Chapter 140 Giant Siege
"Your Majesty." Hecarim saluted.

"Your efficiency is faster than I thought. After transporting these supplies to Castle Black, immediately head to the last Hearth City. The giants are already preparing to attack the city."

"Understood, I will speed up."


At this moment, Jack looked at the red-robed woman beside Hecarim.

"Melisandre?" Jack asked curiously.

"You know me?" Melisandre was a little surprised.

"It is said that Stannis had a beautiful red-robed woman by his side, but when Stannis was defeated by me, there was no woman by his side."

Melisandre is beautiful, with an oval face, red eyes and copper red hair.

At the same time, Melisandre doesn't have to eat like ordinary people. She has obtained her current strength from the long years, so her real age is much older than she looks.

Melisandre also believed that people would fear a wizard even more if he seemed careless when casting spells, so she always used various means to hide her efforts in casting spells to make herself look more mysterious.

She often wears a red robe. Melisandre's robe and pockets contain various powders, which are used to manipulate flames to obtain different powers, such as predicting the truth, and even killing people directly.

Around Melisandre's neck is a gold necklace studded with rubies. When she manipulates magic, the rubies will glow with the magic.

Sometimes spells burn her too.

After Daenerys' dragon was hatched, Melisandre's mana also increased, especially after she couldn't contact the Lord of Light, her mana increased faster, like some kind of shackles on her body disappeared same.

Melisandre trusted her interpretation of the prophecy completely.

She has always firmly believed that Stannis is the rebirth of Azor Ahai in R'hllor's prophecy.

She told Stannis that he would gain the power to defeat R'hllor's enemies, the Old Ones.

But these prophecies were broken, and even her belief was broken.

Jack got off the dragon's back, and then came to Melisandre and squeezed it with his hands.

In the end, Melisandre couldn't take it anymore, and took a step back suddenly, but she gave Jack a wink.

Melisandre is a devout follower of the Lord of Light. In the original book, she also tried to seduce Snow to achieve her goal.

Jack rubbed his hands, and said with a little deep meaning: "I didn't expect you to be so flexible at such an age. It's amazing."

Melisandre didn't know why Jack knew her age, but she still smiled and said, "No matter how miraculous it is, it's not as miraculous as a giant dragon. Your dragon is as beautiful as jade."

"Humph——" Kerakxiu proudly stretched out his wings to make himself look more majestic.

Melisandre looked at Kraxhue curiously, "Your dragon seems to be different from the dragon I imagined."

Melisandre has seen three dragons in the prophecy, but none of them is as beautiful or majestic as the one in front of her.

And Melisandre also noticed a detail, that is, Corax has five fingers, while the dragon in the language has only one finger.

Jack showed a modest smile: "It's overrated, the dragon is not a magical species, it's just a reptile with two wings and two feet that can breathe fire."

After speaking, Jack got up and returned to the dragon's back, "Hecarim, go back and put Melisandre under house arrest, and arrange at least four people to guard it, and shoot random arrows to death if there is any abnormality."

Hecarim: "."

Melisandre: "."

With Jack's actions just now, Hecarim thought that Jack would enjoy Melisandre first.

After all, Melisandre is very beautiful, and she also reveals a sense of mystery, which makes men have the desire to conquer.

Jack drove Kraxo to the last Hearth City at high speed.

The plan can never keep up with the changes. Half a year ago, he was planning to make war fortune while watching the show when Daenerys attacked Westeros.

As a result, all plans were completely changed after Daenerys became pregnant, especially after Daenerys named both children Poseidon, and Jack became the busiest wage earner instead.

Jack has reason to suspect that all of this is Daenerys' "overt conspiracy".

When I was in Meereen, I originally wanted to use a child to frame Daenerys, and then take Daenerys, herself and the three dragons into the bag.

But now I always feel framed by Daenerys the other way around.

On the other side, the Winter Sons led by Tormund are already preparing to attack the city.

Horser Umber looked down at the army of thousands of people below from the city wall with a bad face.

After receiving the letter from Castle Black, Heather Umber sent a request for help to Roose Bolton.

The Boltons did respond, but not to support Heather Amber.

Instead, he summoned his vassals and nobles from the north to support the Bolton family, and prepared to defeat Jack Poseidon who was heading south near Mojiang.

Hother Umber knew very little about what happened on the Great Wall. He only learned from the surrender letter sent by the Great Wall that a Targaryen riding a dragon subdued the wildlings and the night watchmen, and then took the wildlings and crows with him. Help the Starks regain control of the North.

It is true that Targaryen was the royal family before, but now anyway, it is Baratheon sitting on the Iron Throne, with the support of Lannister.

So Heather Amber launched a coup, gained actual control of Hearth City, and decided to rely on the Bolton family, which was backed by Lannister.

At this time, Husse Amber also realized that the Bolton family was unreliable, so he could only go up to the city wall to command the defense of the city.

Originally, Hoser Amber thought that the wildlings had no siege equipment, and Hearth City could stop the wildlings from attacking.

But after seeing the two giants in the Winter Sons lineup, Heather Umber began to worry again.

He didn't expect the legend of giants to be true. According to legend, Amber's family still has giant lineage.

Big Jon is 2.1 meters tall, and his son Little Jon is a head taller than Big Jon.

Likewise, Heather Amber was not small.

"Move the stone over quickly, and be careful of those two giants." Husse Amber immediately arranged for people to move the stones to defend the city.

Tormund decided not to wait any longer, and his morale would be gone if he waited any longer.

Then, at Tormund's command, two giants in armor came out.

The two three-meter-long giants stretched their muscles and bones, then roared and rushed towards the wooden gate of Hearth City.

Seeing the giant rushing towards the city gate, Heather Umber hastily shouted, "Let the arrows go, the archers let the arrows go."

Dozens of archers set up their bows and shot arrows, but the rain of arrows hit the giant's armor without causing any damage.

A giant can grow to a height of more than three meters, and must have strong bones and muscles to support it.

A hole was pulled out of the gate of Hearth City in an instant, and then a giant in armor appeared in the eyes of the defenders behind the gate.

Regardless of these dumbfounded humans, the giant directly picked up the door bolt and pulled out the huge door bolt with all of a sudden.

After the city gate was opened, the group of defenders came to their senses, quickly picked up their weapons and rushed towards the giant, trying to take back the city gate.

But the giants who had already entered would not give them a chance, and directly picked up the mace behind them.

Jack did not build a two-handed mace for the giant, but a one-handed mace modified from a baseball bat. With the giant's IQ, it is more convenient to hit the "gopher" with a single-handed mace.

For example, the human beings who rushed forward now were smashed to pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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