Game of Thrones: Overlord of the Deep Sea

Chapter 243: Shooting the dragon crossbow, it’s useless!

Chapter 243: Shooting the dragon crossbow, it’s useless!

"Where did he get the money?" the High Sparrow blurted out.

"The Poseidon family has roots on the other side of the continent and makes money faster than the Iron Bank." Cersei chuckled, "Now do you know what I mean by the previous sentences?"

"My Lord Bishop, I am waiting for you in the royal hall. I believe you will make the right choice. The faith of the Seven Gods lies in your single thought."

After saying that, Cersei turned around and left. She felt that the High Sparrow would definitely stand on the side of the Iron Throne, unless the High Sparrow really wanted the faith of the Seven Gods to disappear.

The High Sparrow looked at Cersei's leaving back, his expression unchanged, but his mind was full of thoughts.

The next day, the High Sparrow went to find Cersei. After the High Sparrow left, Cersei held a royal council and brought the High Sparrow in. At the same time, she once again gave the church the power to form the Sons of War.

After gaining power, the High Sparrow returned to the cathedral and immediately began to form the Sons of War. Even under the deception of the High Sparrow, more than 100 wandering knights joined the Sons of War.

However, Cersei did not realize the seriousness of the matter, and even changed hands and disbanded the capital garrison on the spot.

In order to safeguard the faith of the Seven Gods, the High Sparrow began to preach in King's Landing, portraying the Poseidon Religion as a heresy that eats human flesh and drinks human blood.

The entire people of King's Landing began to fear the Poseidon Cult and the Poseidon family like snakes and scorpions.

Jack, for the time being, didn't know about the changes in King's Landing. He assembled [-] marines and personally took Colach to the battle.

Because of Alexander's incident, Elizabeth has now become the new crown prince of the empire and was brought back to Neptune Island by Daenerys to be taught by Asidol.

And Poseidon, who is now an adult, is rushing to Westeros and can arrive in three days at most.

The [-]-strong navy was composed of the Northern Fleet expanded from the Iron Fleet and the White Harbor Fleet. After gathering, it quickly sailed towards the Iron Islands.

When Jack's navy reaches the Iron Islands, Euron's fleet is still attacking the Arbor.

Euron ignored Cersei's negotiations with Highgarden and headed straight for the Arbor.

This move made Highgarden feel that Cersei's negotiations were simply stalling for time, so the two sides went to war directly.

But Cersei had already made preparations. Jaime had gathered 1 elites in the West, and a total of 6 from the Stormlands and the Kingdom, for a total of [-].

The Frey family in the Riverlands gathered their troops and stood ready in the Twins to prevent the North from taking advantage of the chaos to attack.

The Highgarden side directly recruited 12 people, but unfortunately, the gap between the levies in the Reach and the elites in the West was too big. Even with the command of Randyll Tarly, they could only continue to shrink the front line.

After all, James and Kevan are not just freeloaders, and their ability to lead troops is also not weak.

Because the Arbor Fleet did not expect that Euron Greyjoy would suddenly attack during the negotiations, it was defeated by Euron's fleet for a while. Just when it was about to lose its hold, Euron's fleet suddenly Withdrew.The reason Euron retreated was that he had just received news that the Iron Islands were occupied by Asha Greyjoy.

This excited Euron, who had wanted to kill Asha Greyjoy outright ever since she and Jack Poseidon teamed up.

Now the opportunity has finally come.

Euron hurried back to the Iron Islands. At this time, the nobles on the Iron Islands had been liquidated by Asha Greyjoy.

All those who actively supported Euron Greyjoy were executed on the order of Asha Greyjoy, and their property was confiscated.

Due to the strength of Colakxiu, these nobles did not organize any decent resistance.

Any castle or army was like paper in front of Colakxiu, and would shatter at a touch.

The navy of ten thousand was split in two, and the Iron Fleet remained in the Iron Islands to prepare to confront Euron Greyjoy's fleet.

The Northern Navy traveled between the Iron Islands and the North, sending the Northern nobles who were about to watch a show to the Iron Islands to assist Asha in managing the Iron Islands.

At the same time, Jack also equipped these nobles with varying numbers of Unsullied. While protecting and assisting the northern nobles, they could also monitor them well.

Soon after, news of Euron's return reached Pyke City.

Jack, who was deploying troops on the ship at this time, directly mounted Colakxiu after receiving the news and entered the dragon spirit state.

He wants to tell the world with his actions that shooting dragon crossbows is useless!

With a roar from Colakxiu, one person and one dragon disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

On the other side, Euron on the Silence had a confident and elegant smile on his face. Under his Silence, a huge shadow was crawling.

At this time, Euron's giant squid is already 80 meters long, while the giant dragon of the Poseidon family is probably not even 20 meters long. As long as it finds an opportunity, the giant squid can strangle the dragon in an instant.

The Dragon Shooting Crossbow is simply a cover, and the Dragonbinder's Horn is not sure whether it can really control the dragon. Only the giant squid gives Euron the confidence to dare to face the dragon!
Just when Euron Greyjoy was thinking about the possibility of using the Dragonbinder's horn to control the dragon after beating it to death, the giant squid at the bottom of the ship suddenly became restless.

Euron frowned and looked up with a feeling. Clouds suddenly surged in the distant sky, and a scarlet figure was rushing towards him.

"Dragon!" Euron shouted. Corak's speed was too fast, and it was too late to aim the dragon crossbow. If he didn't want to be roasted into a suckling pig, he had to jump into the sea quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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