Game of Thrones: Overlord of the Deep Sea

Chapter 227: Well said, drag him out and chop him!

Chapter 227: Well said, drag him out and chop him!

This military parade was actually not grand, but it perfectly achieved the effect Jack expected.

The military parade did not waste much time, and the first round of auditions for the tournament officially began.

Jack sat in the center of the stands, watching the people coming and going below, and a sense of boredom crept into Jack's heart.

In just a few short years, he was at the top of the known world.

Originally, this time might have taken several years, but Poseidon's unexpected control of the power of faith shortened the process to just a few months.

If he simply pursues apparent dominance, Jack can now control Poseidon to sweep across the known continents. Even if the two known continents unite, they will not be his opponent.

In less than five years, he had power, women, wealth, all the things he sought after traveling to another world.

Now he is either making a baby, or preparing to make a baby, taking the opportunity to deal with the old nobles, or "embarrassing" his son Alexander.

Just when Jack was considering whether to leave the field to participate in the competition in person, a guard came over and whispered a few words in Jack's ear.

Jack raised his eyebrows slightly, "Let them come over, it's really interesting."

He didn't expect that Tyrion and Varys would actually find him. After the Three-Eyed Crow failed to try to repair the timeline, the situation in the known world had become a mess.

In the end, Tyrion and Varys were still ready to join the Dragon family, but the Dragon family was no longer a Targaryen, but Poseidon.

Soon, a dwarf with heterochromatic eyes and a fat white man with a big bald head were brought to Jack by Walker.

Jack looked at the two of them. Tyrion was much uglier than in the American TV series, but Varys was quite in line with the appearance in the American TV series.

"You two want to join me?"

"Three people to be precise. My guard was detained at the door. He is a great young man." Tyrion looked back and said.

"Podrick is indeed a good young man. If it weren't for him, you might have died in the Battle of the Blackwater."

Tyrion and Varys were stunned for a moment. Looking at Jack's smiling face, a sense of fear could not be suppressed in their hearts.

How did he know?
This is a question shared by both of them. During the Battle of Blackwater, Jack didn't even control the North. Where did he get the news from King's Landing?
"Your Majesty, who are these two people?" Daenerys asked Jack curiously.

There are many people who want to meet Jack, especially in the north where the talent selection system is imperfect. People often feel that they are talents and then recommend themselves to Jack.

Under normal circumstances, Jack would not meet these people, but Jack did not completely give up on these self-recommended people.

Under normal circumstances, the administrative archbishop of the Poseidon Party brought by Jack did the screening, and this indeed screened out many talents for Jack.

But Jack actually received these two people in person, so Daenerys was a little curious.But after hearing Jack's introduction, Daenerys' expression darkened.

House Lannister!

Daenerys can be said to be deeply impressed by this family. After all, as a fugitive princess from the Targaryen dynasty, how could she not understand this family that deceived the gate of King's Landing?

"No one in the Lannister family can be trusted. They lied endlessly. They lied in the first place and deceived the gates of King's Landing."

"Yes, my brother even killed the king with his own hands, but at that time Aerys was planning to use wildfire to burn everyone to death so that King's Landing could bury him with him, so that was a last resort."

Tyrion was very smart and did not make himself inferior by coming to seek refuge. Instead, he argued with reason and directly refuted Daenerys.

If Daenerys is allowed to lead the way, then this defection will most likely become a joke.

Jack gave Dany a relaxed look, and then said to Tyrion:

"Let's put aside these things for now, I want to know, why should I accept the allegiance from a hostile family?"

"Or maybe you two are just here to be undercover, preparing to deliver news to King's Landing in the upcoming war?"

"You and the Lannister family are mortal enemies who cannot shake hands and make peace. Your queen has a blood feud with the Lannister family. And in this era, I am the most powerful Lannister killer. I."

Jack suddenly interrupted Tyrion, "Your mother died in childbirth and your father was killed by your own hands. Do you want to say this?"

"But why would I let a parricide enter my service? This is a blow to my reputation."

Jack put away his smile and looked serious, as if he was very disdainful of what Tyrion had done.

Tyrion's expression remained unchanged, but his mood fluctuated greatly. He didn't expect Jack to even know such a thing.

The same is true for Varys, who even feels that those damn seagulls have penetrated every corner of Westeros.

"I'm sorry, sir, I haven't said that I want to join your army. What I have always said is that I want to see you.

In addition, I want to assist a wise king. During my tenure as Prime Minister of the Seven Kingdoms, the king was even more concerned about animal cruelty than his own people.

Even so, I still stuck to King's Landing and bought enough time for the arrival of the army. "

"Well said, drag him out and chop him!"

(End of this chapter)

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