Chapter 4 Rejection
"How dare she!"

"Simon doesn't even have a formal rank. Invite him? It's purely disgusting to us!"

"This is a provocation against the white fruit!"

The members of the White Fruit Adventure Group could no longer sit still and stood up to protest.

The person with the red rose also stood up, and the situation was tense.

Simon sat under the spotlight of everyone, and everyone was waiting for his answer.

Phil was wearing a black dress, and a pair of ice creams was dangling aimlessly at his feet, in case he wouldn't notice.

Simon didn't like this.

The woman in front of him didn't invite him sincerely, but for the purpose of disgusting her sister.

To be honest, even if the opponent is the largest group in the town, this is not what attracts him.

"Thank you, but I have no idea of ​​joining the team for the time being." He responded politely.

After finishing speaking, disappointed expressions flashed across the faces of the melon eaters.

They just want to see blood flow into rivers, who would have expected Simon to be so dishonest.

The members of the original adventure group also breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the words, their own adventure group's face was saved, and they sat down again immediately.

After all, Captain Mei Guo wasn't there, so it's better not to make a fuss, the opponent is not weak.


Simon shook his head, didn't explain any more, but got up and left the table without giving her another chance to win over.

Phil stayed where he was, showing a surprised expression. He didn't expect Simon to look down on her team.

Why is he?
At best, it is only a highly functional support. If you really want to be a supplementary core, no matter how you say it, you need to have a big core skill that cannot be replaced by your peers.

But when she thought about it, it made sense.

Because Simon's face did not mean to admire her, nor did he mean to be inferior to others, but he always talked as an equal.

As calm as he is, he must have a complete plan in mind and will not change his mind just because of her invitation.

What kind of plan, on earth, could compare to an invitation from a red rose?
She suddenly became interested in him.

"Really, don't you plan to think about it again?"

This time, Phil was serious.

She wanted to see how calm this guy was.


When the members of the White Fruit Adventure Group returned to the station, there were still people chatting about Phil and Simon in the tavern.

Although Simon only sat in the tavern for a minute or two, and there was very little to say, it was still worth complaining about a hundred times.

After repeatedly complaining about Simon, they began to recall Simon's time in the team.

Every high-intensity strategy will always bring endless fatigue.

Now that the person is gone, I suddenly feel too relaxed, and I don't know how I will live tomorrow.

"Simon, after he really left, he seemed a little uncomfortable. What should we do in the future strategy?"

"The leader should be able to recruit new assistants. Besides, isn't this something everyone has been waiting for for a long time? Why do you regret it now?"

"Hey, don't tell Xiaoqian about this."

"I know……"

Halfway through the conversation, these people saw a half-empty, half-solid transparent figure with silver hair, wearing a black and white maid skirt, floating in the shadow of the corner ahead, looking at everyone with wide eyes.

"What can't you tell me?"

The cold breath rushed towards the face, everyone's pores shrank, and they trembled slightly.

Those dark blue eyeholes made people feel as if they had fallen into an ice cellar, and they subconsciously recognized the face, with a guilty look on their face.


The head of the group, Mei Guo, woke up. She didn't wake up naturally, but was stimulated by the sudden cold.

"Why am I falling asleep here?"

When she woke up, she found that she was not in her bedroom, but fell asleep on her stomach in the study on the second floor.

Looking at the table full of paper manuscripts, all kinds of complicated lines, characters, and patterns, she felt dizzy for a while, and simply ignored the information left by Simon.

Just looking at these things gave her a headache.

Apart from Simon, can anyone really understand these things?
This guy……

I forced him to leave, and he did.

Doesn't he have the slightest thought about the White Fruit Adventure Group?
The oath we once made together, we agreed to take everyone to adventure in the mythical dungeon, now we are leaving alone.

It turned out that he didn't have this team in his heart at all.

I didn't expect such a person.

You must know that Simon has not yet been promoted to a formal rank.

Compared with my sister's full-time assistant, I was born with one less skill.

As far as she is concerned, without a powerful professional skill, it is really difficult to move an inch in battle, and it is difficult to keep her teammates' HP in a high-pressure environment.

Comparing your heart with your heart, Simon, as a trainee assistant, isn't the actual combat situation more difficult than her?

In order to make up the gap in rank, Simon has to spend more effort leading the team, which is obviously unnecessary.

After all, there is no need to procrastinate on something that can be done well with multiple skills.

To be honest, Simon's upper limit may really be like this.

The members of the same team have all been promoted, but he is still in place.

This is no longer something that can be accomplished by hard work, it is a limitation of one's own talent.

At times like this, one has to rely on extreme pressure to break through the limitations of talent.

Her intentions were good, but she just wanted to add a layer of pressure to him, maybe Simon would break through because of this.

Mei Guo kept finding reasons for herself.

Speaking of which, the temperature is so cold today.

No, this is...

"Who made Xiaoqian angry again?"

She muttered, got up and opened the door, and saw her teammates in the corridor and Xiaoqian floating in the air.

"What's going on you guys, what happened—"


Simon didn't know about the original team. He had just settled in the hotel, lay on the bed, looked at the strange ceiling, and pondered the current situation.

The dungeons in this world are scattered everywhere, some with only six floors, and some as deep as thirty or so floors.

Generally speaking, the deeper the dungeon, the richer the resources and the stronger the monsters.

It is said that at the far end of the east, there is a mythical dungeon with a depth of [-] floors.

And the dungeon in the town right now is only ten floors deep, which is considered an ordinary dungeon, far less dangerous than the forbidden zone of mythology.

Ever since he knew that all adventurers in the world rely on fighting monsters to become stronger, he wanted to take a group of partners with dreams to pass the test together and step into the forbidden area of ​​mythology to see what happened.

He wants to use the power of the gods to find out the secret of his time travel, and whether it is possible to take this opportunity to go home.

After all, his biological parents are on the other side of the earth, so he should go back and see.

Don't know how they will be devastated by his disappearance.

Of course, the above are only long-term goals.

At this stage, we are still based on the present, thinking about how to advance to the official rank during the rest time.

He closed his eyes and meditated quietly. Slowly, he entered the dim sea of ​​consciousness, and saw layer after layer of blue fluorescence washed up on the beach with the waves.

Above the Sea of ​​Consciousness, there is a starry sky full of stars, in which there are two bright stars hanging high.

Every time a star lights up, it means that he has comprehended an own skill.

The assistants of the official ranks are all lit up with three stars, and now he is only one star away from being promoted to the official rank.

Over the years, through constantly killing enemies and slashing monsters, the shape of the third star has been clear and stable in the previous month, but it has not yet reached the step of lighting up the star.

Normal people then go to the goddess statue to pray.

As long as the faith is devout enough, one can comprehend the third skill.

If you can't comprehend through the goddess statue, it may be that your talent is at its peak.

There are many adventurers in this world who stay in the apprenticeship stage all their lives.

The second way is to understand without prayer.

There is no fixed shortcut for this comprehension method, there are fast and slow.

Some people have been warriors for generations. In their words, the instinct to become a warrior has been carved into their blood. People like this can try to light up the stars that come from their blood.

Some people comprehend it under extreme pressure, but there are very few examples.

The vast majority of people have lived most of their lives and witnessed all kinds of life, only to realize it in their later years.

However, when people are old, they are no longer competitive with younger generations.

There are also some adventurers who killed their entire family on the night of the full moon, and only opened their eyes to light up the third star in the sea of ​​consciousness.

This sounds very Uchiha, but actually has little to do with Hokage.

He secretly analyzed that self-comprehension requires either a bloodline bonus, or great wisdom, or an adventure.

In addition, he suspected that the reason why his class could not be promoted was because he chose a rare job that no one else had in front of the auxiliary goddess.

Here it should be said that his profession is different from ordinary assistants, named Dream Maker.

The profession of a dream maker is related to a game he played before his death, and the game character he used was a dream maker.

In the game plot of the previous life, the remnants of the old era gradually came to an end, and the professional characters of the new era came to the fore.

And his career as a dreamer is one of the leading figures in the new era.

Let's put it this way, the six main occupations of the old era, Warrior, Healer, Heavy Shield, Warlock, Archer, and Support, are on the numerical side, with simple and crude skills and no complicated mechanisms.

The occupations in the new era are deeply refined on the basis of the six major occupations, and have evolved into countless branches.

All skill enhancement directions start from the mechanism, and it is no longer a brainless role to enhance the numerical value.

This may sound a bit incomprehensible.

Take Simon himself, for example.

One or two skills, one reduces dual resistance, and the other reduces CD.

After reaching the official rank, the qualitative change begins after comprehending the three skills.

He can create a dream realm, and any monster group that enters this realm will fall into a dream.

The control time depends on the mental strength of the enemy, and enemies trapped in the dream will suffer different degrees of mental damage.

This mental trauma depends on what kind of dream the dreamer has woven, which is the mechanism.

If it was a dreamlike dream, there would be no mental damage, and the enemy would remain the same.

If he created a nightmare, after the enemy fell into it and came out, he might be in a state of insanity and madness.

Of course, due to hardware limitations, the skill description above can only show the enemy's dizziness for a few seconds on the screen.

But in reality, the mechanism and effect are very different, and it has high potential.

Judging from the current signs, this world is very likely to be the incarnation of that game. He has already seen many old professions and old skills in the previous game in this world.

Then as long as he is promoted to the official rank, he will be a new era strong assistant in the auxiliary class, and he can be used as the core.

Closer to home.

If normal people's promotion methods worked, he would have been promoted long ago.

The answer is no.

He has visited the auxiliary deities a hundred times.

The idol of the auxiliary goddess did not answer him.

He can only take the route of self-comprehension.

With this and that in mind, he adjusted his mentality, used his unique talent to hypnotize himself, and slowly fell into today's dreamland.

(End of this chapter)

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