Game of Thrones: Overlord of the Deep Sea

Chapter 149 The Sea Emperor Under Attack

Chapter 149 The Sea Emperor Under Attack
Jack put his arms around Daenerys' waist, and the two came to the castle hall surrounded by everyone.

Jack took the main seat, and Daenerys sat on Jack's right.

While everyone in the house was getting acquainted with each other and discussing the next plan, some farmers gathered outside the field.

They all came to see Drogon. In their eyes, although Drogon's body was small, his stout body was obviously more interesting than the "slender dog" like Kraxhu.

Korakxiu thought that these civilians were here to see him, so he straightened up and spread his wings to show his strength.

But the peasants had seen this action of Kraxhue for a long time, and they were more concerned about Drogon.

However, although Kraxo's performance did not attract the attention of the farmers, Drogon could not take his eyes off it.

Young dragons are not divided into sexes when they are born, but there will be a gender switch between the ages of five and ten. Young dragons can choose to be hermaphrodite, or male and female.

In addition, there will be another situation, that is, if you are affected by the state of the dragon spirit before you choose your gender, you will also be affected by the gender of the master.

For example, after entering the dragon spirit state with Jack for the first time, Kelaxiu began to change genders.

In just a few days, he became a male dragon who loves to show off his powerful body.

And Drogon was obviously also influenced by Dragon Dream. After Daenerys entered her consciousness, her gender began to change to female.

At the same time, Rego and Viserion also began to switch genders, but because Alexander and Elizabeth were too young to have gender awareness, Rego and Viserion began to change into androgynous.

And the dragons in the blood dragon dance period are all the genders they choose. So far, the dragon spirit of the Targaryen family is only Daenerys.

Drogon stared fieryly at Kraxhu, who kept showing his strength, but the surrounding civilians obviously disturbed Drogon's interest.

"Hiss—" Drogon growled at the civilians.

The faces of many civilians changed drastically, and they immediately fled in all directions. Although they wanted to see Drogon for a while, their lives were still at stake.

Seeing everyone leave, Kolaxhu lost interest, slowly folded his wings, and then lay lazily on the ground.

Seeing this, Drogon cautiously approached Corax, and then lightly touched his head to Colax, who was a circle bigger than himself.

Korakxiu looked up at the little female dragon curiously. He still remembered the first time he saw this little female dragon, he even had a fight with it.

After meeting again now, the size gap between the two sides has become so large.

The most important thing is that Drogon is still stupid, but Kraxhu is much smarter.

When Drogon saw that Coraxus did not refuse her touch, he became bolder and began to touch Coraxus' head.

Kraxhu lightly licked the little girl with black scales.

Kraxo's initiative made Drogon even more daring, and he got under the wings of Kraxo directly.

Although the giant dragon is powerful and its IQ is not too low, it is still in the ranks of beasts. To put it bluntly, it is a reptile with two feet and two wings that can breathe fire.

So same-sex tends to fight together, and females are still attracted to strong males.

Apparently, when Kraxo showed his strength in front of the farmer just now, Drogon, a black dragon who had just become a little girl, was firmly attracted.

At this time, Jack and Daenerys in the house have not discovered this situation, and they are discussing when to launch a war.

Meanwhile, Seal Bay.

On the deck of the floating Neptune, Myrcella was bored looking at the distant scenery, this place is really too boring.

But after a while, Myrcella suddenly frowned, and three ships approached in the distance.

Misera rolled her eyes, feeling that she had an opportunity to slip away. She looked at Ge and others who were training in the distance, and she was going to look for an opportunity to ask for help.

But soon Myrcella's face changed again, because she saw the flags of the three ships clearly—the golden sea monster, which was the Greyjoy family, also known as the sea monster family.

The Greyjoy family is a family of dukes in the Iron Islands. During the Five Kings Rebellion, Duke Balon Greyjoy rebelled again and called himself Lord Balon, king of the Iron Islands.

The Iron Islands were barren, and the Greyjoy family lived on plunder, and their language was that force is better than hard work.

"Sir, sir! There are pirates coming!" Myrcella hurriedly ran to Ge, obviously she also understood that it was better to be on the Neptune than to fall into the hands of pirates.

Ge, who was fighting with some of his subordinates, frowned, "Pirate? This is Seal Bay, right?"

"It's the Greyjoys' clippers. They sometimes pass by Seal Bay to rob the North."

Ge was a little surprised, "You know all this?"

"Of course, I'm a princess of the royal family. Don't you know that this is what I should do? The bachelors teach it every day." Myrcella explained.

Ge came to the edge of the deck to take a look, and he really found three clipper ships, but Ge didn't panic at all, they were just three pirate ships.

It's just that Ge also felt a little vigilance in his heart. He thought that there would be no pirates in such a desolate place, and the Sea Emperor didn't have a sentry tower, so Ge ​​didn't even notice the pirates approaching.

"It seems that we have to arrange someone to stand guard in the future." Ge thought to himself.

"Rian, Vaughan, you two go to gather the oarsmen, and move the crossbow over by the way."

Ryan and Vaughan went to make arrangements immediately after receiving the order. There were a hundred rowers on the Neptune.

These oarsmen are all strong and strong. As long as they take up weapons and put on leather armor, they are elite soldiers.

In addition, there are 4 mobile ballistas on the Neptune. Normally, the ballista is fixed in the center of the deck, and the ballista will not be loaded.

Each ballista is also equipped with ten crossbow bolts, each of which is one meter long. The effective range of the ballista is [-] steps, and it can easily penetrate the hull within [-] steps.

In American dramas, the range of the Dragon Shooting Crossbow seems to be at least 300 steps, but in fact, the effective range of the ancient ballista can reach [-] meters, which is very sophisticated equipment.

Just as the three Greyjoy family clippers approached, a hundred oarsmen quickly put on their leather armor and long swords, and the four ballistas were pulled to the edge of the deck.

Ge and the eight Imperial Guards in whale shark armor stood on the edge of the deck and stared at the three approaching longships.

Myrcella and the maids on board all hid in the cabin.

At this time on the long boat, Xiatou stared at the Neptune with fiery eyes. He didn't expect to meet such a big ship in Seal Bay.

At the same time, he also guessed the origin of this ship, it should be the dragon ship that snatched Myrcella Baratheon from Dorne.

(End of this chapter)

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