Chapter 176

In order to prevent the great elder from committing evil acts, Amigbu waved his hand and sent three throne guards to guard outside the room.

Early the next morning, Rodan took the passage token given by Amigbu and left this huge capital city to go on his own experience journey to the ancient road environment he heard about yesterday.

A total of one hundred miles, for a powerful man who was already at the myth level, it only took half a day. Coupled with his unique cultivation techniques, it only took three hours in the end.

It is said to be an illusion, but in fact the entrance is just a barrier, and the runes on this barrier are old and broken, and even have spider webs. It has nothing to do with the powerful Holy See.

As for Rodan, he could detect a hint of heaven-defying laws in it. It can be seen that although the Holy See has passed away for many years, the pressure it possesses is still there, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can easily provoke.

Luo Dan was just about to go in, but was stopped by a person next to him. He spread his palm towards Luo Dan and said, "It costs 30 yuan spiritual stones to enter. This is the tomb of the Holy See. Do you want to spend money?"

Luo Dan was helpless. After all, he didn't have any snacks with him. He was also new to this dungeon world and didn't understand the rules and order here. He didn't want to conflict with the other party at the moment.

Seeing that Luo Dan had no money, the man's expression also changed, "I don't think I would enter a small mythical realm. It's just a chance, but there are too many high-level super-level people who have entered it and never come back."

Rodin was about to get angry, but then he thought that this was only a fraction of Amigbu. Is the pass given by the other party useful?So I took it out and gave it a try. No matter what, I used it as a living horse doctor.

However, the moment the other party saw the pass, he was stunned. "This...this is actually the lord's token? The lord has issued it to ten people in total, and each of them is a powerful person."

"I'm sorry, I was confused for a moment. This is the rule set by the lord. If I don't let the spirit stone go in, I can't bear the blame if I get blamed. I hope you won't care about what happened just now."

Luo Dan waved his hand, too lazy to argue with others. He took a big step and entered the illusion of the ancient road. As soon as he entered, Luo Dan appeared in a cave, and he could feel a trace of depression.

Of course, everything is normal. In fact, any illusion is just someone else's tomb. It's just a nice word. The tomb of a dignified and powerful person in the Holy See contains very huge opportunities.

Every strong person in the Holy See who dies hopes to find a successor who can pass on his mantle. If the inheritance is interrupted from his own hands, this is something every strong person does not want to see.

In fact, this is also the nature of human nature. A strong man is unwilling to accept a disciple, fearing that the disciple will learn his own skills and surpass himself. However, when the hero passes away and his life comes to an end, he begins to regret that he did not choose a disciple when he was young. All skills must be buried.

After walking a hundred or so steps, Luo Dan's eyes flashed again, and he felt like he was in a wonderful space, as if he had arrived in a paradise. The aura of heaven and earth here was ten times that of the outside.

Rodan originally thought that everything was an illusion, but after a casual touch, he discovered that everything was real. It was unimaginable that a strong man from the Holy See used great power to build such a place.

While he was sighing, Luo Dan felt someone tap him on the shoulder. When he looked back, he found that there were three or four people looking at him. The one closest to him had a look of ridicule and amusement on his face. "I have been to the Ancient Road Illusion Realm many times, but this is the first time I have seen the Mythical Realm. Even if a person has wildest dreams, he must at least reach the lower super level. Are you willing to risk your life just for the chance?"

The man shook his head and said with emotion: "Look at me, I have reached the mid-level super level three years ago, but I still haven't come. It's only now that I have reached the upper level super level that I have the courage to come to the Ancient Road Fantasy Land."

"That's because you're too cowardly, and even if you reach a higher level, you may not be able to survive in the illusion."

Luo Dan didn't look good. No one knew anyone, so why did they talk coldly to him when they met?It’s really hard for people to understand. Do such people have an inherent sense of superiority?

As soon as these words came out, those few people were immediately angry. They were all the younger generation of the same family, and they all hoped to get a chance in the illusion of the ancient road and successfully enter the throne.

If a small mythical realm dared to provoke them outside, they would immediately kill them forcefully, but this was in a fantasy realm, so there was no need to cause unnecessary trouble, and there was no need to expend physical energy.

Then, the leader said, "Don't be so angry. I also want to give you a chance. There is a monster in the throne realm in front of you. If we join forces, we are no match for him."

"If you can lure the monster away, there is a herb next to the sale, which can increase a person's realm and even understand a little bit of the laws of heaven and earth, so I will give you that herb. We only want the inner elixir of the monster. That’s all, wouldn’t it be beautiful if we all cooperated?”

Hearing such an obvious lie, Luo Dan was immediately speechless. Wasn't it obvious that he was going to die? If it was really so easy, a group of super-level people wouldn't dare to let him go like a myth?

And even if it is completed, I am afraid that the other party will immediately change his face and will never give the herb to him. It is obvious that such a heaven-defying herb can make any super-powerful person go crazy.

Luo Dan smiled playfully and said, "Why don't you go lure away the monsters, and I will help you pick the herbs. I am a philanthropic person, and I promise not to ask you for anything."

"Boy, I see that you are toasting the wine instead of eating the fine wine. Today you have to lure this monster away. If you are still bargaining here, you will only be buried in the illusion of this ancient road."

The leader said angrily, and later he also took out his magical weapon, and his upper-level super-level strength burst out. He, a high-level strongman, was discussing with a strong man from the Myth Realm. How dare the other party refute it like this?
Luo Dan is neither humble nor arrogant. He has never been someone who allows others to bully him. He then took out his own weapons. Although he did not want to conflict with others, it would affect his chances in the Ancient Road Fantasy Land. If he did not solve the problem, it would only lead to trouble. He causes more unnecessary problems in the fantasy world.

At this moment, another person suddenly walked into the illusion, and this was Yun Shang Cang Hai who had a conflict with Luo Dan yesterday. He was followed by three old men, each of whom was in the Throne realm.

And Rodan can feel that these three are different from the thrones of yesterday. They are at least the peak thrones. Even after thirty or fifty years, it is not impossible to step into the realm of domination.

In a one-man duel with three thrones, Luodan really had no chance of winning, especially in this ancient road fantasy. He must find a way to hold Yun Shang Canghai back and let him leave as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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