Game of Thrones: Overlord of the Deep Sea

Chapter 119 The Most Dangerous Person in the Seven Kingdoms

Chapter 119 The Most Dangerous Person in the Seven Kingdoms
After speaking, Jack sat on the dragon saddle of Kraxhue. After having the dragon saddle, it is very beneficial to riding a dragon.

Especially when driving a giant dragon like Kolaxiu with no protrusion on the back.

Speaking of which, the world of ice and fire also has saddles, stirrups, and horseshoes, but only in Westeros, because Westeros has a well-developed knight culture.

But Essos does not have horseshoes and stirrups. They know this technology, after all, there is no technicality at all.

But the Essos are too lazy to use stirrups and horseshoes, they only use saddles, and most of the time they still like slaves to carry sedan chairs out.

As for the nomadic Dothraki who had the most cavalry in Essos, Jack didn't know what to say.

Most of them have saddles and stirrups, but they don't have horseshoes, or they don't need horseshoes.

Because they have no shortage of war horses, naturally they don't need horseshoes to slow down the wear and tear of horseshoes.

But there are still a small number of people who are very confident in their riding skills. They think that only when they are close to the horse's back can they achieve the unity of man and horse.

Accompanied by Kraxhue taking off, Jack drove it towards the farmers in the outer valley.

Seeing the giant dragon rushing towards him, everyone who was still eating melons immediately reacted and fled in all directions.

After Jack dispersed the crowd, he slowly disappeared into the sky.

But not long after, the ravens in the valley flew wildly to all parts of Westeros.

Soon the news of the giant dragon appearing in the valley was also spread. For a while, the people of the Seven Kingdoms were panicked, and many nobles who were still loyal to the Long family were eager to move.

King's Landing, inside the Red Keep.

One of the strongest strategists in Game of Thrones, Littlefinger-Petyr Baelish received news from Irene Valley, which is the valley.

Because the duke's family in the valley is the Irene family, the valley is also called the Irene Valley.

The former Duke of Irene Valley, Jon Irene, who has died, is a very key figure.

After his death, his wife took over the management of the valley, but his wife not only loved Littlefinger deeply, but also poisoned him to death.

Littlefinger is a very powerful strategist, and his life is also full of legends.

Born into a weak family, Petyr devoted his life to raising his humble class, yearning for power and status, expecting to become a great man.

Petyr had an innate talent for money and trade, and an unrivaled master of intrigue.

Greater than his ingenuity, of course, is his ambition.

Petyr was short in stature and of average build, but handsome.

He had gray-green eyes, a small mustache, and dark hair streaked with gray.

Petyr Baelish's great-grandfather was a swordsman from Braavos who served House Corbray, so when his son became a sworn knight he chose the head of a titan as his family crest .

Lord Baelish's father was the smallest of the many small lords, and only the smallest of the Five Fingers Peninsula owned some rocky land.

During the Battle of the Nine Copper Kings, Petyr was sent to Riverrun as an adopted son after his father befriended Horst Tully of House Tully.

In Riverrun, Petyr grew up as a ward with those far above him.

The Tully children - Catelyn, Lysa and Edmure Tully - were also the first to nickname him "Littlefinger", after his family's territory.

When they were growing up, Petyr fell in love with Catelyn, but Catelyn had no other affection for her than a brother.

When Catelyn was engaged to Brandon Stark, Petyr challenged the much older Brandon to a duel for her.

Brandon wins easily, but spares Baelish's life at Catelyn's plea.

Catelyn never spoke to him again, and burned every letter Petyr had written to her after Brandon died.

Unlike her sister, Lysa Tully loved Petyr from childhood.
Ignoring his crush on Catelyn, she sneaked into Petyr's bedroom while he was drunk from Catelyn's rejection, and slept with him.

A distraught Petyr may have mistaken Lysa for Catelyn, and did call her "Catelyn" that night.

He has since claimed (privately) that he took both the Tully sisters as virgins.

Soon, Lysa was pregnant with Petyr's child.

When Hoster Tully found out, he asked Lysa to drink moon tea to kill the child, and expelled Petyr from Riverrun, because the Baelish family was too weak to marry the Tully family .

Petyr has always had an affair with Lysa Tully, even after she and Jon Arryn married, Lysa persuaded Jon Arryn to promote Petyr as tax collector of Gulltown.

After he increased the local tax revenue tenfold, Lord Jon promoted him again and again until he finally became King Robert Baratheon's chancellor.

His wealth and influence earned him many allies and contacts, including the Guard in King's Landing, and he also ran brothels, not just for money but for information.

With these resources as a basis, Baelish quickly gained a great increase in political power through a series of lies and betrayals.

Just before the events of Volume [-], Lysa's husband, Lord Jon the Hand of the King, discovers that none of King Robert Baratheon's children are his own.
It was the incestuous child of Jaime Lannister and Cersei Lannister, and he decided to inform the king of his discovery.

Petyr deftly manipulates Lysa into poisoning her husband, telling her that this is the only way to prevent him from giving up his son for adoption.

After Lord Jon's death, he asked Lysa to write a letter to her sister Catelyn accusing Queen Cersei Lannister of poisoning Lord Jon.

After Eddard Stark became Hand of the King, Catelyn Tully also came to King's Landing to discuss with her husband about someone trying to murder Bran.

Although she wanted to enter the city undetected, Petyr knew of her arrival and took her to a brothel.

There Petyr tells her that the dagger he used to kill Bran was originally his but lost to Tyrion Lannister in a bet.

This was a lie that directly led to Catelyn's capture of Tyrion not long after, and indirectly led to the subsequent War of the Five Kings.

Petyr brought Eddard to his wife, and persuaded him to put aside the dagger matter for now because there was no obvious evidence, and swore to Catelyn that he would help Eddard find and kill Jon Arryn murderer.

During Eddard Stark's tenure as Hand of the King, Petyr cheated him of his friendship.
On the one hand, because of his feelings for Caitlin, and because he directly warned Ned not to trust anyone in the game of thrones, including Petyr himself, he also helped Ned investigate the cause of Jon Arryn's death.

When King Robert Baratheon was mortally wounded, he made Ned his regent and Defender of the Realm.
Baelish advises Ned Stark to leave Queen Cersei's two sons alone.

Joffrey and Tommen Baratheon were not the king's own children.

Never mind that Stannis Baratheon is the heir apparent.

The best way to deal with it is to ensure Joffrey's smooth accession to the throne, avoid all-out war, and seize the greatest power as regent.

Lord Eddard Stark rejected the suggestion, hoping to gain the support of the City Watch through Petyr's help in his fight against Cersei.

Baelish agrees, but betrays Ned at the last moment and turns to support Cersei, leading to Ned's capture and eventual beheading for treason.

After King Renly Baratheon was assassinated, Petyr and Tyrion Lannister decided to ally with House Tyrell.

In order to win the loyalty of the nobles of the Stormlands who would not serve King Stannis.

Petyr volunteered to go to Bitterbridge to persuade them to form an alliance.

By convincing both parties to form a marriage between King Joffrey and Margaery Tyrell, Petyr successfully forged the Lannister-Tyrell alliance.

He returns to King's Landing with Tyrell's army at the same time as Tywin Lannister's army.

An alliance of Lannisters and Tyrells assaulted the rear of Stannis' army in the fierce battle of the Blackwater, which lasted several hours.

It was Petyr who caused panic in Stannis' army during the battle by having Garlan Tyrell dressed as King Renly.

In return, Petyr was named Duke of Harrenhal, but in fact Harrenhal was still under the control of Robb Stark's Roose Bolton.

Regardless, being nominally Governor of the Riverlands makes him one of the most prominent nobles, even though the Riverlands have been devastated by war.

Sansa Stark is kept in touch by Ser Petyr, the red knight Dontos, who makes Dontos vaguely tell Sansa he can take her home.

Petyr also receives royal secrets through Osney Kettleblack, Osfry Kettleblack, and Osmund Kettleblack.

After Tyrion Lannister moved all Queen Cersei's guards away, he hired the Kettleblack brothers to be Cersei's guards.

Tyrion thinks they are paying him homage, but in fact they are Petyr's men.

Littlefinger is one of the driving forces behind the War of the Five Kings, even the main driving force.

Even Varys rated him as one of the most dangerous men in the Seven Kingdoms.

(End of this chapter)

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