Chapter 169

Westeros, Iron Islands.

The Iron Islands is a region of the Seven Kingdoms, located in Ironborn Bay in the West Sea of ​​Westeros. Before the War of Conquest, it was a country with independent sovereignty, successively ruled by the King of the Iron Islands and the King of Rivers and Hills.

The Iron Islands is the home of a cruel seafaring people who call themselves the Ironborn. Some say that the Iron Islands got their name from the rich iron ore on the island.

But the Ironmen say the islands are named for the unyielding nature of their islanders, who often say that the captain of every ship is a king, hence the name "Land of Kings".

During the War of the Nine Copper Kings, with the Iron Islands on the side of the Iron Throne, Lord Coron Greyjoy was a peace-loving Lord who outlawed slavery and worked to unify the Iron Islands with the other Seven Kingdoms.

But his son, Balon Greyjoy, overturned his father's policy, dreaming of returning to the old ways and paying the iron money again.After forming a huge iron fleet, Balon publicly challenged the Iron Throne in Aegon calendar 289 and sought independence.

But then it was suppressed by Robert I Baratheon.Balon's only surviving son, Theon Greyjoy, was sent to Winterfell as Eddard Stark's hostage.

Due to the lack of green space in the Iron Islands, the ironmen are busy all day long, but they can only get some cheap iron ore, and there is a lack of blacksmiths on the island, which leads to a further drop in the price of iron ore.

They lived in the harsh natural environment of the archipelago, and dismissed the weak way of life on the green land, but in fact, if the ironmen had the opportunity, they would try to occupy the inland territories. included in the dominion.

Before the arrival of the Andals, the Iron Islands chose a king through a kingsmoot.

The Kingsmoot is a traditional ceremony held by the residents of the Iron Islands. At the Kingsmoot, the captains of the Iron Islands longships vote to elect the new Iron King. Traditionally, the Kingsmoot is held in Naga's rib on Old Wake Island.

The founder of Kingsmoot was a great Drowned God priest "White Rod" Gallon. He formulated a series of laws of the Iron Islands, including that the Ironborn should not fight with the Ironborn, etc., and separated the Iron Islands from scattered rule. The loose sand condenses into a whole.

He summoned all the captains, rock kings and sea salt kings from all over the place, and called on everyone to elect a supreme king to lead the entire Iron Islands.

But human greed is uncontrollable. After hundreds of elected kings, the primogeniture system has gone through nearly a thousand years.

Until the arrival of the Andals, the Hall family became the ruling family of the Iron Islands. At that time, the Greyjoy family was a prominent noble family in the Iron Islands.

But in the ensuing war of Aegon's conquest, the Hall family was wiped out, and Aegon allowed the Ironmen to elect the ruler of the Iron Islands by themselves, so the Greyjoy family officially entered the stage of history.

King Viken is cautious and pragmatic, not to offend the Targaryen family that owns the dragon.

After the death of King Viken, his successor, King Glenn Greyjoy, who was good at playing politics, quelled several conspiracies or rebellions that attempted to overthrow the Greyjoy family, and expelled the belief of the Seven Gods from the islands completely, consolidating the family dominance.

From then on, the king election of the Iron Islands will completely disappear in the historical occasion.

It was supposed to develop like this all the time, but accidents always came quite suddenly. Euron Greyjoy, who was expelled by Balon Greyjoy many years ago, came back and asked to hold a king selection meeting.

Back then, Balon ordered Euron to be expelled. As long as he lived, Euron would not be allowed to return to the Iron Islands.

As a result, one day after Balon stumbled and fell to his death, Euron returned to the Iron Islands immediately.

This had to make everyone on the Iron Islands suspect that it was Balon Greyjoy who Euron hired to assassinate.

But no one accused Euron because there was no evidence, and Euron's fleet was not vegetarian.

There are five thousand pirate sailors capable of conscripting and fighting, stronger than the current Iron Fleet, so no noble family dares to touch Euron's beard.

So no nobleman mentioned this matter, and Theon Greyjoy's life and death are unknown now. Although Asha Greyjoy is quite prestigious, she is also a woman.

Of course, the most important thing is after Aeron Greyjoy called the kingsmoot to avoid war among the ironmen.

Not only Euron Greyjoy has the opportunity to compete for the king of the Iron Islands, but the rest of the nobles also have this opportunity.

So most people ignored Asha Greyjoy in silence.

So the king election meeting, which had not been held for a thousand years, was held again at "Naga's Rib" on Old Wake Island.

Naga Hill, also known as Naga's Rib, is located on Old Wyk Island in the Iron Islands.

Here stood the Great Hall of the Gray King, where the Ironborn had called their Kingshoot since ancient times to decide their Lord.

The whole area is a mountain ridge covered with wild grass, standing on the mountain overlooking Naga Cradle Bay
The 44 ribs of the naga protruded from the ground like a huge white tree trunk, as thick as the mast of a galleon and twice as high.

When the kingsmoot begins, any captain can declare his name and become a candidate - as the saying goes "every captain is king of his own ship"

Then appoint three assistants, and you can also give an impassioned speech and present gifts to show your generosity and gain the support of the Ironborn.

Once most people call out the name of a certain candidate at the same time and are willing to support him as king, the king election will come to an end.

Asha Greyjoy waited for Euron Greyjoy on the hill with three appointed helpers.

Euron Greyjoy's procrastination has caused a lot of displeasure, and this apparent underhandedness can only be seen as disgusting.

Asha was a little nervous at this time. Regarding the uncle Euron, Asha had heard many ridiculous rumors about him.

Crazy, cunning, and unpredictable, Euron takes pleasure in destroying the souls of others.

It is said that Asha's uncle, Aeron Greyjoy, was raped by Euron Greyjoy when he was a boy.

In the end, after Euron seduced the salt concubine of his third brother Victarion, he was exiled by Balon.

While everyone was waiting, Euron arrived slowly, followed by an assistant carrying a box.

After everyone had arrived, Aeron Greyjoy, as the priest, officially announced the convening of the Kingsmoot.

Under Aeron's leadership, all the captains were looking forward to the gifts brought by the six candidates.

After all, this is the general election to attract people. An impassioned speech will certainly make people excited, but everyone will prepare a speech script in advance, and everyone's speech will be inspiring.

At this time, gifts are very important. The more and more expensive your gifts are, the more you can win people's hearts. If you can't even give out good gifts, who believes that you can lead everyone to glory and wealth?

 The kingsmoot system has continued since then, electing famous Iron Kings such as Ullas Greyairn, Silas the Flat-Nosed, Haraj Hall and "Old Kraken".It is said that there were as many as 111 kings who wore driftwood crowns due to king election.

  When a claimant walks up the hill, it is up to the Kingshoot to decide whether or not to become a King, and only once in history has a Kingshoot been declared illegitimate.It was the time of Torgon, the late son of the Iron King.After the death of the Iron King, his brother held a kingsmoot while Torgon was out to plunder, that he might choose himself in the absence of the King's Son.But the king's council ultimately chose Erasson Gubler.The first thing the new king did was to kill all the relatives of the old king present.

  Torgon returned to the Iron Islands two years later and claimed that since the old king's son had failed to stand as a candidate in his right, the election would be illegal.In addition, Urgen's bloodthirsty and brutal character made too many enemies, which led to condemnation from priests and ironborn.Torgon was eventually crowned the new Iron King.

  However, this was not the only time in Torgon's life that he threatened the Kingsmoter system.In Torgon's later years, he kept his son Urgen by his side at all times, to be his de facto heir and successor.When he died, Urgen naturally took the throne, becoming Urgen Greyirne IV.No one dared to stand up to protect the Kingsmoot system like "White Rod" Garen.

(End of this chapter)

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