Chapter 428 Wonderful Review

The world view of "Fate Stay Night" is revealed bit by bit, making Kuku addicted.

She fully realized the charm of Guan Gong and Qin Qiong. And in this story, who is Guan Gong and who is Qin Qiong are revealed bit by bit. The identity of the spearman, the identity of the cavalry sister, the identity of Red A, and the later appearance of Jin Shining, who is full of chops and strong points, all make this story full of suspense and imagination.

The overall setting of the Holy Grail War is destined to make this story tense and exciting, and the identity of the servants is also very intriguing.

And the various unique magic tricks are also very interesting and full of imagination to Ku Ku. Command spells, magic circuits, Tohsaka Rin's gem magic, and Emiya Shirou's deconstruction magic all dazzled Kuku.

She had never seen magic written like this before.

And most importantly, Lu Anzhi's familiar writing style makes all these settings naturally and smoothly integrated into the story, making it easy to understand and providing an excellent reading experience.

At this moment, she even felt that "Dragon" was just a training exercise for Boss B. Boss B used that novel to create a better, more complete, and more harmonious world of "Harry Potter". He also refined his writing skills and wrote "Fate", which has a large proportion of setting pages.

However, the follow-up to "Dragon" is still confusing...

Why didn't Boss B write "Dragon Family 4"?

The bitter heart is full of regrets.

The first issue of Under the Maple Tree was officially launched as an electronic magazine. While the electronic magazine was online, it also accepted subscriptions for the physical magazine. However, this kind of subscription volume is very small, just like other magazines that carry out the same two models simultaneously.

Physical magazines mainly exist to satisfy readers with collecting interests.

This revision has caused a lot of discussions and protests on the Internet. Many people have said that this decision made by Maple Tree is wrong and a step backwards. After all, in the opinion of many readers, buying a single copy is much more affordable than buying the entire magazine.

But this doesn't change the magazine's decision at all. Maple Tree is very convinced that, like the previous forum model, although the layout is different from that of the New Maple Chinese website, the core of content display is actually the same. Following the now established New Maple Chinese website, in the end we can only Eat farts.

Therefore, the road under the maple trees can only go back to the way it was before the revision.

After the first issue of the new magazine went online, the rising sales data convinced Maple Tree that there was no problem with this path.

Of course, the biggest contributor to the rising sales of the first issue of the new magazine is Lu Anzhi.

This name has now become a signboard under the maple tree. Each of Lu Anzhi's works is amazing in terms of output and quality. Especially now that the serialization of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" has ended and the third part of "The Three-Body Problem", "The Immortality of Death", is still being serialized strongly, no one will doubt that Lu Anzhi's another work will not be a masterpiece.

The third part of "The Three-Body Problem", "The Immortality of Death", has been serialized on "Science Fiction World" and has caused various heated discussions on the Internet. From the beginning that seemed like a Western fantasy story when it was first serialized, to Yun Tianming's dog-licking behavior and the unlikable character of Cheng Xin, as well as the emphasis on the discussion of dimensions in this novel, they have all become a microcosm. A frequent guest on the topic.

Lu Anzhi still shows amazing imagination in this novel. Those ideas may not be realized in reality, but in a science fiction, they are so dazzling. Many experts and professors have appeared online to discuss the possibilities of various assumptions in the novel, which is enough to prove the success of this science fiction novel.

This was before. In the latest issue of "Science Fiction World", "Three-Body Three: Death Eternal Life" also ushered in a climax.

Cheng Xin, with everyone's wishes, forced the sword holder Luo Ji to step down. The key to the deterrent weapon was handed over to Cheng Xin, and Trisolaris immediately sounded the clarion call for attack. The earth, which has been paralyzed by the "goodwill" of Trisolaris, is completely vulnerable to Trisolaris. Cheng Xin, who is "kind and beautiful", holds the key to the weapon but does not have the courage to use it.

The Earth fell, and the fleeing people detonated deterrence weapons. This resulted in the earth and the Trisolaran world hidden in the dark forest being noticed by the "singer" of the advanced civilization at the same time. The observer of the singer's civilization casually threw out a rectangular piece of membrane. In the eyes of an advanced civilization like the singer, it was a cleaning tool that was not even a weapon - a two-way foil.

Then the solar system collapsed at the moment it came into contact with the two-dimensional foil. A three-dimensional world collapsed into a two-dimensional world under the influence of this small piece of paper. The Trisolaran civilization and the Earth civilization have been facing each other for an unknown amount of time. The two civilizations of the years were completely vulnerable to the dimensionality-reducing blow of the two-dimensional foil and went directly to destruction.

The word dimensionality reduction attack has suddenly become a hot word on the Internet recently, and its meaning has also changed at the fastest speed.

In the previous life, with the rise of the Internet, the popularity of "Three-Body" gradually increased, and the term dimensionality reduction attack gradually became popular. At the same time, it was regarded as a description of the crushing attack of high-end technology on low-end technology.

In this world, because of Lu Anzhi's extremely high popularity, "The Three-Body Problem" has been extremely popular from the beginning, and it has surpassed the circle of science fiction novels. Therefore, when the content of the novel is exciting enough, it becomes popular. Almost instantly.

No one could have imagined that Lu Anzhi would depict an interstellar war in such a way. Before this, the science fiction novels they had read contained many imaginative scenes, but none of them were like this.

The most common ones are the space battleship Gaussian weapons, which seem to be in the category of space opera.

Readers are looking forward to the war scenes in "The Three-Body Problem". After all, in the first and second parts, the war basically did not appear. The second part of the novel only shows the appearance of water droplets, showing the tip of the iceberg of extraordinary wars in this world.

And it is that drop of water that makes readers feel that the interstellar war described by Lu Anzhi will definitely not be an ordinary war.

But I never thought that the war described by Lu Anzhi would be like this.

It is beyond understanding, beyond imagination, and makes people despair and powerless, as if they are watching a magic show.

Isn't technology that cannot be understood just like magic?

Readers also thought this way, and even felt that the Western medieval story arranged by Lu Anzhi at the beginning of the third part of "The Three-Body Problem" also had other profound meanings.

——He must be reminding us through this story that science beyond understanding and cognition is no different from magic in the eyes of ignorant people.

How many readers are in awe of such a plot. When Ren Youyou finished reading the series, she couldn't help but call Lu Anzhi and ask him many questions to deepen her understanding.

And someone as coy and reserved as Zhang Yuzhi couldn't help but call and say how well written it was.

Under such various praises, even those who have not read this book and have no interest in science fiction novels all know Lu Anzhi's amazing imagination.

So when the first issue of the new electronic magazine Under the Maple Tree was serialized, many people bought the magazine for Lu An's new work. After all, in the early promotion of the magazine, Lu Anzhi's works were highlighted, and the content of the promotion was to once again show his extraordinary imagination in the field of fantasy.

The first issue of the series was a success and received rave reviews from readers.

However, what Lu Anzhi didn't expect was that what aroused people's praise for this first serial was not the imaginative setting or the clever arrangement of Guan Gong's battle with Qin Qiong, but the writing style.

"Great! I have found the feeling I had when I first watched "Dragons" again!"

"Lu Anzhi finally didn't get lost in martial arts, science fiction and fairy tales. He found his original intention!"

"Sure enough, the youth fantasy novels written by Lu Anzhi are more interesting. The fights written by others are almost interesting."

"So why does your next book "Dragon" need to be "Dragon"? This "Fate Stay Night" feels good. I have decided that as long as Mr. Lu writes well and this book is successfully completed, I will not remember him. No more grudges against "Dragon"."




There are endless such statements on Under the Maple Tree’s official website, WeChat, and various other novel-related forums.

Lu Anzhi himself was a little surprised. When Zhang Suxin saw these comments, she couldn't help but smile. She rolled her eyes at Lu An and said, "Look how sinful you are, you sow with a knife."

When she said this, Song Xiaoqin happened to be here, so Song Xiaoqin nodded without hesitation and said: "Yes, yes, Lu Anzhi, look at you. How have your readers been tortured by you, as if you Just writing another youth fantasy novel would be a great merit."


Lu An was speechless for a moment. Fortunately, Song Xiaoqin didn't know what PUA said, otherwise, this woman might have said that she was a PUA reader.

The two new serials are in progress step by step. Lu Anzhi doesn't need to worry about "Three-Body Three: The Eternal Life of Death". He has already finished writing that book. Lu Anzhi only needs to finish writing the serialization of "Fate Stay Night". He even had free time to write One Hundred Years of Solitude.

——Zhang Suxin cannot stand this book. But Song Xiaoqin was very interested in this title and thought it was cool. But after Song Xiaoqin tried to read it several times, she finally determined that she was not the audience for this book, so she had to give up.

The serialization of "Fate Stay Night" and the third part of "The Three-Body Problem" continues. In the second issue, readers' focus finally shifted from Lu Anzhi's writing to the story and setting. Discussions about the Holy Grail War and speculation about the identities of various characters naturally increased.

Lucky E's spearman Cu Chulin was the first servant character whose identity was revealed, so naturally it attracted a lot of discussion. The speculation about Saber is the hottest.

Now Kukun likes nothing more than sitting in front of the computer and watching netizens guess Saber's identity and laughing like "Kukukuku". She has learned Saber's true identity from Boss B. She was shocked at the time. She didn't expect Lu Anzhi to play like this. Later, when I looked back and thought about it, I found it quite touching.

When she looked at the "Kukuku" smile on the computer screen, she thought to herself: Just guess! You guys will never guess who Saber is!

"Fate Stay Night" has received rave reviews, and Saber, the biggest fan, has become very popular, but the situation is different with "The Three-Body Problem". Many readers have begun to denounce Lu Anzhi.

The reason for the denunciation was naturally the character Cheng Xin. Many readers think the character Cheng Xin is really annoying, and they think Lu Anzhi did it on purpose, otherwise why would he name this character Cheng Xin?

Readers were so disgusted that they protested online, saying that Lu Anzhi might as well write abusive articles.

The other readers who did not protest were a little confused. Someone wrote on the Internet: Do you think the story of "The Three-Body Problem" is not abusive?

Abuse! How cruel!

Lu Anzhi, a maniac who abuses the protagonist, not only abuses the protagonist, but also writes a character specifically to abuse the readers. This is unbearable!

As a result, the editorial department of Science Fiction World received a lot of razor blades, and some readers asked for Lu Anzhi's address online to no avail.

The editor from Science Fiction World called Lu Anzhi and said he had a lot of blades and asked if he could send them to Lu Anzhi. After all, this is what the readers want. Lu Anzhilian said no, and gave the blade to the editors in the editorial department.

Zhang Suxin was still frightened by this, and said to Lu Anzhi: "Fortunately you didn't reveal your address. How come you are so hated by people when you write it?"

Lu Anzhi said innocently: "I don't know!"

Da Liu didn’t receive such treatment in his previous life! How come it's like this when you get here? !

The serialization of the two novels is continuing, and Xu Changqing's "Fights Break the Sky" is also continuing. At the same time, he is also studying the setting given to him by Lu Anzhi. Zhai Xiao, who was serializing "Dragon Ball", told Lu Anzhi that she had more assistants. She was completely determined this time and was ready to play "Doraemon" again. She loved that story and wasn't about to give it up.

Lu Anzhi told her that as long as your energy is fine, it's fine. I can help you with the script here.

Therefore, the serial trailer of another comic work "Doraemon" jointly produced by Lu Anzhi and Qingtian also appeared online.

This comic is much more popular than when "Dragon" was previewed. The name "Doraemon" naturally reminds people of the pen name used by Lu Anzhi - Doraemon.

Why Lu Anzhi had such a pen name in the first place remains a question to this day. Now that "Doraemon" is serialized, maybe there is an answer to this question?

And... Lu Anzhi is as productive as ever!

The serialization of "Doraemon" was being prepared, and Gu Ruiyong also found Lu Anzhi and signed a filming agreement with Lu Anzhi for "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

"Legend of the Condor Heroes" became a hit and made Lu Anzhi a lot of money. Even after Lu Anzhi invested in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", there was still a lot of surplus. So Lu Anzhi naturally wanted to continue to cast in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

Next, there is the music of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

(End of this chapter)

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