The Heavens: Cross the World

Chapter 337: Entering Maoshan, Feng Ji comes out of seclusion

Chapter 337: Entering Maoshan, Feng Ji comes out of seclusion

"This... is this the fairy world?"

Ren Zhuzhu opened his mouth wide with disbelief on his face.

She participated in this so-called Immortality Conference with the mentality of fighting against fraud.

But she didn't expect that she was in the yizhuang outside Renjia Town a second ago, and now she would appear in this strange place.

"Hallucinations must all be hallucinations."

"These people are playing tricks on me. They must have drugged me with hallucinogens."

She tried hard to explain it all scientifically.

But whether it is people or things in front of me, they are all so clear.

She didn't feel any discomfort and her mind was very clear.

This state is completely inconsistent with the state of being drugged with hallucinogens.

When she was in Nanyang, she heard someone say that although people who have been drugged with hallucinogens will have hallucinations, the hallucinations can easily change, their brains will be unclear, and the whole person will be in a state of confusion.

But obviously, she is not in this state now.

But if it’s not a hallucinogen, how can we explain all this?
It's impossible. I've really entered the fairy world, right?
She was filled with confusion.

But at this moment, someone nearby patted her shoulder and shouted in surprise: "Miss! You really passed the test!"

Ren Zhuzhu turned her head and was stunned for a moment, and said in surprise: "Magpie? You... why are you here?"

Magpie is the maid who came with her family's motorcade.

The magpie said in surprise: "The master saw you entering the talisman formation and disappeared immediately. He said you must have passed the character test. When the master is happy, he will let us all come in and try."

She turned to look around and said excitedly: "Miss, is this the fairy world? Look, those people are flying in the air! They are all immortals, right?"

Ren Zhuzhu couldn't help but said: "Magpie, do you believe there are immortals in this world? Don't you think this is our illusion?"

Magpie was stunned, shook his head and said: "How is that possible? If it's an illusion, how come I can see so many people I haven't seen before, and I can still see you, Miss."

"Miss, pinch me and let me see if it hurts."

Ren Zhuzhu quickly reached out and pinched her.


The magpie suddenly screamed. Although he grimaced in pain, his face was full of excitement and joy: "It hurts, it hurts. Miss, it's true. We are really in the fairyland."

Magpie's words left Ren Zhuzhu stunned and speechless.

She quickly pinched herself and felt pain immediately.

"It really hurts... is everything here real?"

Ren Zhuzhu found it difficult to accept it for a while. She received a Western-style education that focused on science.

She has always believed that the feudal superstition in the country is a cancer that poisons the people of the country.

But at this time, she was already confused, and her three views were seriously challenged!

At this moment, a bell was heard ringing near the statue.


Everyone followed the reputation.

But he saw a Taoist floating in the air, with a fairy-like appearance, looking at the people in the square.

He smiled and said: "Everyone, congratulations, you have passed the test of Maoshan's character array. Next, if you can pass the spiritual root test, you will be qualified to stay in the Cave Heaven Paradise, and at the same time, you can join this sect and become My disciple."

"Those who don't have spiritual roots don't have to worry. You can still stay in the Cave Heaven Paradise, but you won't be able to join our Maoshan Sect. However, we will arrange a place for you to live, and we will give you some land as gifts."

"Of course, whether you go or stay is up to you. Maoshan will not force you."

"Next, follow my command and start testing the spiritual roots."


In confusion, Ren Zhuzhu was called to a table in front.

"Little girl, put your hand on the spiritual stone on the table."

Ren Zhuzhu subconsciously obeyed the other party's command and stretched out her hand to press on the spirit stone.

Suddenly the spirit stone burst into a fiery red light.

The Taoist suddenly smiled: "High-grade fire spirit root, not bad, not bad. Congratulations, you can join our Maoshan sect. Little girl, what is your name?"

" name is Ren Zhuzhu."

Hearing this, the Taoist showed surprise. He looked Ren Zhuzhu up and down, and suddenly laughed: "It turns out that you are the apple of Master Ren's family. Are you back from Nanyang?"

Ren Zhuzhu was stunned, looked at the other party, and said in shock: " recognize me?"

The Taoist laughed and said, "Look at me carefully, don't you recognize me?"

Ren Zhuzhu looked at Lao Dao carefully, and suddenly saw something familiar.

"You...are you Uncle Tang who set up a stall selling candy men in front of my house when I was a kid?"

"Hahaha, Miss Ren has a good memory and is an expert."

"You...why are you here?" Ren Zhuzhu shouted happily.

The old Taoist smiled and said: "The old Taoist is lucky. He became a disciple of Maoshan nine years ago and was highly regarded by Master Dou Bu. Now he has practiced Maoshan Technique. Miss Ren, from now on you and I will be brothers and sisters, hahaha."

Ren Zhuzhu was shocked and wanted to ask again.

The old Taoist waved his hand and said: "Miss Ren, I still have a mission here. We'll talk about it later. You leave Cave Heaven and explain the situation to your family. If you are qualified to join this sect, you can bring your family members with you and move into Cave Heaven Paradise."

"These things will be introduced to you by the people who will guide you outside. I will continue to test others."

He waved his sleeves and ran away with a smile.

Ren Zhuzhu felt like the world was spinning. The next moment, the scene in front of her eyes changed, and she was back in the Yizhuang courtyard again.

"My dear daughter, have entered the Immortal Sect!"

Before she could recover, she heard her father, Mr. Ren, shouting in surprise.

She turned around and saw that the magpie had already come out first.

Her expression was gloomy and her eyes were slightly red.

Ren Zhuzhu remembered that she did not detect her spiritual roots and failed to join the Immortal Sect, but she still had the qualifications to live in the Cave Heaven Paradise.

Ren Zhuzhu was still shocked by all this.

Master Ren was unable to respond for a while.

At this time, people appeared in the yard one after another out of thin air.

She was in a daze and murmured: "It's's true! There really are gods in this world."

Dangdang Dangdang!
Suddenly, Qiu Sheng over there banged the gong and shouted: "Everyone who has passed the test, listen, here is the relevant introduction manual and the benefits of entering the Cave Heaven Paradise. Come and get it yourself."

"I will give you a month to deal with worldly affairs. After one month, still here, I will open the door to the cave heaven and paradise for you. Remember, I will only wait for you for seven days. Once the seven days are over, the cave heaven will not be opened again!"


Ren Zhuzhu didn't know how she got back, she was still confused.

But everyone in the Ren family was overjoyed, and everyone was extremely happy.

Master Ren worked non-stop, urging people to pack up their belongings, sell off their private homes and real estate, and move the family to the Paradise of Cave Heaven.

Ren Zhuzhu couldn't help but ask: "Dad, do you really want to go to Cave Heaven Paradise?"

Master Ren said: "Of course, kid, you don't know how wonderful the Cave Paradise is."

"There are countless fertile fields there waiting to be cultivated, and countless immortal resources waiting to be discovered."

"If you look at this place again, the war is in chaos, and you don't know when it will end."

"Although I have some rights in this town, if any warlord comes along, he will be destroyed at his will."

"The most important thing is that it is the immortal world. There are immortals there, and there are methods of immortality."

"Daughter, now that you have joined the Immortal Sect again, you are the foundation for our Ren family to establish itself in the Immortal Realm."

After Master Ren finished speaking, his eyes were filled with anticipation.

He is over 60 years old. These days, if he can live more than 60 years, he is already a long life.

Of course he didn't want to die of old age.

At his age, what could be more important than immortality?
Ren Zhuzhu couldn't help but said: "But... I still feel that all this is so illusory and unreal. How can there be gods in this world?"

"If there are gods, why don't the gods come out to help us after we have been bullied by foreigners for so long?"

"You just have to watch the people being displaced and their families destroyed?"

"Just let the foreigners get on top of us?"

She went to Nanyang to receive a Western education and opened her eyes to the world.

A woman has strong genes in her bones, so she admires Western science more.But in fact, she had seen countless cases of foreigners bullying Chinese people. While she envied foreigners for their scientific power, she also hated foreigners for their vulgarity, and even more hated her own country for not living up to expectations.Now she was suddenly told that there was such a group of people in her country who could fly into the sky and escape from the earth, and could easily kill foreigners. She was really unbelievable and couldn't believe that all this was true.

Hearing his daughter's indignant words, Mr. Ren couldn't help but shake his head and sighed: "Although I don't know why the immortal didn't take action, I don't think it's the immortal's fault."

"What people pursue is personal immortality. What does the life and death of the Qing Dynasty have to do with them?"

"As for you saying that they don't care about the life or death of the people, you are wrong. I have seen many Taoists helping people in danger."

"If you want to know more, won't you know it when you join the Immortal Sect?"

Master Ren's words immediately made Ren Zhuzhu think of this.

Indeed, wouldn’t it be known if you worshiped the Immortal Sect?

This time, Renjia Town was full of people.

Because people who have returned from the Ascension Conference have already said that this is the last Ascension Conference in ten years. Everyone, whether they are locals, outsiders, or people who have participated, wants to try their luck again.

These days there is chaos and chaos, and the fighting never stops. Who wants to stay here, and who doesn’t want to go to the world of immortals?
Therefore, wave after wave of people chose to go to Cave Heaven Paradise without hesitation.

Some people can enter the cave, but naturally there are also people with evil intentions who cannot pass the character test and cannot enter the cave.

When these people were angry, they also went crazy and made troubles. However, after Qiu Sheng used Taoism to kill a group of troublemakers on the spot, they immediately calmed down.

As batch after batch of people entered the Cave Heaven Paradise, a month finally passed.

The Immortal Ascension Conference was finally over, and the entire Yizhuang disappeared outside Renjia Town.


The same scene happened all over the Republic of China, with various Taoist sects pulling people into the cave world.

For them, these people will be the cornerstone of their sect's later development.

Shangqing Cave Sky, at the foot of Maoshan Mountain.

A huge city has already been built by the Taoist priests of Maoshan using magic.

New arrivals will be assigned houses and fields outside.

There are also many types of jobs in the city that they can choose.

Ren Zhuzhu and other people with spiritual roots were uniformly arranged to enter Maoshan Mountain to practice.

In Maoshan Hall, Uncle Jiu, Taoist Priest Four Eyes, Taoist Qianhe and others were all in the hall. Looking at the new batch of spiritual root candidates, they couldn't help but smile.

"This last time, there were so many children with spiritual roots."

"Senior brother, this time you can't argue with the fact that the head junior brother is a disciple of your Doubu."

"That's right, senior brother, if you move out the head junior brother, these children will naturally be willing to join your fighting department. What are we fighting for?"

Uncle Jiu laughed loudly and said, "There's nothing we can do about it. Feng Ji is from my Douban."

Four Eyes, Qianhe and others were furious and were about to say something when they suddenly heard Tao Tong singing from outside.

"Headmaster is here!"

But he saw a ray of light shooting out, and the next moment, it had landed on the throne at the highest point of the hall.

Feng Ji was wearing a purple Taoist robe and a Taoist crown, showing the nobility and majesty of the leader of a sect.

Among the crowd, Ren Zhuzhu saw Feng Ji and immediately thought of him ten years ago.

Memories from ten years ago come to mind.

That year, when she was still a child, she met Feng Ji who was investigating Ren Zhenzhen's whereabouts.

The tall Feng Ji left a deep impression on her.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, in ten years, this man has become the head of the Immortal Sect.

And he actually became a member of this immortal sect?
She had a strange sense of unspeakable fate.

All the Taoist priests from Maoshan paid their respects to Feng Ji and said in unison: "Greetings to the master!"

Feng Ji waved his hand, motioning for everyone to get up, and said: "Brothers, among the disciples recruited this time, I need to recruit a group of disciples to learn the Lei Bu inheritance and the Maoshan Eight Bu inheritance. Now the other senior brothers have come back one after another. Lei Bu But there is still no one to pass it on, so I might as well teach it myself."

When everyone heard the words, they couldn't help but nodded.

Uncle Jiu said: "Lei Bu's inheritance is one of the most important inheritances in our Maoshan Mountains. It cannot be cut off in our generation. Junior Brother, have you found Lei Bu's Kung Fu inheritance?"

Feng Ji smiled and nodded: "I have found the techniques of various schools that were destroyed by them from the secrets of Longhu Mountain, including the inheritance of Maoshan Lei Department."

Taoist Master Simu smiled bitterly: "Junior brother, if you come like this, our other departments may not be able to recruit anyone this year."

Feng Ji smiled: "Lei Department disciples want to take the elite route. I will only accept ten people, and you can choose the rest by yourself."

His words couldn't help but make Taoist Priest Simu and others smile. It was just ten people, so that was okay.

Feng Ji looked at the many mortals below and said: "Those with the spiritual roots of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, please stand up."

Hearing this, Ren Zhuzhu quickly stood up with the others.

Feng Ji looked over one by one, his eyes flashing with light. After a moment, he confirmed the quality of these people's spiritual roots, casually named a few people, and said: "You guys come out."

Ren Zhuzhu was among them.

Feng Ji said: "The Secret Technique of the Lei Department is also divided into five elements. The True Legend of Five Thunder requires the inheritance of the Five Elements spiritual roots. The five of you will temporarily join my sect. If you are not good at practice in the future, I will find someone to replace you."

After saying that, Feng Ji looked at the others. The next five people, no surprise, all Feng Ji wanted were people from Leilinggen.

When Lei Linggen practices the secret method of the Thunder Department, he is naturally faster and more advanced.

Next, other ministries in Maoshan selected disciples, and soon hundreds of people were selected.

Then arrange manpower to bring these disciples back to their respective mountains.

In the main hall, Feng Ji discussed with the foundation-building monks from Maoshan.

Yes, in the past ten years, the Maoshan disciples who were in the Qi Refining Period have all successfully established their foundations and become foundation-building monks.

Only by building the foundation can one serve as the master of the inheritance of each department.

Uncle Jiu asked: "Junior brother, the leader, everything you want has been prepared. When are you going to set up the cave formation? Leave this world?"

Everyone also looked at Feng Ji, showing excitement.

Feng Ji smiled: "In ten years, I have finally separated the laws of yin and yang. Now I have understood the basic level of both the laws of lunar and sun."

"I have gathered the four laws and can arrange them tonight!"

Uncle Jiu said quickly: "Then I will order people to prepare things immediately."

Feng Ji smiled and nodded: "Okay, thank you, senior brother. Brothers, after tonight, this world will become its own world and completely separate from the big world."

"That has both advantages and disadvantages."

"The advantage is of course that we are no longer constrained by the laws of heaven in the big world. The spiritual energy in the Cave Heaven Paradise can remain full and will not be diluted by the outside world."

"But there's also a downside."

Everyone looked at Feng Ji with puzzled expressions.

"Junior brother, is there any harm?"

"Junior Brother Head, what did you find?"

Everyone became worried.

Feng Ji said: "Don't worry, everyone. The disadvantages I mentioned are not too bad. After all, our Cave Heaven Blessed Land was originally just a small world. The barriers of this Cave Heaven Blessed Land are too thin. Even if I will refine into the Cave Heaven Grand Formation in the future, it will only be a small world." Strengthen the strength of its barriers."

"But you need to know one thing. Originally, this cave world had the protection of the outside world, blocking the erosion of a large amount of time and space turbulence. Now that it is separated from the big world, this part of the pressure will naturally be independently supported by the cave world."

"That's the disadvantage I'm talking about."

"But you don't have to worry. As more and more laws are understood in the future, the world's barriers will become stronger and stronger, and this world will become more perfect."

"It will truly become an independent world by then. Before that, everyone needs to advance to the Golden Core stage as soon as possible, understand the power of the law, and work together to improve this world."

Everyone understood immediately and couldn't help but nod.

Attacking the golden elixir is their pursuit.

Uncle Jiu couldn't help but ask: "Junior brother, if there are more Jindan monks and their laws are integrated into this world, will it affect your position as the Lord of the Cave Heaven?"

Feng Ji couldn't help but laugh, shook his head and said: "That's okay. Once we leave the main world, this cave will become its own world. I will be the will of heaven in this world."

"They are all kinds of laws, and they will be integrated into the way of heaven for me to study in detail."

"This is not a bad thing, but a good thing."

These words couldn't help but make everyone happy.

Becoming the Lord of the Cave Heaven actually has such benefits.

This is why Feng Ji urges everyone to master the power of the law as soon as possible.

Only when the world becomes stronger will he, the Lord of the Cave, become stronger.

Only by becoming stronger can he explore the world at higher latitudes!

(End of this chapter)

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