Game of Thrones: Overlord of the Deep Sea

Chapter 152 The Heir of the Stormlands

Chapter 152 The Heir of the Stormlands

The shrimp head was broken by Volker and thrown into the sea.

The head of the shrimp slowly sinking in the deep sea slowly lost consciousness, and then a thick tentacle slammed the head of the shrimp into the abyss.

On the deck, Jack learned from Volker the origin of the shrimp head and the reason why it appeared in Seal Bay.

During the War of the Five Kings, Balon Greyjoy declared himself king and gave his daughter Asha Greyjoy thirty fast ships to plunder the North and attack Deepwood Motte.

At that time, Theon Greyjoy betrayed Robb, and in the hands of King Balon, he was allocated a long ship-the Sea Bitch, and Theon became the captain of the Sea Bitch gloriously.

Later, Theon attacked Winterfell, and the defensively empty Winterfell was directly captured by Theon, but Theon did not have enough troops to defend the city.

At the beginning, his sister Asha Greyjoy, who was Yara in the TV series, persuaded Theon to retreat because the Ironborn did not have the ability to go deep into the mainland to defend the city.

But Theon didn't listen to his sister's opinion, but insisted on staying in Winterfell to prove himself.

But it is a pity that Theon's men didn't want to follow Theon to death, so his men knocked Theon unconscious, and then left Theon in Winterfell.

In the end, Theon fell into the hands of the little skinny Ramsay. Facing Ramsay's endless torture, Theon seemed to be 40 years old.

When Asha and Theon met again, Asha almost didn't recognize Theon.

Judging from Shrimphead's account, Asha, who has occupied Deepwood Motte, has returned to the Iron Islands to participate in the king selection meeting.

Because when Balon Greyjoy was crossing the bridge, he accidentally fell and fell to his death, and Euron Greyjoy returned to the Iron Islands just after Balon fell to his death.

Because Balon's legal heir was captured by the Bolton family, and his life and death were unknown, under the auspices of Balon's younger brother, Iron, the Iron Islands held the first king election meeting after 2000 years.

His eldest brother Euron Greyjoy, his second brother Victarion Greyjoy, and his eldest daughter Asha Greyjoy will compete for the throne.

Jack narrowed his eyes slightly. Although the Iron Islands are barren, they are rich in iron ore resources. Steel production is one of the most important resources for industrialization at any time.

As far as he knew, Euron made a demagogic speech at the meeting. With the horn of the dragonbinder in his hand, he promised that the ironmen would control the dragon to conquer the whole of Westeros, and finally won the victory and became Baron. heirs.

The soul of an old dragon is imprisoned in the dragonbinder's horn. Every time the horn is blown, it can destroy the will of other dragons, and then enslave other dragons by virtue of the dragon's power.

But if the soul of the person who blows the horn is not strong enough, the soul will be burned by the horn, and the whole body will be covered with burning bubbles, and he will be scalded to death alive.

At the same time, Asha Greyjoy will realize that she is in a bad situation and run away, then return to Deepwood Motte, and eventually be captured by Stannis.

But now that Stannis is dead, Jack can go to Deepwood Castle and wait for a rabbit, then capture Asha Greyjoy, and rely on Asha Greyjoy to rule the Iron Islands.

In the original novel, in order to prevent Asha from gaining support from other forces through marriage, Euron Greyjoy directly married Asha without Asha's knowledge and betrothed her to "Anvilbreaker" Airi.

Jack certainly doesn't have enough manpower to turn both Westeros and Essos into a centralized system, which requires an unimaginably huge bureaucratic group, otherwise, if local officials cannot suppress the local nobles, it would be better to use enfeoffment .

So Jack is going to still adopt the enfeoffment system after conquering Westeros, but the dukes everywhere need to be replaced by their own people.

Like the Iron Islands and the Stormlands, the easiest way is to have Asha Greyjoy and Myrcella Baratheon give Jack a child, preferably a boy.

As for monogamy, it is only for players, not for game rule makers.

"Ge, you take Borisaf, Uribe and Ulrich to the last Hearth City. Volker, the Neptune will be in your custody. You don't need to stay in Seal Bay, go directly to Neptune Island That's it."

Volker frowned, then knelt down in front of Jack.

"Your Majesty, please let me follow you. If this continues, I will go crazy."

After a little thought, Jack nodded and agreed to Volker's request, and asked Ge to take the Neptune back to Neptune Island, with Volker taking Ge's place.

Ge didn't have any opinions, he did what Jack said, and he didn't have any subjective thoughts on whether to fight with Jack.

Then Jack went to the cabin and found Myrcella who was hiding.

Daenerys was a little surprised, "This little girl is a foster lover? You like small ones? I remember you like mature ones, don't you?"

"This is the third princess of the Baratheon family, daughter of the Taker, Myrcella Baratheon."

"The Snatcher had three heirs, two sons and a daughter. His brother Joffrey Baratheon was poisoned at the wedding, and now her brother Tommen Baratheon sits on the Iron Throne. "

Daenerys' face changed suddenly, she didn't expect it to be the daughter of the snatcher, but then Dany's face returned to normal.

He smiled and touched Myrcella's head, "This little girl is so beautiful, are you going to accept her?"

Myrcella also looked at Jack. As the education of the royal princess, she understands that her marriage cannot be chosen by herself. The only contribution she can make to the family is to marry.

If Jack marries her as his wife, then she and Jack's children will be the legal heirs of the Stormlands after the death of Robert, Stannis, Renly, Joffrey, and Tommen.

Jack nodded without any hesitation, "When she turns 14, I will make her a princess, and when she has a child, I will make her the Duke of Stormland."

Dani nodded. This is a good way to bring the Stormlands under her bloodline rule.

Misera's little face immediately turned up. Although she knew that she would not escape the fate of marriage, it still made her uncomfortable to be discussed about her future face to face.

Jack stretched out his arms to hug Myrcella, and then entered the dragon spirit state to wake up Corac.

The size of the dragon saddle is basically updated every month. Although the seat is not very big, Myrcella's body is weak and boneless, and she can sit directly in Jack's arms.

It's just that Myrcella needs to be tightly attached to Jack's arms.

Daenerys also called Drogon, and then the three quickly returned to Hearth City on a dragon.

The four of Volker rode to the last Hearth City after landing in a small boat.

After everyone left, Ge commanded the Poseidon to return to Neptune Island. At this time, the Poseidon had been at sea for almost a year, and it happened to go back for maintenance.

(End of this chapter)

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