After retreating, they came after them

Chapter 112 The panel has been improved

Chapter 112 The panel has been improved

"Look at the occupation name." Simon reminded when he saw the little shark running over.

The little shark wanted to give Simon a bear hug.

After hearing this, he stopped immediately and looked at his career panel again.

I don’t know, I’m scared.

After possessing the mind-eye skill, her main profession panel has changed, and a suffix is ​​added to the fighter profession.

"Occupation: Warrior (Breaker)"

"My warrior class finally has a suffix!"

The little shark said happily.

Standing where she was, she felt the feedback from the second star in the sea of ​​consciousness.

It was originally a whiteboard warrior profession, and there was nothing.

Now with a fixed occupation bonus, the upper limit of the body is even higher.

Every time the adventurers light up a star, they can increase the upper limit of various attributes of the body.

At present, the normal panel of the little shark is 2000 health, 500 attack power, 360 defense power, and 0 magic resistance.

The blood has increased by 15 points, the attack power has also increased by [-] points, and the defense power has increased by [-] points.

At this time, the overall attribute of the little shark has reached the normal two-star fighter standard line, not as miserable as before.

The little shark tried to give himself a sword to see the damage.

"This injury is wrong." The little shark murmured.

"Your damage has not changed, and the panel shows the upper limit. Now you need nutrition and a lot of training to make your body approach the upper limit again." Simon said.

"That's right! What's displayed on the panel is my upper limit, I'm so happy I forgot!"

The depression in the little shark's heart disappeared instantly, and he became excited again.

She came to Simon and thanked him, "Thank you, Simon."

Originally wanted a bear hug, but Sister Baitang stood beside Simon, watching her covetously.

For some reason, the little shark suddenly faltered and didn't jump up to hug him.

"Well, keep working hard, make persistent efforts, and strive to realize the third skill as soon as possible." Simon also encouraged happily.

"Yes!" The little shark grinned happily.

To be honest, without Simon, she would not be where she is today.

Little Shark is a person who knows how to repay his kindness.

She secretly decided that from now on, she would swear to the death to protect his safety.

After all, Simon is just a crispy support.

Maybe I accidentally sent it.

In order to prevent Simon from dying suddenly in the Earth Dragon Secret Realm, she needs to use stronger awareness to guard against the omens of sneak attacks by wild monsters.

At present, the second skill Mind Eye has only one level, this level is just in its infancy and is not strong enough.

She intends to keep her eyes open whenever she has a chance, and open her skills as soon as her skills improve, so as to improve the proficiency of skills as much as possible.

The next time is training, plus a lot of eating.

People who awaken new skills tend to be hungry quickly.

After practicing for a while, the little shark was so hungry that he groaned, and immediately ran to his kitchen to cook for himself.

In Simon's residence, eating is free.

If you are hungry, you can cook for yourself, don't waste it.

The little shark practiced for ten days at a stretch, and overeat and ate for ten days. All he ate was the food supplied from the tenth floor of the dungeon. Whether it was used to cultivate the body or restore physical fitness, it was the best choice.

After ten days, the little shark finally didn't feel hungry so easily.

At this time, when she hit the damage again, she found that her damage had reached 490.

Ten points away from the upper limit of 500 on the panel.

But she knew that these ten points of damage didn't seem like much, but in fact, the further you go, the less effective the training will be.

The next step is the kung fu of water milling.


Simon called everyone together to count the skill progress of the three trainees.

The progress of the little shark is 2% of the sprint strike LV11, and 1% of the mind-eye skill LV30.

Roy's three skills, the blood fire shield, LV0 level, 34% progress.

Bai Tang's third skill is LV0 level, and the progress is 40%.

It was also after the statistics that it was discovered that the progress of Baitang surpassed Roy by 6 percentage points.

It was still more than a dozen percentage points before, and the change in ten days was so big that it crushed Roy, who had unlimited spell-casting materials to brush up his proficiency.

Is faith-based skill experience so easy to brush up?
"You recently went out to preach again, how many people have you added?" Simon asked.

Bai Tang, who was wearing a black turban with a white border, nodded and shook her head again.

"Only a few newcomers have been accepted, and recently I am helping the elderly to pray, interpret dreams, and predict fortunes..."

If she was not in the house, she was on a mission, or praying.

According to her words, spread the belief of Simon, let more people know about Simon's deeds, and illuminate the hearts of the people at the bottom.

Simon felt there was nothing to advertise.

However, Bai Tang's three skills are obviously related to faith.

It's not good for him to stop Bai Tang from going out to promote.

If caught by the Church of Notre Dame, there are corresponding risks.

"Don't read slogans, you can tell stories, don't read the rest of the guiding concepts, especially inflammatory slogans like 'Simon'." Simon warned.

When Bai Tang went out to promote, Simon asked her how she preached.

Bai Tang didn't dare to lie to him, and told the truth about the process and content of the propaganda.

When Simon heard the slogan of Simon, he suddenly felt that the style was different, and his whole body aroused goosebumps.

This was not caused by excitement, but that he sensed the divine aura flickering over Bai Tang's body.

Ximen's slogan was originally an unintentional move, just for fun.

Now there is a substantial impact, and it all starts with white sugar.

To be honest, even Simon couldn't guess what her third skill was, so he was looking forward to it.

Bai Tang was not afraid of being handcuffed to the stake, but Simon didn't want to see such a scene.

Fortunately, the inflammatory slogans have not been widely disseminated, and are only limited to some niche groups.

Only talk about stories, don't read slogans, let everyone understand by themselves.

It is also possible to spread ideas secretly, even more covertly than the previous method.

"Okay." Bai Tang thinks this is also good.

This kind of thing can't develop too much, and it can't be too high-profile.

It should be like a secret association, developing secretly and secretly, looking for people with faith needs.

Most of those who believe in Ximen are secretly unknown, looking for a reliable spiritual sustenance in their hearts, just like her back then.

Bai Tang has restrained himself a lot recently and did not pray in broad daylight.

She had heard that Sister Aurele of the Church of Our Lady was looking for her.

Once, Sister Aurel found the residence of the Snow Mountain Adventure Group.

But that time when Bai Tang went out to preach, Aurel missed her and couldn't find her.

It is said to be a private matter, not a public one.

Even so, sugar must be low-key.

As a clergyman, even if he is stationed in an external team for a long time, he cannot betray the Church of Notre Dame on the spot.

After talking about sugar, Simon looked at the two trainees behind him.

Roy is still practicing proficiency, relying on the convenience of the dream to brush proficiency, and is steadily advancing without encountering any difficulties.

Little Shark's second skill has been completed, and the third skill is still needed to meet the requirements of the official rank.

"Little shark, your physical strength is almost done. It's time to learn the third skill of the gap walker." Simon said.

Ten days had passed since the activation of her mind eyes, and she had been waiting for this day to come.

Hearing this, the little shark nodded and asked, "What's the third skill?"

When everyone sitting in the living room heard the words, they all pricked up their ears, showing a look of curiosity.

(End of this chapter)

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