Ren Zai Mei Zong: Sweeping the Villains

Chapter 108 0 yuan purchase

Chapter 108

The sun is setting in the west.

Seeing that it was almost time, Li Qianlong put on his clothes and gently closed the door and left.

Then drive to pick up Isabella from school.

Da Ben asked Irina to help with repairs, so he drove a Ferrari F8.

The cool figure makes people look back frequently.

Isabella was overjoyed when she saw Li Qianlong come back.

He rushed over and offered a passionate kiss.

She's so boring going to school by herself recently!
When the two were talking about their miss at home, little Lori Minty came back angrily.

Normally, Isabella would pick her up and the two of them would go home together, but today there was no one there.

When she got home and heard that familiar and unbearable voice, she knew what was going on!
Jack is back?
But now I can't even go in and say hello.

A couple of dogs and men!Once you come back, you will not be safe!
Is it really that fun with men and women?

She knew that the two of them were not going to end so soon, so she ran to the kitchen to cook in a dull mood.

I don't go to Chinatown to practice martial arts anymore.

"Hey, come out to eat!"

It took a long time to prepare the meal, but in the end they were still fighting, and the little Lolita was not polite anymore, and ran to the door and beat on the door with her fists.

Li Qianlong pulled up his pants and came out, and saw the little loli cooking a table of dishes in the restaurant.

What a considerate little padded jacket!

"It's been a while, Minty, you've become better!"

Li Qianlong kissed her cute little face.

"Go away! Sweat!"

The little loli wiped her face in disgust.

It took a long time for Isabella to come down from upstairs, and the three of them enjoyed themselves happily.

After dinner, Li Qianlong went to Angela's house as scheduled.

She didn't break her promise either, Kate stood in front of her pretty and looked at him with tender eyes.

She even took a bath and washed herself as clean as a peeled egg.

How can this cute look not make people like it?
"Jack, you're finally back, I'm so worried about you!"

Kate hugged him like an octopus when he met.

"Fool, what's there to worry about, am I not doing well?"

When she was in Prosperity Town, Kate made a lot of calls, but she lost contact when there was no signal in Castle Rock Town.

It was another unforgettable night, and Li Qianlong enjoyed it to the fullest.

Even Angela, who has always been reserved, has become much more well-behaved and is at her mercy.

How could Li Qianlong miss this opportunity?
There will be no such benefits in the future.

In addition, in a few days, he also cleared the accumulated list, and bought some small gifts for everyone by the way.

There was an accident before, and there was nothing to buy in Maine, so I had to come back and make up for it.

By the way, colleagues from the police station also counted.

The rivers and lakes are not about fighting and killing, but about the ways of the world.

As a result, Angela soon brought him bad news.

He was suspended for investigation!
Caused by the Castle Rock town fog event.

He was accused of murder and arson and destruction of property.

Which bad breed is reporting on me behind my back?

It should not be people from the military and energy gene companies.

There was a tacit understanding between them, and even the attitude of the other party was very good, secretly giving him a lot of benefits.

It would be good if Li Qianlong didn't reveal their information, how dare they take the initiative to trouble him?

The biggest possibility is that group of religious remnants, someone retaliated afterwards.

Damn saved a group of white-eyed wolves!

If I had known, I would put some monsters in and kill them!

Without any hesitation, Li Qianlong called the military,

Otherwise, his report would be written in another way.

The other party immediately said that they would help.

Coupled with the support of Angela and the director, Li Qianlong didn't have much trouble.

According to the military, when a disaster occurred at that time, military control had been entered, and anyone who confuses the public and endangers people's lives should be shot.

At that time, people from their military were present, and Li Qianlong was helping to suppress the riots and protect the safety of the people.

Not only is it correct, but it also has gong.

Besides, Carmody and the others were killed by monsters, and they were killed by their own ignorance. Everyone can prove this.

This level of support can be said to be very interesting.

Of course, that's also because Li Qianlong himself is very capable, and his words are also very important.

They have some secrets that they don't want to be exposed.

When he really goes to court, who knows what he will say.

So it's not Li Qianlong's business, it's their business.

However, some fanatical religious elements are really difficult to deal with, and it is already very good to get rid of the crime.

The police department had to transfer him from his post to a patrol officer.

If it weren't for Angela's support, he would have been fired from the police force.

So Li Qianlong is still very grateful to Angela, and specially found a time to repay her well.

As for the relegation to a patrol officer, he was assigned to Chinatown.

He was familiar with the area, and it was close to headquarters.

This is also the result of Angela's help.

The Chinatown Police Department had heard about him as a legend for a long time, and everyone was so enthusiastic that Li Qianlong was a little embarrassed.

The superior arranged for him a Chinese partner who was familiar with the environment.

As for whether he actually patrolled the streets later, they didn't care at all.

Li Qianlong's new partner is Han Liang, who looks like a little fan.

His home is in the area of ​​the patrol area, which is why he was hired by the police station.

Therefore, he is very familiar with the short stories of the parents here.

The two were patrolling when they saw a group of black men buying at zero yuan.

Each one is extremely arrogant.

The crime rate in the United States has always been too high, resulting in insufficient prisons and prison guards.

Taxpayers are not happy to spend money in this regard, and they are not happy not to vote for you during the election.

So this has become a headache for many politicians.

So some people started a show operation.

Since the prison can't hold so many people, wouldn't it be good to raise the "criminal threshold"?
For example, the famous California "Document No. 47", which stipulates that anyone involved in theft, robbery, and fraud, the amount of which does not exceed US$950, is a minor crime and will not be punished with imprisonment.

It's almost a ticket, criticism and education.

Go to the police station to register and come out and continue to rob.

Moreover, American courts also encourage prisoners to sign a plea agreement before the trial, so as not to waste judicial resources...

Combining the two, the effect is simply not too obvious!

As a result, the social "crime rate" has been greatly reduced, and I don't know how much financial expenditure has been saved, and I no longer have to worry about the prison not being able to accommodate people.

So states and counties across the United States followed suit...

That's why they have nothing to fear.

At the beginning, if you can't buy it for zero yuan, you can return the things at most, pat your butt and leave.

Later, the shopkeeper didn't dare to chase people, and the security guard didn't dare to control them either.

Because of the injury or death in the process of chasing people, the shopkeeper has to compensate for the loss.

The security guard caught up with him and caused an accident, but the shop owner still has to pay for it...

This fueled their arrogance even more.

(End of this chapter)

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