert went on to say: "'Blood ancestor' Lilith is the true god of the 'Moon' path, and from the gods there are 'Beauty God' Olnia and the Goddess of Life."

Emlyn sighed: "His Majesty Olnia has indeed been following the ancestors since the Second Age!"

Hobert smiled and continued: "And the information I gave to Mr. Moon is: Lilith had some problems with her state before her 'fall'. In addition, it is said that her fall was due to a betrayal!"

Emlyn stood up suddenly: "Who is it? Who betrayed the ancestor!"

Hobert said in his heart: It seems that at Emlyn's level, he does not have the authority to know these things.

It stands to reason that the blood clan should know some inside information about this matter. After all, the "God of Beauty" did not fall until the fourth era, and there was enough opportunity to tell the clansman some secrets about the "fall" of the first ancestor.

Hobert smiled at the angry Emlyn, "This answer is worth 3000 pounds."

This information is free, but there is a fee to explain it.

Emlyn immediately calmed down a lot: "3...3000 pounds! Well, then, when I have collected enough money, I will make a deal with you as soon as possible."

Hobert smiled and said, "No problem."

Everyone looked at each other and smiled, feeling impressed that the "Emperor" knew so much, and also feeling impressed by his high-end or secret information.

Even if Hobert didn't elaborate on this piece of information, everyone couldn't help but make a lot of associations.

Klein leaned back in his chair and thought: It seems that there are many secrets among the ancient gods of the second era, and these secrets may be the key to uncovering some historical questions.

Alger folded his arms: The more information he got from the "emperor", the more touching it became. The history of the gods is the history of an era!Whenever this time, people can't help but feel that human power is really small!

Audrey: I really want to know the answer, but I can only wait for a while, because this is a question Hobert prepared for Mr. Moon.

After a few seconds of silence in the great hall, Emlyn seemed to come back to his senses suddenly: "No, the ancestor obviously did not fall, and some adults of the blood race can occasionally receive instructions from the ancestor!"

He thought to himself: I came to participate in the Tarot Society, isn't it because I received the instructions from the ancestor?

"This question is also included in the 3000 pounds." Hobert smiled, "But I can only give you a simple answer, and I cannot explain it to you in detail."

Emlyn nodded, which meant that the ancestor did not fall!

"Let's continue." Hobert continued: "The 'Dragon of Imagination' is the true god of the 'Dreamer' pathway, that is, the 'Audience' pathway. In addition, there are other extraordinary characteristics of other pathways in him, but the specific pathway has been determined." There is no way to verify.

"His subordinate gods include the 'Dragon of Nightmares' Asulehod and the 'Dragon of Wisdom' Herabogen.

"According to some of our previous transactions, we know that '0-08' was formed after the fall of Asulhod. And last week we just said that 'Dragon of Wisdom' is now the God of Knowledge and Wisdom."

Only Emlyn was a little surprised: This is already the second god to appear!Could it be that the current seven gods were once the followers of the ancient gods?

Because of the relationship between "0-08", everyone is relatively familiar with the "Dragon of Illusion", so there is no pause here, Hobert continued: "The ancestor of the 'Phoenix' is the true god of the 'Death' pathway , and at the same time, the body also has a certain extraordinary characteristic of the 'door' pathway."

Audrey asked: "Mr. Emperor, these two pathways don't seem to be adjacent pathways!"

"Well, not the adjacent pathway."

Everyone has the same idea: No wonder the ancient gods are crazy. It turns out that they have two non-adjacent extraordinary characteristics in their bodies. The "Emperor" is right, becoming a god in the second era depends entirely on luck!

In fact, everyone had expected this just now, but now there is direct evidence to prove the previous conjecture.

"The 'Alien King' is the true god of the 'Prisoner' pathway," Hobert said: "We mentioned not long ago that the members of the 'Rose School' are mainly the Extraordinaries of this pathway.

"His subordinate gods include the 'god of spirits' Torzna and the god of war."

Torzner belongs to a "god" who is a bit "deviant", and no one has heard of it, so Hobert didn't make any further explanations.

"'Destroyer Demon Wolf' is the true god of the 'Sleepless' pathway, and at the same time, he also has the Extraordinary characteristics of the Angel King level of the 'Seer' pathway within him." Hobert said:
"His subordinate gods include 'Goddess of Misfortune' Amanissis, 'God of the Dead' Salinger and 'God of Wishes' Kotal."

Even Klein, who was a Nighthawk, still doesn't know the real name of the Evernight Goddess.

His attention was attracted by another name, so he manipulated the "world" to ask: "Salinger? Is it the later 'Underworld'?"

In a previous diary, Klein saw some descriptions of the "Underworld Emperor", among which was the Underworld Emperor's real name.

Hobert smiled and said, "Yes!"

He said to himself: You don’t even know what you just missed.

Everyone was not as surprised as before, after all, this is not the first God who later ascended to the throne of God.

Finally, Hobert said: "'Devil King' Fabuti is the true god of the 'criminal' pathway. Members in Backlund should still remember that the murderer of the 'serial murder case' that caused a lot of fuss before was from this pathway. Extraordinary.”

Except for Emlyn who just joined, everyone was deeply impressed by this matter.

A certain Mr. Fool sitting at the top also investigated the "Apostle of Desire", and finally performed a make-up knife.

Everyone thought about the answer just now, and no one spoke for a while.

Audrey said in her heart while reminiscing: This is the atmosphere that the Tarot Club should have!
After more than ten seconds, the free communication session started again. Klein manipulated the "world" and said, "I heard about a sea incident, which is related to the Church of Storms."

Alger frowned: related to the church?Why haven't I been notified?

Klein was a little disappointed. Originally, he thought he could know how the Bansy Port incident was handled from "The Hanged Man", but judging from the reaction of "The Hanged Man", he didn't know about it.

However, Klein still controlled the "world" and continued to describe: "The ancient customs of Bansi Port have revived, some residents have become cultists, and even the bishop of the Church of Storms has fallen.

"I heard that the matter has been resolved, but many people died."

Alger recalled the situation about Bansi Port, and took the initiative to explain to everyone: "There is a tradition of living sacrifices there, and the target of the sacrifice is an evil spirit called 'God of Weather'.

"Overseas, in the Southern Continent, there are many similar evil spirits. On the surface, they seem to have been eliminated, but in fact they are still living in a strange state."

"This reminds me of a king of angels." Hobert suddenly realized that Klein had never met Medici in Backlund, and he didn't know the relevant information. He felt that he should remind Alger.

Audrey asked curiously, "Mr. Emperor, what does this have to do with the King of Angels?"

Other members had similar problems, except for Emlyn. He remembered that at the last gathering, other members traded information about the King of Angels.

This made Emlyn inexplicably excited, and found another reason why the ancestor asked him to pray to Mr. Fool: Sure enough, this is a savior gathering for the end. We are all the chosen ones, and we will gradually face the "King of Angels" , "Original Witch", "True Creator" and other evil existences.

This made Emlyn suddenly have an impulse to initiate a deal with the "Emperor" to obtain information about the King of Angels, but the fact that he had no money ruthlessly shattered the fantasy in his mind.

Hobert replied: "I remember that the descendants of a King of Angels lived in Binxi, which is now Bansi Port, and that King of Angels is the 'Red Angel' May we mentioned at the last meeting." Dicky.”

Klein was taken aback: It turns out that the Medici family still has descendants, but they should be relatively weak and can only hide in such a small port.

Alger didn't expect that this incident would lead to a king of angels, and he was already thinking about how to report this news to the church.

While accumulating merit for yourself, it can also make the Church of Storms more vigilant.

"Everyone, I have a question." Emlyn said: "The thing is like this. Suppose, there is a strong person who arranges for you to investigate something. Although you have successfully obtained information, due to some reasons, you cannot Report to that strong man, then, how to continue to get support from that strong man?"

The other members, including Hobart, all set their sights on Alger, and in their minds, Mr. Hanged Man has a wealth of experience in this area.

Alger glanced at "Moon": "It's very simple, but you have to bear certain risks."

Emlyn subconsciously denied it: "It's not me!"

"Assume it's you!" The Hanged Man responded with a smile: "You can slowly show certain abnormalities in your daily life, so that the strong man can notice your problems.

"He will have two choices. One is to torture you directly, but this will easily break the clues.

"The second is to provide you with help inadvertently, so that you can conduct a more in-depth investigation, and then send someone to monitor you.

"I think the second possibility is the biggest. The risk you need to take is how not to reveal the information you want to hide under surveillance."

Can it still be like this?Then Emlyn realized that he no longer needed to show any abnormality. The deal he mentioned to the vampires with the "Creator"'s Favorite was a relatively abnormal move.

Because in the impression of the blood race, the sphere of influence of the "creator" should be in the Southern Continent, but Emlyn, who usually doesn't go out often, "meeted" the favored person of the "creator" in Backlund, and it was very accurate A connection is made, as incredible as it sounds.

Emlyn finally understood: No wonder Lord Nibais seemed very interested in the transaction, but he still discussed it for a few days before finally finalizing the transaction. It turned out that they were not worried about the favored members of the "Founder", but Have concerns about me.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said to "The Hanged Man", "Thank you for your suggestion."

Alger smiled slightly, saying it was nothing.

Then, Audrey initiated another topic: "I heard the news this morning that a large-scale conflict between Beyonders just happened in Conant City.

"One of them used the fishing company as a cover, and they suffered huge losses. It is said that more than 20 Extraordinary people died.

"Some people describe it as a rare tragedy in the Extraordinary world."

She got the news from her father. Since the last Backlund smog incident, Earl Hall asked Audrey to participate in the meeting with the archbishop every three days.

In addition to praying and preaching, the archbishop will also routinely inform important believers like Earl Hall of some extraordinary cases encountered by some churches and some information that can be made public in a small range, so as to increase the understanding of important believers on extraordinary cases , There are also references to self-help when encountering similar incidents.

The Punisher was linked to the case that happened in Conant City and the previous case that happened at the Backlund Nicholas Shipyard, so he contacted the "Nighthawks" to form a joint investigation team.

The details of the tragedy that happened in Conant City were only known to the "Nighthawks".

The Punisher did this not because he found clues about Hobert, but because the two cases were very similar: many people died!

In general Extraordinary cases, only one or two people will die, and at most a few people will die.

However, in these two cases, ten or twenty people died, which is obviously different from other cases.

This is actually because, when conflicts at other Sequence 5 levels occur, they are generally of equal strength, and most of the time it is just a fight without death.

If there is a disparity in strength, the focus of the strong side will be on harvesting the enemy's "middle-rank" Extraordinary, and will not care about the enemy's "low-rank" people, or those who hold their own identities and are too lazy to fight those "low-rank".

Therefore, when similar conflicts generally occur, the "low sequence" has a high probability of escaping.

But Hobert doesn't think so. In his eyes, those are 300 pounds that go back and forth, or "300+600" pounds that go back and forth. So many people died.

Alger speculated: "It may be a conflict between Extraordinary organizations."

Fors suddenly said weakly: "Well, I seem to know something."

Everyone was taken aback. Just now Alger and Audrey suspected whether it had something to do with the "World" or the "Emperor", but they never thought that it would be related to the "magician" who rarely spoke.

Audrey said: "Miss Magician, if you have detailed information, can you tell us about it?"

Fors confirmed: "Did the case you mentioned happen at Balan Fishery Company?"

Audrey nodded: "That's right."

"Then we're talking about the same thing." Forsi said, "That was an operation between me and two companions."

Everyone was a little surprised again, and Hobert was also surprised.

Klein: I've seen Miss Magician in disguise on the pier before, she doesn't look like someone who likes to fight and kill!
Emlyn couldn't believe it: Miss Magician seemed to be a very quiet little girl, but she didn't expect that she could cause a tragedy just by making a move.

Audrey also couldn't believe it: I didn't expect Fors to do such a thing!Didn't know the two companions she was talking about, including Hugh?

Forsi realized that everyone seemed to have misunderstood something, and quickly explained: "The people who were killed were all members of the 'Judgment'. They were supported by the Fenepot Kingdom, and they are extraordinary organizations that specialize in sabotage in the Loen Kingdom!"

Before taking action, Hobert explained the immoral things done by the "jury" in order to relieve Fors of the psychological burden.

"The 'Spiritual Retreat' that appeared in the southern part of Loen before was planned and organized by the 'Judgment'. This cult not only sacrifices live, but also sacrifices babies!" Forsi said:

"And this is just a conspiracy planned by a deputy leader of the 'Trial Team'. Many heinous cases in the Kingdom of Loen were planned by them.

"They also forced wild Extraordinary people to join them, otherwise they would turn those Extraordinary people into Extraordinary characteristics!
"In this operation, all we killed were Extraordinary members of the 'Judgment'. At most, we killed a few villains who had helped them, and we didn't kill anyone outside of the 'Judgement'!"

Audrey also felt a little bit of the same hatred: "These people really deserve to be killed!"

Alger's concern was not here: "How did the three of you kill more than 20 Extraordinary people?"

Even with three "medium sequence" Beyonders, it is impossible to kill more than 20 "low sequence".
Forsi explained: "One of my companions has a very powerful and strange sealed item."

Alger nodded, which sounds reasonable: "Is your companion a Sequence 6 or Sequence 5?"

"Yes, it's Sequence 5!"

This is more reasonable. Alger smiled and said, "Then the enemies must all be 'low-sequence' Beyonders!"

"That's not true." Fors said: "The other party also has a Sequence 5."

Alger thought he heard it wrong: "In other words, there is a Sequence 5 on each side?"


Several male members with rich and extraordinary combat experience felt a little unbelievable, "The World" asked hoarsely: "Both of your companions are Sequence 5?"

Foer thought about it, and felt that he would not reveal too much information by only talking about the sequence number: "One is Sequence 5, and the other is Sequence 7."

"The World" then asked, "What about the enemy?"

Forsi said with a little pride: "It seems that there are four or five 'middle ranks', and the rest are 'low ranks'."

Alger immediately made a judgment: Miss Magician's companion should have a level 1 sealed item, otherwise there would be no such result.

Klein also had a similar thought, and thought: The spoils of this battle, the Extraordinary characteristics alone can be sold for a lot of money.

Emlyn was stunned for a few seconds before thinking: You're lying, right?Three people won the battle without any advantage, and killed so many people?
At this time, Audrey was a little strange: "Why don't the official Extraordinary eliminate the 'judgment group'?"

Alger said: "Generally, it is difficult to completely wipe out this kind of local Extraordinary organization. It is very likely that they were discovered by the official Extraordinary investigation at the beginning, and they immediately transferred it, and finally only caught some peripheral members. "

Forsi also said: "My companion also said that surprise attack and luck accounted for at least half of the success this time.

"At first, he thought that at most one key member of the 'Judgment' could be killed, and they realized it."

Who knew that Gail and the others were so immortal that they were meeting at that time!
Audrey frowned and said, "Is there no other way?"

"Yes!" Alger smiled and said, "Send out the demigods, blockade the whole city, and besiege with at least twice as much power as the opponent, so that they can effectively prevent them from running separately when chasing them."

Everyone laughed together. Just the step of "dispatching demigods" is difficult. After all, there are only so many official extraordinary demigods. They also have many more important things, such as intimidating the enemy's demigods, or sitting in a certain place. .

After discussing this issue for a few more words, Klein announced that the gathering was over.


In the middle of the Mad Sea, on the "White Agate".

Klein got up from the bed after performing the sacrifice and bestowing ceremony, and saw that the sky outside the window was gloomy, as if a storm was brewing.

With a dull whistle, the ship finally docked.

Klein pushed open the bedroom door, and found that Danitz had thoughtfully packed his luggage in advance.

Danis smiled: "We have finally arrived at the 'City of Generosity'."

He has been in fear since he set off from Bansy Port, and now he is finally free.

Klein, no, it was Gehrman Sparrow who said, "You can tell me about the pirate contact points in Bayam."

Danitz's expression suddenly became distorted: Shit...

(End of this chapter)

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