Mystery: The New Dark Emperor Arrives

Chapter 499 Audrey’s Suggestion

Chapter 499 Audrey’s Suggestion
After dinner, Hobert asked Selina to record in the form of a story how she dealt with the riot today and the conversation she had just had at dinner.

Then make a few more copies and send one copy to each department, which serves as the guiding ideology for the work of the town government.

Today's reactions from Conrad, Kerwin and Schill made Hobert realize the role of "guiding ideology". When facing problems, there is a ready-made logic there and he can use it. He really knows how to do it. Make the work of town government more efficient, and things tend to develop in the direction Hobert expects.

At the same time, Hobert also understood the importance of unity of thought.

After everyone had basically rested, Hobert locked the door and prayed to The Fool, hoping to communicate with Miss Justice alone.

Ten minutes later, Hobert's vision was covered by gray fog, and he arrived at the position of the "Emperor" in the Giant Hall.

Only "Justice" Audrey sat across from her, while the top of the long bronze table was empty, with no sign of Mr. Fool.

But Hobert knew that Klein the Fool must be somewhere in this hall, otherwise he and Audrey would not have appeared above this gray fog.

Audrey was very surprised by such a meeting: "Emperor... Hobert, you did not attend the meeting today. Everyone is very worried about you."

Hobert smiled and said: "There was a riot in my territory today."

Audrey almost covered her mouth in surprise: "Riot, God, why did such a thing happen?"

Hobert briefly described the previous demonic rule: "...during that bloody rule, local residents were forced to believe in demons and were inevitably spiritually polluted.

"The people I sent helped them plant seeds, help them rebuild their homes after the disaster, and forbade them from believing in the devil. However, they encountered strong resistance from some people, and a riot broke out!"

Audrey clenched her beautiful fists and said angrily: "Damn devil!"

Then she thought about it and asked: "Why do they still need to rebuild their homes? I haven't heard of any recent disasters in Colson County of the Kingdom of Feneport? Could it be that the devil destroyed their homes when they left?" "

Ever since she knew the exact location of Hobert's territory, Audrey has been paying attention to all the information from Colson County, consciously or unconsciously. With Earl Hall's connections and connections, Audrey dare not say that she knows everything about Colson County. , but she still knows some of the major events happening in real time.

Moreover, during the Tarot meeting in the afternoon, "Magician" Forsi did not mention that there had been a natural disaster near Full Moon Lake.

"Well... there is nothing to hide." Hobert said: "That disaster was the result of an angel-level battle."

Not only was Audrey surprised, but Klein, who was sitting at the top, was also a little surprised: Why was there an angel-level battle?
As Hobert expected, Mr. Fool was in this hall, sitting at the head of the long bronze table, but he added a seat for himself, with his back to Audrey and Hobert.

The tall chair back perfectly concealed Mr. Fool's habit of eavesdropping.

Hobert briefly described the situation at that time, and finally said: "...'The Founder' was also very supportive of the action I initiated. Not only did he send saints to participate in the battle, but after the other party summoned the 'Blood Archduke', he also sent angels Join the war.”

The result of this battle was that [-]% of the people in Eugene died in the aftermath of the battle, including the family of Baron Eugene.

But at the same time, it also stopped the "Blood Archduke" in the Eugene Territory, and finally did not cause the death of [-]% of the people in the entire South Colson area.

However, Hobert had no intention of telling this to Audrey, who was somewhat of a "righteous mysophobia".

Audrey sighed in her heart at this time: It is indeed a god on the side of justice. The "founder" not only hates the "Rose School" with hatred, but also takes the initiative to destroy those demons!
Then she felt a little proud: Forsi didn't even know about angel-level battles, but Hobert told me!

Hobert added: "The riots have basically been resolved, but I estimate that nearly 1 people have suffered relatively serious mental pollution, so I would like to ask you, is there any way to treat their mental pollution?"

He sighed: "You may not imagine that among this group of people, there are many children under ten years old!"

Audrey could not imagine what that area had gone through!
She frowned: "According to some knowledge I have learned, mental pollution can almost only be cured by oneself, and I can only do some psychological hints to make them look like normal people for the time being.

"The key is……"

The key is that there are too many patients. If Audrey treats each patient one by one, it may take three or four months to conduct an "initial diagnosis". If you include follow-up consultations, it will probably take more than half a year.

This is obviously unrealistic.

Audrey fell into deep thought and began to think about whether there was any other way.

Hobert waited quietly, and the hall became extremely quiet for a while.

"I have thought of a theoretically feasible method," Audrey said.

After becoming an "audience", she read a large number of books on psychology. After joining the Psychological Alchemy Society, she read many related research materials there. None of the senior members of the Psychological Alchemy Society had as much reading as she did.

So Audrey was able to figure out how to give herself psychological hints and explore her subconscious space.

She is very professional in theoretical knowledge of the mind.

Hobert made a gesture of please speak, and Audrey continued: "I think the mental pollution of those people should be somewhat like a mental brand. Theoretically, a more powerful mental brand can be used to cover the demonic marks. The 'brand' under.

"If the person who left the new brand is normal enough and does not show any evil, depraved, or bloodthirsty state, then under the influence of the new brand, those people will become much more normal.

"But they will still be different from ordinary people, easily agitated and extreme. However, a large number of people should be able to gradually recover on their own, but there must be some people who may not be able to get rid of such mental problems throughout their lives."

The more Hobert thought about it, the more he felt that this method was feasible, and Audrey had made it very clear: they could ask the "Fool" or the "Creator" to give them a new brand.

The "Fool" at the top of the long bronze table prays: Goddess bless you, don't come to me, go to the "Creator"!
Hobert quickly made a decision: "It's better than spending their whole lives under the influence of demons."

He took a deep breath: "Thank you for your suggestion. How much is the consultation fee?"

"There is no need for any consultation fee." Audrey smiled: "If it can be useful to you and can treat so many innocent people, then it is the best consultation fee."

Hobert nodded: "I will try my best to save as many people as possible."

"Hobert, you are a noble person." Audrey suddenly smiled: "Don't question everything you do, and don't care about the gossip, do what you think is right."

Hobert was stunned for a moment, but soon realized that Audrey saw the disappointment he had inadvertently shown.

Yes, even though he knew that the people became so insane due to the influence of demons, Hobert gave them help, but in exchange for riots and incomprehension, he must have felt a little uncomfortable.

But as Audrey said, he knew that this way of handling it was correct, and that the Teutonic way of handling it was wrong.

That's why he concealed his disappointment in front of his subordinates, but he didn't expect that Audrey would still see it.

Hobert smiled and said: "Thank you for your comfort. I feel much better."

If you don’t understand, don’t understand. Hobert said to himself: As long as I feel that I am doing the right thing, I don’t care what others do if they don’t understand.
After their one-on-one conversation, Hobert began to think about ways to brand the mentally abnormal, and eventually came up with a simple plan.For the next two days, Hobert stayed at Baron Felix's Lord's Mansion to preside over the overall situation, and the work of "diversion" of the subjects was basically completed.

Most people chose to stay in their homes, began to take care of the crops in the fields seriously, and built or renovated their residences under the command of public servants.

About 1000 people spontaneously came to the Eugene Territory, which became a wilderness. There they looked for stones, wood and other materials that could be carved, and carved ugly demon statues one after another.

It wasn't until they saw these statues that they seemed to find a sense of security.

Those who were punished in villages and towns also said goodbye to their families and embarked on their journey rather tragically.

Hobert looked at the looks of these people and felt like laughing inexplicably. He planned to give these people a holiday in three days and let them go home. The expressions on these people's faces would be quite wonderful by then.

During these two days, Hobert also received the king's envoy, a palace viscount.

The messenger first praised Hobert, and then informed Hobert that Colson County would send the town mayor and officials to the west bank of Full Moon Lake in the near future, and thanked Hobert for his contribution to the stability of the South Colson area. contribution.

Hobert clapped his hands and said: "Finally, we have waited for the king's help. Mr. Messenger, the people here have been mentally contaminated by demons and have already launched a riot.

"There are still more than 1 people who are extremely aggressive. I have gathered them all together. Now that Mr. Messenger is here, please issue an order to execute them!"

The palace viscount was stunned: "How could I issue such a cruel order?"

"It's not you who issued the order, it was issued in the name of the king!"

"The king cannot kill his own people so cruelly!"

Hobert nodded as if he understood something: "Anyway, those people will be left to you. I believe you can handle them properly."

The palace viscount did not give an immediate answer, but proposed to meet the more than 1 people.

Hobert asked Schier to take the envoy to the Eugene Territory. The envoy's memory was still fresh in the memory of those people's worship of the devil statue and the malice shown in their words and deeds.

After returning to the Lord's Mansion, the Palace Viscount left immediately.

Before leaving, Hobert also asked the court viscount for money for disaster relief on the west bank of Full Moon Lake, a total of 2 gold liso, and generously said that he would give the viscount a 10% kickback.

The palace viscount simply agreed without making any promises, and hurriedly boarded the ship.

He wanted to stop those low-level officials who might have set out as soon as possible and report the situation here to the king.

In the view of the palace viscount, this place is completely expensive but of little value. The most important thing is that the king certainly cannot bear the infamy of massacring more than 1 people!

You can wait for a while, wait for Hobert to finish all these "dirty jobs", and then resume the rule here.

This is the reason why Hobert emphasized "responsibility" with Conrad and others in previous conversations.

Nowadays, all countries in the Northern Continent, from the royal family to the government, have no sense of responsibility towards the people.


On Thursday morning, a light rain yesterday brought a layer of mist to the wilderness across the Eugene Territory.

The clouds were rising, and the mist was swept by the breeze, rolling across the mountains and fields, drifting over the neat withered grass with dewdrops.

Angus took five members of the first team and followed Hobert to the wilderness again.

Now a large area of ​​colorful grass in this wilderness has been cleared. This is the result of the more than 1 people who would rather die than believe in the devil in the past two days. After all these grasses are pulled out, they will be sent to the Mother Earth. The church is there.

At this time, more than 1 people were woken up early. They very obediently followed the administrator's request and came to a cleared hillside.

This group of people showed an astonishing duality. On the one hand, they were hot-tempered and would fight with each other at every turn, often with their lives.

On the other hand, they are very submissive to the administrators who hold weapons, even just wooden sticks, and they almost do whatever they are asked to do.

But the premise is not to touch their statues.

In the haziness, they saw Baron Hobert, whose hair was wet by the fog, walking quickly up to the top of the mountain.

Hobert looked coldly at the faces on the hillside that were indifferent, fierce, or absent-minded.

He smiled and said: "As you expected, you who are the main participants and planners of the riots, I cannot forgive you so easily!"

Many people hugged or clenched the statue in their arms or hands. They knew that this oppressive baron would not just let themselves do hard labor.

"Be prepared to accept your punishment!" Hobert smiled and suddenly lowered his head in a praying posture.

No matter that the people on the hillside didn't understand what the baron was going to do, even Angus and the others didn't know how the baron was going to punish these people.

Suddenly, in the mid-air above Lord Hobert's head, a violent wind suddenly hit, the mist was suddenly torn open, and a hollow-like place appeared in the mid-air.

Then, a terrifying power came, and even ordinary people could fully feel the majesty in the air that made people dare not look directly.

At this time, many people on the hillside had knelt down in fear.

Angus and several other Beyonders stared blankly at the figure who seemed to be sitting among the swords in mid-air.

He is exuding divine brilliance, as if he can end all chaos, and he seems to be able to bring about complete chaos.

He exudes a majestic aura, making people lower their heads unconsciously and want to surrender unconsciously.

His majesty can be felt in a large area around him, and within the coverage area of ​​​​the majesty, his words seem to be unquestionable orders.

When Angus came back to his senses, he realized that he had kneeled on the ground without knowing it.

He quickly lowered his head and fell to the ground like everyone around him.

At this time, he was still a little excited in his panic: no wonder Hobert could invite angels to fight for him. It turned out that Christine and his son had taken refuge in a god!This is simply, simply great!As long as I serve Hobert seriously, I will have a chance to get ahead!

(End of this chapter)

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