Love begins with binding a girl with problems

Chapter 88 The Great and Pure Friendship

Chapter 88 The Great and Pure Friendship

Two minutes later, Lin Nanxi came out from the back door of the classroom with her schoolbag.

Out of the corner of Jiang Yu's eye, he caught a glimpse of her.

Several brothers around were standing in front of the railing and chatting, but no one noticed this unremarkable girl.

After Jiang Yu found Lin Nanxi, he didn't go to her immediately, but just stood there calmly. If Lin Nanxi really didn't want to go out of school with them, then he would let Lin Nanxi go.

But Lin Nanxi stopped at the door of the classroom, holding the schoolbag strap on his shoulders with both hands, and when his head was slightly lowered, his bangs covered his eyes.

Lin Nanxi raised her chin and gave Jiang Yu a light look.

As if waiting for him.

Jiang Yu immediately understood, smiled, and slapped Daniel beside him forcefully.

"Let's go."

"Hahahaha fuck me."

Daniu was having a good time chatting with his brothers, when they heard Jiang Yu's greeting, they chatted and laughed together and went downstairs together.

In fact, these people didn't care about Lin Nanxi's joining. Lin Nanxi had no sense of presence and didn't speak, so even if there was a girl behind him, no one would look back.

Lin Nanxi was not used to walking with so many people, and fell behind as soon as he walked.

Jiang Yu slowed down and went downstairs side by side with her.

"Yesterday, your brother didn't tell me about my going to your house, did he?"

There are too few places where the two can have a common topic, and Jiang Yu doesn't want to leave Lin Nanxi alone behind him.

After thinking about it, he found such a topic.

"No, mom is busy with the night shift these days..." Lin Nanxi whispered.

She is a girl who is not good at talking, if she can barely communicate in front of Jiang Yu, then once there are more people around, it will be difficult for Lin Nanxi to speak.

Her voice was as small as a bee's. In order to hear what she said clearly, Jiang Yu had to move his body close to each other, even so close that their arms were touching each other to hear her.

"But it doesn't matter what he said, after all, we are just a great and pure friendship." Jiang Yu smiled dumbly.

Lin Nanxi nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.


"Are you guilty?"

Jiang Yu bent down to look at Lin Nanxi's face.

Lin Nanxi turned his head away early, as if he had been prepared for a long time.

Jiang Yu looked down and saw only a pair of snow-white hairpins hanging on the back of his head.

It was obvious that Jiang Yu himself was guilty, but he wanted to blame Lin Nanxi, but this kind of blame actually really took effect.

"Jiang Yu."

"Brother Jiang."

Just when Jiang Yu was still trying to tease Lin Nanxi in different ways, at the school gate, the big cows who were walking in front chatting about the plot of the game suddenly turned around and called out to Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu quickly retracted the hand that was stretched out to pinch Lin Nanxi, the expression on his face became more stable, and he calmly looked in the direction indicated by Daniel.

Now is the time for school to leave, there are a few more food stalls at the school gate, and the street is crowded with students.

Jiang Yu's gaze passed through the crowd, and finally settled on a group of boys across the street.

The group of people stood close together, obviously they came prepared, Jiang Yu saw Zhou Pengfei's face that was so cold that it was dripping water among the group of people.

again? ?
It was the first time for Jiang Yu to meet someone who was still not convinced after losing twice.

Even if you can't beat him, you still come to provoke him. Isn't this pure M?

"Damn, it's finally here."

"If he doesn't come, I won't be able to sleep tonight."

Daniel saw Zhou Pengfei's face clearly from afar. This kid was Xiao Huangmao's brother in the surveillance, the one who fought with Jiang Yu.

He rolled up his sleeves and was the first to lead the charge.

Liu Dali already had a thick head and a thick head, and his body was as strong as an ox. When he rushed forward with his head on his head like this, he had an aura that was hard to stop.

The rest of the people also rolled up their sleeves and ran down the steps of the school gate aggressively, heading across the street.

"I just said that high school is coming to an end, and I always feel that something is missing, and now I finally know it!"

"Young and energetic high school students, how can you not come to something exciting."

"Damn, explode with them!!"

Sun Qiang and Daniel were the first to bear the brunt.

The loss that Jiang Yu suffered yesterday, they all remembered in their hearts. They thought that this matter was going to be overturned, but now the other party has found himself in the trap again. How can they not vent their anger.

A dozen or so high school seniors ran over in a mighty manner. Many lower grade students from Jiazhou Middle School stopped to watch. Several students who had played with Sun Qiang and the others also mixed in the crowd and joined them.

Zhou Pengfei was still chatting, laughing and smoking with a few people around him, but when he saw Jiang Yu appearing, his expression suddenly changed, his eyes shrank like seeing a tiger.

Seeing the group of wolves running towards him in front of Jiang Yu, he felt bad.

"Damn, I'm just here to pick up my brother, what do they want to do???"

It was a lie to say that he came to pick up his younger brother, Zhou Pengfei just wanted to drop by to see if Jiang Yu would place an order under the banner of 'picking up someone'.

Just hold back this bad breath for one more day, of course, if there is someone around Jiang Yu, that's fine.

It's just that Zhou Pengfei didn't expect that there were not only people around Jiang Yu, but even a gang of thugs.

So many people... Zhou Pengfei didn't believe that Jiang Yu wasn't hired with money.

"When will friends bought with money be able to work so hard..." Zhou Pengfei muttered to himself in a daze.

He looked up and saw the high school student who looked like a cow appearing in front of him.

This height and physique brought a full sense of oppression.

What's more, Zhou Pengfei was still on the arm that this man picked up... Did you see the tattoo? !
The tattoo extends from the wrist all the way to the shoulder, forming an entire arm full of flowers.

You know, in the eyes of high school students, peers with tattoos can bring more than just a little visual shock.

Tattoos can basically be associated with the word 'mixed society'.

If you think about it with your toes, you can imagine how serious consequences you will bring to yourself if you provoke such a person.

"Damn, go, you're going to be beaten."

Zhou Pengfei felt that he was really going to be beaten this time, so he quickly dragged the people around him and ran away in embarrassment.

"Security, someone is fighting!!!"

Before leaving, Zhou Pengfei even yelled at the top of his voice, considering his personal safety.

At the security office at the gate of the school, several security guards have been observing the group of people across the street for a long time.

The colleague on duty yesterday specifically explained that the school gate is not peaceful recently, so after hearing someone yelling and fighting, several security guards with full vigilance rushed forward with security batons immediately.

Daniu was rolling up his sleeves to show the other party his big arms. Unexpectedly, the effect was so good that the other party was scared and ran away.

"Bah, bastard."

The frontal conflict did not catch up, but the security guard caught up first.

Although Daniu is the kind of person who is willing to put a knife in both sides of his brother, but in the face of school security, what should be counseled is still to be counseled.

"Brother Jiang, let's go too, don't get caught!"

In a sense, Daniu is quite timid. He knows that once the security guard sees the big flower arm in his hand, he will inevitably have a meal of fried pork with bamboo shoots when he returns home.

Besides, they didn't really fight, as long as they weren't caught on the spot, they wouldn't be able to fight with the head teacher the next day.

Daniel yelled to Jiang Yu, who was slowing down behind him, and ran towards the downtown area with oil on his feet.

It's a pity that he is too fat. He usually plays for 5 minutes and rests for 10 minutes. He starts to fall behind after taking a few steps.

Seeing this, the young sprinter Sun Qiang deliberately ran back to hold his arm.

"My mother told you to eat less food every time, but you won't listen." Sun Qiang took Daniel's arm and complained.

Daniel was panting with exhaustion, and was dragged away by two people.

"I also want to lose weight, but the base is there...and it's not fat, it's muscle!"

"Your thing is pork."

"Fuck you."

"If you want to lose weight, fall in love. Love can make you lose weight." Zhang Lang said with a smile.

Daniel rolled his eyes: "I need someone to appreciate me."

Fortunately, the security guard stopped after a few steps.

The two groups themselves didn't fight, and the security guards usually just drive the crowd away.

Jiang Yu has been following behind unhurriedly, Lin Nanxi did not escape, nor did he intend to urge Jiang Yu.

Even if Jiang Yu left in the opposite direction from his home, Lin Nanxi didn't intend to turn around.

She has been observing the expression on Jiang Yu's face.

At this moment, the emotions transmitted from Jiang Yu are very complicated...

Lin Nanxi can understand, this is a kind of moving.

She carefully looked into Jiang Yu's eyes, Jiang Yu was tall, Lin Nanxi had to raise his head to see it.

His eye sockets...wet.

Lin Nanxi heard from Jiang Yu that the friends he made in junior high school were all fake friends, Jiang Yu sincerely helped them, and those people were just pocket money in Jiang Yu's pocket.

Later, this relationship was exposed and exposed, Jiang Yu completely turned his face, and his friend became an enemy in an instant.

Lin Nanxi didn't know how sad Jiang Yu was at that time.But how sad Jiang Yu was at that time, how touched he is now.

This feeling is like being redeemed.

"Let's go, brother Jiang, why do you look so gloomy??"

"Do you want to go online?"

"If there is something bothering you, let us have fun."

"You're still surfing the Internet, let's see how fat you are, go to the gym."

"Fitness shit, my level of fitness, I can't go to the gym to exercise a strong corpse??"

Lin Nanxi looked forward at the trio who were fighting, and seemed to have some kind of emotional resonance with Jiang Yu, and little pearls fell out of the corners of his eyes.

Lin Nanxi took a breath, and quietly wiped away tears with her hand.

"……why are you crying."

Jiang Yu who was accompanying Lin Nanxi suddenly spoke.

Lin Nanxi shook her head instinctively, her long hair fluttering as she shook her head.

However, when Lin Nanxi looked up and saw Jiang Yu's tears wrapped in her eyes like hers, the expression on her face froze.

After a while, she approached Jiang Yu's arm, secretly looking at Jiang Yu's naturally drooping hand, wanting to hold him and comfort him.

But Lin Nanxi withdrew her outstretched hand again.


"Is it Jiang Yu's first group of friends?"


Jiang Yu smiled lightly.

This time, he didn't make friends.

"Hurry up, hello."

Daniel turned around and urged Jiang Yu who was slowing down behind him.

"Today Sun Qiang's dog celebrates his birthday, and he said he would treat his guests to fried chicken."

"When the fuck did I say that???"

"Just say you want to please."

"I invite, but I don't invite you to eat, you go eat shit."

"You're so fucking disgusting, I won't go with you."

Da Niu walked to Jiang Yu angrily, but when he saw Lin Nanxi, who was still a small bird and hugging him, beside Jiang Yu, he felt that there was no place for him here, so he went to grab Zhang Lang from the other side and walked side by side .

Seeing this, Sun Qiang wanted to intervene, and the four brothers lined up sideways on the sidewalk.

Jiang Yu watched this scene and took a deep breath.

He wanted to say "thank you".

However, he secretly hid these two words in his heart and did not say them out.

(End of this chapter)

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