Chapter 479
When it comes to cutting the cake, this is usually the busiest time at the wedding.

However, because of the special status of Hobert and Forsi, the young people in the territory did not dare to act recklessly, while the nobles maintained their status and were unwilling to participate.

In the end, only Hugh and Donna rushed over to grab Hobert's shoes. Hugh jumped over like a "hungry tiger", but unfortunately Hobert held her head down. Her arms were too short, and she couldn't reach Hobert even if she tried hard to grab it. The legs are some distance away.

Donna also tried her best, leaping over to look for opportunities without a ladylike image, but unfortunately, Hobert easily dodged them.

The reason why she worked so hard was because Forsi had just promised that as long as she grabbed Hobert's shoes, Forsi would be the master of the house and Donna could sleep as long as she wanted.

Tai Lun was in a dilemma, not knowing whether to help his brother or his sister.

Seeing that this session was not too lively, Hobert dodged Donna and Xio's "offensive", picked up Forsi, and easily took off one of her shoes.

Forsi didn't resist much and watched her husband pick her up with a smile the whole time.

When putting Forsi down, Hobert did not forget to kiss her.

Amid everyone's cheers, Hobert first put on Forsi's shoes, and then cut the cake with a knife.

Donna on the side was crying loudly. Xiu, who was very dissatisfied with her performance just now, asked: "Why are you crying so sadly?"

"My brother is married." Donna cried out of breath: "I can't sleep in anymore."

Xio was stunned for a moment. Are there any relationship between the two?

At this moment, the "cake war" broke out. The reason was that Hobert reached out and spread some cream on Forsi's face, and Xie Er, Selena and others who were booing at the side jumped up and rushed towards each other. The other party throws the cake.

As a result, the more I threw it, the more enthusiastic I became. The eight-layer cake was not wasted at all, but no one got it into their mouths.

Susie at the wedding scene secretly thought it was a pity.

This "cake war" made the atmosphere of the wedding lively. Then came the self-service wedding banquet. Affected by the "cake war" just now, the atmosphere has been relatively lively.

Hobert suddenly saw a very familiar figure among the guests. She was a beautiful lady who looked to be in her 30s. She wore a beautiful dress and was more elegant than those noble ladies.

She noticed Hobert's gaze and smiled happily at him.It's just that her eyes are a little arrogant, which makes people feel scared, and they don't match her appearance and smile.

Hobert met this lady once in Backlund, and only once, but she left a very deep impression on him.

Alarm bells rang in Hobert's heart. Why did she show up at his wedding?
Just when Hobert was stunned, the other party had disappeared.

Hobert searched earnestly, but couldn't find it.

Forsi saw something unusual: "Who are you looking for?"

Hobert shook his head: "I must have seen it wrong."

At this time, a viscount came over to chat. Hobert concentrated on dealing with the viscount and forgot about the matter.

At the wedding banquet, Dai Li and others, who deal with extraordinary cases every day, were also affected by the atmosphere of the wedding and became happy.

Daly looked at Hobert and Forsi who were talking to the guests: "They are such a perfect match!"

Captain Thomas smiled and said, "Yeah, it seems like they should be very affectionate."

Leonard was about to join this topic when he suddenly seemed to sense something. He looked over along the spiritual reminder and saw the man named Gehrman Sparrow who was hosting the reception.

Hermann raised the wine glass in his hand towards Leonard. Leonard was slightly startled, but he raised his glass as if in response.

The two of them drank a glass of wine in the distance, and Leonard wondered why the other person's eyes looked familiar.

Audrey on the other side also looked at the bride and groom: This is a wedding, they seem very happy.

On the side, Gray Linte peeked at the witches and said, "Audrey, I didn't expect that there are so many beautiful ladies among the nobles of Feneport."

Audrey glanced in the direction of Gray Lint and smiled slightly. She didn't know whether to tell him that these beautiful ladies might have been men before.

In a corner of the banquet, Selena, Elizabeth, and Melissa were talking about how beautiful Forsi's exotic dress was, and thinking about their respective futures.

Harvey Hayden toasts Ulysses and Christine, and the three old comrades can't help but reminisce about Rex.

Over there, Syl and Kerwin were drinking as much as they could. They hit each other in a joking tone while pouring glasses of red wine into their mouths.

There were many young people making noises around, clapping their hands and shouting, it was very lively.

In the corner, there was only Klein sitting there, looking lonely.

But he looked at the lively crowd with a satisfied smile.

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, the wedding banquet ended, and most of the guests left or returned to the hotel to rest.

Most of the guests from Backlund went back, and it was a little late for the guests from Feneport to leave now, so they all chose to stay one night in a small town with pleasant scenery and leave tomorrow.

After seeing off the departing guests, Hobert and Forsi took a train to tour the territory. The villagers spontaneously went along the railway to bless the lord and his lady.

Hobert responded to their blessings by throwing some candies at them.

As soon as the train left, people from the town government rode up to make an announcement: In order to celebrate the lord's wedding, from today to the next week, the lord will host a banquet at the entrance of each village.

As long as you are willing to come, you will have your fill of wine, meat, and vegetables!

This made the villagers cheer again.

This is not because of Hobert's luxury, but because spring plowing is here, and then the entire Jeffrey Territory will completely enter a stage of working in the fields day and night.

So Hobert simply took advantage of this opportunity to provide free meals to the villagers.

Anyway, Christine promised that he would be responsible for all the expenses of the wedding, and Hobert also included this expense in the wedding.

After dark, Hobert and Forsi were already a little tired, but their emotions were still high because a lively dance party also started at the wedding venue.

This is the last part of the wedding, and it is also the craziest part. Most of the people who come to the dance are young people. They will keep dancing until the bonfire goes out, until the band can no longer play a single note, and some people even get tired. I had to fall asleep directly on the spot.

At this stage, young men can kiss the girl they like, even if they haven't said a word before.

Girls can also invite the young man they like to dance, getting closer and closer as they dance, and finally embrace each other.

In this closed mountainous area, this is more like a collective blind date meeting.

At the same time, it also implies that the bride and groom are going to rest and do what couples should do.

Amid everyone's cheers, Forsi and Hobert returned to the lord's bedroom.

Hobert lay stretched out on the bed: "I am also a Sequence 5 after all, but I am so exhausted after getting married. How do ordinary people survive?"

Forsi, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, smiled softly and said, "How can an ordinary groom play as crazy as you do?"

"When you get married, of course you have to indulge." Hobert saw Forsi standing up as if to leave: "Where are you going?"

"Back to my room, of course."

"We are both married, and we still want to live separately?"

"Shouldn't we get married first and then fall in love?" Forsi said with a little evil smile, "We will live together after we finish the process of falling in love."

Under the light, Forsi looked dignified and beautiful, and her slight smile seemed to make her eyes full of charm. Hobert was stunned for a moment.

It wasn't until Forsi came to the door that Hobert realized what was going on: "Wait a minute."

Seeing that he couldn't catch up, Hobert was about to secretly say "What a pity", but after a few steps he found that Forsi failed to open the door.

Forsi was so angry that he stamped his feet: "The door is broken!"

Hobert hugged Forsi with one arm and opened the door with the other hand: "It's strange, it was fine just now."

Forsi pulled hard, almost pulling the door down, but it still couldn't be opened: "Isn't it possible that someone locked the door outside?"

"Who dares to lock my door?"


"Unlucky..." Hobert suddenly understood and almost knelt on the ground and shouted: "Praise the goddess". The third bad luck came at a perfect time!

Forsi was about to "open the door" to go out, but Hobert took the first step and said with a smile: "Let's dance again."

Seeing that Hobert was looking at her affectionately, Forsi couldn't bear to refuse, so she put one hand around Hobert's waist and the other on his shoulder, and danced to the music that was still going on at the wedding venue. Lyrical dance.

When they were dancing outside just now, Hobert didn't show too much intimacy with Forsi in order to take into consideration the lord's image.

Now that there were only two of them left, how could Hobert care about his image?He held Forsi tightly in his arms.

The two of them no longer looked like they were dancing, but more like they were hugging each other and spinning around in circles.

Seeing that the time was almost here, Hobert tilted his head and kissed Forsi's soft lips.

Forsi was stunned for a moment, but then she enjoyed Hobert's passionate kiss. As a result, Hobert kissed her deeper and deeper. He hugged Forsi tightly with one hand and inserted his other hand into her clothes from behind. Come and drill.

Forsi enjoyed the feeling of deep kisses more and more, and the heat of Hobert's palms more and more.

This time, when Hobert lifted Forsi up and placed him on the bed, Forsi just smiled shyly and put his arms around Hobert's neck.


Hobert opened his eyes and looked outside, it was already bright outside.

Recalling the madness last night, Hobert simply put his arm around Forsi's shoulders and let her lie completely on top of him.

Forsi took away Hobert's hand and crawled into his arms again, wanting to continue sleeping.

Hobert did not disturb her anymore and waited until she fell asleep for more than half an hour.

After Forsi woke up, he kissed Hobert's chest: "Hobert, what should I do?" "What should I do?"

"I really want to stop time, or slow down time, and stay in the present warmth forever."

"Little fool." Hobert reached out and pinched her nose: "If you stop time, wouldn't you miss warmer and happier moments in the future?"

Forsi smiled: "Hobert, you are so good at pleasing girls, you must have deceived many young ladies and ladies, right?"

"So far, I have only deceived a beautiful and lovely lady named Forsi."

Forsi smiled sweetly and said, "Liar."

The two kissed passionately for a while. It was indeed getting late, so they got up.

After everyone got dressed, Hobert pointed to the oil painting on the wall: "This will be our sentinel in the future. It is a sealed object. When it is turned on, it can issue a death curse to every creature in front of it.

"Although the curse is not very strong, it is enough to issue an early warning and give us a certain amount of time to react.

"Come, hold on to this side of the portrait, and I'll let it mark your spirituality and make you something it can ignore.

"Yes, that's it. From now on at night, this room will be our safe world, and we can 'dance' to our heart's content!"

When Forsi heard the word "dance", she immediately blushed. Of course she understood Hobert's hint.

The two went to Christine's yard to talk for a while, and Hobert started to get busy again. Today he will continue to entertain the nobles and rich people.

Originally, these nobles were leaving, but this morning, they received an invitation and a mask.

The invitation letter said that an extraordinary auction would be held in the back mountain tonight, and listed several items to be auctioned. The nobles were more or less involved in some extraordinary auctions, so everyone planned to stay one more day and go to the auction in the evening. have a look.

Rich people also received the same invitation letter, but many of them didn't know what these auctions were?
Those who knew what it meant stayed behind, and those who didn't know and had things to deal with left in the morning.Those who had nothing urgent were prepared to stay and take a look. They guessed that this was Hobert's invitation, and of course they had to give him some face.

Since they were going to stay in the territory for one more day, Hobert had to entertain them, so he took everyone on a small train to tour the territory.

The first two carriages are specially designed for nobles. The seats are as spacious as sofas and have a good view.

Hobert and Ethel sat at the front. Ethel, who was dressed neatly again today, looked at the busy scene of spring planting in the fields: "In a blink of an eye, it's time for spring plowing again."

Hobert followed the topic and said, "Yeah, year after year, it goes by so fast."

"I have seen many scenes of spring plowing, but the people in your territory seem to be more motivated."

"Maybe it's because I canceled the agricultural tax."

"I read that book last night." Ethel looked at the field scene outside and said, "You are very courageous."

Before this, Ethel knew very little about Hobert and Jeffrey's territory. She thought that Hobert had laid the foundation for his rule in South Colson entirely through violence.

After coming to Jeffrey Territory, I discovered that Hobert's governance level was quite high. At least Ethel had never seen such a capable person among the nobles.

If most of what is said in the book is true, then Hobert already has a strong foundation in Jeffrey's territory, which will bring considerable obstacles to the return of royal power.

Hobert smiled and said: "My personal ability only accounts for a small part, and it all depends on the support of the royal family and the princess."

Ethel smiled at Hobert with deep meaning: "Hypocrisy!"

Hobert continued to smile: This little girl is really hard to take care of!
The princess continued to look out the window: "I gave you the fiefdom of viscount, but I didn't confer you viscount. Do you understand why?"

"I only have merit, but my loyalty to the king is not enough."

Ethel nodded with satisfaction, it was easy to talk to smart people.

She glanced at Hobert again: So?

However, Hobert was suddenly uneasy and said, "I am absolutely loyal to the king, and the princess should also be able to see this. I am an honest man, and I have no ambitions. I just want to manage my own territory well."

Ethel almost blurted out the words "fart", but in the end she maintained the demeanor that a princess should have: "If you show your ambition, I can rest assured."

"I plan to retire after building the territory." Hobert said happily: "From now on, I will just lie down and count money."

Ethel said nothing, of course she would not believe such nonsense.

After entertaining the nobles until about four o'clock in the afternoon, and seeing all the scenery in the territory, Hobert returned to the Lord's Mansion to take a rest.

However, it is also beneficial to go shopping like this. Many nobles are already planning to come to Jeffrey Town for vacation in April or May.

Back at the Lord's Mansion, the reporters came to say goodbye.

Hobert told reporters about his idea for a "youth hostel" that would provide great discounts for young people who want to get out and about.

At the same time, he also asked reporters to write down one of the points in their reports: when art students from art schools come to sketch, board and lodging are included. If there are works that are appreciated by the lord, the lord will buy them and print a picture album in the future.

This marketing method was so novel that even if Hobert didn't tell him, the reporters would still write it in the report.

After seeing off the reporters, Hobert went to the side hall and asked Dennis to guard the door and not let anyone disturb him.

He first arranged the altar and completed the deal with Alger and "Little Sun".

"The Fool" reminded him to trade at noon, but he didn't have time at that time.

I got five more extraordinary materials from "Little Sun" and the "Sap of the Black Mist Lord Tree" that I bought for 2000 from Alger.

After completing the ceremony, Hobert thought: Isn't "The Fool" in the Lord's Mansion?Granted from the east courtyard of the Lord's Mansion to the front courtyard?
He suddenly felt like he had taken a long way!

Hobert smiled and began to prepare for the evening auction.

After the family had dinner, they took two carriages and followed Hobert to the back mountain to watch the excitement.

Hobert rode in a carriage with Forsi and Donna. While they were chatting, Hobert said to Forsi: "Observe the auction skills carefully for a while. If I don't have time in the future, you can Host the auction.”

Forsi was slightly startled: "I, I can't!"

Hobert held her hand and smiled gently: "It's very simple. In fact, it's just taking advantage of everyone's mentality of snatching and the mentality of 'you only have one chance'."

Although he has never hosted an auction, he has seen many auctions of cultural relics and is very aware of the psychological game involved.

"I won't let you work in vain." Hobert smiled and said: "Currently, every time you sell a lot, I will give you a 5% share."

Forsi said seriously: "I will study hard!"

Donna asked, "Hobert, why do you emphasize 'for now'?"

"Because after Fors takes over the property management of the Lord's Mansion in the future, he will no longer be able to use this commission-based account sharing model."

Donna envied and said, "Brother, sorting out the accounts is very tiring. Do you want me to share the burden with my sister-in-law..."

"Forget it, I'm afraid that the Lord's Mansion will go bankrupt."

"Hmph, cheapskate!"

Hobert flicked Donna's head: "Isn't the pocket money I gave you enough? You use your crooked brains all day long."

The wheels of the carriage rolled slowly, and the three people arrived at the back mountain while chatting.

At present, the back mountain is still relatively desolate, especially at night. Only the auction building has a solitary light, which looks like a haunted building in a ghost story.

However, this is in line with the terrifying atmosphere that an extraordinary gathering should have. The nobles and rich people who came to participate in the auction arrived one after another, and the back mountain area became somewhat popular.

Everyone wears a mask, but some people are still easy to recognize, such as Princess Ethel. How can a mask cover her such a powerful aura?

In addition, Bishop Klein and Simpson, as well as the demigod Darnell of the Tudor family, were also invited to observe the auction.

The decoration of the auction hall is very simple, and there is no time to even raise the ceiling. There are only rows of seats that get higher towards the back, like a theater, and an auction table.

Outside the auction hall, even the windows have not been closed.

But everyone came here for those extraordinary items, and even the nobles who had strict environmental requirements didn't care much about them.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Hobert came to the auction stage: "I announce that this auction has officially begun.

“The first lot is a rare and extraordinary weapon that has the shape of a crossbow, is easy to carry, and has two abilities.

"The first ability is that even people who have never used a crossbow..."

The nobles and wealthy businessmen in the audience listened attentively. Those who knew the art knew that extraordinary weapons were indeed rare, and those who did not know the art were also attracted by its abilities and the crowds.

Hobert said while showing everyone the extraordinary weapon he just got from Kelly: "This crossbow is a very good self-defense weapon in the family. Even family members who have never touched weapons can use it in emergency situations." You can also use it to protect yourself.

"The starting price is 1800 gold liso, and each bid is 100 gold liso. The auction starts now.

"This gentleman offered for 1900, and that one offered for 2000! 2200! The gentleman who knows the goods directly asked for 2200! 2300! 2400! 2400 for the first time. Do you want a higher price? You can't stay at home every day to protect your family. With this crossbow, your family will be safe.”


"3200 for the first time and 3200 for the second time. This kind of easy-to-use weapon is rare. You may not encounter similar weapons this year.

"3300! That gentleman reached 3300! 3500! This gentleman knows that opportunities should not be missed! 3700! That gentleman also understands this truth!"

Hobert found that those who are still raising prices are basically rich people who are not very knowledgeable and have a lot of money.

So the price of this extraordinary weapon rose to a price that even Hobert had not expected: "3800! 3800 once, 3800 twice, is there anything higher? 3800 three times! Deal!"

Hobert banged the gavel and the deal was sealed.

Klein, who was sitting in the corner, was filled with envy. In the blink of an eye, Hobert had earned more than 3000 pounds. He did not expect that Hobert would not only initiate group purchases, but also be so good at auctions.

(End of this chapter)

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