Game of Thrones: Overlord of the Deep Sea

Chapter 179 Leech Lord Roose Bolton

Chapter 179 Lord Leech - Roose Bolton

Even when Jack was commanding the Iron Fleet, the Bolton family was not idle.

Ramsay, who had restored Bolton's surname, encountered a huge crisis.

Originally, Roose Bolton had an heir, Domeric Bolton, but in the end he died of stomach problems. Roose Bolton suspected that Ramsay killed Domeric Bolton.

But having no other heirs, Roose took his illegitimate son, Ramsay Snow, to the Dreadfort and identified him as his unofficial heir.

Later, Ramsay successfully captured Winterfell, and Roose Bolton restored Ramsay's surname.

Since Ramsay Snow became Ramsay Bolton, Ramsay's acting style has become more and more ostentatious, which aroused Luce's dissatisfaction.

As the current lord of the Dreadfort, Roose Bolton looks gentle and gentle, but he is cold, calculating, cruel and ruthless.

He always spoke softly, never raising the volume so that the listener had to pay attention.

And Ramsay's flamboyant behavior made him very disliked.

In the great hall of the Dreadfort, Roose Bolton is lying in bed, the maester covering him with leeches.

Luce thinks this is the secret of longevity, and regularly cleans up the dirty blood in his body.

It's not known if this worked, but everyone else thinks the leech sucked all of Luce's affections.

Roose Bolton is sometimes referred to as Lord Leech by other nobles.

During the Scarlet Wedding, Roose Bolton muttered and found an excuse to leave the hall.

Entering the bridal chamber and playing "The Rains of Castamere" are the codes for the Freys to attack their guests.

Roose Bolton returns to the Great Hall in his armor, and Robb is wounded by an arrow.

Roose Bolton went up to Robb and killed him, saying, "On behalf of Jaime Lannister, I send you my regards."

Soldiers of the Freys and the Boltons began attacking and eventually annihilating the forces of the northern and riverland lords.

Because of this performance, Tywin named Bolton the Guardian of the North.The Bolton family has thus become the supreme ruler of the North and ranks among the top families in Westeros.

Roose Bolton also accepted the royal recognition of his illegitimate son Ramsay, naming Ramsay his legal heir.

After the Rebellion of the Five Kings, he became the Guardian Duke of the North, a position that the Bolton family had dreamed of for thousands of years.

At the same time, he married the Walder family and married Walder's fattest granddaughter, Walda Frey, because the old Walder promised to give his granddaughter the same weight of gold.

So Roose Bolton chose the fattest one without hesitation, and directly won two hundred catties of gold.

For the northern border after the war, these more than 200 catties of gold are very important.

"No one gossips about me behind my back, if someone says that about me, do you think I'll just sit here?

It's your freedom to have fun, and I won't restrict it deliberately, but you can't act too ostentatiously.

Harmonious land, quiet people, this is my way of ruling, and it should be yours too. "

Roose Bolton's voice was very soft, but it sounded very stressful in the ears of Ramsay who was standing next to him.

Because this is Roose expressing his dissatisfaction with him, his position has not been secured yet, Roose Bolton's attitude is crucial.

So Ramsay immediately bowed his head and admitted his mistake, "I'm sorry father, I will correct it, I understand that it is more important for the family to secure the position of Duke of the North."

"Well, as long as you know it, I don't think I need to say anything more, you know it yourself."

Roose's Bolton's words were extremely gentle, but they were far more dangerous than spitting reprimands.

In the original book, Roose Bolton died very casually, and was directly pierced through the heart by Ramsay with a dagger, and Ramsay also successfully inherited the Bolton family.

But in fact, this is simply impossible to happen. Roose Bolton is a very cunning person, and there will never be a situation where there are no guards around him.

Moreover, Ramsay Bolton has a group of "good bastard boys" under his command. They are soldiers of the Bolton family and obey Ramsay Bolton.

However, while following Ramsay, they secretly reported all Ramsay's words and actions to Roose Bolton.

It can be said that every word and deed of Ramsay Bolton is under the control of Roose Bolton.

In this case, is it possible for Ramsay Bolton to assassinate Roose Bolton?
Probably not even approaching Roose Bolton with a weapon.

What's more, Roose Bolton's captain of the bodyguard - Iron Legs Wharton, is always close to protecting Roose Bolton.

"Father, the Bay of Calim is still in the hands of the Ironborn. I am willing to take back the Bay of Calim for you." Ramsay Bolton urgently needs a credit to stabilize his position.

Roose Bolton opened his slightly closed eyes, "I leave this matter to you, don't let me down, and don't let other nobles who are loyal to the Bolton family down, go and do it."

"Understood, don't worry, I will definitely be able to take Cailin Bay and dedicate it to you."

After speaking, Ramsay Bolton went to gather his own men, and the hall fell into silence again.

Not long after, the bachelor suddenly said: "My lord, Mrs. Varda has given birth to a boy, so don't you really need to tell Ramsay?"

"Why do you ask that?" Roose Bolton glanced at the maester.

The bachelor said hastily: "Ramus' character is obvious to all. I'm afraid he will act irrationally after learning about this."

"If you dare to deal with it like this, Ramsay is not suitable, he lacks awe.

Only by being in awe can we survive in this world full of lies and betrayal.

Even here, in Barrentown, crows still circle around waiting to feast on our dead bodies.

The Savins and Tawhass are unreliable, and our fat friend Mr. Wyman has a sweet belly and a sword, so insidious.

Ramsay should fear them all, as much as I do. "

Roose Bolton had actually looked down on Ramsay Bolton, especially after Walda Frey bore him a son.

But now he also needs Ramsay Bolton to marry "Arya Stark" to stabilize the Bolton family's rule, which is actually Jenny Poole.

Jenny Poole is a member of the Poole family, the daughter of the steward of Winterfell, Vayon Poole, and Sansa Stark's best friend, and she is very beautiful.

Once Ramsay Bolton was drained of value, he could just find a reason to get rid of it, and then teach the boy Varda had borne him how to be a good leader.

"How much have you prepared for the Dragon Shooting Crossbow?" Roose Bolton suddenly remembered something.

"Your Excellency, according to the blueprint sent by King's Landing, we have built 40 dragon-shooting crossbows and 120 steel crossbows, all of which have been deployed on the walls of the Dreadfort."

Roose Bolton closed his eyes again, feeling the leech sucking his dirty blood, and did not speak.

The forging of dragon-shooting crossbows and fine steel crossbows is very time-consuming and expensive. After the war, the Bolton family tried their best to manufacture them, but they only produced 40 dragon-shooting crossbows and 120 bolts.

If it weren't for the nobles who expressed their submission, they were unwilling to lend blacksmiths and carpenters to the Bolton family, this number could be multiplied several times.

(End of this chapter)

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