After retreating, they came after them

Chapter 166 2nd Stage 3rd Update

Chapter 166 Phase Two "3 Updates"

As soon as Shi Gui woke up, he saw strange alchemy equipment and the rumbling and shaking ground.

The surface of the underground cave is full of volcanic mud, forming a gray-black ground. It has been deposited for many years, and it is very hard. Even if it is bombarded with bombardment magic, there will be no major damage marks.

If a pit is made, the magma stone turtle only needs to spray magma and mend the seams without affecting the appearance.

At this moment, the vertical pupils of the magma stone turtle expanded to a circular shape, increasing the amount of light entering the eyes, and seeing the details of the uplift of the volcanic mud floor.

This is... the volcanic mud is arched up?
There is an extremely powerful force under the surface that is pushing upwards.

If it weren't for the heavy volcanic mud, they might be pushed up.

After two seconds, the rumbling sound quieted down.

The volcanic mud floor has absorbed the impact and is returning to its original position.

The scene was a mess, and the magma stone turtle also felt the huge impact from the magma pool under its feet.

It was a little suspicious, if it stepped on it harder and more, the magma pool might be trampled through by it.

It was also at this time that the bones standing on the edge of the magma pool took out a fur bag with five explosive test tubes.

These five explosive test tubes are equivalent to five thousand fine blocks.

A low-level three-star adventurer only earns a few thousand dollars a month.

Explosion is burning money.

Bone resolutely threw the test tube package down.

The fur bag was specially made by Old Wim, it has more fire resistance, and it is strong enough to last until the explosion test tube hits the bottom of the magma pool and then explodes.

The magma stone turtle didn't know what she wanted to do, its IQ was not enough to think of the subsequent series of changes.


There was a huge vibration from the magma pool under his feet, and the test tube exploded, which was equivalent to five bombardment spells used by the blaster.

As Shi Gui expected, the magma pool was blown through, and there was a small hole.

The hole has a radius of only thirty or forty centimeters.

Compared to the magma pool with a diameter of tens of meters, this hole is nothing.

But the problem is that the bottom is the cavity area driven by the pile driver.

The magma began to drain slowly, and the magma stone turtle hadn't realized the crisis of the situation. After waking up from the dream, it continued to fight hard.

After struggling for a while, I realized that the white bones are not easy to gnaw, and then I used my brain to use remote magma spray to hit the most painful little shark.

This time, the little shark gave up the opportunity to output, and ran away when he saw the magma, and ran away from the location of the magma.

If you switch to a nanny or someone who can't run fast, you might get splashed, but a fighter like Little Shark can't go wrong, her body has been trained.

With a bang, the magma landed on the ground, splashing things within five meters.

There was no one within the five-meter range, and the little shark stood outside the circle, continuing to output magma stone turtles.

The magma stone turtle sprayed it five times in a row, and when it saw that it was dodged by others every time, it immediately became furious, stomped hard on the white bones under it, and then lowered its head and sprayed out the magma.

A set of combo skills, in just three seconds, dealt five thousand physical damage.

But it was useless, the bones resisted hard, and nothing happened.

The BOSS's sanity collapsed, and he stepped into madness. He only hit the bones and didn't care about the little sharks outside.

Unknowingly, the magma under its feet was drained away.

The blood volume of the boss no longer recovers, and it drops little by little.

The scene entered garbage time, and everyone relaxed slightly, slowly wearing out its blood volume.

When the blood bar was almost cleared, Simon reminded: "The boss is preparing for the second stage, and the bones and red phoenix have returned.

"Later, the little shark will kill happily, let the hatred of the boss hang on you, and you use your position to hide from the magma to attract its attack.

"Of course, it would be best if the splash-type magma can be directed to the mobs it summons, and it doesn't matter if you can't."

Less than three seconds after Simon finished speaking, the timing was just right. The blood volume of the magma turtle was completely cleared, and it fell into the empty magma pool.

The moment it fell, there was a loud scream.

It's like a whining sound, and it's like an ah sound.

After this sound, everyone heard another loud sound from the ground.

The rookie in the team who was playing the Earth Dragon Secret Realm for the first time didn't know what the sound was.

But Simon knew that it was the voice of the Earth Dragon BOSS, and it heard the call for help from the magma stone turtle gatekeeper.

It was also after this response that the magma stone turtle's blood bar, which was originally zero, suddenly began to return to blood, from 1% to 5%, and then to 10%, all the way.

The stone tortoise itself has also undergone tremendous changes, with earthy brown luster gushing out from the surface, flying into its nostrils, changing the color of its shell, and adding some ancient black lines.

These lines start from the key in the center of the turtle shell, spread to the surroundings, and reach the head of the stone turtle, which looks quite miraculous.

At the same time, its body size has also swelled a little, and its body size is about 20% larger than before. The four legs are thicker and stronger, and it is easy to step on a hole in the pit.

The stone tortoise glanced down and saw the big hole. It no longer stood in the pool, but walked halfway out.

At this time, the blood bar returned to 100%, officially entering the second stage.

Stage Two Stone Turtle,
HP 30 → 40,
Attack power 2500→2800,

Defense 2900→3000,

Magic resistance 75→75.

Except for magic resistance, various panel data rose slightly.

Its increase is not large, compared with before, it is only slightly stronger.

"Hohohoho——, I admit, I underestimated you all, but this time, I am no longer fighting alone..."

"Come out! My army!"

The stone turtle yelled loudly, waved its black head arrogantly, and stood there with all four feet, showing its arrogance.

While speaking, its huge tortoise shell rumbled and disintegrated, and there were gaps on the left and right sides.

You may not believe it, but the shattered tortoise shell actually reduced its defense.

The defense power of 3000 points, which was just raised, has dropped to 2800 points, which is a negative improvement.

It was also in those gaps that a group of wild monsters opened their eyes, screamed and rushed out of the tortoise shell and ran to the ground.

This is the magma stone tortoise BOSS's followers. It was put into the tortoise shell by it, and it was sealed day and night. It was lucky to be soaked in the magma pool with it.

Seeing the group of wild monsters coming out like a preview in the dream, everyone became nervous.

A dream is a dream, and the Aowu Beast in reality is a monster from the underworld.

If the skill is interrupted, it will be difficult.

"Turn on skills," Simon said.

Taking advantage of the moment when the Aowu Beast got out of the car, and before they had time to awow at them, this was the best time to activate their skills.

If it is too late, you have to use the short flat A before casting the spell to kill those invisible wailing beasts in the air, let them show their prototypes, and let the warriors slash hard with their swords.

Except for Simon, everyone activated all their skills instantly to keep their state at its peak.

At this time, the coal balls and furry beasts squinted their eyes, activated their stealth skills, and rushed down to the ground.

Little Shark's mind eyes are open, what she sees and the sound enters her ears, and there is nowhere to hide the enemy's whereabouts.

A heart-slashing wave with a width of several meters rushed over, hitting more than a dozen rushing Awowling Beasts, hitting their weak points, and forcibly restraining them.

It doesn't matter if you miss it, the little shark swiped all of them out with a sword left and right, interrupting their stealth skills.

Once their stealth skills are interrupted, they will enter a cooldown period, and they will no longer be able to hide within 30 seconds, which is great news for everyone.

 Let's just update at 3, I don't have much time today
  700 monthly tickets, offset a change.

  It seems that there is no chance of a thousand monthly tickets, only 5 days left,

(End of this chapter)

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