After retreating, they came after them

Chapter 109 I predict your prediction

Chapter 109 I predict your prediction

Mei Guo agreed to the secondment, but it was not worth the 500 million liquidated damages.

Others dug a hole in advance, but I didn't notice it, so I could only swallow a bitter pill.

Besides, with the indomitable momentum of the white fruit at that time, it was hard to say who would be restricted.

If she had kept Simon and prevented Simon from leaving the team, maybe the pitfall in today's contract was aimed at Mei Guo's team.

Just imagine, the main team is at the critical moment in the sixth level strategy, and suddenly someone makes you sick and wants to borrow the most core personnel from your team. There is no reason for this.

Either lose money, or agree to borrow someone.

The white fruit currently has no indispensable main core. After the bones are borrowed, the team can still operate.

Although Mei Guo didn't like this, she could recognize it by pinching her nose.

"But don't worry too much, the borrowers were notified in advance by those people, and it's not time for the mixed team to start the strategy yet." Bone comforted.

"That's okay, just don't delay us making money to buy people." Mei Guo's complexion improved a little, not as pale as before.

The Swift next to it could hear a different smell.

The fact that Bai Gu was seconded seems to make the white fruit go numb, but in fact it does.

Bone's face couldn't hide the matter, and some small details were not well acted, which made Swift see the clues.

Bones did not resist this tough secondment in his heart.

This shows what?
It shows that the bone heart has a reverse bone!
She couldn't have betrayed Simon!
Swift thought of Xiaoqian who was rented to the Snow Mountain Adventure Group. No matter how much she thought about it, she couldn't figure out how Xiaoqian operated and was successfully rented to the Snow Mountain Adventure Group.

Yuyan originally wanted to poach Xiaoqian to other teams to raise funds to buy herself.

As a result, it is better now, and Swift has returned to the state of fighting alone.

"It's not impossible to mess around in this team, but I'm still young, so I really don't want to mess around..." Swift felt numb.

The best heavy shield palm in the team is not here. As the main support in the team, she is at a young age. If she doesn't follow her to the first team with potential, what are you waiting for?

It's a pity that the place where the bones are going to jump is the Snow Mountain Adventure Group.

Swift can't jump that place.

She didn't know Simon well, so there was no possibility.

Besides, Simon is the main force and does not need a second main force to assist.

Swift didn't want to go to the backup team or anything.

During these two weeks of vacation, Swift has negotiated terms with many teams.

It's a pity that most of the group leaders have support available, and they have no intention of buying her from White Fruit for the time being.

Originally, some team leaders had some ideas about Xiaoqian's path-finding support. If Swift could bring Xiaoqian to pack together, the success rate of getting funds would be higher.

Now that Xiaoqian is gone, she can only think of other ways.

Yuyan didn't expose Baigu's rebellious heart in front of Meiguo.The main reason is that she herself has no evidence. Furthermore, Bone is the deputy head of the group. It is said that the shareholding ratio is no less than that of Mei Guo, and it may be [-]-[-].

If you fight against the bones, it will only be her who will be kicked out.

If there are stains left when leaving the team, it will affect her finding a new team, and other team leaders don't want the new assistant to be a thorn, so she didn't choose the tough route.


A few days later.

Snow mountain adventure group resident, backyard battlefield.

Taking advantage of the weekend break, Bai Gu came to the snow mountain adventure group to wander around.

In fact, it's not just on weekends, every night when she is free, she will come to visit and enjoy the dream space that night.

Mei Guo objected to this, but Bai Gu took Xiaoqian as an excuse and said that he would inspect the lease situation.

Mei Guo became suspicious again, but this didn't stop the bones from hanging out at Simon's place.

This is conspiracy.

It's also a way of thinking about it, but the brain is hard.

Come here.

It's better to come more.

Anyway, living here in Simon is quite happy. Everyone is training seriously and striving for the same goal.

As for baby sharks...

Bai Gu felt it silently, and felt strange: "Why haven't you learned the second skill yet?"

Before that, her skills had reached 99%, but after a few days, she was still stuck at that step.

"Simon said that I lack key inspiration, should I sleep more and learn his dream comprehension skills?"

Little Shark couldn't figure out what Simon meant by inspiration.

Simon also didn't know that this key skill threshold varies from person to person, and there is no commonality.

Now the little shark is also in a similar situation to Simon. The shape of the second star has been condensed, and it is only about to be lit to officially activate the mind eye skill, but it has not been lit up for a long time.

"Your mind, can it be opened and closed immediately?"

"It can be, but..."

"okay I know."

Bone took out a heavy bone shield, stood on the ground, and made a clanging sound.

"You need to fight with real swords and guns, activated in battle, this is the way fighters understand themselves.

"Don't refer to Simon's awakening process. Simon is an assistant, and the ability to comprehend in dreams is not something a fighter like you should learn."

Bai Gu's words, like a heavy hammer, woke up the little shark.

"So that's how it is. Are you going to activate it during the battle?" Little Shark realized it, and the more he thought about it, the more clear he became.

In the past, that layer of truth that has always been impenetrable, the dark boundary that cannot be stepped on, suddenly has a sober light coming in.

The baby shark closed his eyes and everything sank into darkness.

A ray of light shone into her heart.

It was the figure of bones.

Her every move, body size, nowhere to hide in her eyes, clearly visible.

Here, it is not a dream space, but a real reality.

Holding a heavy shield in his hand, Bone slowly stepped forward.

Her pace is much slower than she would be without a shield.

Her meaning is obvious, at critical moments, don't rely on dream training.

Let's have a real fight in reality!

Fighting in a dream, separated by the boundary of illusion, is definitely not as real as reality.

The little shark moved his sword forward, opened his eyes, and opened his mind.

All of a sudden, she saw the way of the bone, walking straight towards her.

There are few weaknesses on the front, but all weaknesses on the back.

But is it really a weakness behind it?

With Bone's temperament, it is very possible to use the weakness to predict the position, and she can't be tricked.

You have a weakness behind you, but I just don't go around behind you!
The little shark drew out the sword with a predictive nature, and the sword was like lightning, poking at her incomparably confident weakness.

This sword can directly deal magic damage through the shield and pass it behind the bone shield.

However, Bai Gu gave her a trick to make a temporary change.

The shield suddenly disappeared, and was taken back into the backpack space by the bones.

It is worth mentioning that the mind's eye is what the little shark sees.

Bone knows this, so he also uses what he sees is what he gets to convince Little Shark that her weaknesses will not change.

But after putting away the shield, Bone's own situation has changed, and the weakness still exists, but the position has changed.

Bai Gu swung an iron fist the size of a casserole, stepped on the ground with force with his feet, twisted his waist, and his back muscles were tense like a dragon.

The little shark was hit hard in the face, and she flew out of the skinny body.

"It's not enough, you, that's all you have in mind, I've seen through it." There was a sword wound on the bone's ribs, blood red blood stained the skirt of his clothes, and he was still hit by a small shark at his weak point, and he was deducted hundreds of points Blood.

But this did not prevent her from standing there domineeringly, hooking her fingers at the little shark.

(End of this chapter)

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