Love begins with binding a girl with problems

Chapter 150 Connection Interrupted

Chapter 150 Connection Interrupted
The sweltering bus traveled for more than half an hour in the howling wind.

Following the sentence of monitor Zhao Wenwen, "Here we are", the drowsy students in the car suddenly woke up.

The bus stopped steadily in front of the platform, and the girls cheered up and got off in an orderly manner.

Jiang Yu and Lin Nanxi stayed in the last row, and they were not in a hurry to get off.

When everyone was almost gone, he took Lin Nanxi down before the vehicle started.

In the earphones, more than half of Jiang Yu's playlist was played.

For Lin Nanxi, Jiang Yu has always had enough patience to share.

Considering that wearing only half of the Bluetooth headset will seriously affect the listening experience, Jiang Yu hung both headsets on Lin Nanxi's ears.

When putting on the earphones for her, Jiang Yu deliberately squeezed the soft little earlobe and pressed it gently twice. Later, the two earlobes kept turning red, and they were still rosy when they got off the car.

"The elevator is only this big, wait for the next one."

This is a large shopping mall. The KTV is on the sixth floor of the shopping mall. There is a cinema downstairs and a hotel upstairs.

Although the elevator is spacious enough, it is still a bit difficult to accommodate more than 20 adults.

Most of the girls have entered, the elevator is not overweight, but there is no room to stand.

Zhao Wenwen pressed the door close button and asked the rest of the people to wait for the next trip, while she went upstairs to open the private room first.

Jiang Yu returned to the team of several boys, he knew that he couldn't stay alone with Lin Nanxi all the time.

Engaging in special treatment will only lead to isolation. They are still high school students at any rate, and their blatant love behavior must be restrained.

"Hey, Lin Nanxi!"

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Yu discovered that Lin Nanxi, who was standing not far away and bowed his head to listen to the song just now, had disappeared.

That little Hanhan was wearing earphones and didn't pay attention to the surrounding situation.

When the crowd around entered the elevator, she also followed in small steps.

Jiang Yu didn't see her for half a minute, and the little guinea pig had already got into the elevator.

Jiang Yu called her to stop from behind, but Lin Nanxi was listening to the love songs on Jiang Yu's mobile phone, and when she looked up, the elevator door just closed.


Lin Nanxi stared blankly at the door closing in front of her, while Jiang Yu was rushing towards her.

At this time, no one took the initiative to open the elevator door.

Lin Nanxi huddled in the corner until the elevator door closed, and all the noise outside was also shut down.


In the headset, because of the signal interruption, the sound of the Bluetooth headset completely disappeared after receiving the last signal.

The world suddenly became silent.

Lin Nanxi had earphones plugged into both ears, and the silent environment amplified an inexplicable fear in his heart.

She seemed to be able to hear her own heartbeat and clearly feel the thoughts in her head.

Lin Nanxi felt that she had never been so sober.

Never have I been so flustered.

The light in her world is fading rapidly, and the gorgeous colors return to black and white.

This has never happened since the first month of this semester.

She and Jiang Yu, the bodies that were originally bound together, are like the bluetooth signal cut off in the earphones...


A certain invisible string was broken.

Suddenly there was no one around Lin Nanxi, fear spread deep in her heart, and the strong heartbeat paralyzed her limbs.

Lin Nanxi looked at the silver metal elevator door, wanting to reach out and touch it.

However, at this time, she was being squeezed into an elevator full of people, and she couldn't reach there at all.

Lin Nanxi was in an inconspicuous corner, no one cared about her, and no one would notice her.

The girls in the same class around did not know what hot topic was discussed, and a dozen of them talked and laughed.

Only Lin Nanxi felt that the silver elevator door was getting further and further away from her.

And Jiang Yu, whom she never lost...

She can't feel him anymore.


the other side.

Jiang Yu watched Lin Nanxi board the elevator alone.

At this time, the first reaction in his heart was just helplessness.

If he didn't look at her for a while, the little guinea pig would get lost around him.

Jiang Yu thought that it was necessary for him to take a thread in the future to tie himself and Lin Nanxi together.

Just like the one that circulated on the Internet before, "children's anti-lost traction rope".

He didn't mind at all wearing this anti-lost rope to go shopping with Lin Nanxi's child.

It wasn't long before the elevator doors closed.

Jiang Yu's mobile phone shows that Bluetooth is interrupted.

Jiang Yu didn't take it seriously at first.

After all, either the distance or the fact that the old-fashioned elevators in this type of mall block the signal will knock out Bluetooth.

As for the unfinished songs, after a while the Bluetooth automatically connects, you can continue to play.

The two boys beside Jiang Yu were muttering and discussing something.

Among them, Hou Zhi took two steps forward and whispered in Jiang Yu's ear.

"Brother Jiang, do you want to do something later?"

"What's the matter?" Jiang Yu glanced at Hou Zhi absent-mindedly.

"Didn't Zhao Wenwen say to order takeout casually? Let us boys order hard dishes, roast whole lamb and roast suckling pig or something."

"Okay, A money counts as me." Jiang Yu nodded.

"Okay, hehe," Hou Zhi smiled maliciously again, and secretly added something in Jiang Yu's ear.

"...Just now, Lao Li suggested that we place an order in the same city. After a while, we will call ten college tutors to come to our KTV to teach math problems."


Jiang Yu looked at Hou Zhi with the eyes of "Are you sick?"

Later, he felt that this job was quite interesting.

Just imagine, a class of 50 students is taught by college students in a KTV.

This sour picture is interesting to think about.

But this is just a job. College students are young people, and they will probably have fun together by then.


Just as Jiang Yu nodded in agreement, the relaxed expression on his face suddenly froze.

For a moment, he found that he couldn't sense Lin Nanxi anymore.

This is something unprecedented since physical binding.

From that accidental body binding to the following four months, Jiang Yu and Lin Nanxi experienced countless experiments of 'perception sharing'.

But never before has the connection been completely disconnected.

Jiang Yu has long been used to the sense of connection when he is bound with Lin Nanxi. Although this feeling does not exist all the time, every now and then a trace of thought or touch from Lin Nanxi will be in Jiang Yu's body. Emphasize the existence of the other party in your heart.

Now, Jiang Yu's world suddenly fell silent.

Jiang Yu felt as if he had lost everything.

Connection interruption, signal masking...

Jiang Yu couldn't find an appropriate word to describe it.

The only thing that makes him sure is.

He lost her in this moment.

It was as if a huge stone sank in the bottomless black sea. There was no light, no living things, and the outstretched hand would just disappear in the sea. Jiang Yu felt that he was about to drown in the deep sea.

The panic in his heart boiled instantly, Jiang Yu glanced at the upward arrow of the elevator.

Then his eyes caught the side entrance of the mall, and he was already in action.

"Hey, Brother Jiang, the elevator will be here soon, where are you going!"

Seeing that Jiang Yu suddenly ran like a madman, Hou Zhi called him to stop in bewilderment.

However, Jiang Yu acted as if he didn't hear anything, he had already rushed into the mall.

This shopping mall is one of the oldest shopping malls in Jiazhou City. In addition to the direct elevator at the side door, there are escalators and fire exits inside.

The escalator is in the center of the mall, and it takes several detours to reach the sixth floor through the escalator.

Jiang Yu walked in the opposite direction directly along the green arrow on the ground. Generally, this kind of emergency evacuation fire exit would lead directly from the roof to the first floor.

Pushing open an iron door, Jiang Yu came to the entrance of the steps and ran up in one breath.


"What kind of elevator is this? Why hasn't there been a signal yet?"

"The old elevators in the past did not have antennas like the current elevators. It is normal that there is no signal here."

In the elevator, some girls soon discovered that all the signals were blocked.

For young people today, being without the Internet is as painful as being without electricity.

Fortunately, they are all familiar peers here, and they can put down their phones and chat to kill time.

Lin Nanxi stood awkwardly in the corner, her narrow shoulders huddled together, and the corners of her eyes were wet.

After a person gets used to a certain person or something, he suddenly strips the other person's existence completely.

This is no longer a withdrawal reaction.

Lin Nanxi only felt that her sky had collapsed.

Lin Nanxi never thought about what would happen if she lost Jiang Yu.

Now she knows.

That villain Jiang Yu, who always had a playful smile on his face, liked to bully her, and liked to watch her shy reactions, already had an irreplaceable weight in her heart.

"Ding bell~"

The elevator door opens.

Lin Nanxi suddenly raised her eyes amidst the mess of thoughts.

When I looked up, I found that the corners of my eyes were wet.

Lin Nanxi rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand.

However, it wasn't Jiang Yu who caught the eye.

The fifth floor of the shopping mall is a movie theater. A group of people who have just finished watching the movie are blocking the door, and some of them are from the uncle and aunt generation trying to squeeze into the elevator.

However, when they saw so many people in the elevator, all of them were female high school students, they were all surprised.

"Hey, why are there so many people at this time?"

"Give way, squeeze in."

"Uncle can't be squeezed."

Zhao Wenwen stood at the door of the elevator and manipulated the buttons, mercilessly blocking the uncle who wanted to come in at the door.

The uncle wasn't afraid of this little girl at first, but when he saw the fierce look in the other's eyes, he stepped back half a step meaninglessly.

Zhao Wenwen's title of 'Tigress' is not groundless.

She glared at the people outside, and pressed the elevator door close button.

"You pressed the wrong elevator, it's going up." Zhao Wenwen said coldly.

"But we are going upstairs." A middle-aged woman's voice sounded from behind.

"Then you wait for the next trip, there will be our classmates next time."

Zhao Wenwen immediately thought of the group of boys behind, and said with a smirk.

"They should be willing to share the elevator with you."

"The elevator is going up—"

As the mechanized female voice sounded, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Class monitor Zhao Wenwen is quite prestigious among the girls.

Zhao Wenwen is even taller today.

"Ding bell~"

The sixth floor is here.

Just as the group was about to go out, they were startled again by a figure suddenly jumping out of the door.

The other party had obviously been waiting at the door for a while.

This posture seems to be waiting for a rabbit.

The boy put his hands on his knees, sweating profusely from running.

The sudden madness of running made the potential of the whole body burst out.

Jiang Yu rushed all the way into the shopping mall, followed the steep fire escape to the elevator door on the sixth floor, without stopping for a moment.

"I'm stupid, you scared me."

After Zhao Wenwen confirmed that this person was Jiang Yu from their class, she patted her chest to take a breath.

There were so many people present in the movie theater on the fifth floor just now, and the people who had to squeeze the elevator with them were all uncle-level people. Zhao Wenwen had a way to deal with them.

But after replacing the enemy with the desperate Lengtouqing, she was not sure.

Besides, Jiang Yu is such a tall person, I am afraid that all the girls who are not in an elevator can beat him together.

"Why are you acting like a ghost..." Zhao Wenwen gave Jiang Yu a disgusted look, and Jiang Yu's forehead was drenched with sweat.

"Didn't I ask you to wait for the elevator on the first floor???"


Jiang Yu was panting heavily and didn't say anything.

He didn't have the energy to talk nonsense to Zhao Wenwen, so he just raised his finger and pointed at Lin Nanxi.

At this time, Lin Nanxi was also being affected by Jiang Yu's body, her heart was beating fast, and the pores of her whole body seemed to be opened, and she was sweating wetly.

Lin Nanxi was called out by Jiang Yu, silently lowered her head, and walked out of the elevator by herself.

The moment she came out, Jiang Yu grabbed Lin Nanxi's hand without saying a word.

Only when Jiang Yu really took Lin Nanxi's hand.

That disconnected connection is fully restored.

Body signals continued.

His Lin Nanxi is back again.

Jiang Yu's blocked mood instantly cleared up a lot, and the hanging heart finally landed steadily.

Lin Nanxi was like a kid who made a mistake and was taken away by Jiang Yu. The squad leader Zhao Wenwen didn't reprimand him, but just called the girls behind her to go to the front desk to get a box number.

After all, this is not a school, and Zhao Wenwen has no status to teach these two more.


In the fire escape.

With a sound of 'squeak', Jiang Yu half-closed the fire iron door.

The empty corridor was empty, only the rapid breathing of Jiang Yu and Lin Nanxi remained.

On the wall, there is a cool cold wind blowing in from a small square window.

It was already pitch black outside, and from the height of the sixth floor, one could see a corner of the night scene of the city lights.

In the already dark corridor, the voice-activated lights suddenly went out.

Lin Nanxi's vision became dark.

She tried to open her eyes wide, and saw the light outside the window illuminating Jiang Yu's face, and those eyes glowing with warmth.

Jiang Yu's breath got closer and closer, he reached out and took off the earphones from Lin Nanxi's ears one by one, then rubbed the corners of her wet eyes with the palm of his hand.

The cold wind outside the window can't dissipate the increasingly hot temperature on the face, but the cool wind makes people more impetuous.

Lin Nanxi opened her lips slightly, ready to say something.


However, her lips that had just opened were covered with a slight coolness.

That piece was soft, and I didn't want to leave it for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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