Chapter 60

Counting Ziyue Island, the Three Demons have occupied a total of 34 inferior islands in the past month.

Capture seven Medium Isles, and three Medium Isles with destroyed altars.

Put aside the three unoccupied medium islands.

Including the old nest, Chu Ren can earn as much as 20 different crystals a year.

This is only the income of more than 40 islands.

"This is already very powerful. Before you came, Brother Turtle, we didn't dare to think about it. Your Majesty must be very happy."

Sitting in the demon boat, Mo Hu was very emotional.

Chu Ren looked at the chart and asked, "What if I don't care about the limit of one hundred islands and snatch them all the way?"

"One hundred seats is already the maximum range allowed by the demon courts. Even if the other demon courts do not make a move, the Great Master will not allow it."

"In fact, even if you can occupy a hundred islands and become the lord of a hundred islands, it is already extremely difficult."

Qinghu advised him not to do something outrageous.

The shallow sea area is more of the back garden of the demon court, which is originally intended to cultivate demon generals who have just entered the metamorphosis.

That's why there are some rules to restrain and protect, so that everything is not bloody and cruel enough.

Mo Hu suddenly said: "Brother Turtle, I suggest that after you get over the difficulties in the lair, you should first cultivate for a while."

"With your ability, if there is another breakthrough in strength, you will definitely be able to run across the shallow sea area."

"At that time, you can go to occupy the island by yourself, and you don't have to share merits and strange crystals with us anymore."

Chu Ren was slightly taken aback: "Brother Mo Hu..."

"Following you, our two brothers have shared the merits and strange crystals of dozens of islands, which is enough."

"You are extremely talented, you should obtain resources as much as possible, go to the depths of the alien sea, go to the alien world. Don't waste time in the shallow sea area."

Mo Hu waved his hand to stop Chu Ren from speaking.

"Brother Turtle, that's true. In the past, monster cultivators like you would kill to the depths of the strange sea very quickly."

Qinghu also smiled and said: "Don't talk about us, Dazun earned back his face and let it out. I won't let you stay in the small island area for too long."

Chu Ren nodded with emotion, and could only keep it in his heart.

They are all good monsters, really monsters.

If he is the one who preempts it all by himself next time, although it will be slower, the harvest will be almost doubled.

Inferior islands can get [-] merits, and medium-sized islands can get [-], which is at least [-] to [-] merits.

Not to mention the [-]% of the different crystals that can be obtained by each island.

After a day of sailing on the different seas, a bustling island with a demon city appeared on the line between the sea and the sky.

Before entering the island, I saw a huge cyan pillar erected in the demon market, with two big characters engraved on it.

The wind!

Chu Ren read the two words silently, only feeling very imposing.

The Blizzard Demon City was established by various demon courts, and it was established on a high-grade island.

Each demon court will regularly assign high-level transformed demon generals to take turns guarding them.

"Let's go, we have to maintain the human form to enter."

After docking, Mo Hu took over the demon boat, but the three demons did not return to their original bodies.

Although the monster city is built on the upper-class island and is very spacious, the bodies of the deformed monsters are all very large.

If all the main body enters the demon market, even if it is crowded, there will be no place to set foot.

The major monster races like to transform into human form when they are not in war, because the human race's body is dexterous and convenient.

In Blast Demon City, the architectural style is basically similar to the shops in the human city.Only taller and bigger.

There are no walls and no cost.There were constantly demons flying in and out of the Gale Wind Demon City, which was very lively.

Chu Ren had never seen so many demon cultivators at once.

Walking on the island, there are all kinds of tauren, wolf-eared people, and fox-eared people.There are also some stooped ratmen.

The eyes were dazzled, giving Chu Ren a strong sense of sight as a half-orc.It's like playing a game from a previous life.

These are all congenital master-level existences, serious bad street.

Sure enough, the level determines the pattern.The main body is still struggling in Longling County, and the avatar has stepped into the upper circle.

"Although it is a demon market established by various demon courts, the demon courts do not participate in the operation."

"So these shop attics were all built by non-monster court forces."

Qinghu is a regular customer, pointing to the various shops on both sides of the street to introduce to Chu Ren.

"Brother Qinghu, why didn't you meet any demon cultivators who are not from the demon court forces in the Qianhai area?"

Chu Ren was a little curious. Since so many shops were established by non-demon court forces, why did more than 30 islands be built by demon court forces?
Qinghu smiled and said: "Because it is not a demon force, there are very few demons in the group. The resources are more concentrated, so basically the shallow sea area is abandoned."

"The demon cultivators with extraordinary talents in the ethnic groups or small forces are cultivated with a lot of resources, quickly reach the high-level transformation, and go to the medium-sized island area in the deep sea."

"As for those with poor talent, they are all assigned to the demon market in the shallow sea area or deep sea area to run stores for the family and obtain resources."

Chu Ren understood right away that there were not enough manpower, and there was no monster as huge as the Yaoting that could be protected from battle.

It's hard to say whether there is even a reward mechanism similar to the Demon Court's merits and demon generals.

"This Jueying Pavilion is a demon formation store run by the Shadow Fox Clan. The Fox Clan is very good at demon formations and maze formations. Let's go there."

Pointing to a more prominent purple building in front of the street, Qinghu walked first.

The Three Demons walked quickly into the Juying Pavilion.

A slender, fair-skinned sexy woman in purple gauze was reclining on a bench, her white tail swaying slightly, bored.

A pair of furry purple fox ears are on the top of the head, which is really conspicuous.Makes one want to touch it.

There are display cabinets on all sides in the hall on the first floor, in which there are a variety of arrays.

A strong and strong tauren is choosing the array above under the introduction of the white-eared fox girl.

"Hey, isn't this the Qinghu and Mohu demon generals under the command of the Great Master Xueming?"

Seeing the three demons, the fox girl's lazy eyes lit up, she smiled, and her voice was long and seductive.

"I've never seen this handsome demon general before, but is he also a demon general under the command of Lord Xue Ming?"

The fox girl slowly got up from the reclining chair with an elegant manner.

"It's monster enough, it's more seductive than a human beauty..."

Chu Ren replied: "Just call me the turtle demon general."

"Pavilion Master Ziqin, take us to the second floor and bring out your high-grade demon array."

Qinghu went straight to the point, and didn't intend to greet the fox girl Ziqin.

"It's a big deal! Jiaojiao, you should watch it downstairs."

Ziqin's eyes lit up, and he greeted a white-eared fox girl who was receiving guests in the lobby, and then invited the three demons to the second floor.

Most of the low-grade demon formations are placed on the first floor, as well as a small number of middle-grade demon formations.

The decoration on the second floor is obviously more luxurious, and the arrays placed on the display cabinets on all sides are also more exquisite.

As soon as he went upstairs, Chu Ren saw several independent display cabinets placed in the center of the hall.

Chu Ren stepped forward, pointed to a disk with black light and asked, "Can you introduce me?"

"It seems that the turtle demon is going to buy the demon formation?" Ziqin immediately locked on the real buyer.

"This is a top-grade demon array black spirit, built with a brute force beast core. Under deformation, it can increase two levels of strength. The price is 120 million crystals."

Pointing to the black array plate in the display cabinet in front of Chu Ren, Ziqin introduced it with a smile.

"What about this?"

Chu Ren remained calm, and pointed to another array that was beating tiny lightning bolts.

At first glance, this demon formation is more expensive than the previous black spirit formation.

 The shallow sea area will not stay for too long. After the small climax of several important events is over, the big plot will start.

(End of this chapter)

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