After retreating, they came after them

Chapter 105 I Know, But That's What I Want

Chapter 105 I Know, But That's What I Want
"Healing magic seems to have self-awareness. It will actively seek out the source blood flame and actively suppress it."

"Yeah." Simon echoed softly.

This is the first time Simon has used a microscopic perspective to see the treatment process. It is also the first time he has seen it, and he doesn't know much about it.

"I used to think that the nurse's treatment was a time record point for the body to go back to a certain state of health, but now I have to think again." Simon said.

If you go back to the health records of your body, you don't need to fight back and forth with the original blood flame.

Going back to the last record point should be a momentary thing, not a continuous treatment process.

The erosion range of the black and red flames should also change in an instant, changing the injury situation of the human body.

But this time is different.

After meticulous observation, the nurse treatment mechanism that Simon had imagined collapsed, and it no longer applies to the scene he saw just now.

"Time record point?" Roy murmured.

This nurse's theory seems to have been mentioned in the white fruit.

It was Simon and Mego who were arguing about the nature of healing.

This kind of topic is too lofty and not grounded at all.

At that time, Roy didn't think about this kind of topic at all, and he couldn't listen to the debate between them. He just felt that the sound was very noisy.

Isn’t treatment this kind of thing can be cured just by letting it go? Is there any need to think about the essence of treatment?

Now Roy wants to advance to the official rank in the field of nanny, and wants to become stronger, so she also began to listen to Simon's theory seriously.

"Will you record something..." Roy murmured, it was difficult to digest.

Old Wim, who had been watching from behind for a while, his eyes lit up after hearing this, laughed and said:

"Treatment is a time-recording point of the physical condition? Mr. Simon, this is a very fresh idea and very interesting."

It never occurred to Old Wim to think about the nature of healing from the perspective of time.

Conversely, recalling the past few decades of life, whether it is someone else's injury or an injury I have suffered, as long as there is a nurse present, it can always be cured.

However, some minor illnesses were not found and treated in time. When he found out and went to the nurse for treatment, they couldn't be cured. This made old Wim a little troubled and puzzled.

Old Wim's back is not very straight, but if you look closely, you can see a slight curvature, which is the result of not getting timely treatment.

Therefore, Simon's theory resonated with old Wim, who secretly praised this as a genius idea.

Simon shook his head and said:
"You guys also met just now. This is an intertwined struggle between two forces. Roy's healing power overwhelms the destructive power of flames. Such a specific change process has nothing to do with the timing."

Roy nodded, feeling that Simon was right, it was indeed a confrontation between two forces.

The three of them silently analyzed for a while and exchanged ideas.

As a trainee alchemist, he had no food in his stomach and couldn't speak, so he could only stand by and listen.

Suddenly, Simon turned his head and called the two trainees: "Lingcao, Haiyan, call Baitang too, maybe we can exchange more inspirations."

"Good senior."

The two trainees went out excitedly to find sugar.

Medical knowledge exchange meetings like this are also helpful to alchemists.

For example, when refining a therapeutic potion, one can understand the working principle of the potion more quickly.


Bai Tang rushed to the scene, and before he could say hello, he saw the blue-and-white-haired Luo Yi reaching out to touch the flames himself, causing his entire arm to burn.

"Bai Tang, treat me."

While speaking, Simon drew a circle with one hand and transferred the projected image to Roy's injured part.

After receiving the treatment order, Bai Tang subconsciously held the cross in her hands, put her hands together in front of her chest, thought of Simon, and prayed.

A bright holy light descended from the sky and landed on Roy.

Roy didn't make a move.

She looked at the circular projection next to her, and saw that the holy light was like water, soaking the blood vessels and dyeing the red blood vessels into holy white.

The flame burned to the white blood vessels, like a mouse meeting a cat, it was so frightened that the fire turned white.

The whole process was extremely fast, and the flames from crimson to black all turned white, and retreated all the way to the source, disappearing by themselves.

At this time, Shengguang has not healed the end of the wound yet.

It can be seen from this that the Holy Light's suppression of the power of the dark department is indeed powerful.

"Wait, this is the power of the dark department. After I learn it, will it also become black?" Roy muttered to himself.

Seeing that her health bar was full, Bai Tang immediately stopped praying, walked over and asked in confusion, "What are you talking about, Roy?"

"There is nothing wrong with power itself, but with those who wield it."

Simon said, playing the replay of the healing process on the side, the healing form of Holy Light is completely different from Roy's bloody healing light wave, which can be called destructive, and the power of the flame will be extinguished at the touch of it.

It can be seen that nurses of different professions have different treatment cores.

If this is the case, Simon's theory of the essence of healing is not completely useless, and still has reference value.

When Roy heard this, his heart skipped a beat, and he felt that it made sense.

"There is nothing wrong with power itself..." she murmured, silently remembering Simon's words.

Bai Tang's eyes lit up after hearing this, Simon sometimes said some deafening words, and there will be new promotional sentences in the future...

Simon spoke subconsciously just now, without the idea of ​​deliberately showing off.

Seeing that the two were in a daze, he immediately told Bai Tang who had just arrived about the nature of the treatment, and drew their attention away.

Bai Tang listened carefully, nodding from time to time, showing a thoughtful expression.

"Simon, I believe you, the essence of healing is regression, not the mercy of Our Lady."

Bai Tang held the cross in his hand, stared sincerely at Simon's eyes, and believed in his theory unconditionally.

Old Wim coughed loudly, and turned to lecture the two trainee apprentices: "We didn't hear anything, do you understand?"

The two trainees were also shocked, and they nodded in shock, expressing that they had never heard of it.

But they still couldn't help thinking in their hearts: "White sugar is so powerful, even the Holy Mother dares to refute, she has lost her mind..."

Simon and Roy were completely speechless after listening.

Bai Tang has completely become a cultist of the Church of Notre Dame, and at the same time deified Simon too much.

"Don't be too deified, my theory is just a hypothesis, don't take it as the truth." Simon criticized decisively.

"Yeah, I know." Bai Tang said perfunctorily, repeating Simon's theory in his mind.

After deepening her memory, she looked into her heart again, the light in her heart was not extinguished, it was still bright.

The third star in the sky above the Sea of ​​Consciousness can already check the proficiency.

"?? LV0: 14%"

Although it is still level zero, it also symbolizes that her direction is right.

That is to establish faith in the heart and let more people believe in Simon.

Of course, she doesn't know what the third skill that represents the official rank is.

She just acted according to her own heart.

As for the Virgin Mary, she has completely renounced her belief in the Virgin Mary.

Besides, she uttered disrespectful words in public, and did not see the Holy Mother come out to punish her.

This means that the god Maria does not exist in the world.

Or in other words, the high gods simply don't care about the mess between ants.

The Church of Notre Dame is governed too broadly, and the clergy will be regarded as heretics if they have slightly different understandings and beliefs.

Bai Tang put away the little theater in his heart, and carefully observed the process of Shengguang's treatment of blood vessels again.

"So it was treated like this..." Bai Tang murmured.

White sugar is also the first treatment process of looking inside the human body's internal blood vessels.

How can ordinary people have such microscope-level vision, not to mention that this is a healing process inside the human body.

Even if it is placed in the Church of Notre Dame, it is a groundbreaking observation, allowing Bai Tang to have a deeper understanding of the essence of healing.

Also because of the deeper understanding, Bai Tang was more puzzled by the nature of the Holy Light.

At this time, just lose your mind and don't think too much.

If she couldn't summon the Holy Light because she was thinking too much, where would she find reason.

 The release date has been set, which is next Friday (June 6).

  The inverted V node is about Chapter 102, so every chapter you read next is Chapter V.

(End of this chapter)

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