Chapter 189 Roose Bolton, who broke the regiment decisively
When watching Game of Thrones American TV series, fantasizing about playing poker with female characters is the choice of most people.

Torturing Ramsay himself may also be one of the plots that most fans of the game have imagined.

It can only be said that the role of Ramsay was perfectly portrayed by Ivan Ryan, so perfect that it made the popular midnight roll on the bed.

And thus gave birth to two classic ironic proverbs:
"Emperor Joffrey."

"Gentle little peeling."

Both are the ultimate evil, the only difference is that Ramsay is a little smarter than Joffrey.

Jack casually handed the bloody dagger to Hecarim.

"Give these three bones to the dogs."

Jack gave Ramsay his middle and ring fingers and only shaved off his thumb, index and pinky fingers.

Jack, who had had enough fun, had Ramsay back in prison. Ramsay was still useful, and to a certain extent, he could prevent Roose Bolton from besieging Cailin Bay.

But Jack still underestimated Roose Bolton's contempt for Ramsay.


After Roose Bolton learned that Ramsay had been captured, he didn't feel any panic or anxiety.

On the contrary, the change of owner of Carlin Bay made him worry even more. The fact that Carlin Bay was stuck meant that the Bolton family was in a situation of isolation and helplessness.

Moreover, after the Mandalay family in White Harbor learned that Carlin Bay fell into Jack's hands, they immediately closed the port and secretly gathered troops.

Of course, Luce would not think that this is the Mandalay family preparing to help him eliminate Jack with all their strength. On the contrary, the Mandalay family's loyalty to Stark is well known in the North.

So Luce quickly made a decision to directly gather all his troops and directly attack the last Hearth City.

His original plan was to let Jack take the initiative to attack the city, and then rely on the dragon shooting crossbow concealed on the city wall to take the lead in eliminating the dragon.

But now that Kalin Bay is sealed, he can't continue to delay time to accumulate strength, otherwise it will be purely for Jack to develop.

Luce assembled [-] cavalry and quickly attacked in the evening, heading straight for the [-] Sons of Winter who were stationed in the south of the Hearth City.

Although the six-shaped man issued a warning in time, the speed of the cavalry far exceeded that of the infantry, and even if they retreated early, more than 500 corpses were left behind.

Since Jack was not in Last Hearth City and the war suddenly started, the whole Hearth City was in chaos.

Fortunately, Daenerys is still in Hearth City, she quickly organized the Son of Winter, and asked Kasa and Saigon to take people back to Deepwood Castle and Kahuo City.

With Eagle and Drogon of the Six Shapes, there was no way to hide the movement of the Bolton army.

The reason why Casa and Saigon returned to Deepwood Castle and Kahuo City was because from the perspective of God, Luce divided the 1.6 army under him into three groups.

There are about 1 people in the first line, including [-] cavalry and [-] infantry.

About 5000 people in the second route went to Kahuo City quietly, apparently wanting to sneak attack Kahuo City.

The last road has the least number of people, only a little over a thousand people.

But these more than a thousand people did not gather together, they were scattered in the area controlled by Jack, burning, killing and looting.

The first road, that is, Roose Bolton's main force, looked aggressive, but walked very slowly, obviously wanting to delay time and attract everyone's attention.

The [-] infantry on the second route were the real main force, and Kahuo City was Roose Bolton's real target.

As long as Kahuo City is taken down, Jack's forces will gather in the Northwest Territory.

Luce got word that Jack seemed to have married Balon's daughter, and now Balon's younger brother, Euron Greyjoy, was on the Seastone Seat.

And Euron was going to tell everyone that Asha was marrying an old man, but now he is getting mixed up with Jack, which is self-evident.

Euron absolutely does not allow Asha to threaten his position, so once Jack loses Kahuo City, he will always face a double attack from himself and the Iron Islands.

And Roose Bolton has written a letter to the Iron Islands, preparing to unite the Iron Islands against Jack.

After Euron received Roose Bolton's letter, he didn't reply to Roose in a hurry.

Euron's scheming was not much worse than that of Luce. When Victarion's defeated troops fled back to the Iron Islands, Euron learned part of the news about the northern border.

Later, they sent people to the northern border to inquire about the news, and soon understood the current situation in the northern border.

Moat Calim was in Victarion's hands, but now Victarion was dead.

Euron didn't know if Calim Bay changed hands or not.

But from Luce's letter, he guessed that Luce could no longer rely on the strength of the South.

That's why I wrote to myself to join forces to deal with Jack.

You must know that the North and the Iron Islands have always been at odds.

Therefore, Euron can basically determine Luce's current situation, so he is even less anxious to send troops to deal with Jack.

He cared more about the dragon in Jack and Daenerys' hands!
To be honest, he didn't know if the dragon's horn found in Valyria could control the dragon.

He once tried to understand the Dragon's Horn, and he saw the spirit of an old dragon inside.

The sound from the dragon's horn was, to put it bluntly, the roar of the old dragon inside the horn.

But no matter whether the horn of the dragon can control the dragon, the first thing is that the dragon cannot have a knight.

Euron is no fool, and he did his homework before exploring the ruins of Valyria.

If the Horn of the Dragon can really take control of the dragon from the Dragon Knight, it is absolutely impossible for the Horn of the Dragon to appear outside the ruins of Valyria.

Not even the Valyrians would allow something like the Dragonhorn to subvert the foundations of their rule.

So Euron must kill Jack first. As for Daenerys, it must be more valuable to marry her.

It was precisely because of this that he did not respond to Luce in a hurry. Jack and Luce would inevitably perish. When the two sides became anxious, it was the most suitable opportunity for him to send troops.

At that time, he would declare to himself that Jack's robbing of Asha Greyjoy would surely unite the nobles of the Iron Islands. Together with his fleet, he might even have the opportunity to bring the Northern Territory into his sphere of influence.

There was a smile on the corner of Euron's mouth, he had already thought of the scene where he controlled the red dragon and married Daenerys.

Euron glanced around, then told his dumb guards to watch the door so that no one would be allowed in.

Then he walked into the room alone, locked the door inside, lay down on the chair, and rolled his eyes instantly!

In the deep sea of ​​Ironborn Cove, a giant squid opened its eyes from sleep.

Its arms and legs are more than 60 meters long, and even large warships can be easily dragged into the water by it.

It's just that it seems to have been attacked by some monster before, with several arms and legs broken, and a large area of ​​scorched marks on its body.

It's hard to imagine what kind of deep sea monster can cause such serious damage to it.

 I have been busy renting a house for the past two days, the dormitory is too noisy, I can't sleep, and there is no privacy, even the wallpaper engine can't be turned on.

(End of this chapter)

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