Mystery: The New Dark Emperor Arrives

Chapter 622 Hobert’s Believers

Chapter 622 Hobert’s Believers

Hobert looked at the badge in his hand. First of all, he was sure that this medal contained the extraordinary characteristics of the "Black Emperor" path.

And the level of the characteristics is not low, it should be at the level of "Frenzy Mage".

Looking closely at the pattern carved on the badge, it is a solemn throne, which is the emblem of the Solomon family.

Behind the family crest is a name: Anthony Solomon.

Based on the family emblem and name, it was not difficult for Hobert to guess that this should be the badge worn by Megli's husband during his lifetime.

He further speculated that Megli should have asked "artisans" to "embed" the characteristics of the "Crazy Mage" among her husband's shattered characteristics into the badge, turning the badge into a sealed object.

This should not be difficult to do after Megli becomes an angel. After all, the "God of Artisans" has been supporting the Trunsoest Empire before and after she became a god.

Because it is a relic of her husband, Meglee’s evil spirit exists based on it as the “cornerstone”.

The extraordinary characteristics in the badge allow Megli to stably exert her Sequence 3 level abilities. By "relating" the extraordinary characteristics of the "Duke of Entropy", Megli can discover and exploit the loopholes in the Pluto Emperor's seal. Able.

Otherwise, how could it be possible for a single evil spirit to break through the seal of the Underworld Emperor?

Even though the Hades Emperor has fallen and the seal has been loosened, the underworld is still providing power for the seal. As an undead creature, there is no possibility of breaking through the seal.

But it's different with the extraordinary characteristics in this badge. This makes the evil spirit very advanced when it appears and has a stable source of power.

If it were not in the seal, it would even have the ability to leave the "territory" as soon as it comes up. When the opportunity is right, it may be able to go back and devour the characteristics of the "Duke of Entropy" and return to the angel level.

Hobert stretched out his hand and levitated the badge, infusing it with the ability of the "State of Disorder".

Sure enough, the spiritual residue in this badge began to shape its own image, forming a shadow-like female image.

This image is a bit illusory, and the face cannot be seen clearly. He seems to be wearing a luxurious and complicated palace dress.

This reminded Hobert of the night elf hero "Watcher", the "Avenging Angel" summoned by the ultimate move after level 6.

The difference is that the shadow in front of Hobert has occult symbols shining with black light, giving people a very majestic feeling that they dare not offend.

After extracting the "Power of Order", Hobert took the badge in his hand and felt it, because the badge was very compatible with the spiritual residue in it, and the spiritual residue was relatively strong. It could be used up to 8 times!

Hobert smiled. This "Angel Thug" was more like a subordinate of "The Creator" because she was targeting the "Duke of Entropy" sequence.

At present, the negative effects of this sealed object are very strong, but after using it 8 times, the spiritual residue in it is basically eliminated, and the negative effects of the sealed object are also weakened.

Hobert named it "1-113" and gave it the name "Solomon's Crest".

After taking another look at the extraordinary characteristics of the "Duke of Entropy" that was being re-aggregated, Hobert lamented that the purpose of this operation was successfully achieved, and there was even an unexpected gain such as the "Solomon Family Emblem".

Just as Hobert was about to leave the "Country of Disorder", he suddenly remembered Klein's operation of using the "Poseidon Scepter" to become the new Poseidon.

Hobert sat back on the "Iron Throne" and held the "Solomon Family Emblem" in his hand again: Can I take away the faith of the "Mountain God"? How to operate it?

He used the abilities "Relation" and "Utilization" successively, but they were only able to better use the abilities in the badge, and he did not feel the connection between the mountain god and the believers.

Hobert held the "badge" in his left hand and tapped the armrest of the "Iron Throne" with his right index finger. One thing he was sure of was: since the evil spirit is at the level of Sequence 3, its state is similar to that of the previous Poseidon Kavituwa. Almost, the prayers of believers will definitely leave some traces on it.

Even if the undead have been eliminated, the believers' faith will still point to this badge that maintains the existence of the "Mountain God".

The main question now is, how to tamper with these connections pointing to the "mountain god" to the "creator" or "Lord Hobert"?

I tried the "tampering" and "distortion" abilities again, but still got nothing.

Hobert fell into deep thought again: The key is that now there is no "distortion" and "tampering", or in other words, no connection between the "mountain god" and the believers.

Just as he was thinking of this, Hobert accidentally glanced at the puddle in front of him. He suddenly had inspiration and put the "Solomon Family Crest" in his hand into the puddle.

This pool established the connection between the "creator" and the believers when Hobert Sequence 9 was in place. It should have the ability to make the connection between the "badge" and the believers more obvious.

If you look at "tampering" or "correlation", you can really feel the connection between the "mountain god" and the believers, like a thread.

Hobert smiled, so that he could use the "Solomon family crest" to respond to the prayers of believers, or to actively "contact" believers.

First of all, Hobert plans to turn his belief in the "mountain god" into a belief in the "creator".

The problems Hobert and Klein encountered and the goals they needed to achieve were different.

The craziest believers of the "Mountain God" and the power of the Mountain God Church are not as attached to Hobert as the Poseidon Church is to Klein.

Because Hobert had basically killed them all, there would definitely be some fish that slipped through the net, but with the "mountain gods" gone, it would be difficult for them to succeed.

Hobert's purpose is first to consolidate his rule. Belief in the "Mountain God" greatly affects the rule of the Governor's Mansion! Therefore, if we want to ban it, simply converting the indigenous people to believe in the "founder" is the most time-saving and labor-saving operation.

Just as he was about to use the "badge" to deliver the oracle, Hobert suddenly thought that the "creator" did not actually need believers at the moment, but it was time for Hobert, who had been promoted to Sequence 3, to need believers to stabilize his state.

Of course, his humanity makes him in good shape now, but what about after being promoted to Sequence 2 and Sequence 1?

Can we maintain such a good state if we rely solely on human nature?

So Hobert changed his mind, and he used the "badge" to broadcast to all believers: "Your faith is the expression of your will and spiritual food, and it cannot be stopped.

“The new lord of Longwei Island is another incarnation that I use to redeem you.

“From today on, you begin to believe in the favored one of the ‘Creator’, the great Lord of Longtail Island!

“My honorable name has also changed. Please pray or supplicate me again and recite the new honorable name:

“The Creator’s Favorite!

“Lord of Longtail Island and South Colson;

“He is a mage who spreads chaos and stabs order in the back;

"It's Hobert Jeffrey who brings light to Backlund's night."


There was deathly silence on Changwei Island, where it was still raining lightly.

Today, indigenous chiefs and village elders have lost most of their property and wives as their lands were divided according to population.

And they couldn't get back the lost property at all, because there were soldiers to help guard the fields assigned to the tribesmen.

At this time, they were looking at the gloomy sky outside with sad faces, praying silently to the "Mountain God" in their hearts, hoping that the "Mountain God" could kill those soldiers and officials and restore the original system.

Suddenly, a majestic figure appeared in their minds: "Our faith is the expression of will and spiritual food..."

Not only them, but the people who had just been assigned to the land were also very confused.

Growing up, I worked for the chief, the village chief, or the people in the northern continent, and got food from them.

Although he ate almost as much as pig food, and although he was always looked down upon and insulted, he never worried about tomorrow.

Because tomorrow will definitely be the same as today, eating almost like pig food and always being stared at and insulted.

Suddenly having their own land and no longer having to worry about food, they suddenly found that the idea of ​​thinking about tomorrow was so foreign!

They also looked blankly at the sky outside, silently praying to the "Mountain God", hoping to get some guidance.

At this moment, a majestic figure appeared in their minds: "Your faith is the expression of will and spiritual food..."

They were all filled with tears, lying on the ground and kissing the earth, while praying to the new "mountain god" with the most pious attitude.

"He is not a mountain god!" Suddenly someone shouted: "That is not a mountain god. Don't pray to him, don't pray to him!"

This shout was even a bit heartbreaking, but it was useless. Someone had already responded, and the shout was instantly covered by cheers.

Over the years, the indigenous people have prayed to the "Mountain God" so many times, but rarely received a response.

Even if I could get a response, it would only be intermittently, and I had no idea what it meant.

The response they received this time was very clear. That tall, oppressive figure must be the "Mountain God"!

No, it is another incarnation of the "Mountain God", the great "Lord"!


Back to a few minutes ago, after the broadcast in the "Land of Disorder" ended, Hobert simply pulled away the "thread" connecting the "badge" to the believers, completely severing the connection between them and the "Mountain God".

Then Hobert returned to the real world, preparing to answer the prayers of the Mountain God believers to indicate that the "Mountain God" was "online" with another account.

But just after returning to the real world, Hobert felt that his brain almost exploded!

One after another, hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of voices in the local indigenous language filled his mind, as if he was in a venue with tens of thousands of people. Everyone said their own things, and Hobert was not the one who should listen. That voice is better.

Although he was mentally prepared, Hobert did not expect that so many people praying at the same time would be a disaster.

The believers all speak the language of the local indigenous people, with various pronunciations. Even the indigenous people on the plains and the indigenous people in the mountains cannot communicate in the language.

Hobert couldn't understand their prayers usually, and he still couldn't understand them now, but he could understand what they wanted to express.

Fortunately, Hobert was in good condition and had just digested one-third of the potion. He had also "gifted" the injuries suffered by the spirit body in the previous battle.

After being confused for a second or two, he quickly responded.

First of all, Hobert used the ability of "correlation" to classify some similar prayers, roughly divided into two categories. One category is the prayers of chiefs and village chiefs. They are very dissatisfied with the current land reform and hope for the great "lord" Kill those officials and soldiers, take back their property, and put the originators of this bad system and culture on trial.

Hobert twitched his lips. He had been the one who took the lead in this matter. Should he judge himself?

Regarding such requests, Hobert told them uniformly: Those officials and soldiers were the new messengers of God, who came to save them.

However, the process of rescue must be very painful. Hobert asked them not to complain, but to do their own thing well, cultivate the land they received, educate their children well, and actively face the changes in Longwei Island. A bright future is here. Ahead awaits them.

The other type is the indigenous people who have just been assigned land. They are very confused and want to ask the great "lord" for guidance.

In fact, in order to prevent them from being unable to adapt to the new life for a while, grassroots officials will read out the responsibilities of the citizens of Changwei Island after allocating the land.

For example, to cultivate the allocated land well, if men and women are willing to get married, they must know how to take care of each other. In addition, they must take good care of the children assigned to them or willing to live with them.

There are also some life details, such as no longer sleeping in the fields, no defecating on the road or in the room where you sleep, living separately from livestock or poultry, etc.

It's just that the drastic changes in the past few days have made them unable to listen to these regulations for a while.

Regarding their prayers, Hobert simply took the previously drafted document and read it out.

Similarly, Hobert spoke Loen language, and the natives could usually understand a few words at most. At this time, they still didn't know what the "Lord" was talking about, but they could understand the meaning of the "Lord"!

After more than twenty minutes of busy work, the peak period of prayer passed, leaving only some sporadic prayers.

Hobert temporarily turned off his ability to hear and answer prayers, otherwise a sudden visit in the middle of the night would disturb his rest.

He sat on the chair next to the desk, took a sip of tea, and took a deep breath. Then he sighed in his heart: At the level of Sequence 3, having hundreds of believers is all that is needed. Having too many believers is of no use, but it will also make you feel uncomfortable. Quarrel.

Hobert stretched and couldn't help grinning again: "It feels pretty good to be a god."

By this time, Hobart's bureaucracy had reacted, and Conrad braved the rain to report the abnormality of the natives.

Hobert asked them to observe and remain vigilant and wait one night before talking.

After Conrad left, Angus came to report: Just now the "mountain god" transformed into a "lord" and responded to the prayers of believers on a large scale.

Hobert told him directly: "The great 'creator' found and eliminated the mountain god, and gave me the gift of connection between the mountain god and his believers."

Angus was surprised for several seconds. The "Mountain God" was just gone? Or is it that the "mountain god" is so vulnerable in front of the "creator"?

Then he smiled: There is no doubt about this, the "creator" is already very powerful.

Finally, I left with some excitement: The lord is no different from the "mountain god". I wonder if I can get similar gifts as the "creator" after reaching Sequence 3?

Hobert looked at the clock in the study, came to the dining room where candles were already lit, and at the dinner table, announced to Forsi the good news that he had found extraordinary characteristics and had replaced the "Mountain God".

"Almost all the goals of this plan have been achieved." Hobert said happily: "How about we open a bottle of wine? Since you hid the wine, I haven't had a drink for a long time."

It's true that he hasn't drunk for several days, but that's because during the war, he has to stay 100% sober at all times.

In addition, Hobert also drank a lot in Backlund.

But when he said this, Forsi was very happy at first. He waved to the servant to bring a bottle of wine and poured it for Hobert himself.

When Forsi is happy, the atmosphere of their dinner can be very pleasant, and Hobert can also be very happy.

At night, the two naturally lived together.

After making out, they hugged each other and chatted just like before.

"The last item of the plan will start the day after tomorrow." Hobert said: "When a series of plans are completed, Longtail Island should soon be able to be self-financing. After completing a series of constructions, there may be more Small gains.”

"It's just that the construction work never seems to be completed." Forsi smiled: "Just like South Colson, they are still building railways, roads, and housing."

Hobert said with a smile: "All the income generated by Nancolson must be spent. Only the money spent can make full use of the money."

Forsi took one of Hobert's hands and played with his fingers like a toy. They had discussed this topic a long time ago, and she was even more worried about another issue: "Hobert, do we really want to Is there a business of street girls opening up in Tutuga Port? I mean, we don’t seem to need to make such money.”

Hobert hugged Forsi and sighed: "There must be a way for some women to survive."

The origin of this business came from Dennis's report to Hobert when Hobert was preparing to recruit the first members of the Witch Research Society.

For the first batch of members, Hobert plans to recruit young girls in the East District who are living in difficulty and want to change their destiny.

But Dennis soon discovered that too many women in the East End lived very miserable lives.

Dennis’ simple report reminded Hobert of the social status and situation of grassroots women in India.

When he first took over the South Colson area, Hobert planned to completely eliminate this kind of business in his territory.

But Hobert had to face a cruel fact: There are too few jobs for women in this era.

Many factories do not have positions for female workers, and now female workers' positions are being largely replaced by steam engines.

Especially the lowest-level women with little education and no background. No one even wants to hire them as maids.

Selling their bodies is often their only way out.

On the one hand, they are struggling on or even below the subsistence line, and on the other hand, the business of street girls should be opened up in a certain city, so that some of them can have a certain degree of food and clothing.

Hobert thought about it again and again before he laughed: What is there to consider? Before filling one's stomach, propriety, justice, integrity and shame are all extravagant hopes.

So after Dennis recruited twenty members of the Witch Church, Hobert asked him to go to the East District to recruit a large number of women who could not maintain food and clothing.

When recruiting, they were told directly that they would be street girls, but 90% of the money they earned after receiving customers would belong to them, and they were assured that no one would charge them protection money in any form. .

As a result, there was a long queue of applicants, because in the East District, not every woman has the ability to be a street girl, because they have no place to receive customers!

What's more, they can get 90% of the profits, which is enough for them to take the risk and make a fortune.

Because even women who are "qualified" to become street girls are still tools for gangs and police to make money. It's pretty good to get half of the money given by customers.

They were unable to protect the remaining half.

Even women who don’t know what 90% means understand this a lot.

"But what is different from other places is that I will ensure the safety of the lives and property of the street girls in Tutuga Port." Hobert said: "And they must meet basic hygiene conditions. If they get sick, I will do my best. Heal them." Forsi said: "But I still feel very uncomfortable."

Hobert also smiled helplessly: "I have no better way, the positions they are qualified for in Backlund, South Colson and Longtail Island are all filled.

"If they don't do this, they may not survive long in Backlund."

Finally, his eyes became determined again: "Let me bear the infamy."

Then Hobert sighed: "Actually, there won't be any infamy."

Because this is a legal industry in the Southern Continent and the Rhoside Islands, but it is also a gray industry in the Northern Continent and has never been explicitly prohibited.

Forsi sighed: "Why haven't I felt this before? This era is a complete tragedy."

Hobert smiled: "Because our capabilities are greater."

He looked at the ceiling and breathed a sigh of relief: "In the past, our capabilities were too small, and the people in our territory lived in poverty, so we had no energy to care about others.

“It’s different now. Both territories are thriving and have the ability to help more people, so we see the sadness of this era.

"But we still have to do what we can, and we can't slow down our own development process by helping others."

Forsi nodded: "I understand."

"At the beginning, you have to take the initiative to handle a few cases of street girls." Hobert said: "With such actions, in addition to making the port staff pay attention to the demands of street girls, it also represents our attitude. .”

"it is good."

"In addition, you can set up some training schools to let street girls who are willing to learn some simple grammar and arithmetic for free." Hobert said: "Conduct some blind dates regularly to encourage them to marry Nan Colson. The locals and the natives of Long Tail Island.”

Forsi said: "This is a good idea."

Hobert smiled and said: "But South Colson and Longtail Island are so big, the population carrying capacity is limited, and now it is almost reaching the upper limit.

"After this limit is exceeded, this method will have no effect."

Previously, the women of Longtail Island had been sold to Bayam and the Southern Continent, while a large part of the men were bought into local mines, so the ratio of the sexes was somewhat imbalanced.

At this time, Longwei Island can still "digest" some of the women from Backlund, but when the male-to-female ratio is restored to balance, it will basically reach the upper limit of Longwei Island's population.

Finally, Hobert said: "Let's talk about the future matters later. Let's do the things in front of us first."

Forsi said "Hmm" and quickly fell asleep. Hobert was still looking at the night sky outside through the gap in the curtains as before, in a daze.

Occasionally, cheers could be heard from afar. Hobert, who had not had much sleep, was bored, but now he had something to do to pass the time: answer the prayers of believers.

This night is destined to be a sleepless night for the natives of Longwei Island.

Early the next morning, Hobert went to the fields to inspect the progress of land reform, and soon he made a major discovery!

Many children running and playing in the fields were no longer shouting in the dialect of the time, but in Loen dialect with a full Backlund accent.

This surprised Hobert. He called them to inquire, but found that the two sides still couldn't understand the language.

However, Hobert noticed that the Rune language repeatedly shouted by the children were some of the words he responded to the believers yesterday.

In other words, yesterday's response not only allowed the natives to understand Hobert's intentions, but also allowed them to learn the Loen language?

The word "divine gift" suddenly popped up in Hobert's mind. This should be the most intuitive influence of gods on believers.

Hobert wondered, if he had nothing to do in the future, he would use the "Lord of Longtail Island"'s broadcasting system to read newspapers to the indigenous people? In a month or two at most, the language barrier problem will be solved.

Anyway, the "Lord of Longwei Island" is not the "creator". He needs to maintain a certain degree of mystery and style. Although it is a bit exaggerated to read from the newspaper, some policies can be completely promoted through broadcasting.

Another change is that many natives seem to understand that the person riding on that horse is the lord of Longtail Island. They salute Hobert from a distance or show surrender.

Before this, when they saw Hobert, they usually looked at the earl with indifferent eyes and expressions.

This is the first time that Hobert has so clearly felt the convenience brought by the extraordinary world. In his impression, it is very difficult to establish effective rule in an indigenous gathering place like this.

Because of differences in values, language, beliefs and customs, it is very easy to have conflicts with them.

Now, Hobert is their belief, and their values ​​and language will gradually move closer to Hobert under the influence of their ears and eyes in the future.

The inspection in the morning made Hobert very satisfied, and order had basically been restored on Longtail Island.

Some people have already started working in the fields, while some are repairing their thatched houses. Everyone seems to know what they want to do all of a sudden, and they are no longer as confused as yesterday.

After returning to the Governor's Mansion for lunch, Hobert was about to go to Tutuga Port to visit when he suddenly heard a prayer coming from the "Country of Disorder", which sounded like Klein.

So he went to the study, locked the door, and entered the "Land of Disorder."

Sure enough, Klein's star is expanding!

Spreading spirituality, Klein prayed to the "creator", and the battle with Amon's clone was about to begin.

Hobert looked through Klein's stars and saw Klein walking out of the bathroom...

Why the bathroom again? Is this really his kingdom of God?

Hobert smiled. Under the "real vision", he saw Klein letting Enuni, his secret puppet in another room, change into the appearance of Gehrman Sparrow.

Klein seemed to be instructing Enyuni to do something, but there was a brief look of shock on his face.

Even Hobert of the "Country of Disorder" was a little shocked, because Enyuni suddenly put on a monocle, and then opened the door of Klein's room with a confident smile!

Even with the experience of fighting Amon's clone once, Hobert once again marveled at the "wrong" method: Amon's clone stole Klein's marionette.

He, or rather Him, raised the corners of his mouth, looked at Klein and said, "I found you."

Then he looked into the air: "Why do I feel this gaze is so familiar? It seems like this is a trap for me!"

Hobert twitched his lips: You knew it was a trap, why didn't you run away quickly?

Enuni, who was wearing a monocle, did not panic. Instead, he took off the crystal monocle and wiped it with his sleeves: "There are too many anomalies in the fate of Flora Jacob..."

Flora Jacob is the demigod of the "Stealer" path who died in front of Klein before. At first, she was hiding in Senator Macht's mansion next door. She was Hazel's extraordinary teacher. Later, because of the threat of Arrods' magic mirror, , fled to a suburban manor.

But because he was "parasitized" in the body of a mouse, his condition became worse and worse. When Klein finally learned that he was about to lose control, in order to avoid accidentally injuring innocent people, he went to the suburbs to kill this Jacob family member. Demi god.

At the last moment of the battle, Amon's clone appeared, and Klein almost escaped at the fastest speed in his life.

"...and those abnormalities all come from this street." Amon's clone continued: "It's just that I couldn't see the source of those abnormalities at all. It wasn't until I came into contact with the mirror in Hazel's room that I finally found the clue."

He seemed to be very expressive, recounting the process of his investigation all the way here. Poor Arrodes Magic Mirror, despite being intimidated and tortured by Amon, did not reveal any information about Klein.

However, this made Amon's clone believe even more firmly that the source of this anomaly must be important!

Because He knew the origin of Arrodes' Magic Mirror, the fact that the Mirror was not willing to betray anyone proved the importance of this person.

In the end, Amon's clone learned about something unusual about her neighbor Dawn Dantès from some of Hazel's descriptions, so he came to find her.

It may be that Klein's spirituality is aware of the danger, and he is about to start taking action against Amon's clone.

After saying this, Klein said a little strangely: "You don't seem to be in a hurry at all?"

"Of course there is no rush." ​​Amon's clone smiled and said: "Don't you know that the Sequence 2 corresponding to my path is called the 'Trojan of Destiny'?

"Although I am just a clone, some abilities can still be initially applied.

“For example, you can manipulate your destiny to make certain errors occur within a certain period of time.

“Just like now, no matter how much you call for help, no one will notice.

"Haha, that is to say, even if you activate the night badge in your hand, you will not be able to send your message for help.

"There is also the one who is watching. He will watch you at most, but he will not dare to send too much power."

Having said this, Amon's clone spread his hands: "This is Backlund. Except for the righteous gods, no god dares to descend here.

"Otherwise, night, storm, and steam will come together to destroy this evil god with evil intentions.

"As far as I know, your existence has not been recognized by the seven gods, and you are not a true god."

Hobert also remembered that there seemed to be a similar agreement between the gods. Not only Backlund, this agreement was also valid in the capitals of other countries.

Therefore, when the corpse of the ancient Death God appeared in the city of Feneport, it triggered the descent of the Earth Mother Goddess.

But Hobert thought that he had been there once before when he deceived Medici.

But then he shook his head, because even with the blessing of the "State of Disorder" at that time, he was still very weak, and maybe he didn't disturb the gods at all at that time.

Finally Amon said: "This is the reason why you said so many words just now. For a clone, to complete the above operations, especially in a short period of time, the person who is watching our conversation cannot save you. Yes It takes enough time.”

Both Hobert and Klein were stunned. Just now they were on guard against the sudden "parasitism" of Amon's clone, and Amon's topic was very attractive. Although they realized that he was stalling for time, they didn't let it go too much. In your heart, you ended up being deceived by Him?

Although Hobert in "The Kingdom of Disorder" has the status of the King of Angels, he is only there to bluff people.

If it were a real fight, Hobert could fight a Sequence 1 enemy for thirty or forty rounds. However, a battle at this level would last only ten seconds at most. If they saw that there was no overwhelming advantage, they would retreat. , it is impossible to really play dozens of rounds back and forth.

It's no problem at all to deal with a Sequence 2, but it's just a matter of dealing with it, don't even think about killing the opponent.

Enemies like Amon's clone can easily tell that the "creator" is bluffing, which makes Hobert have to take it seriously even in the "Land of Disorder".

After hearing the words of Amon's clone, Hobert was about to use "use" or "tamper" with Klein to test the authenticity of the clone's words.

But as soon as he raised his hand, Hobert took it back because he suddenly realized that the last words of Amon's clone were deceiving him!

After all, this is just a clone. He can sense that there is a certain "being" watching here, but he doesn't know who the other person is.

The first reason why he said that was to hope that Hobert would take action. Through observation, he determined who was watching there.

Secondly, if Hobert takes action to test what he just said, it would be tantamount to revealing that "this being" has no confidence in his heart and that he is not sure about dealing with a clone.

"Holy shit!" Hobert couldn't help but praise Amon. He realized: The last few words of this little brat were all testing me!

Hobert made up his mind not to take action for the time being.

Klein used the image of Gehrman Sparrow to coldly ask Amon's clone: ​​"Since you have completed the operation of the field of destiny, why don't you do it yet?

"What do you seem to be waiting for?"

As soon as he said this, Leonard appeared in the yard using the "Lemano's Magic Book" he rented from this week's Tarot meeting.

The old man in his body had already noticed that Amon had started to act, so he asked Leonard to rush over quickly.

"This is what I'm waiting for." Amon's clone grabbed Klein and stole his fate and life.

He had been preparing for this theft just now. The life of this "divineer" demigod was almost in his hands, and he only had to take it when he finally made an attack.

The theft of Amon's clone was indeed successful, but in his hand, there was only an ordinary bone china teacup.

But Klein was sitting on the tea table in the corner of the room. He realized that the "creator" had just taken action and "distorted" him into the concept of a teacup.

Hobert and Klein of the "State of Disorder" thought in their hearts almost at the same time: It is indeed a fraud!

In terms of personality, the ability of the "creator" cannot be limited by Amon's clone, but it is hard to say when the original body comes.

Amon's clone pointed at Leonard in the garden with a smile and said, "That was originally the person I wanted to wait for, but now, I have changed my mind."

While speaking, He bowed slightly in the direction of Hobert's "real vision", and then disappeared!

A thought flashed in Klein's mind: Amon's clone is going to run away!

If Amon's clone still has time to be verbose at this time, he will definitely say: Nonsense, of course he has to run! The one watching here is the King of Angels! Although He didn't dare to blatantly descend on Backlund, he only descended part of the power, which was enough to affect the battle situation at all times.

At the same time, the Night Badge in Klein's hand suddenly became slightly warm. This was the "creator's" ability to use "utilization" to end the influence of Amon's clone on Klein's fate ahead of schedule. He can now use the badge to send signals. .

When Klein injected his spirituality into the Night Badge, he had a paper crane in his hand. The paper crane burned quickly, leaving only a few ashes.

One after another, complex mercury symbols popped out from the ashes, instantly forming a huge illusory scaleless snake.

The dense patterns and symbols on the surface of this silver-white snake form one wheel after another that is connected to each other.

The giant snake rose into the air, biting its tail above Berklund Street where Klein was.

Suddenly, Klein’s neighbors, Congressman Macht’s family and the servants, all took off their monocles.

Klein's secret puppet Enuni returned to the next room. At this time, the secret puppet was about to take out the crystal monocle from his pocket.

This is a "restart" of "Snake of Destiny". Neither Klein nor Leonard are affected, but the rest of the block is returned to a few minutes ago.

At the same time, Burklund Street seems to be somewhat separated from the real world, and it has become a "hidden" world.

The clone of Amon in Enuni's body reacted immediately, and streams of light flew towards him. He retracted the "worms of time" that had "parasitized" into other people's bodies around him, and concentrated his power.

Then Amon's clone turned into a shadow and turned into an illusory ancient stone wall clock.


A bell rang, and there was an extra hand on the mottled-looking clock.

The pointer jumped a few steps down, and Klein saw Leonard outside the window rapidly aging, seemingly turning into an old man in his seventies or eighties with age spots on his face in just an instant.

Klein knew that he wouldn't be much better.

The "creator" strikes again: "Tampering!"

Because it is in the "hidden world", it doesn't matter if the "creator" projects more power.

Klein and Leonard quickly recovered. The "creator" had just "tampered" with the effect of Amon's clone ability.

At this time, a mottled clock also appeared behind Leonard. It was the "Grandpa" Pales in his body, but this clock looked more illusory.

"Amplify!" The "Creator" "amplified" Pales' power in a timely manner, allowing his power to almost return to its peak state in a short period of time.

The ancient clock behind Leonard suddenly became clear and solid.


The bell rang again, but this time the hands of the ancient clock behind Leonard were spinning.

The hands of the ancient clock transformed from Amon's clone suddenly trembled. As if after struggling for a while, the clock quickly faded and turned into points of light.

Some of these light spots quickly penetrated into Leonard's body.

The light on the light spots gradually fades, and they are like "worms of time".

(End of this chapter)

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