I, the younger brother of Superman, got the Thanos template

Chapter 175 You can’t control Uncle Robert

Chapter 175 You can’t control Uncle Robert
A line of heat vision with terrifying temperatures shot out from the sky, neatly cutting off several giant man-eating plants that were raging in the metropolis.

Yellow lightning flashed on the ground, and the Flash quickly sent the people in the surrounding streets several miles away. With two traces of friction, he stopped and quickly appeared, looking solemnly at the man on the heavy motorcycle in the sky.

"The number one mercenary in the universe, I'm afraid there will be a big war."

"The last bloodline of Kryptonians, you have indeed appeared."

Glancing at the Flash on the ground without paying much attention, the Wolf looked at Clark in the sky with a cigar in his mouth, his eyes like a cunning hunter looking at his prey.

“It seems that Haleria was not talking nonsense when she gave me the mission guide.

If you wreak havoc in this city, your target will appear. "

He put his hand on his eyebrows, sat on the motorcycle and looked around unscrupulously, without taking Clark into his eyes.

“But, is there one missing?
The target of my mission is two people. "

"Are you coming after me?"

Clark clenched his fists.

Someone has placed a bounty on myself in the universe?

As for who this guy's other target is, it's not hard to guess.

The first two people to attack Metropolis, besides him, were naturally David.

Dark clouds rolled and piled up, the sky suddenly changed color and became gloomy, and lightning silver snakes flew among the clouds.

Accompanied by a dazzling thunder, David's long and powerful body suddenly appeared in mid-air. His eyes were cold, and his deep voice seemed to contain powerful power that made the atmosphere vibrate, and the wind became whimpering and low.

"Baolang, don't think that because you are immortal, you dare to try anything."

"you know me?"

The target living on a backward planet in the universe actually called out his nickname. The violent wolf pointed at himself and laughed disdainfully in the face of David's warning.

"If you knew me, you would understand that there is nothing in the universe that the wolf dare not do!"

He twisted the accelerator hard, and the space motorcycle engine made an ear-splitting roar. The fierce speed and air wiped out flames, swinging the chains in his hands, like a lawless and violent motorcycle gang, and crashed into the two of them like a bolide.

A laser Gatling pops up in front of the space motorcycle and continuously launches attacks like a rain curtain.

Clark didn't want to dodge at first, but he underestimated that his body seemed to be hit by small stones, causing slight pain. He blocked his eyes with his palms and hurriedly dodged.

"He was not shot to pieces by my machine gun.

It seems that the Kryptonians who have been exposed to the yellow sun are indeed as powerful as the legends of the universe. "

As a man who fights when he is not in a good mood and fights even when he is in a good mood, the violent wolf was even more excited when he saw Clark's power. He shot out hot air from his nostrils and threw out a long chain, accompanied by a sad and stern sound. Hit Clark hard.

Clark reached out and grabbed the chain, and his arm felt like it had been whipped hard by a whip, causing burning pain.

Two figures passed each other, and he tried to pull Rob off the motorcycle with a strong tug.

"Boy, your hair hasn't even grown yet, and you want to compete with Uncle Robert for strength!"

But he didn't expect a force stronger than his to come from him. Rob dragged Clark to fly toward David, swung Clark at the other end, and used him as a weapon to hit David.

Looking at the arrogant space mercenaries, David frowned. The gravity field as heavy as a mountain pressed hard on Rob's space motorcycle, instantly slowing him down.

Clark took the opportunity to throw off the chain, and stabilized his flying body in the air with a slight embarrassment.

"Zombie, what did you do to my precious motorcycle?"

The speed of the motorcycle was "slow" like an old sheep pulling a cart. Rob, who likes racing in the interstellar space, was furious. As soon as he opened his mouth to question, the torrent of purple cosmic energy directly in front of him overwhelmed him, knocking him off the motorcycle and flying into the distance. building.

"I guarantee you won't leave this planet intact, Wolf!" After blowing away Rob, who was full of dirty words, David slowly lowered his raised palm.

This guy is really a lunatic. He is unscrupulous from head to toe and does things without considering the consequences. His head is like a single-celled organism. Just like in the comics, he is irritable and crazy.

Bang bang bang!
Rob crashed through several buildings and created a large crater on the ground. He stood up from the bottom of the crater, shook his dusty head, and wanted to take a sip of the cigar. He touched the empty cigar in his mouth, only to find that the cigar had evaporated. .

"That's my treasure. I'm going to tear your lungs out, you bastard who doesn't know how to enjoy it!"

He whistled for the motorcycle and glared angrily at David in the sky.

Among the many superpowers of Tyrannosaurus, flying is not one of them. If he wants to fly, he must use his space motorcycle.

The air wave exploded, and Clark punched the space motorcycle flying towards him.

But he didn't know what kind of material the motorcycle was made of, but it didn't disintegrate and explode after being beaten. There wasn't even a dent. He clenched his fist in surprise. His strength was weakened by the previous laser?

It can't even break a motorcycle.

As if with intelligence, the motorcycle flying horizontally into the sky spewed out flames, stabilized its inverted flight, and flew towards its owner.

Abandoning the motorcycle will destroy Rob's ability to fly and maneuver.

"However, this motorcycle was driven across the planet by Rob in the comics, and it was not damaged. I'm afraid it's not that easy to destroy."

David fired heat vision from his eyes and blew away the motorcycle again. The part of the motorcycle near the engine burned slightly red. Sure enough, it was still undamaged and as hard as a god's artifact.

"Don't touch my car, come at me if you have the guts!"

The violent wolf watched from below and became furious.

Like many motorcycle gangs, he loves his motorcycle very much. Normally no one would touch this motorcycle, but now it was being beaten around by the two brothers. He was as frustrated and angry as a man who watched his wife being bullied wantonly. .

"Get off here, you big purple lightbulb!"

The violent wolf kicked open the ground, jumped into the sky, swung his chains with sharp hooks, tied up David, and tried to drag him down from the sky.

But with a strong tug, David's body only shook for a moment, and then he was unable to move anymore. Instead, he was hung in the air and dangling.

"Has your brain been soaked in water?"

David looked at him coldly.

"You can't fly. If you jump into the sky, what else will you have left besides your own weight?"

He grabbed the chain and swung it hard across the brutal trajectory, and the wolf was slammed hard to the ground.

The ground shook in several blocks, large craters with a diameter of tens of meters appeared on the streets, and the buildings on both sides shook like an earthquake.

"I'm happy, you can't control Uncle Robert!"

Baolang coughed out blood and stood up, clutching his chest. His injuries recovered in the blink of an eye, but he kept cursing violently. Before he could take a breath, a huge pulling force came from his hands.

David grabbed the chain and slammed the wolf to the other side.

Bang bang bang!
David smashed him around, swinging him around and knocking down buildings around him.

Batman and Diana finally arrived and saw the building being torn apart by an extremely powerful force. Several pieces of the building weighing tens of thousands of tons were heavily smashed to the ground. With the rumbling vibrations, large amounts of smoke and dust were swept away. go.

Choking twice from the smoke, Arthur looked at the world's number one bounty hunter who was chained by David and was thrown violently into a huge crater in the middle of the street by David. The air waves knocked away the straw-like cars on the street. Arthur's expression shock.

"Don't tell me that this guy is still alive?"

Several people's expressions also changed. They had rarely seen David use such terrifying power as soon as he came up.

(End of this chapter)

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