The Heavens: Starting from Sanctuary Check-In

Chapter 142 My own father is not as nice to me as my master!

Chapter 142 My own father is not as nice to me as my master!


Urahan Atsuko didn't think she could be a good person.

But just when her eyes subconsciously fell on Urameshi Yusuke, she saw the astonished expression on her son's face.

But he couldn't help biting his lips.

Doesn't even Yusuke think he can do it?

Is this underestimated?

What a joke!
Even if I'm not a good mother, I'm still willing to do my best for my son!
"I am willing!"

"Isn't it just doing good deeds!"

"I still don't believe it! Can this be hard for me?"

Taking a deep breath, Atsuko Pufan made up her mind at this moment, even if it was for her son, she must do her best to be a good person!

But the problem is.

The oath has been made by herself, what should she do next?


"I want to ask... What good deeds should I do to accumulate merit for Yusuke?"

Got it!
Obviously one second ago he was swearing, but the next second he showed a face of bewilderment.

As expected of Yusuke Urameshi's own mother, the reactions are always the same.

However, Lynn was not surprised by this result.

"Madam Pu Fan, I have seen your determination."

"Unfortunately, this is easier said than done."

"Especially for you... Sorry, I didn't mean to belittle you, but you can see from your current living conditions that even if you are not a bad person, you are definitely not a good person."

"So I want to be a good person, do good deeds, and praise merit."

"My personal suggestion is to start with your own changes first."

"For example... quit smoking and drinking, maintain healthy living habits, and find a suitable job."

"If you can't even do this, then there's no need to talk about the follow-up matters, right?"

To be honest, what Lynn said to Atsuko Urahan at the moment can be said to be quite harsh.

But even so.

But no one can pick out the fault from his mouth!
After all, isn't everything he said true?
Then the problem is coming.

Faced with this suggestion from Lynn, how will Urahan Atsuko react?

Annoyed into anger?
Or humbly accept to make changes?

If it wasn't about the safety of Urahan Yusuke, her attitude would definitely be the former.

Who are you!
Why do you dictate my life?

But for now...

"Is this... enough?"

"it is good!"

"I promise you! From now on, I will do as you say!"

very good!

Sure enough, I was not disappointed!
Seeing that Atsuko Pufan gritted his teeth, and finally made up his mind, even if he changed himself, he must make an effort for his son's resurrection.

This made Lin En nod, and a faint smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

Then, let me see how far you can do it!

As for after this—


"What you told my mother just now is actually a lie, right?"

Now that he has met his relatives, Urahan Yusuke naturally cannot continue to stay at home, but wants to leave with Peony to experience the various aspects of life and hatch the beast eggs of the spirit world as soon as possible.

But before leaving, Yusuke Urahan quietly approached Lynn with a complicated expression on his face.

This kid is really smart.

"if not?"

"You don't think that with your master and my face, the spirit world really dares to delay your resurrection for decades?"

"Ah this..."

"But, master, why do you..."

Facing Lynn's natural answer, Urahan Yusuke was stunned for a while, and then continued to ask questions full of confusion.

He didn't understand what the master meant by doing this.

But for this, Lynn looked at the kid with a slightly weird face.


"Naturally, it is for you to have a normal family and a qualified mother."

"Of course, I'm not saying your mother is bad."

"After all, you have seen her reaction just now. She absolutely loves you sincerely."


"If you want to say how qualified she is as a mother, I'm afraid you will find it ridiculous."

"Which mother would let her son be a bad boy, smoking and drinking all day long?"

It turned out to be... so?

Lin En's words undoubtedly reflected his good intentions.

And this, of course, is what Yusuke Urahan listened to with a complicated face.

Qualified mother?

If you think about it carefully, if you were really born in a normal family, you shouldn't become the bad boy who hates dogs, right?
Although he didn't hate this kind of life, and he never blamed Wen Zi.

But what if...


"Although you are still young, because of your family, you have matured far beyond your peers."

"So I won't tell you more about some big truths."

"I just want to ask you one thing. If you marry a wife and have children in the future, do you still want your children to follow the same old path as you?"

Before Yusuke Urahan could think about it, Lynn slapped him on the shoulder.

Faced with the above questions, Yusuke naturally shook his head heavily without thinking——

"Of course not!"

That's right!

Even if he doesn't hate it, he doesn't want his children to have the same life as him!

There is absolutely no doubt about this!
Then after hearing this answer, Lynn laughed on the spot.

"That's right!"

"Although your future is in your own hands, I will not interfere with any of your decisions in the future."


"As your teacher, I need to help you on your growth path and correct some mistakes so that you can have more choices and opportunities."

"After all, only in this way can you walk out of a wonderful life that belongs only to you, isn't it?"

have to say.

Lin En's words from the heart really moved Urahan Yusuke both emotionally and gratefully.

Ever since he was a child, has he ever felt such care?

Even the biological father can only do this, right?
Do not!
Thinking about the father who didn't exist in my memory at all, the master in front of me is the one who really treats me well!
The so-called boy does not cry easily.

But at this moment, no matter how restrained Urahan Yusuke was, he still couldn't stop the hot tears from his eyes!
Thousands of words can only be turned into one sentence in the end——



"Manly man, what's the matter with crying?"

"Okay! I'll take care of you at home, so you don't have to worry about it."

"Just follow Peony obediently and hatch the spirit beast as soon as possible."

"After you are truly resurrected, I will officially teach you the method of psionic cultivation, so that you can truly embark on the path of becoming a strong man!"

Tell the truth.

Lin En didn't expect that his words would have such a good effect. He obviously didn't think there was anything wrong with it, but Yusuke was so moved by it.

Still too young!'s not a bad thing.

Anyway, this kid is destined to awaken into an S-level big monster in the future, and taking him as a disciple before his fortune can be regarded as adding another super thug to the future battle of the heavens.

It's blood money!
As for the next step, sending away Urahan Yusuke, who still had a face full of emotion,

Back at Pufan's house, Yingzi Yukimura had already bid farewell and left, leaving Atsuko Pufan alone, kneeling quietly in front of her son's 'body' in a daze, not knowing what she was thinking.

As for the situation and the situation, Lin En didn't take the initiative to speak, but silently observed the other party.

After only seeing her for a while, Atsuko Pufan's expression suddenly became a little irritable, and she subconsciously grabbed the cigarette case beside her and took out a cigarette from it.


Just when she had a cigarette in her mouth and was about to press the switch of the lighter.

Suddenly, she seemed to think of something. After struggling for a while, she finally held the cigarette in her palm, and squeezed it hard, and it was smashed into pieces.

not bad.

It takes a lot of perseverance to be able to do this!

"If you can't help it, it doesn't hurt to smoke one."

After seeing the cigarette in her hand crushed, after a while, Atsuko Pufan became irritable again.

Lynn stood up and handed a cigarette to the other party.

He knows very well how difficult it is to quit smoking in one breath.

So it is a good choice for her to reduce the amount of smoking gradually and quit smoking slowly.

However, after hearing Lin En's words, Atsuko Urahan did not take the cigarette into his hand as he imagined, instead, after a moment of silence, he shook his head slightly.

"never mind."

"Since you have decided to quit, just don't smoke at all!"

"This way... can Yusuke come back to life faster?"

Did you really care about your son?

Since Wen Zi showed such persistence, Lynn naturally wouldn't persuade him any more.

Immediately nodded slightly.

"Do not worry."

"Yusuke is my disciple, and you, a mother, work so hard, so I will naturally do my best to help him."

"Speaking of..."

"Madam Pu Fan, I'm new to Nihong, and I haven't settled down yet."

"Presumably you don't mind if I stay at your house for a while?"

Speaking of the time travel of this system, it is very convenient. When the light of time travel comes down, the people of Lin En come to this world.

But the problem is.

This place is different from the main plane. Lin En is an outsider, has no identity, and is definitely a black household.

In this case, it will be very troublesome to find a foothold.

Fortunately, with Yusuke Urahan having a master-student relationship, Lynn doesn't have to be polite to Atsuko Urahan.

My apprentice's home is my home. Is there something wrong with living as a master for a while?
Of course there is no such thing!
"Of course I don't mind."

"You are Yusuke's teacher and the benefactor who saved his life."

"Here, you can live as long as you want, as long as you don't dislike it."

Hearing that Lin En was going to stay at home, Atsuko Urahan was taken aback subconsciously, but she quickly realized it, stood up immediately, and began to prepare bedding for him.

As for whether there would be any embarrassment for the lonely man and widow in this small room, Atsuko Pufan had no idea about it at all.

After all, Yusuke's body was lying there, so could he still do something to himself in front of his disciples?


"Don't call me Mrs. Pu Fan."

"After all, you are not an outsider. From now on, you can call me Wenzi."

While preparing the bed, Urahan Atsuko seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly looked up at Lynn again.

Hearing what she said, Lynn naturally didn't care.

It's just a title on the left and right, and immediately nodded with a smile——


"Then Wen Zi, I would like to ask for your advice in the future."

 Thanks to He Qiwei for the 100 tip~
(End of this chapter)

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